
Offend the person above you

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Moriya Suwako
Then how can I pronounce your name, NUMPTY?
It's HUMPTY, not NUMPTY, you idiot.
FUCK YOU, teacher
No crap, Sherlock. Who are you trying to tell me?
Moriya Suwako
I will eliminate you crooked Reimu one day.
You know what?! Just!... Nnnnnnnnnghhhhhh FUCK YOU!
You are not beliver, suck a big dick!
your username and sig are a sign of cancer, aids, heart failure, kidney failure, brain failure, and death. even your profile pic gave me cancer.
Sleep Powder
Sonic is a horrible game and all the characters associated with Sonic are as horrible as mediocre mainstream anime. All you do is run and hit random objects and then stop, walk and hit random objects again. This Sonic guy can't even swim! How do you like something that dumb? Replace Sonic with any other thing and you will realize how horrible it is. Also, you smell so bad that I can smell you from here.
you fugly ! >3<
I fucked your cat.
i don't have a cat ! ugly hat !
Ur lifestyle makes me feel only as pink as P!nk when I am as pink as someone more pink than her. Go to heaven and meet with Nicki's ass!
you look like the joker
still looks better than you
Kanye West
Worst avatar ever

Fuck you and everyone like you
Topic Starter
You're so fake, just like your shitty signature.
Look BA, there is some female osu! players at previous page.
I will shove a pine tree up your ass and fuck your mother in its shade 8-)
Line thie- oh, this one is different ._.
What are you staring at, dumb-dumb? =|
your username sucks ! :D
Your username sounds like you murdered someone. :)
you play osu like a girl
Tsukimi Luna
What a terribly low post count
Kanye West
What a terribly low age
Horrible signature image
queen lorelei
Look who's talking.

This offend the person above you thing sound fun.
Sleep Powder
I believe you to be the worst person I have ever seen. You post with as much disgrace as a newfag. Actually, you are a newfag, but worse. No, I lied yet again. Please forgive me. You are as bad as the worst poster in any forum ever. How do you live with yourself? Your posts are shit. Actually, I'd prefer shit than your posts. Shove your faulty confidence out of my sight. You remind me of immature, childish jokes that small children laugh at. You disgust me in the same manner as young children do. In my perspective, you are just like a small, immature child who can't even post quality shit. Please grow up and learn how to take a shit. If not, be the child you forever will be. Don't even talk to me anymore. Just leave now.
Your tl;dr fucking sucks.
Scarlet Devil_old_1
Your username is retarded
queen lorelei
Bitch please.You don't know shit,so stop talking shit like you do.Go and grow a brain,heh,listen to's not possible for your stupid ass to grow a brain,you dumb ass bitch.So try and think before you go being an online little cunt ass bitch,like you're being now.Whore.I don't know who you are but maybe you should try and stay at the retarded level so your tiny non-existing brain can work at it's recommended pace.Drop dead you little ass sucker.

This is fun :)
queen lorelei

Shoily wrote:

Hika wrote:


wow fuck you too snb
go suck a dick & choke so you can get an std & die
No one in this thread has one it seems so too bad
Asian slut
queen lorelei

Psychotic Maid wrote:

Your username is retarded
Bitch you're one to talk with that shit you call a username.
queen lorelei
What the fuck are you smoking are you retarded?

Good job on offending yourself you twat
queen lorelei

animask wrote:

I believe you to be the worst person I have ever seen. You post with as much disgrace as a newfag. Actually, you are a newfag, but worse. No, I lied yet again. Please forgive me. You are as bad as the worst poster in any forum ever. How do you live with yourself? Your posts are shit. Actually, I'd prefer shit than your posts. Shove your faulty confidence out of my sight. You remind me of immature, childish jokes that small children laugh at. You disgust me in the same manner as young children do. In my perspective, you are just like a small, immature child who can't even post quality shit. Please grow up and learn how to take a shit. If not, be the child you forever will be. Don't even talk to me anymore. Just leave now.

Fuck you bitch
queen lorelei

Seph wrote:

What the fuck are you smoking are you retarded?

Good job on offending yourself you twat
Tongue my ass.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little troll? I’ll have you know I made top of my collective in the consensus training, and I’ve been involved in numerous skills shares on capitalism, and I have over 300 confirmed food-shares. I am trained in class warfare and I’m the top organizer in the entire US labor movement. You are nothing to me but just another synthesist. I will wipe your lifestylism the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that individualist shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker.
queen lorelei

Dulcet wrote:

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little troll? I’ll have you know I made top of my collective in the consensus training, and I’ve been involved in numerous skills shares on capitalism, and I have over 300 confirmed food-shares. I am trained in class warfare and I’m the top organizer in the entire US labor movement. You are nothing to me but just another synthesist. I will wipe your lifestylism the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that individualist shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker.
Suck a nigger dick.
queen lorelei

Seph wrote:

What the fuck are you smoking are you retarded?

