
marble - Mebae Drive (TV Size) [Osu|Taiko]

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2013年02月13日 水曜日 at 23:38:03

Artist: marble
Title: Mebae Drive (TV Size)
Source: Hidamari Sketch
Tags: Anime Ending kjwkjw
BPM: 142
Filesize: 1770kb
Play Time: 01:27
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (2.29 stars, 82 notes)
  2. Hard (4.89 stars, 186 notes)
  3. Insane (5 stars, 266 notes)
  4. kjw's Taiko Muzukashii (4.57 stars, 271 notes)
  5. kjw's Taiko Oni (4.83 stars, 445 notes)
  6. Normal (4 stars, 115 notes)
Download: marble - Mebae Drive (TV Size)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
This is my 4th creation.
All dif done.(And move to Pending from WIP)

Since trifles may be sufficient, please advise me, if there is a bad place.
I think earnestly that I would like to create map well!!

Taiko dif by kjwkjw, thanks!

Patche's request

  1. "back.jpg"の解像度が1440*900でRankルールの1024*768の上限を上回っています
  2. tagの"hidamari sketch"はソースと重複しています
  3. tagの"ED"だけでは2文字以下でwebでの検索に引っかかりません
  1. AR+1
  2. 00:04:419 (3) - ヒットサウンドの設定ミス?
  3. 00:04:207 (1,2,3) - 00:05:475 (3) - これらのnoteのヒットバーストが被りoverlapであるように私は感じました
  4. 00:05:686 (4,5,6) - 00:06:742 (2) - ここも同様にoverlapです
    00:06:109 (1,2) を移動させて画像のような配置なんてどうでしょう
  5. 00:09:066 (4,1) - この流れが私は雑で、あまり良い流れのようには感じませんでした
  6. 00:11:813 (1) - remove NC (newcombo)
  7. 00:11:813 (1,2,3) - この三角形の流れが00:11:391 (3) からの入りを考慮すると(2)が無理矢理進入方向に戻したような流れを持っており、それが悪く感じました
  8. 00:13:714 (1) - remove NC
  9. 00:13:714 (1,2) - この前後の流れを考慮するとこれらのスライダーはそれぞれ始点、終点の入れ替えをするのがベターです
    今の状態では00:14:137 (2,1,2,3) の流れが非常に悪く、譜面に良い効果をもたらすようには思えません
  10. 00:15:404 (1) - remove NC
  11. 00:16:038 (3,1,2) - 主に(1)のスライダーの方向性が悪く流れを汚くさせています
    00:17:305 (5)などと比較しても対称性のようなものはありませんし、これは改良することができます
  12. 00:20:686 (1) - remove NC
  13. 00:24:066 (1) - ^
  14. 00:24:700 (1,2,3) - 00:24:066 (1)を意識した場合にその位置関係が非常に悪く雑で汚く見えます
    move to x:232 y:148
  15. 00:27:024 (1) - remove NC
  16. 00:30:193 (4) - 個人的にはこのnoteは始点と終点の入れ替えをしたほうがこのあとの00:30:616 (5)により自然に繋げることができるように思いました
  17. 00:29:348 (1,3) - NCの入れ替え
    00:30:827 (1) - 加えて remove NC
  18. 00:34:207 (1) - remove NC
  19. 00:34:207 (1) - 流れ自体はこれ単体で問題ないのですが、00:33:362 (3,4) の対となったスライダーと比較するとそれが中途半端な一貫性を持ってしまっており、結果的に見た目が悪くなっています
    00:34:207 (1,2) も合わせて移動して画像のような配置なんてどうでしょう
  20. 00:35:897 (1) - remove NC
  21. 00:42:447 (6,1) - NCの入れ替え
  22. 00:43:503 (1) - 三角形からの切り返しとして置かれたnoteですが、この後にも返す感じの配置が続き、それが私には悪く感じました
  23. 00:45:193 (1,3) - 配置として中途半端な気がします
  24. 00:49:841 (1) - remove NC
  25. 00:54:700 (1) - このスピナーはワンテンポ遅れて始まっているためかなり中途半端な感じがします
    このスピナーは曲をあまりフォローしておらず、個人的にはこれを削除し、00:55:123 からnoteを普通に置いていくのが最善案のように感じました
  26. 00:57:657 (1) - remove NC
  27. 01:00:616 (1) - このnoteが譜面の流れを壊しています
    01:00:193 (2) と僅かな対称性を持たせると見た目、流れ共に良くなりそうです
  28. 01:08:433 (1) - remove NC
  29. 01:11:813 (1,2) - NCの入れ替え
    01:12:869 (1) - remove NC
  30. 01:12:869 (1,2,3) - (1)への入りが悪く、かなり不自然な配置で違和感を感じます

Topic Starter

NewRulerNA wrote:


Patche's request

  1. "back.jpg"の解像度が1440*900でRankルールの1024*768の上限を上回っています
  2. tagの"hidamari sketch"はソースと重複しています
  3. tagの"ED"だけでは2文字以下でwebでの検索に引っかかりません
  1. AR+1
  2. 00:04:419 (3) - ヒットサウンドの設定ミス?
  3. 00:04:207 (1,2,3) - 00:05:475 (3) - これらのnoteのヒットバーストが被りoverlapであるように私は感じました
  4. 00:05:686 (4,5,6) - 00:06:742 (2) - ここも同様にoverlapです
    00:06:109 (1,2) を移動させて画像のような配置なんてどうでしょう
  5. 00:09:066 (4,1) - この流れが私は雑で、あまり良い流れのようには感じませんでした
  6. 00:11:813 (1) - remove NC (newcombo)
  7. 00:11:813 (1,2,3) - この三角形の流れが00:11:391 (3) からの入りを考慮すると(2)が無理矢理進入方向に戻したような流れを持っており、それが悪く感じました
  8. 00:13:714 (1) - remove NC
  9. 00:13:714 (1,2) - この前後の流れを考慮するとこれらのスライダーはそれぞれ始点、終点の入れ替えをするのがベターです
    今の状態では00:14:137 (2,1,2,3) の流れが非常に悪く、譜面に良い効果をもたらすようには思えません
  10. 00:15:404 (1) - remove NC
  11. 00:16:038 (3,1,2) - 主に(1)のスライダーの方向性が悪く流れを汚くさせています
    00:17:305 (5)などと比較しても対称性のようなものはありませんし、これは改良することができます
  12. 00:20:686 (1) - remove NC
  13. 00:24:066 (1) - ^
  14. 00:24:700 (1,2,3) - 00:24:066 (1)を意識した場合にその位置関係が非常に悪く雑で汚く見えます
    move to x:232 y:148
  15. 00:27:024 (1) - remove NC
  16. 00:30:193 (4) - 個人的にはこのnoteは始点と終点の入れ替えをしたほうがこのあとの00:30:616 (5)により自然に繋げることができるように思いました
  17. 00:29:348 (1,3) - NCの入れ替え
    00:30:827 (1) - 加えて remove NC
  18. 00:34:207 (1) - remove NC
  19. 00:34:207 (1) - 流れ自体はこれ単体で問題ないのですが、00:33:362 (3,4) の対となったスライダーと比較するとそれが中途半端な一貫性を持ってしまっており、結果的に見た目が悪くなっています
    00:34:207 (1,2) も合わせて移動して画像のような配置なんてどうでしょう
  20. 00:35:897 (1) - remove NC
  21. 00:42:447 (6,1) - NCの入れ替え
  22. 00:43:503 (1) - 三角形からの切り返しとして置かれたnoteですが、この後にも返す感じの配置が続き、それが私には悪く感じました
  23. 00:45:193 (1,3) - 配置として中途半端な気がします
  24. 00:49:841 (1) - remove NC
  25. 00:54:700 (1) - このスピナーはワンテンポ遅れて始まっているためかなり中途半端な感じがします
    このスピナーは曲をあまりフォローしておらず、個人的にはこれを削除し、00:55:123 からnoteを普通に置いていくのが最善案のように感じました
  26. 00:57:657 (1) - remove NC
  27. 01:00:616 (1) - このnoteが譜面の流れを壊しています
    01:00:193 (2) と僅かな対称性を持たせると見た目、流れ共に良くなりそうです
  28. 01:08:433 (1) - remove NC
  29. 01:11:813 (1,2) - NCの入れ替え
    01:12:869 (1) - remove NC
  30. 01:12:869 (1,2,3) - (1)への入りが悪く、かなり不自然な配置で違和感を感じます

Thanks for modding!!

