
Omega - MAX 300

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Last time I checked, difficulty of Insane and higher maps aren't an issue, as they are well... Insane (or Impossible). But oh well, I don't call the shots here. We'll see how this turns out. I will make a Light map if it is needed though.
I wouldn't trust the Osu! difficulty rating system that much, it is not that reliable in most beatmapper's standards (it really is there just to give the player a hint though). :)

Otherwise, I think the insane difficulty is only applicable if the beatmapper intends the map to be impossible to beat. At that case, and here I am only speaking to my own standards, I feel as if there should only be one difficulty in a beatmap that should be impossible to beat, not two.

Of course, again, this is only to what I simply have seen from my time in Osu! Whether you want to take it in or not, that's your choice. :P
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I've found the rating system works quite well actually. It's not by any means a 100% measure of how difficult a map is, but it is good enough to give an idea as you say. It is hard to place numbers on difficulties as different people have different weaknesses.

I've never really liked conforming to standards. After all, its those that didn't that revolutionized the world. This won't do that, but I'm pretty damn sure it will push the standards of the elite much higher... Quite a scary thought, if you ask me, lol.

And while Heavy is pretty hard, I think it's very clearable. It's Oni that's the 'impossible' map in this song.
It's songs like these that allow me to realize why I don't play DDR. This is hardly even a song. That said, this map is also pointlessly difficult. I can't even pass Standard.
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Hm, I guess I might have to map a Normal/Light level map after all.

...And it's not because it's Japanese, no, mtmcl. :P
I accept your challenge!

-- 2 minutes later --

Ack!! Oni and Heavy are, like, crazy!! :o I can S Rank Standard, but not even complete Heavy! Could you turn down Standard and Heavy, please?
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I refuse to do anything of the sort. :P

Too much candy is bad for you, burai. (This is in reference to your sig.)
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P-Drogan wrote:

For some reason, this song reminds me of another song that was virtually impossible to beat... :o
Anyway, Good job with the beat map! :D
Scene 72?:
More like Max Revolution. Max 300 is part of that damn mix of DDR songs. ;x
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I think you mean MAX FOREVER. The start of that is MAX 300 and it even has the same rhythm as my Heavy and Oni maps.
Same difference. ;x

Either way, heavy and oni are not rankable as is. There's a difference between difficult/challenging hard and stupid hard. If you're happy with them as is, it can remain like a Max Forever-ish map and just stay perma-unranked while still being played by others, it just won't count towards the ranking.

If you do want MAX 300 to be ranked, I suggest just making a second version of this with easier (relatively speaking) hard versions, while keeping this one as is.
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I honestly think that Heavy/Insane is very clearable. Definitely very hard, but clearable.

My other Insane beatmaps are harder IMO.
I accept your challenge!

-- 2 minutes later --

Ack!! Oni and Heavy are, like, crazy!! :o I can S Rank Standard, but not even complete Heavy! Could you turn down Standard and Heavy, please?
Burai, this is NOT a candy, its a ROCK. Don't eat it.

I honestly think that Heavy/Insane is very clearable.
mmm.. did YOU cleared it? Without any mods?

Reikin wrote:

My other Insane beatmaps are harder IMO.
I'm afraid to even look.

Pass them yourself before you claim they are passable. If burai can't even get halfway through without mods, the map is beyond anyone's ability.
So I managed to pass hard...

I can tell how horrible timed it is just by looking at how many 100s i get...

and heres a replay lolz

But still, this map is... :(
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Saturos wrote:

Reikin wrote:

My other Insane beatmaps are harder IMO.
I'm afraid to even look.

Pass them yourself before you claim they are passable. If burai can't even get halfway through without mods, the map is beyond anyone's ability.
I knew this would come around eventually. If I manage to pull my tablet from somewhere, I'll do it.

And someone has cleared Insane/Heavy already, as you can see. Although, I can't access the replay...
Don't change anything before passing it though.
You might change some hard parts in there... :)
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Lol that would be clear almost straight away. Don't worry I won't be doing anything of the sort.

Don't expect a replay today though... I can't find my trusty ol' tablet. :o

That being said I made a very small change to Oni (just a beat shift for a triple, nothing big), and also I have added a Light/Normal map.

I don't see why it can't be ranked, because it contains the lower difficulties as well (which MAX FOREVER lacks).

I fine-tuned the difficulty settings for Beginner, Light and Oni.
Beginner and Light were made slightly harder to kick them up into the next tier. Standard is kinda in between two tiers so I left it there. I couldn't modify Heavy as one notch down kicks it down to a lower tier score and making it even harder would probably cause consternation. Oni now has a lower drain (3 down from 5) than Heavy to offset the max difficulty. I did this because there seemed to be no score advantage for keeping the drain at 5 stars.

