
Taiko mode

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +4
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I pitched this idea over IRC to peppy once, then letter expanded on it in a general idea thread (which was largely ignored), but now, because I feel like it, I'm making it an official request :mrgreen: A low-priority request, sure, but one that I think would fit the "fun modifier" theme. The basic premise is that it's a modifier, selected on the "select mods" menu, that uses existing beatmaps, but changes the gameplay to focus exclusively on the rhythm, and pretty much eliminates placement from the equation. Since the gameplay is so different, it'd have to be unranked (or ranked on a separate leaderboard), but I think it'd put a fun new spin on existing beatmaps; sort of a mini-game within Osu.

Here's the breakdown I wrote up in the other thread:

-"Taiko" mode. This one's a lot less straightforward, but I think I've put enough thought into this idea, so once it's coded, it should work with all existing and future beatmaps. Check out this thread for a sense of what Taiko no Tatsujin, the game this idea is based on, is like. Now bear with me, this idea is admittedly bizarre, but Peppy seemed somewhat interested when I brought it up in chat, so I feel there's a chance it could work :lol:
  1. On the center of the gameplay screen, is a big circle representing the top of a drum. It will look more or less like the bottom screen of the DS version of TnT.
  2. For this mod, the actual placements of the notes are no longer relevant. The notes will scroll along in a bar the top of the screen, going from right to left. The player must click the drum at the moment the notes line up with a circle at the left of the bar. Follow so far? The actual timing of the beats comes from the beatmap, so it should feel rhythmically similar to playing the song in the normal Osu mode.
  3. For added variety, the different types of hit sounds in Osu will be translated into the different types of hits in the taiko game:
    1. Regular hits, represented by red circles, are normal drum beats. Left click on the drum.
    2. Whistles and Finishes become rim hits, represented by blue circles. You must click outside the drum, or right click.
    3. Notes with both whistle and finish sounds together become "big hits," represented by double-sized circles. For these, the player can choose to click the drum with both mouse buttons at once.
  4. Similarly...
    1. Sliders become drum rolls. For the duration of the slider, click the drum repeatedly. Finish sliders and whistle sliders combine their requirements with the drumroll requirement. You'll lose your combo if you miss the beginning or ending beat...
    2. Spinners become this spinny thing, I don't know what it's called (I've attached a picture of it). But basically it requires you to click the drum, then click outside the drum, (or alternate left and right click) back and forth repeatedly, a set number of times. This would be based off the number of required spinner spins, but probably multiplied by some variable based on the difficulty.
  5. The Taiko skin would be the default, but if the beatmap specifies a skin or includes custom skin files, they'll override it. The only thing that cannot be overwritten are the colors, which must always be red and blue to avoid confusion.
  6. The size of the on-screen drum would depend on the difficulty level.
  7. Scoring is handled more or less the same was as it is in regular Osu modes, but since it's so different, it'd have to be excluded from the normal rankings.
  8. If Peppy does decide to do this, I'll be happy to make the extra art for it. :)
  9. If Peppy decides not to do this, I'll totally understand :lol: It's pretty complicated, and kind of outside the main intention of Osu. That said, I do think this would be a fun way to use existing beatmaps for a very different experience.
What about the balloon things?
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Level-Up! wrote:

What about the balloon things?
Well, the idea is that I'm taking Osu features and choosing Taiko features that are similar, so not all Taiko features would be included. And isn't the balloon thing basically a drumroll anyway?
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You know, I made that description way more complicated than it needs to be. Here's the simplified idea, in one sentence:

Taiko mod is an unranked mod in which all of the hitcircles are in the exact same spot.
The problem is that, in most maps, whistles and finishes are relatively rare. But I fully support this idea. I think it'd be fun.

This really isn't a "mod", so to speak, it's more like "peppy, can you make taiko?" :P
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Echo49 wrote:

The problem is that, in most maps, whistles and finishes are relatively rare. But I fully support this idea. I think it'd be fun.
Yeah, I agree. That's why my revised, one-sentence version doesn't include anything about that. I think now I'd actually change the idea so both whistles and finishes do the same thing, since combined they're mildly common.

Echo49 wrote:

This really isn't a "mod", so to speak, it's more like "peppy, can you make taiko?" :P
Heh. True enough, but it's not just that. It's more, "peppy, can you make a second game that uses the same beatmaps as this one?" :lol: But I do think that the simplified version of the idea would work as a mod. Basically it's just stripping the coordinates from the whole map and replacing them with a single location.
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Bumping this because it was discussed at the meeting. I've updated the first post with a slightly modified version of my original breakdown (if there are any contradictions, they're probably the result of this edit) but the main points are still the same. I think people will enjoy this much like they enjoy relax mode. Just a different spin on the Osu experience.
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