00:54:700 (1)のスピナーに関してだけは、
as your recheck request

  1. fine
Slider velocityを1.4で統一させているのはなぜ?

  1. HP&OD -1 or -2
  2. 00:10:123 - add note
    この箇所に音がない今の状態では00:10:545 (5) がどこで音を取っているのか非常に分かりにくいです
  3. 00:11:390 (1,2,3) - 私はこの部分の流れがEasyにとっての自然な流れを壊し、不自然な流れを持っているように感じました
  4. 00:14:348 - add note

  5. 00:20:686 (3,1) - この部分的なnoteの重なりが悪く思えました
  6. 00:57:024 (3) - 00:55:334 (1) と同じ形、向きのスライダーが近い時間で、さらに流れを見た上で微妙な感じに置かれているのが悪く感じました
  7. 01:05:475 (5) - 00:20:686 (3,1)と同じ
  8. 01:10:545 (3) - 00:57:024 (3)と同じ
  9. 01:27:447 (1) - このスピナーは音量を突然5%に下げるのではなく、複数の緑線を使用して徐々に音量を下げるほうが曲に合います

  1. 00:07:165 (4,1) - 流れに関して
  2. 00:13:080 (3) - ターンを追加
  3. 00:16:883 (5,6,1) - 許容されにくいランダムDS
    00:13:080 (3)同様ですが、ここにランダムDSを組み込むことは初心者をほぼ確実に混乱させ、難易度のバランスを大きく壊します
  4. 00:19:841 (2,3) - 同じ形と向きを持った2つのスライダーを並べると見た目が悪くなりやすいです
  5. 00:23:221 (2,1) - (2)のヒットバーストでリバースアローが一定時間隠れます
  6. 00:23:221 (2,3) - 00:19:841 (2,3)と同じ
  7. 00:27:024 - 00:26:179 (2,3)の音取りでいくならばここにもnoteを追加するべきなのでは?
  8. 00:35:897 (4,5) - ランダムDSに関して特に大きな問題を持つ箇所
  9. 01:24:489 (1,2) - 流れに関しての提案

  1. 00:06:320 (5) - このスライダーはボーカルをフォローしていないように感じました
    00:05:897 (4,5) を合わせてリズム変更してみてはどうでしょうか

    00:05:897 (4) - サークル
    00:06:109 (5) ~ 00:06:531 - 1/1スライダー
    00:06:742 (6) - サークル
  2. 00:42:235 - add note
    00:38:855 (2) と同リズムでありながら一貫性を持っておらず、この箇所で一貫性を崩す必要性を感じませんでした
  3. 00:53:221 (1) - この箇所はスピナーで流すにしては色々と音取りをすることができ、よりよい音取りがあるように思いました

  4. 01:15:616 (3,4,5) - この箇所をY軸対称の配置にしてみては?
  5. 01:26:285 (1) - Hardとしてはこのスピナーは短すぎて許容されないように思えます
    01:27:447 - まで伸ばすか、このスピナーを排除して別の音取りにする必要があります
Topic Starter

NewRulerNA wrote:

as your recheck request

  1. fine
Slider velocityを1.4で統一させているのはなぜ?

  1. HP&OD -1 or -2
  2. 00:10:123 - add note
    この箇所に音がない今の状態では00:10:545 (5) がどこで音を取っているのか非常に分かりにくいです
  3. 00:11:390 (1,2,3) - 私はこの部分の流れがEasyにとっての自然な流れを壊し、不自然な流れを持っているように感じました
  4. 00:14:348 - add note

  5. 00:20:686 (3,1) - この部分的なnoteの重なりが悪く思えました
  6. 00:57:024 (3) - 00:55:334 (1) と同じ形、向きのスライダーが近い時間で、さらに流れを見た上で微妙な感じに置かれているのが悪く感じました
  7. 01:05:475 (5) - 00:20:686 (3,1)と同じ
  8. 01:10:545 (3) - 00:57:024 (3)と同じ
  9. 01:27:447 (1) - このスピナーは音量を突然5%に下げるのではなく、複数の緑線を使用して徐々に音量を下げるほうが曲に合います

  1. 00:07:165 (4,1) - 流れに関して
  2. 00:13:080 (3) - ターンを追加
  3. 00:16:883 (5,6,1) - 許容されにくいランダムDS
    00:13:080 (3)同様ですが、ここにランダムDSを組み込むことは初心者をほぼ確実に混乱させ、難易度のバランスを大きく壊します
  4. 00:19:841 (2,3) - 同じ形と向きを持った2つのスライダーを並べると見た目が悪くなりやすいです
  5. 00:23:221 (2,1) - (2)のヒットバーストでリバースアローが一定時間隠れます
  6. 00:23:221 (2,3) - 00:19:841 (2,3)と同じ
  7. 00:27:024 - 00:26:179 (2,3)の音取りでいくならばここにもnoteを追加するべきなのでは?
  8. 00:35:897 (4,5) - ランダムDSに関して特に大きな問題を持つ箇所
  9. 01:24:489 (1,2) - 流れに関しての提案

  1. 00:06:320 (5) - このスライダーはボーカルをフォローしていないように感じました
    00:05:897 (4,5) を合わせてリズム変更してみてはどうでしょうか

    00:05:897 (4) - サークル
    00:06:109 (5) ~ 00:06:531 - 1/1スライダー
    00:06:742 (6) - サークル
  2. 00:42:235 - add note
    00:38:855 (2) と同リズムでありながら一貫性を持っておらず、この箇所で一貫性を崩す必要性を感じませんでした
  3. 00:53:221 (1) - この箇所はスピナーで流すにしては色々と音取りをすることができ、よりよい音取りがあるように思いました

  4. 01:15:616 (3,4,5) - この箇所をY軸対称の配置にしてみては?
  5. 01:26:285 (1) - Hardとしてはこのスピナーは短すぎて許容されないように思えます
    01:27:447 - まで伸ばすか、このスピナーを排除して別の音取りにする必要があります
thx modding!
Should I earn kudosu when second mod?


Slider velocityというものをよく知らなかったので、1.4のままなのだと思います、



Good luck!
Topic Starter

kjwkjw wrote:




Good luck!
Hi Cah-m~


The size of the BG in UNRANKED , resize the BG to 1024x768 or 800x600


• 00:04:630 (1) - Whistle in the end of the slider , sounds better
• 00:06:320 (2) - Same
• 00:35:897 (4) - Use Whistle in the reverse , The Finish sounds bad with respect to music
• 00:55:334 (1) - In my opinion this slider is far from the center of the spinner, maybe
could be very difficult for beginning players to react, move the slider closer to the center of the spinner
• 01:18:996 (5) - Move to x:432 y:72 , It really looks better
• 01:27:975 - Unsnapped Inherited point


• Do not disable the spacing distance or increase or decrease the spacing constantly in easy diffs normal, must
always be activated in the diff. easy and normal

• 00:11:390 (1) - A little spacing error
• 00:20:686 (3) - Move to x:308 y:228 , looks better
• 00:34:207 (2) - Fix the spacing please
• 01:01:250 (6) - Whistle in the head of the slider
• 01:18:573 (3) - Maybe this is a little hard to read for beginners, I leave to your judgment
• 01:21:531 (3) - Fix the spacing please
• 01:22:799 (1) - Same , spacing
• 01:22:799 (1) - Spacing too high , Fix please
• 01:23:644 (2) - Same
• 01:27:447 (2) - Spacing
• 01:27:975 - Unsnapped Inherited point


Settings : HP: +1 OD: +1

• 00:08:010 (1) - Whistle for consistency
• 00:30:193 (7) - Whistle in the end of the slider
• 00:30:827 (8) - Remove the Whistle , sounds better
• 00:55:968 (2) - Whistle in the reverse


• 00:08:010 (1) - Whistle in the head slider
• 00:54:700 (1) - In my opinion maybe this spinner is too short, you
could replace it with a slider, is a suggestion

Nice mapset , Good Luck~
Topic Starter

XinCrin wrote:

Hi Cah-m~


The size of the BG in UNRANKED , resize the BG to 1024x768 or 800x600
=> OK, trimed and resized the BG.