Also, Light isn't double countdown speed anymore, lol.


Saturos wrote:

Reikin wrote:

My other Insane beatmaps are harder IMO.
I'm afraid to even look.

Pass them yourself before you claim they are passable. If burai can't even get halfway through without mods, the map is beyond anyone's ability.
Hey, hold on. I still got to go through some more trials! I'm not very good at quick notes either... Saturos! you're better with the accuracy! If you can't complete this, then I'm pretty sure I can't either! ;P

It's similar to Scene 72, and it got rank'd! ;P

buraimaster1234 wrote:

Saturos! you're better with the accuracy! If you can't complete this, then I'm pretty sure I can't either! ;P
Wrong kind of accuracy. I'm only good at keeping my 100 count low. I can't keep up with huge beatspacing nor fast beats.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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Yeah I can think of at least 3 other maps that have about similar difficulties as my Insane map (including Scene 72) that are ranked, but come with easier difficulties so I don't see why this can't be ranked.

UPDATE: Sound file has been edited. 0 offset. Please comment.

Reikin wrote:

Yeah I can think of at least 3 other maps that have about similar difficulties as my Insane map (including Scene 72) that are ranked, but come with easier difficulties so I don't see why this can't be ranked.

UPDATE: Sound file has been edited. 0 offset. Please comment.
Err, the timing of most hit circles (such as the spiral in Easy mode after a break) are quite off.
I suggest you use an offset of the time when your hear the first rythmatic sound of the song you hear.
And then select all of your hit circles and move them, using the J and K keys, to the first beat you want your first hitcircle to hit.
Your Hit circle snaps to the beat if you use the J and K keys.

hope that helps.
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Shoddy editing. Reedited PERFECTLY. If this isn't on beat I have no idea what is.
Timing SOUNDED good and I SS'd and S'd the two first difficulties respectively. I haven't passed Standard yet, but I'm sure I can. So far that's on par with all the other maps. I've played through it all with nofail and seen it in the editor. It all sounds about right now.

I'm bubbling. If anyone has issues with the difficulty, you can always remove my bubble :)
Offset sounds like (approx) 1/4 beat off.
The reason Mark easily FC-ed the first two difficulties is because the beats are simple enough to press them. Heck, I can even FC those two without turning the music on.

I noticed this while testing standard, the first few parts are easy to press but it still feels off.
And when those fast, jumpy parts come out, I always get 100s. Don't say to me that this beatmap of yours are anti mouse because of jumpy notes, because I can press those easily.
Its just you're timing is off.
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James wrote:

Offset sounds like (approx) 1/4 beat off.
The reason Mark easily FC-ed the first two difficulties is because the beats are simple enough to press them. Heck, I can even FC those two without turning the music on.

I noticed this while testing standard, the first few parts are easy to press but it still feels off.
And when those fast, jumpy parts come out, I always get 100s. Don't say to me that this beatmap of yours are anti mouse because of jumpy notes, because I can press those easily.
Its just you're timing is off.
Well the top #50 isn't really an accurate spread of the Osu! community. :P

That being said, all timing issues are fixed now I think.
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Nice sarcasam you got there, too bad I'm not affected by it.
I request that you keep just one of the highest difficulties: Heavy, MAX 3000 or Oni. Delete the other two. I haven't really tried Light or MAX 3000 yet, but whatever. Other then that, I don't see why it shouldn't get rank'd. ;)
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This is the same map all shifted up one difficulty and more colorful and correctly timed, burai.
After wasting 20 minutes of my nap time trying to pass max 3000 with overall difficulty set to half, this is what I'm going to say.

Reikin, after getting your tablet, good luck on Max 3000. :)

And also I take back what I said about timing, it seems ~10ms off after I re-downloaded the song, which is really acceptable. My bad on that.
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At the rate my brother is holding off my raids to acquire The Tablet, I think it would be faster if I simply bought one of my own. :O

I'll probably exclude MAX 3000! for now but I'll chuck it in once someone proves it's clearable. That sound reasonable?
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I think you're the top candidate at the moment, since the rest seem to be convinced that MAX 3000! is impossible unmodded.
Umm... I don't think so!! :o
edit: I just looked at it... and... I can't see anyone completing MAX3000 without any MODs! Why don't you try it? :o lol
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Tell that to the ass of a brother that won't let me use the tablet. :o
I just now realized that this is sitting with a bubble, when it should be a star. By now, though, you should know how to turn it back into a bubble. ;x

/me fixes.
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Well, I had a few gos at MAX 3000! with a mouse. The problem seems to lie in my aiming, something that is much easier for me with a tablet. Still I made halfway quite frequently with a device that I don't play Osu! a lot with so I still stand by that MAX 3000! is clearable.
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