
Modding for Quality - Queue [Closed]

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I am searching for Taiko-Testplayers! Everyone who has been mapping or modding Taiko difficulties/maps before and are always free to help me here, are welcome to join! Just contact me on forum pm or when i'm online. Appreciating any help from everyone!

You are certain over your good mapping skills, want to show them others and you try to receive mods?
- Post your map here (:

As the name says, I only accept good maps which are in pending, further on, they will be choosen by the team, mainly by me and jericho2442. First I overall look into 2 diffs of the map and see how it looks like, jericho2442 helps me with the decision. After that is done I send them to the other members to see, if they agree with as well or choose other maps. Then I give them to some other users to play and see if they also liked it and if they played it well. Once that is done, I post the results into this queue afterwards, including the testplayers' opinions (if they aren't in yet, then I didn't received some so far, but I will post them once I got them, so always check the queue). After that, our Modders (including me obviously) mod them and see if they can find anything, what should be corrected rankingwise and qualitywise. And finally, the map will be given to one of the recheckers, if the map is good enough.

Don't be offended if we don't take your map, please.

:idea: Be sure the map contains creativity and effort! (besides rankability) :idea:

:arrow: We decide which maps we take to the following criteria (besides rankability)

1. Creativity
-> Are non-common patterns and new patterns in it?
-> Does it look attractive (Skin, Background, SB, etc.)?

2. Effort
-> How much time have you put into it?
-> How many mods do you have?
-> Are you active on improving your map and can you deal with received mods?

3. Playability - Tested by us
-> Is it good to play with mouse as well, other mods like CtB, custom skins, etc.?
-> Is it hard to play for average players?
-> Is the map overmapped?

4. Flow
-> Is it boring to play or do we feel fun while playing the map?
-> Do the patterns play good?

:arrow: Rules

We have no rules except that the map must be in pending, which means it has a complete mapset and it should follow the ranking criteria as well. Besides that you can post as many maps you want. You can also post maps from others if you see any good once, which deserve to be known. Be sure you only post "good" maps here. We are mainly focusing on finding better maps, which are not average. We try our best to make the mapset even more better and mod it by mainly quality criteria. The song should also follow the current theme!

Important Note - Please read!
:arrow: You have to give us your feedback for everything we mentioned, otherwise jericho2442 and Gabe (Recheckers) won't check it.
:arrow: The more mods you had before the higher is the chance you receive a bubble (this is not a promise though)!
:arrow: If you have any other mods, Taiko, CtB or osu!Mania, be sure to have the specific icon, so it's ready for rank. You still can post though. It would just higher the chance of receiving a bubble-check

:arrow: We have themes now! This time we have the theme "English" - Songs

:arrow: Our team has the current members



Testplayers - Thank you very much!

Testplayers will be given maps to testplay for me, depending on the mod, 2 difficulties overall. They play the difficultie for 20-50 seconds (or how long they want to) and tell me what they think about them. How it plays, what could be better, what was nice and so on. After that, the testplayers will forum pm me about their thoughts and i will post what they wrote into the results.

-kevincela- (Can't testplay atm, PC broke)
Frans Niko

Frans Niko

Frans Niko

Frans Niko

You are a quality modder and want to join?
Show me (via PM) some mods and the links to the map and I will discuss it with the other members, if we will add you to the team! Also give us some info why you want to join and what kind of priorities you have when you mod, as in, how you mod! (Are you focused on the flow of the map or do you mainly focus on the rankability? etc.)

Use this code

[b]1. Mod[/b]
[url=Link to the map]Songname[/url]
[box=Mod]Your Mod[/box]

[b]2. Mod[/b]
[url=Link to the map]Songname[/url]
[box=Mod]Your Mod[/box]

[b]Why I want to join and what are my priorities in modding[/b]

Status: Closed
BCI well it's the best map I have ever done
btw I'd like to see more rules like how many maps can I post or how many reqs per time o3o /baka

is this map good enough? o.o
Cherry Blossom
Fushimi Rio
Thanks~ hope I can get it :D
Natsuki Nanaka
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Thanks thats enough atm. (: Will post the result of which maps i take soon.
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Results - Congratulations you two have the best maps of this round. Your maps will be modded soon by me and jericho2442!

ZUN - The Youkai Mountain ~ Mysterious Mountain by BCI

Testplayers' opinions
How testplayers liked the map:
"The map is correct, easy to play. Except that some patterns are badly translated from std to o!m and it makes them quite hard to play, they are only a few, but missing some notes because they aren't intuitive or just physically almost impossible to play is really frustrating" by Kurai
"LRJ's Oni: Nice oni. The map has some well-placed streams. Although, there are some 1/6 notes that quite don't fit on the map in my opinion. Most of them are okay, but I'd recommend checking all of them again though.
Koka's Muzukashii: Consider working a bit more on the kiai, following most of the time on the "trumpet" makes it uncomfortable. Adding more notes should fix it, but I understand the point of this by being a muzukashii. The beginning and ending are flawless to me." by Wolf
"Perfect for me :D tried collab and normal :D " by Wolf

Iguchi Yuka, Kitamura Eri & Ise Mariya - Kimi ni Gohoushi (TV Size) by DELiS

Testplayers' opinions
How testplayers liked the map:
"I like the hitsounding :D
Otherwise, the map is pretty basic, it's but nothing really outstanding in it. " by Kurai
"Insane: Flawless. I can't add anything useful on this diff, the way I could play following both the vocals and instruments in some parts were very catchy.
Hard: Could have used more triplets, and some streams could have been made using a more variety of the hitsounds. Although the diff itself is pretty nice to play. " by Wolf
"Taiko: I played hard and Insane and at beginnings and like on the end of the map were some silenced beats that are really unconfortable for Taiko since is based most to hitsound :X
CTB: all diffs are ok, but Insane needs a spinnerbecause is to easy to play without" by Lally
"Ok, I tried the insane and I liked it apart the antijumps, they're too much imo... I liked the hard too apart 00:03:685 (1,2,3) - this (they are not perfectly snapped too lol :D) hitsounds are ok for me" by Roxas

Status: Closed
:o.. mine disappeared.. T^T did something happen?
does this mean i'll get no mod at all...? ;_;
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Broccoly wrote:

:o.. mine disappeared.. T^T did something happen?
does this mean i'll get no mod at all...? ;_;
Sorry, we decided that this isn't ready yet. I overall checked it and then when i tried to mod it, it had too many spacing mistakes, its a good based map but it needs a spacing mod or something. Try to improve the spacing and post again, ok?
alright.. I'll try to get more mod and improve it. Thanks~
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