• 00:04:630 (1) - Whistle in the end of the slider , sounds better
=> OK

• 00:06:320 (2) - Same
=> OK

• 00:35:897 (4) - Use Whistle in the reverse , The Finish sounds bad with respect to music
=> OK

• 00:55:334 (1) - In my opinion this slider is far from the center of the spinner, maybe
could be very difficult for beginning players to react, move the slider closer to the center of the spinner
=> I Suspend.
This is contrast with from 1:08:855.
It is difficult to fix it, so I'll fix it if the same opinion comes out from other persons.

• 01:18:996 (5) - Move to x:432 y:72 , It really looks better
=> OK

• 01:27:975 - Unsnapped Inherited point
=> OK


• Do not disable the spacing distance or increase or decrease the spacing constantly in easy diffs normal, must
always be activated in the diff. easy and normal
=> It means "In Easy and Normal diff, changing spacing distance is not usual", right...?

• 00:11:390 (1) - A little spacing error
=> OK

• 00:20:686 (3) - Move to x:308 y:228 , looks better
=> OK

• 00:34:207 (2) - Fix the spacing please
=> OK

• 01:01:250 (6) - Whistle in the head of the slider
=> OK

• 01:18:573 (3) - Maybe this is a little hard to read for beginners, I leave to your judgment
=> fixed(stack to 0.5x distance)

• 01:21:531 (3) - Fix the spacing please
=> Is this spacing is wrong?
I fixed only mere a few.

• 01:22:799 (1) - Same , spacing
=> This is a symmetrical slider, but I reconsidered that it is too difficult for begginer players.

• 01:22:799 (1) - Spacing too high , Fix please
=> Is this the same as the last indication?
If it is right, I fixed.

• 01:23:644 (2) - Same
=> OK

• 01:27:447 (2) - Spacing
=> This is a symmetrical, and here is the end of song.
I suspend, sorry.

• 01:27:975 - Unsnapped Inherited point
=> OK


Settings : HP: +1 OD: +1
=> OK

• 00:08:010 (1) - Whistle for consistency
=> OK

• 00:30:193 (7) - Whistle in the end of the slider
=> OK

• 00:30:827 (8) - Remove the Whistle , sounds better
=> OK

• 00:55:968 (2) - Whistle in the reverse
=> OK


• 00:08:010 (1) - Whistle in the head slider
=> OK

• 00:54:700 (1) - In my opinion maybe this spinner is too short, you
could replace it with a slider, is a suggestion
=> Before, it acted the same indication from NewRulerNA.
I like this spinner very much, but such indication is second time.
I replace it with a slider.

Nice mapset , Good Luck~
Thanks for modding~!


上のXinCrinさんの言ったとおりEasyやNormalなどにはDistance spacingをあまり変えないほうがいいと思います。この難易度のspacingについては、全体的にはおkですが、コーラスの部分でちょっと行ったり来たりしている気がしますので、その点を考慮してください。(個人的にはこのままでも悪くないと思いますけどね)
01:06:320 (2) - whistle? Hardには付いているみたいんですが…
01:18:573 (3) - 前のスライダーと少し近すぎるんじゃないかと思われます。01:12:658 (1,2) - こっちくらいの距離はどうでしょうか。

00:24:066 (1) - のNCを00:24:911 (2) - に移したら?
もし上の修正行いましたら00:27:235 (1) - と00:28:292 (2) -も同じくしたほうが流れ的にいいかと。
00:54:489 (9) - を00:54:700までのスライダーにするのはどうでしょう。


あっ、そしてほかの難易度(多分Insaneだと思います)のslider velocityやtiming pointなどが太鼓マップにそのまま移ったみたいです…もう一度チェックしてください。

大体いいマップでmodが少し短くなっちゃいました :(  でも少し役に立ったらうれしいです!
Topic Starter

kjwkjw wrote:


I see~

上のXinCrinさんの言ったとおりEasyやNormalなどにはDistance spacingをあまり変えないほうがいいと思います。この難易度のspacingについては、全体的にはおkですが、コーラスの部分でちょっと行ったり来たりしている気がしますので、その点を考慮してください。(個人的にはこのままでも悪くないと思いますけどね)
=> 全体を見直しました(The whole was improved)

01:06:320 (2) - whistle? Hardには付いているみたいんですが…
=> OK

01:18:573 (3) - 前のスライダーと少し近すぎるんじゃないかと思われます。01:12:658 (1,2) - こっちくらいの距離はどうでしょうか。
=> OK

00:24:066 (1) - のNCを00:24:911 (2) - に移したら?
もし上の修正行いましたら00:27:235 (1) - と00:28:292 (2) -も同じくしたほうが流れ的にいいかと。
00:54:489 (9) - を00:54:700までのスライダーにするのはどうでしょう。
=> All fixed.


あっ、そしてほかの難易度(多分Insaneだと思います)のslider velocityやtiming pointなどが太鼓マップにそのまま移ったみたいです…もう一度チェックしてください。

大体いいマップでmodが少し短くなっちゃいました :(  でも少し役に立ったらうれしいです!
mod thanks~

Taikoマップのslider velocity/timing point etc もチェックしました。

Cah-m wrote:

Taikoマップのslider velocity/timing point etc もチェックしました。
timing pointは結構です~

Rankのガイドライン読んできましたけど、slider velocityは1.4または1.6(どっちも構いません)、hitsoundはNormalが普通らしいです。前にお知らせしなくてすみません :(

Topic Starter

kjwkjw wrote:

timing pointは結構です~

Rankのガイドライン読んできましたけど、slider velocityは1.4または1.6(どっちも構いません)、hitsoundはNormalが普通らしいです。前にお知らせしなくてすみません :(

私もRankのガイドラインを読んでおけばよかったです、すみません :(
slider velocityを1.4(Muzukashii) / 1.6(Oni)、hitsoundをNormal にしました。
and fix spinners length.

Decrease approach rate and slider velocity...
01:27:447 (1) - why so many time sections?

no prob

no prob

01:05:475 (1,1,1,1) - Don't abuse NC
01:19:419 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - ^

Er... thats it sry not much :/
Topic Starter
thx modding!

yurunneram wrote:

Decrease approach rate and slider velocity...
=> I decrease approach rate, but not change slider velocity,
because much change is needed and expression currently assumed becomes impossible, sorry.

01:27:447 (1) - why so many time sections?
=> It's to decrease volume, suggestion from NewRulerNA.

no prob

no prob

01:05:475 (1,1,1,1) - Don't abuse NC
=> Words of this position is "nizi no hashigo", means "The ladder of rainbow".
I want to express a colorful appearance.

01:19:419 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - ^
=> If that expression is only once, I feel that it's uncomfortable.
I don't change to give a sensation of unity, sorry.

Er... thats it sry not much :/
I'm sorry that I dismiss many suggestions :(


00:08:010 (4) - とか00:14:771 (4) - とかにNC追加してほかも大体この間隔でつけるのがbetter。場所によっては短い間隔でつけられてる場所もあるので、そういう場所は今のままで
00:29:982 (6) - (4)のsliderの終わりと高さそろえましょう
01:00:404 (7) - 音取りを歌にあわせるほうがいいと思います
01:13:925 (7) - ^
01:27:447 (1) - さすがにこの緑線の数はやりすぎじゃないかなぁ・・・

00:13:926 (1) - 縦に真っ直ぐおくなら、始点と終点は同じx軸上に置くのがbetter
00:36:320 (5) - フィニッシュをホイッスルに。それか音量下げないとうるさすぎます
00:36:954 (1) - ^
00:41:390 (5) - ホイッスル追加?
00:52:376 (1) - end at 00:54:700 ? そのほうが合うような気がします。その場合中心点から遠くなるので次のsliderを移動する必要があります
01:05:897 (1,3) - ホイッスル削除
01:20:264 (4) - ^
01:27:552 (1) - Easyと同じ

00:19:419 (3,4) - 配置の提案。同じ形使ったほうがbetter
00:23:010 (4,5) - ここも同じ感じ
00:51:954 (9) - NC開始はここ
00:57:024 (3) - ぐにゃっとしないほうがいいかと
01:27:552 (1) - ほかの難易度と一緒

