
I don't think forcing showing of your town is a good idea

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Should city/country be displayed by bancho?

Welcome to the internet (city is fine)
I don't like this internets thing (Country only)
Total votes: 30
This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
Topic Starter
I just realized that when you put your cursor over someone's name in the extended chat, it shows where they currently are. Now, I'm all fine and dandy with that, but there are probably others that would prefer to remain anonymous in that sense. What I'm suggesting is that you should have to turn something on for that to show. Just a precaution, before angry mothers write letters.
Yeah, I'm not a big fan of this either. At least let me type in my own location, instead of having it reveal my real one. I have a secret double life to uphold, here!
Internet, private? You speak nonsense!
I noticed this too.

I don't mind people knowing what country I live in, but I'd prefer it if Osu! didn't mention to everyone what town I live in also. I think showing of the town/city should be removed completely from Osu! and should show the country location only.
Welcome to the internet, guys.
For the record, I also agree. State, Country is fine. But town is pushing it. Especially in my case, I live in a small town.
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The internet is for pr0n.

That's why you should just clear the states and keep the countries.
To clarify in case I was not understood:

Country - yes
- "United States", "Australia"

State, country - yes
- "California, United States", "Victoria, Australia"

City/town, state - no.
- "City/town, California", "City/town, Australia"
Having a brother playing osu! and (attempting) to chat, I feel I must speak.

I believe it should be an option. If a user (such as myself, because I wont be in this house much longer) doesnt care, then let it be. If a user (like my brother for example) would rather not be located, then they could put a command into BanchoBot (!hide or something) and BB will only reveal their country.

And because of my idea, I will hold onto my vote.

Or BB could reveal our forum locations...
Since your location is found by looking at your IP, anyone with access to the right tools can do this anyway, eg. this which came up first after a google search for "ip lookup city". And since your IP is open to anyone, I don't see why it shouldn't just show it anyway.
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I don't see any point in it myself. Country's fine IMO... I don't think there's any reason to have such detail.

But um, towns are pretty big so I can't think of any specific reason to hide them either. :/ What's wrong with people knowing what town you live in?

But anyway I voted to keep both but I've changed my mind to get rid of town. It's kinda pointless. :P
If it weren't for the way it is now, I'd have never known there was another Guelph player =D

I personally don't care either way, but I like the idea of it displaying your forum location.

I'm not exactly paranoid some creepy, violent criminal - who happens to play osu! - is going to hunt me down and kill me for not modding his/her beatmap.

awp wrote:

I'm not exactly paranoid some creepy, violent criminal - who happens to play osu! - is going to hunt me down and kill me for not modding his/her beatmap.
Right. But with my brother as young as he is, who knows what could happen. I want to be known because I doubt someone like awp will hunt me out, but my brother doesnt know what to look out for (ex: certain trolls on and off the forums). I would be glad to give him some witty location like Mushroom Kingdom or whatever.
Have it display true location by default and also have a checkbox that replaces it with the location the user has inputted for the forum (be it blank or a nonsensical "location").
The toggle will allow swapping city/town on or off. Country will always be displayed.
Is country/state not a poll option?

peppy wrote:

The problem here is that the only decent free database doesn't have accurate state information - so I would have to fallback to country.
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