Good job on offending yourself you twat
You can't offend yourself stupid as shit,mother fucking,little cunt licking,ass sucking,cock blowing,dog raping,shit eating,nigger ass,neck sucking,hair eating,pussy kicking,ball licking,piss malling,penis hounding,dumb piece of down-syndromed boob punching,bitch.

queen lorelei wrote:

You can't offend yourself stupid as shit,mother fucking,little cunt licking,ass sucking,cock blowing,dog raping,shit eating,nigger ass,neck sucking,hair eating,pussy kicking,ball licking,piss malling,penis hounding,dumb piece of down-syndromed boob punching,bitch.
Here we go again...
queen lorelei
What the hell did you just say about me,you little cunt?You should know I'm the don of the retard mafia,and am involved in many busted cocaine deals,and I have over 300 arrest under my name.I am the most insane patient,and I am the top prison escape artist known to man.You are nothing to me but victim.I will plant so many drugs in your house faster than a mentally retarded handicap attempting to clime stairs.This shit you're saying over the web will not go un-punished.Try something new that you could get away with.As we speak I am having my most retarded men move out to your house to plant 1 ton of cocaine in your basement,you better prepare for an arrest,little shit.The arrest that you will regret forever.You're done nigga.I can be one place at every time and am usually underneath the city in the sewers under main street.I can not kill you in any way but to shoot you with this sling shot I found under my mother's bed.I am extremely lacking in physical strength,and do not have any access to lethal weapons what-so-ever,so I can't even land you in a minimal security prison.You should have knowing that saying this shit you call a reply would have landed you in getting into trouble with a bunch of retards that haven't even successfully planted drugs on anyone.I will shit in your cereal tomorrow morning,and you will eat it.
not this shit again
queen lorelei
Yep deal with it hooker.

queen lorelei wrote:

I will shit in your cereal tomorrow morning,and you will eat it.

Dulcet wrote:

not this shit again
You'd rather eat someone else's shit?
queen lorelei

BRBP wrote:

queen lorelei wrote:

I will shit in your cereal tomorrow morning,and you will eat it.

Dulcet wrote:

not this shit again
You'd rather eat someone else's shit?
I was un-aware you ate your own shit.
Most people are
queen lorelei

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........\................ _.·´ ....

queen lorelei wrote:

here, have some fried chicken. you will regret eating your own shit now
Edit faster, nigger
Sleep Powder
I'm sorry, but you guys are making me laugh. Your insults were amusing for a good 2 minutes.

Also, please continue so I may laugh at you more.
Kanye West
Animask I love you too much I can't offend you
Sleep Powder

Kanye West wrote:

Animask I love you too much I can't offend you
Your music is horrible, but I forgive you because your are cute.

You seriously need to stop making songs and talking in my magical light boxes.
queen lorelei

animask wrote:

Kanye West wrote:

Animask I love you too much I can't offend you
Your music is horrible, but I forgive you because your are cute.

You seriously need to stop making songs and talking in my magical light boxes.
Yes dear,and you need to stop being the scrawny stuck up bitch you are,and go fuck your self.Hope you feel the hate everyone has towards you,bitch,and go kill your self,and enjoy your sliced brain,it's all you have in life to appreciate.Oh,and what lovely supportive words,"your music is horrible",bitch ass.
queen lorelei

BRBP wrote:

queen lorelei wrote:

here, have some fried chicken. you will regret eating your own shit now
Edit faster, nigger
I know you are one,no need to be ashamed of your nationality.You can't control your skin color,unless you're mj.
Kanye West
You're not a queen and you'll never be
queen lorelei

Kanye West wrote:

You're not a queen and you'll never be
I was sticking up for you,worthless cunt.But I guess people from the ghetto don't know the difference these days,maybe you should kill yourself,because your a worthless piece of trash,and your music stinks like the inside of a cows ass.
You can't even read the topic, dumb bitch. It's offend the fucking person above you.
Kanye West
Your avatar is trash and looks like trash.
You and your best friend cookiezi is a trash.
your streaming sucks :DDDDD

/me runs
You suck. At everything.

Omg sorry ;_;
You're not handsome, i don't love you =w=

omg no i love you and you're cute XDDDD!!!
queen lorelei

Gatyaa420 wrote:

You can't even read the topic, dumb bitch. It's offend the fucking person above you.
No shit.
Then why the fuck are you doing it again, dumbass?
Because someone doesn't understand the words dumb fuck very well
queen lorelei
Grow up final fantasy nerd ass bitch.Get off the internet before you try and insult others with your pitty words,thinking it will make you feel better about how you're a piece of shit.people as dispicible as you shoudln't even be aloud to live with your stupid shit self.Go fuck with yourself.
I am way ahead on the fucking with myself. At least I am not close to FAILING with a C as my avatar; I know you ain't a queen so shut the fuck up bitch. YOU have no room to talk about being despicable; you have the biggest ego this side of my ass and the bigger the ego, the more despicable the person is. So bitch, please, you are just jealous of me of how good my avatar looks. By the way, would like to join me in fucking myself? there is not charge to join; you know you want to :3
queen lorelei
Tongue your his mom's ass.Oh,and I don't join people when it comes to fucking them-selfs.Now go fuck your-self.And what's your point?C isn't failing,it's average,average wouldn't be a fail.And I wasn't insulting your avatar.I was insulting your stupid self liking to play a retarded ass game such as that shit you call Final Fantasy."He sliced my thigh I lost 5 health"No in real life you'd be on the fucking ground crying,and bleeding half to death.Big ego?You're the one to talk.Go suck a necro dick.And suck a Negro necro dick.
so that's all you've got?
playing easy diff and still C? gtfo~
STFU this is none of your goddamned business, no one asked for your fucking opinion! Why must you get in the way of my revenge? I demand you GTFO and piss off before I piss in your face
Why don't you shut the fuck up? You worthless scum don't deserve to live. You might as well piss into your own mouth so you finally shut the hell up. Now gtfo yourself.
Topic Starter
There was nothing offensive in your post at all. Not that I had expected anything better by you, you're a shame for this thread and you should feel bad.
queen lorelei
If anyone is a shame to this thread,it's you. Witch is sad because you're the one who made is.Go tongue your ass. Piece of shit licking worthless snob ass,twat.
Hey guys,

Sorry, this has gone too far. Even if this is a game, most of the users here don't know how to handle this without going to extremes. Forum rules apply for OT too, please make sure to read them.

Locking this.
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