00:53:433 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - だんだんspacignせまくするのじゃなく、ひろげていったほうが曲に合ってるので変更してみては
00:59:454 (4,5) - ほかのこういうパターンはまぁまだ大丈夫かなぁと思いましたがここは適当すぎるので配置しなおしましょう
01:01:989 (6,1) - ここも怪しい感じかなぁ こういう風においたほうがきれいだし繋げやすいと思います
01:05:897 (1,1,1) - NCの必要性
01:19:419 (1) - ここからも
01:27:552 (1) -
Topic Starter

Laurier wrote:



00:08:010 (4) - とか00:14:771 (4) - とかにNC追加してほかも大体この間隔でつけるのがbetter。場所によっては短い間隔でつけられてる場所もあるので、そういう場所は今のままで
=>OK 全体を調整。

00:29:982 (6) - (4)のsliderの終わりと高さそろえましょう

01:00:404 (7) - 音取りを歌にあわせるほうがいいと思います
01:13:925 (7) - ^

01:27:447 (1) - さすがにこの緑線の数はやりすぎじゃないかなぁ・・・
=>OK 半分に。

00:13:926 (1) - 縦に真っ直ぐおくなら、始点と終点は同じx軸上に置くのがbetter

00:36:320 (5) - フィニッシュをホイッスルに。それか音量下げないとうるさすぎます
00:36:954 (1) - ^

00:41:390 (5) - ホイッスル追加?
=>00:40:757 にホイッスル追加しました。

00:52:376 (1) - end at 00:54:700 ? そのほうが合うような気がします。その場合中心点から遠くなるので次のsliderを移動する必要があります

01:05:897 (1,3) - ホイッスル削除
01:20:264 (4) - ^

01:27:552 (1) - Easyと同じ

00:19:419 (3,4) - 配置の提案。同じ形使ったほうがbetter

00:23:010 (4,5) - ここも同じ感じ

00:51:954 (9) - NC開始はここ

00:57:024 (3) - ぐにゃっとしないほうがいいかと

01:27:552 (1) - ほかの難易度と一緒

00:53:433 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - だんだんspacignせまくするのじゃなく、ひろげていったほうが曲に合ってるので変更してみては

00:59:454 (4,5) - ほかのこういうパターンはまぁまだ大丈夫かなぁと思いましたがここは適当すぎるので配置しなおしましょう
01:01:989 (6,1) - ここも怪しい感じかなぁ こういう風においたほうがきれいだし繋げやすいと思います

01:05:897 (1,1,1) - NCの必要性
01:19:419 (1) - ここからも

01:27:552 (1) -
thx modding!
ありがとうございます! :)
Nothing for Easy or Insane. Also, I can't mod Takio. Sorry. Its kind of a small mod too.


  • The difficulty rating for the difficulty is above 4 which is a bit high, just saying.
    00:38:010 (2) This circle is unnecessary. You should probably delete it.
    00:57:024 (3) This slider is too short. Although it matches with the lyrics, it would sound better if you made the slider a beat long like 4.
    00:58:714 (2,3,4,5) This pattern seems weird and doesn't match with the pattern that came before. It does seem weird, but you might want to make 2 a slider (deleting 3) and then dragging the slider 4 to make it start at the 3rd beat (white tick right before) and then dragging the circle 5 to the white tick before (2nd beat) also. I would suggest that you at least change it to something; it may be too challenging for a Normal.
    01:02:095 (1,2) You can't place objects under a slider end in a Normal. There might be an exception for Normal, but you probably shouldn't count on it. I also suggest that you make the sliders a beat apart instead of a half beat to decrease difficulty.
    01:03:785 (2,3,4) ^
    01:09:278 to 01:18:573 See above suggestions from the previous chorus section. In general, try not to make 1/2 beat sliders and try to limit the spacing between objects that are a 1/2 beat to a whole beat if possible.
    01:20:686 (1,2,3,4) Not necessarily bad, but I think you should change 1 and 3 to sliders (removing 2 and 4). I would think that too many consecutive circles in a row might be too challenging for Normal players.
    01:24:489 (1,2,3) I feel that this is weird with the 1/2 beat slider, but I think this is fine. Just felt like pointing that out.

  • 00:38:221 This feels missing without a circle here.
    00:55:969 (2) It would sound better (this is a little out there) if you change this to a 1/4 beat slider, place it a 1/2 beat later (at the white tick) and add a circle here.
    00:57:658 (4) This feels like it should be a whole beat slider (twice as long)
    01:10:968 Feels missing without a circle.
    01:12:447 ^
Nothing wrong with the Insane, I just found it to be kind of an easy Insane. Just thought I'd point that out.

I liked it so I gave you a star. I wish you the best of luck. :)
Topic Starter

SpinsAlot wrote:

Nothing for Easy or Insane. Also, I can't mod Takio. Sorry. Its kind of a small mod too.


  • The difficulty rating for the difficulty is above 4 which is a bit high, just saying.
    I also think so :lol:

    00:38:010 (2) This circle is unnecessary. You should probably delete it.

    00:57:024 (3) This slider is too short. Although it matches with the lyrics, it would sound better if you made the slider a beat long like 4.

    00:58:714 (2,3,4,5) This pattern seems weird and doesn't match with the pattern that came before. It does seem weird, but you might want to make 2 a slider (deleting 3) and then dragging the slider 4 to make it start at the 3rd beat (white tick right before) and then dragging the circle 5 to the white tick before (2nd beat) also. I would suggest that you at least change it to something; it may be too challenging for a Normal.
    =>I added my own change. How is it now?

    01:02:095 (1,2) You can't place objects under a slider end in a Normal. There might be an exception for Normal, but you probably shouldn't count on it. I also suggest that you make the sliders a beat apart instead of a half beat to decrease difficulty.
    01:03:785 (2,3,4) ^

    01:09:278 to 01:18:573 See above suggestions from the previous chorus section. In general, try not to make 1/2 beat sliders and try to limit the spacing between objects that are a 1/2 beat to a whole beat if possible.
    =>OK, how is it?

    01:20:686 (1,2,3,4) Not necessarily bad, but I think you should change 1 and 3 to sliders (removing 2 and 4). I would think that too many consecutive circles in a row might be too challenging for Normal players.
    =>changed to two 1/4 beat sliders and a circle.

    01:24:489 (1,2,3) I feel that this is weird with the 1/2 beat slider, but I think this is fine. Just felt like pointing that out.
    =>I also think that it should be considered to be an exception.
    not change.

  • 00:38:221 This feels missing without a circle here.
    =>OK,added a circle.

    00:55:969 (2) It would sound better (this is a little out there) if you change this to a 1/4 beat slider, place it a 1/2 beat later (at the white tick) and add a circle here.

    00:57:658 (4) This feels like it should be a whole beat slider (twice as long)
    =>Uh...sorry,I suspend.
    (I llike whistle sounds on 00:57:869 )

    01:10:968 Feels missing without a circle.
    01:12:447 ^
Nothing wrong with the Insane, I just found it to be kind of an easy Insane. Just thought I'd point that out.

I liked it so I gave you a star. I wish you the best of luck. :)
Thanks for modding and Star!
For that pattern at 00:58:714 In the Normal difficulty, I think its better now. It still sound a bit weird in my opinion, but I don't have any suggestions. Might want to get another modder's opinion. Thanks for the reply.
Hi there! Thanks for participating in the Taiko Tension Queue and here is your mod now!
Advertisement: New rounds out now!

:idea: After so many maps I finally realize the new Easy is the old Normal and so on. :(
:idea: Great flow, blankets and pattern shapes, especially in higher diffs

00:16:461 (3) - Fix shape to make (1)~(3) a better circle.
00:55:334 (1,2) - and similar: Do you want the slider (1) to blanket (2)? If yes please fix the shape.
Re: above modder 00:58:714 (1,2) - and similar: Relocate to make better circle
01:05:052 (4,1) - Do you want the slider (1) to blanket (4)? If yes please relocate.

00:59:348 (3) - Move 1/2 earlier
01:05:052 (4) - Break into two circle (4) and (1), because the music doesn't really has a lingering note here.
01:08:433 (5) - As above.
01:13:926 (3,4) - Fix shape of (3) or relocate (4) if you want (3) to blanket (4).

