
Make an option to return to old ranking system [duplicate]

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +1
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Many people don't prefer new ranking system because it's not convenient and they used to the old one. My request is to make an option in options menu "prefer old ranking system" as it was for new skins.
I really love playing this game for a number of reasons.
I practice the hard and insane songs, and have never gotten higher than a B on most of them, if that.
Looking at these SS Perfect songs just makes me discouraged. Please consider this proposition.
Did you mean the Local Scores being gone thingie?
If so then support
Topic Starter
I mean, you can choose between old and new system
Ooh, Choice between score and pp rankings I see.
This'd be interesting to display in multiplayer as well :з
It already shows by default the local scores, doesn't it?

When I view a song the first thing I can see is my local scores:

I think he means that in-game, you can throttle between Performance Points & Score Rank.

AKA, the scoring system before PP was introduced.
Throttle between? I'm not sure I understand what you mean.
Shadow had surely meant to say toggle there.
We aren't talking about pp here, though.
Topic Starter
I mean this:

Some people don't like this ranking screen, these "--" and local scores on top.
p/2200196 Duplicate

If you want my opinion. A valid version of this request would detail how the new system should be improved. Reverting back to the old system is not an option. peppy works hard to innovate the system. Try to innovate instead of stagnate change.

Details exactly how you envision the new system working and make a well-thought out opening post. Personally I think that cramming all the different types of rankings on one list is spammy and confusing. I'm probably not used to it yet. Local rankings might be best removed from the regular list as it could get spammed with unwanted self-scores that would need to be deleted. If we want to compete against ourself, then it should be done without all the extra information that we don't want.

I would try to focus on a system that lists what people want. It's possible to build upon what's already there. ;)
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