00:08:010 (1) - Push to previous combo. Same as 00:11:390 (1)

00:54:700 (1) - Dafuq? Please use a straight slider at SVx0.5

[Taiko diffs]
Perceived difficulty ratings: 5* Muzukashii / 7* Oni
:!: Both diffs feels inconsistent across recurring sections, especially in the Go-go time
Topic Starter

tetsutaro wrote:

Hi there! Thanks for participating in the Taiko Tension Queue and here is your mod now!
Advertisement: New rounds out now!

:idea: After so many maps I finally realize the new Easy is the old Normal and so on. :(
:idea: Great flow, blankets and pattern shapes, especially in higher diffs

00:16:461 (3) - Fix shape to make (1)~(3) a better circle.
=>Uh... I can't find how to fix the shape. I want an example.

00:55:334 (1,2) - and similar: Do you want the slider (1) to blanket (2)? If yes please fix the shape.
=>I don't want it, NG.

Re: above modder 00:58:714 (1,2) - and similar: Relocate to make better circle
=>I want an example.

01:05:052 (4,1) - Do you want the slider (1) to blanket (4)? If yes please relocate.
=>I like this suggestion, OK.

00:59:348 (3) - Move 1/2 earlier

01:05:052 (4) - Break into two circle (4) and (1), because the music doesn't really has a lingering note here.
01:08:433 (5) - As above.
=>Uh...NG. I considered, sorry.

01:13:926 (3,4) - Fix shape of (3) or relocate (4) if you want (3) to blanket (4).
=>I don't want it, NG.

00:08:010 (1) - Push to previous combo. Same as 00:11:390 (1)
=>How does it mean?

00:54:700 (1) - Dafuq? Please use a straight slider at SVx0.5
=>NG. I feel straight slider is too fast. This is indispensable for me, sorry.
Taiko diffs are waiting for kjwkjw.

thanks mod~ :)
Examples, eh? I'll quote the related codes from the .osu files.
Just replace the original code with these

00:14:771 (1,2,3) - Fix shape to make a better circle.
Tip: Use a temporary circular slider to fix circular patterns

00:58:714 (1,2) - and similar: Relocate to make better circle
Needs relocation, but the shape is fixed.
For this I am having trouble with locating this group while keeping distance snap.
You may keep the original if you think not snapping distance here is unacceptable.

00:08:010 (1) - Push to previous combo. Same as 00:11:390 (1)
Here I mean 00:08:010 (1) should be olive (9) and the one after it 00:08:433 (2) become purple (1)
And that 00:11:390 (1) become purple (6) and the one after it 00:12:235 (1) become orange/yellow (1)
Topic Starter

tetsutaro wrote:

Examples, eh? I'll quote the related codes from the .osu files.
Just replace the original code with these

00:14:771 (1,2,3) - Fix shape to make a better circle.
Tip: Use a temporary circular slider to fix circular patterns
ah... ok I see, I understand "circle" you said means simply "circle".
I thought "circle" means "Hit-circles", sorry.
I'll try to fix.

00:58:714 (1,2) - and similar: Relocate to make better circle
Needs relocation, but the shape is fixed.
For this I am having trouble with locating this group while keeping distance snap.
You may keep the original if you think not snapping distance here is unacceptable.
I have been pointed out about not snapping distance (in Easy&Normal diff) from MANY people,
so I can't accept it.

00:08:010 (1) - Push to previous combo. Same as 00:11:390 (1)
Here I mean 00:08:010 (1) should be olive (9) and the one after it 00:08:433 (2) become purple (1)
And that 00:11:390 (1) become purple (6) and the one after it 00:12:235 (1) become orange/yellow (1)

OK, I'll fix.
Thanks for your quick reply!
I'll update later.

tetsutaro wrote:

[Taiko diffs]
Perceived difficulty ratings: 5* Muzukashii / 7* Oni
:!: Both diffs feels inconsistent across recurring sections, especially in the Go-go time
Tried fixing some of the inconsistencies. I'll wait for more people to mod since I'm not 100% sure I'm heading in the right direction :lol:

Thanks for taking a look!

Here are the updated maps -
Topic Starter
H i , from #modreqs , Taiko modding .

These are all suggestion. If you don't like them , you could ignore .

| d = don | k = kat | D = BIG DON | K = BIG KAT | re = remove |
[ kjw's Taiko Muzukashii]
  1. AudioLeadIn: 1000
  2. OD:5
  3. 00:21:109 (1) - k
  4. 00:25:545 (2) - d
  5. 00:53:433 (1) - d
  6. 01:10:334 (1) - d
  7. 01:11:179 (2) - k
[ kjw's Taiko Oni]
  1. AudioLeadIn: 1000
  2. 00:51:742 (1) - k
  3. 00:53:433 (2) - d
  4. 01:08:855 (3) - k
nice taiko diff ~ ♪
star ~ ★
good luck ~
Topic Starter
Thanks mod and star~ :)
waiting for kjwkjw

Cuvelia wrote:

H i , from #modreqs , Taiko modding .

These are all suggestion. If you don't like them , you could ignore .

| d = don | k = kat | D = BIG DON | K = BIG KAT | re = remove |
[ kjw's Taiko Muzukashii]
  1. AudioLeadIn: 1000 >> fixed
  2. OD:5 >> fixed
  3. 00:21:109 (1) - k >> OK
  4. 00:25:545 (2) - d >> OK
  5. 00:53:433 (1) - d >> I think this is fine as k, sorry xP
  6. 01:10:334 (1) - d >> OK
  7. 01:11:179 (2) - k >> OK, and I also changed 01:11:390 (1) to d.
[ kjw's Taiko Oni]
  1. AudioLeadIn: 1000 >> fixed
  2. 00:51:742 (1) - k >> OK
  3. 00:53:433 (2) - d >> mmm, I'm going to wait for what other people have to say about this one. I personally think it's okay as k...
  4. 01:08:855 (3) - k >> OK
nice taiko diff ~ ♪
star ~ ★
good luck ~
Thank you for modding! :)

Topic Starter
Hello Cah-m~
Modding from my queue.

Nice song.


Map Design/Rhythm

  1. 00:55:334 (1,2,3) - This formation is kind of ugly to me. It seems like these sliders should be blanketing the 2 or something along those lines. Can you try something like this? Same at 01:08:855 (1,2,3).

  2. 01:01:250 (4,1,2) - I'm not too sure about this overlap. Considering you don't do anything like this in the other difficulties, it's out of place here. Can I suggest a better placement? Same at 01:14:771 (4,1,2).

    Or maybe

    You could house the 4 with these two sliders and then just rearrange the sliders after this a bit.

  3. 01:05:052 (4,1) - I don't really like this upbeat slider here as the 4. Can I suggest something that might work better with the vocals?

    Actually, you already did this same thing at 01:18:574 (4,1). You should do it here also because it fits better.

  4. 01:25:545 (3) - Maybe to make the rhythm on this slider a bit easier to read, you could add a NC here. I think would it help because the previous 01:23:221 (1,2) were following the vocals, but this slider is following the piano, so the NC makes sense.

  5. The mirror map here works alright I guess. It can just get boring to me because we don't have any long sliders in the kiai time. Maybe instead of just another repeating slider at 01:07:165 (3) and the short break you could try a rhythm like this:

    01:05:475 (1) to 01:08:855 (1).
    This way we could have something besides a 1/1 slider in the kiai time.

  1. You're missing a lot of off beat drum hits like you have in the other diffs. Please go through and check each offbeat to make sure you have it set to the drum sample set.

Map Design/Rhythm

  1. 00:59:348 (3,4) - I don't like this gap between the 3 and the 4, the music really makes me want to hit the 4 early. I suggest using a rhythm here just like at 01:13:926 (3,4) because that rhythm feels really good with the song.

    You don't want variation in your rhythms if one is good and the other is not good. Using the same rhythm is better because the music is the same also.

  1. 00:04:630 - I think you could add more whistles in the opening sections here like the other diffs.

  2. 00:07:165 (5) - Missing drum hit on the end according to your pattern.

  3. 00:30:827 (5) - Again missing drum hit on the end.

  4. 00:44:771 (1) - Drum hit on head.

  5. 00:46:883 (4) - Drum hit on tail. Or was this one intentional?

  6. 01:09:489 (2) - Maybe whistle on the head to be consistent with 00:55:968 (2).

  7. 01:11:813 (6) - Drum hit on head according to your pattern.

  8. 01:10:123 (3) - Also whistle on the head just like you did earlier.

Map Design/Rhythm

  1. 00:54:489 (7) - Maybe have a NC here to accent this new idea a little bit just as you did in the insane diff.

  1. 00:05:897 (4) - Drum hit

  2. 00:06:742 (6) - Drum hit.

  3. 00:30:827 (7) - Drum hit.

  4. 00:31:672 (1) - This spinner is quite loud in gameplay. Can you silence it or have it's volume much lower?

  5. 00:36:320 (6,2) - To me, these two finishes would be better as whistles. You do not use finishes here in the normal or easy diffs and having the finishes here takes a lot of power away from the finish at 00:38:433 which is the important one.
  6. 00:42:235 (2) - Drum.

  7. 01:27:024 (4) - Drum hit. I'll stop mentioning these so please check every offbeat to make sure that you have them.
Great map.


Map Design/Rhythm

  1. OD + 1
    The map is way too easy to SS imo. I've done it 4 times when test playing.

  2. 00:35:052 (7) - Since the combo here gets pretty long compared to anywhere else in the map, maybe have a NC here.

  3. 00:55:968 (2,3,4) - Hmm, this triplet looks a bit random and this style is not fitting the song imo. Can you make it look nicer?

  4. 01:03:679 (4) - Would look better if you moved the 4 to (104,168) imo.

  5. 01:07:799 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - I don't think this stream looks very good. I think you could make this part really epic if you have a beautiful curved stream to fit the song much better.

    A triplet at 01:08:010 instead of a slider. Just an idea. Either way you should smooth out the stream that you already have.

  6. 01:19:419 (4,5) - Move these apart a bit so the tails don't overlap.

  7. 01:18:890 (2) - Move the 2 to (208,284) for a better flow into the slider.

  1. 00:12:657 (8) - Missing drum hit on head.

  2. 00:30:193 (2) - Drum hit on tail.

  3. 00:36:531 (1,3) - Again I disagree with these finishes. There is no finish in the music until 00:38:433.

  4. 00:43:926 (2) - Missing drum hit.

  5. 01:00:616 (1) - Drum hit on end.

  6. 01:15:193 (4) - Drum hit on head.

Ok well that's all. Nice mapset. I enjoyed the insane very much.
Topic Starter

UnitedWeSin wrote:

Hello Cah-m~
Modding from my queue.

Nice song.


Map Design/Rhythm

  1. 00:55:334 (1,2,3) - This formation is kind of ugly to me. It seems like these sliders should be blanketing the 2 or something along those lines. Can you try something like this? Same at 01:08:855 (1,2,3).
    =>like it. fix
  2. 01:01:250 (4,1,2) - I'm not too sure about this overlap. Considering you don't do anything like this in the other difficulties, it's out of place here. Can I suggest a better placement? Same at 01:14:771 (4,1,2).

    Or maybe

    You could house the 4 with these two sliders and then just rearrange the sliders after this a bit.
  3. 01:05:052 (4,1) - I don't really like this upbeat slider here as the 4. Can I suggest something that might work better with the vocals?

    Actually, you already did this same thing at 01:18:574 (4,1). You should do it here also because it fits better.
  4. 01:25:545 (3) - Maybe to make the rhythm on this slider a bit easier to read, you could add a NC here. I think would it help because the previous 01:23:221 (1,2) were following the vocals, but this slider is following the piano, so the NC makes sense.
    =>add NC
  5. The mirror map here works alright I guess. It can just get boring to me because we don't have any long sliders in the kiai time. Maybe instead of just another repeating slider at 01:07:165 (3) and the short break you could try a rhythm like this:

    01:05:475 (1) to 01:08:855 (1).
    This way we could have something besides a 1/1 slider in the kiai time.
    =>uh...retention. I want to keep 1/1 beat.


  1. You're missing a lot of off beat drum hits like you have in the other diffs. Please go through and check each offbeat to make sure you have it set to the drum sample set.
    =>retention. I use the drum sample set during Kiai Time on purpose.


Map Design/Rhythm

  1. 00:59:348 (3,4) - I don't like this gap between the 3 and the 4, the music really makes me want to hit the 4 early. I suggest using a rhythm here just like at 01:13:926 (3,4) because that rhythm feels really good with the song.

    You don't want variation in your rhythms if one is good and the other is not good. Using the same rhythm is better because the music is the same also.


  1. 00:04:630 - I think you could add more whistles in the opening sections here like the other diffs.
    =>add some whistles.
  2. 00:07:165 (5) - Missing drum hit on the end according to your pattern.
  3. 00:30:827 (5) - Again missing drum hit on the end.
  4. 00:44:771 (1) - Drum hit on head.
  5. 00:46:883 (4) - Drum hit on tail. Or was this one intentional?
    =>It's not on purpose, just a miss :( fix
  6. 01:09:489 (2) - Maybe whistle on the head to be consistent with 00:55:968 (2).
  7. 01:11:813 (6) - Drum hit on head according to your pattern.
  8. 01:10:123 (3) - Also whistle on the head just like you did earlier.

Map Design/Rhythm

  1. 00:54:489 (7) - Maybe have a NC here to accent this new idea a little bit just as you did in the insane diff.
    =>did it.

  1. 00:05:897 (4) - Drum hit
  2. 00:06:742 (6) - Drum hit.
  3. 00:30:827 (7) - Drum hit.
  4. 00:31:672 (1) - This spinner is quite loud in gameplay. Can you silence it or have it's volume much lower?
  5. 00:36:320 (6,2) - To me, these two finishes would be better as whistles. You do not use finishes here in the normal or easy diffs and having the finishes here takes a lot of power away from the finish at 00:38:433 which is the important one.
    =>I want to use finish sounds, but I can understand what you say.
    Volume down in these point. How is it?

  6. 00:42:235 (2) - Drum.
  7. 01:27:024 (4) - Drum hit. I'll stop mentioning these so please check every offbeat to make sure that you have them.
    =>checked the whole of this map and fixed.
Great map.


Map Design/Rhythm

  1. OD + 1
    The map is way too easy to SS imo. I've done it 4 times when test playing.
    =>done it.
  2. 00:35:052 (7) - Since the combo here gets pretty long compared to anywhere else in the map, maybe have a NC here.
  3. 00:55:968 (2,3,4) - Hmm, this triplet looks a bit random and this style is not fitting the song imo. Can you make it look nicer?
  4. 01:03:679 (4) - Would look better if you moved the 4 to (104,168) imo.
  5. 01:07:799 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - I don't think this stream looks very good. I think you could make this part really epic if you have a beautiful curved stream to fit the song much better.

    A triplet at 01:08:010 instead of a slider. Just an idea. Either way you should smooth out the stream that you already have.
  6. 01:19:419 (4,5) - Move these apart a bit so the tails don't overlap.
  7. 01:18:890 (2) - Move the 2 to (208,284) for a better flow into the slider.

  1. 00:12:657 (8) - Missing drum hit on head.
  2. 00:30:193 (2) - Drum hit on tail.
  3. 00:36:531 (1,3) - Again I disagree with these finishes. There is no finish in the music until 00:38:433.
    =>same as Hard.
  4. 00:43:926 (2) - Missing drum hit.
  5. 01:00:616 (1) - Drum hit on end.
  6. 01:15:193 (4) - Drum hit on head.

Ok well that's all. Nice mapset. I enjoyed the insane very much.
Thank you for your mod :)
Hi~ Banana here from my queue

00:54:595 - set the previev time here? the vocal begin after the Ding~
01:27:447 - kiai should end at here imo
00:13:080 (1) - whistle the slider head? long time no whistle (and I still think you can use more whistles in this diff
00:19:419 (1) - a nice place to place whistle, I mean the slider end
01:22:376 (5) - remove NC
00:57:658 (3) - the whistle sounds not that good here, maybe move the whistle to slider head and remove whitle on 00:56:179 (3)'s head
01:11:179 (6) - same issue as above
00:26:602 (3) - blanket the next slider head will make it more decent
00:51:531 (2) - suggestion on pattern
01:02:728 (2) - it's not necessary to reach the top. consider to move it down
00:49:419 (1) - NC
01:27:024 - add a circle?

nice mapset. I like your way mapping a hard, and GL~
Topic Starter

Banana wrote:

Hi~ Banana here from my queue

00:54:595 - set the previev time here? the vocal begin after the Ding~
01:27:447 - kiai should end at here imo
00:13:080 (1) - whistle the slider head? long time no whistle (and I still think you can use more whistles in this diff
=>I don't add whistle in here, but I add some whistle in other place.
00:19:419 (1) - a nice place to place whistle, I mean the slider end
01:22:376 (5) - remove NC
00:57:658 (3) - the whistle sounds not that good here, maybe move the whistle to slider head and remove whitle on 00:56:179 (3)'s head
=>It's bell. retention, sorry.
01:11:179 (6) - same issue as above
=>same as above
00:26:602 (3) - blanket the next slider head will make it more decent
00:51:531 (2) - suggestion on pattern
=>fix to other shape.
01:02:728 (2) - it's not necessary to reach the top. consider to move it down
00:49:419 (1) - NC
01:27:024 - add a circle?

nice mapset. I like your way mapping a hard, and GL~
Thanks for mod and star :)
I thought I can't get your mod because of a few seconds late ><
Teamの意向に沿って拙い英語でModするのでもし分からないところがあればin gameでもforum PMでも構わないので連絡下さい

  1. Add "kjwkjw" into tags so that people will be able to find his/her difficulties easily.
  2. Remove taiko BG please (and be sure to insert standard BG there). it's not rankable anymore. If you have no idea about it, take a look through this. p/2000248
  3. As guidlines said, Slider tick rate should be the same in all difficulties. So please set it to 1 in Taiko diffs.

  1. 00:12:657 (8) - There wouldn't be much difference, but considering how the previous pattern flows, it'd be better to use this shape for this slider imo.
  2. 00:40:123 (3) - The angle of this slider is kinda uncomfortable for playing to be honest. How about rotating it by -30°or so? If you want to change, be sure to apply the same to 00:40:757 (5) - as well.
  3. 00:44:982 (2) - As you can hear, there's an extra drum sound here. And I think the drum sampleset would fit nicely with it. If you're willing to change, please don't forget to apply this to Hard and Normal diff as well. And same for 00:48:362 (2) - .
  4. 00:46:883 (4) - Frankly speaking, this note looks placed randomly, and doesn't flow pretty well imo. I'd prefer something like this so that the flow between (4) and (5) will be much better.
  5. 01:27:447 (1) - I think there's no need to stick to placing this note at the center because I don't think the partial overlapping looks that great, and it might cause players to mistake where the note is. You can simply place it at x:256 y:208.

  1. 00:54:489 - I'm not pretty sure about this, but you forget to set the sampleset to drum, or just intentional? but whatever, I'd suggest fix it up for the sake of consistency with the Insane diff.
  2. 00:05:897 (4) - ^
  3. 00:06:742 (6) - ^
  4. 01:25:968 (1) - ^
  5. 00:39:066 (3,4,5,6,7) - I suppose this pattern can be more symmentrical. It's not so hard to fix it up, you have only to apply this code to your .osu file.
  6. 00:36:954 - Since you have a whistle here on Insane diff, I think you might want to add it on this diff as well.
  7. 00:57:658 (3,4,5) - How about moving this pattern rightward for better flow?
  8. 01:01:038 (6) - The position of this note is kinda uncomfortable for me. I'd place it like this if I were you, but this is still up to you because it's not a big deal.

  1. 00:31:672 (1) - A bit nazi but currently this slider is not shaped symmetrically. try this code.
  2. 00:36:320 (5,1) - I found this pattern has a different hitsounding pattern from that of other diffs. I suppose it's mistakes or something similar.
    1. 00:36:531 - Add a finish and remove a whistle
    2. 00:36:954 - Add a whistle
    3. 00:37:376 - Add a finish and remove a whistle
    4. 00:37:799 - Remove whistle
  3. 00:36:954 - Don't make single combo like this since it'll disable players to recover their HP constantly. Probably newcombos will fit better with the melody if you add it to 00:35:897 (4) - and remove it from 00:36:954 (1) - .
  4. 00:52:376 (1) - I'd suggest extending this spinner by 1/2 beat so that it will be more fitting with the instruments. the recovery time will be shortened but I think it's still fine considering how hard this difficltiy itself is.
  5. 00:59:348 - Since there's no clap at 00:59:982 - due to this long slider, feels empty around here i think. So it would be nice if there are more whistles; I would add it here if I were you.
  6. 01:08:433 (5) - It'd be better if you followed the emphasis (i.e re-kiai beginning) with slider beginning or just a circle so that the emphasis can be clickable. I don't think it's a good idea to follow it with slider end.
  7. 01:20:686 (1) - This slider path is touching HP ber slightly, not really problematic. but it will be best if you can fix it up just in case. (and I guess you'll have to think of new pattern for 01:18:996 (1,2,3,4,1) - because it's kinda difficult to keep the current pattern if you're going to change this. And also you have used a similar pattern at 00:48:573 (1,2,3,4,5) - so I think it's not that bad to bring some variety into here.
  8. 01:24:066 - Add a finish here instead of whistle for the sake of consistency with the other diffs.
  9. 01:26:602 - I know you have tried to follow instruments but I think it's not that great in view of the level of this difficulty. rhythm will be more obvious and even easier if you add a note here.
  1. Since you haven't used any steady claps except in kiai times, you need to add more whistles here. Maybe nice if it's coming every 2 beats or so.
  2. I suppose you forget to set some drum sound; check them out please
    1. 01:01:672 -
    2. 01:05:897 -
    3. 01:15:193 -
    4. 01:19:419 -
  3. 00:28:292 (1,2,3) - Currently looks a bit messy. Please align these three objects or do something like this.
  4. 00:39:700 (2) - I know this is just a matter of taste, but I'd prefer this one since from my senses of flow it flows better.
  5. 00:48:151 (3) - It would be better to replace this slider with 2 circles because it's not that good to follow the strong emphasis with slider end.
  6. 00:55:334 (1) - Can you place this pattern closer to the center? because there are few beats of recovery time, beginers may not able to catch them correctly I'm afraid.
  7. 01:19:842 (3,4) - The change of direction is coming too suddenly and weird to see to be honest. Try out something like this. And don't forget to adjust the following pattern.
  8. 01:26:602 - Quite empty here due to lack of notes around here. maybe consider adding some notes or slider?
Good enough considering you're still newbie. Contact me when you're done with fixes. I will recheck!
Edit; 1 taiko mod isn't enough at all, please gather some more mods on taiko before calling me back.
Topic Starter

Melophobia wrote:

Teamの意向に沿って拙い英語でModするのでもし分からないところがあればin gameでもforum PMでも構わないので連絡下さい

  1. Add "kjwkjw" into tags so that people will be able to find his/her difficulties easily. =>fix
  2. Remove taiko BG please (and be sure to insert standard BG there). it's not rankable anymore. If you have no idea about it, take a look through this. p/2000248 =>fix
  3. As guidlines said, Slider tick rate should be the same in all difficulties. So please set it to 1 in Taiko diffs. =>fixed by me.

  1. 00:12:657 (8) - There wouldn't be much difference, but considering how the previous pattern flows, it'd be better to use this shape for this slider imo. =>fix
  2. 00:40:123 (3) - The angle of this slider is kinda uncomfortable for playing to be honest. How about rotating it by -30°or so? If you want to change, be sure to apply the same to 00:40:757 (5) - as well. =>fix
  3. 00:44:982 (2) - As you can hear, there's an extra drum sound here. And I think the drum sampleset would fit nicely with it. If you're willing to change, please don't forget to apply this to Hard and Normal diff as well. And same for 00:48:362 (2) - . =>there isn't any snare-drum.
  4. 00:46:883 (4) - Frankly speaking, this note looks placed randomly, and doesn't flow pretty well imo. I'd prefer something like this so that the flow between (4) and (5) will be much better. =>fix
  5. 01:27:447 (1) - I think there's no need to stick to placing this note at the center because I don't think the partial overlapping looks that great, and it might cause players to mistake where the note is. You can simply place it at x:256 y:208. =>move 01:25:968 (1,2) - . how's it now?

  1. 00:54:489 - I'm not pretty sure about this, but you forget to set the sampleset to drum, or just intentional? but whatever, I'd suggest fix it up for the sake of consistency with the Insane diff.
  2. 00:05:897 (4) - ^
  3. 00:06:742 (6) - ^
  4. 01:25:968 (1) - ^ =>I forgot to set drum on these ._. fix
  5. 00:39:066 (3,4,5,6,7) - I suppose this pattern can be more symmentrical. It's not so hard to fix it up, you have only to apply this code to your .osu file. =>fix
  6. 00:36:954 - Since you have a whistle here on Insane diff, I think you might want to add it on this diff as well. =>fix
  7. 00:57:658 (3,4,5) - How about moving this pattern rightward for better flow? =>fix
  8. 01:01:038 (6) - The position of this note is kinda uncomfortable for me. I'd place it like this if I were you, but this is still up to you because it's not a big deal. =>fix with (5) and (7)

  1. 00:31:672 (1) - A bit nazi but currently this slider is not shaped symmetrically. try this code. =>fix
  2. 00:36:320 (5,1) - I found this pattern has a different hitsounding pattern from that of other diffs. I suppose it's mistakes or something similar.
    1. 00:36:531 - Add a finish and remove a whistle
    2. 00:36:954 - Add a whistle
    3. 00:37:376 - Add a finish and remove a whistle
    4. 00:37:799 - Remove whistle
    =>all fix
  3. 00:36:954 - Don't make single combo like this since it'll disable players to recover their HP constantly. Probably newcombos will fit better with the melody if you add it to 00:35:897 (4) - and remove it from 00:36:954 (1) - . =>fix
  4. 00:52:376 (1) - I'd suggest extending this spinner by 1/2 beat so that it will be more fitting with the instruments. the recovery time will be shortened but I think it's still fine considering how hard this difficltiy itself is. =>I tried it but I don't like it. retention.
  5. 00:59:348 - Since there's no clap at 00:59:982 - due to this long slider, feels empty around here i think. So it would be nice if there are more whistles; I would add it here if I were you. =>fix
  6. 01:08:433 (5) - It'd be better if you followed the emphasis (i.e re-kiai beginning) with slider beginning or just a circle so that the emphasis can be clickable. I don't think it's a good idea to follow it with slider end. =>fix
  7. 01:20:686 (1) - This slider path is touching HP ber slightly, not really problematic. but it will be best if you can fix it up just in case. (and I guess you'll have to think of new pattern for 01:18:996 (1,2,3,4,1) - because it's kinda difficult to keep the current pattern if you're going to change this. And also you have used a similar pattern at 00:48:573 (1,2,3,4,5) - so I think it's not that bad to bring some variety into here. =>fix
  8. 01:24:066 - Add a finish here instead of whistle for the sake of consistency with the other diffs. =>fix
  9. 01:26:602 - I know you have tried to follow instruments but I think it's not that great in view of the level of this difficulty. rhythm will be more obvious and even easier if you add a note here. =>fix
  1. Since you haven't used any steady claps except in kiai times, you need to add more whistles here. Maybe nice if it's coming every 2 beats or so. =>add whistles.
  2. I suppose you forget to set some drum sound; check them out please
    1. 01:01:672 -
    2. 01:05:897 -
    3. 01:15:193 -
    4. 01:19:419 -
    =>all fix
  3. 00:28:292 (1,2,3) - Currently looks a bit messy. Please align these three objects or do something like this. =>fix
  4. 00:39:700 (2) - I know this is just a matter of taste, but I'd prefer this one since from my senses of flow it flows better. =>fix
  5. 00:48:151 (3) - It would be better to replace this slider with 2 circles because it's not that good to follow the strong emphasis with slider end. =>fix
  6. 00:55:334 (1) - Can you place this pattern closer to the center? because there are few beats of recovery time, beginers may not able to catch them correctly I'm afraid. =>fix
  7. 01:19:842 (3,4) - The change of direction is coming too suddenly and weird to see to be honest. Try out something like this. And don't forget to adjust the following pattern. =>fix
  8. 01:26:602 - Quite empty here due to lack of notes around here. maybe consider adding some notes or slider? =>fix
Good enough considering you're still newbie. Contact me when you're done with fixes. I will recheck!
Edit; 1 taiko mod isn't enough at all, please gather some more mods on taiko before calling me back.
Thanks for mod!! :)
I'll get one more Taiko mod~
Mod Infos:

d = don
D = big don
k = kat
K = big kat


  • • Set the same audio lead-in in all diffs.

kjw's Taiko Muzukashii

  • • 00:03:151 (2,3) - k k
    • 00:11:813 (1,1,1) - k d k --> kd dk
    • 00:25:757 (2) - k
    • 00:30:827 (2) - ^
    • 00:34:419 (2) - ^
    • 01:08:644 (x) - Add k
    • 01:10:334 (5) - k
    • 01:11:179 (1,1) - dk

kjw's Taiko Oni

  • • 00:06:320 (x) - Add d
    • 00:16:461 (x) - ^
    • 00:16:672 (1,1) - k d
    • 00:30:827 (3) - k
    • 00:31:355 (x) - Add k
    • 00:41:813 (2) - d
    • 00:42:024 (3) - ^
    • 00:48:151 (2) - k
    • 00:56:813 (x) - Add k
    • 00:58:503 (x) - ^
    • 01:06:954 (x) - Add d
    • 01:10:334 (x) - Add k
    • 01:12:024 (x) - ^
    • 01:13:714 (x) - ^
    • 01:20:475 (x) - Add d
    • 01:24:172 (x) - ^
    • 01:24:278 (x) - ^
Topic Starter
Thanks xxheroxx :)

Fix only audio lead-in.
Taiko dif's are waiting for kjwkjw~

xxheroxx wrote:

Mod Infos:

d = don
D = big don
k = kat
K = big kat


  • • Set the same audio lead-in in all diffs.

kjw's Taiko Muzukashii

  • • 00:03:151 (2,3) - k k >> I think this part is fine as is, sorry xP
    • 00:11:813 (1,1,1) - k d k --> kd dk >> changed.
    • 00:25:757 (2) - k >> changed.
    • 00:30:827 (2) - ^ >> changed.
    • 00:34:419 (2) - ^ >> Mmm, I think I'd rather keep this as a d for now.
    • 01:08:644 (x) - Add k >> added.
    • 01:10:334 (5) - k >> fixed.
    • 01:11:179 (1,1) - dk >> ooh, this definitely plays better. changed!

kjw's Taiko Oni

  • • 00:06:320 (x) - Add d >> OK
    • 00:16:461 (x) - ^ >> OK
    • 00:16:672 (1,1) - k d >> I'll pass on this one and see if other people point it out as well.
    • 00:30:827 (3) - k >> OK
    • 00:31:355 (x) - Add k >> I don't think it's necessary, sorry!
    • 00:41:813 (2) - d >> sounds good, fixed.
    • 00:42:024 (3) - ^ >> not sure if I like the repeated dkd pattern here, so I'll keep this as k for now.
    • 00:48:151 (2) - k >> fixed.
    • 00:56:813 (x) - Add k
    • 00:58:503 (x) - ^
    • 01:06:954 (x) - Add d >> OK
    • 01:10:334 (x) - Add k
    • 01:12:024 (x) - ^ >> Mmhmm, there needs to be a note here... I added a d though.
    • 01:13:714 (x) - ^ >> I wanted to emphasize the 1/4 gallops with the drums for these parts, so I left this section and all of the recurring ones from before as is. Sorry!
    • 01:20:475 (x) - Add d >> OK
    • 01:24:172 (x) - ^
    • 01:24:278 (x) - ^ >> I think this part is fine without any notes; I'll wait and see if anyone else points this out.
Thanks for the extensive mod! :)

Updated Muzukashii:
Updated Oni:
Topic Starter
Normal: 01:11:178 - slider end isn't snapped correctly
No need to set Audio lead-in in standard diffs

everything else looks fine, call me back once again.
Topic Starter

Melophobia wrote:

Normal: 01:11:178 - slider end isn't snapped correctly
No need to set Audio lead-in in standard diffs

everything else looks fine, call me back once again.
OK, fix~
Issues were solved after further explanation. Bubbled~
Topic Starter
Thank you very much :)
wow good song
go for rank >,<
Topic Starter

mintong89 wrote:

wow good song
go for rank >,<
thanks >_<
Kawayi Rika
Pretty nice map and song ~

Here you go <3

congratz ~ !! :D
Topic Starter

Kawayi Rika wrote:

Pretty nice map and song ~

Here you go <3
Probably, I'm still in a dream...
Thank you everyone :)
More than a week late, but congratulations on getting ranked!

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