
Melyceria&Disease - Anjuu [Taiko]

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  1. Pourquoi les kantan ont un combo colour différent? :v Tu devrais juste laisser 2 combo colours sur chaque map (et puis ça fait moins de lignes dans les .osu lolol)
  2. Le hitcircle overlay est trop gros il me semble, le skin est déjà pas très lisible, ça n'arrange rien.
  3. Le menu-button ne sert à rien vu que le skin est là que pendant le jeu.
  4. Je ne suis pas sûr qu'un mapset de 8 taiko soit rankable, 2 kantan et 2 futsuu ne sont vraiment pas nécessaire.
  5. 6 HP Drain sur les Oni??? La map fait 4:24 ffs, 4 ouais, 5 ok mais 6 no pls. Je vois même pas pourquoi t'as ajouté 2 Hp Drain par rapport aux autres diffs :v
  6. 04:21:828 - Un spinner ici? Ca colle largement mieux qu'une simple note je trouve. Et puis ça t'évite d'avoir que des circles sur ton mapset.
  1. Ils sont passé où les combo? D:
  1. 00:15:691 (1,1) - imo, pour tous les patterns comme ça, la note sur le tick rouge devrait être déplacée sur le tick blanc suivant. Le rythme est complètement cassé et y'aurait vraiment besoin d'une note sur ces ticks blancs donc soit déplacer la note soit en rajouter une mais dans le second cas ça te retire les break de la map D: Ou alors Tu peux alterner entre les deux en suivant la mélodie:
    00:15:691 (1) - +1/2
    00:17:510 (2) - + 1/2
    00:19:555 - Ajouter une note
    Etc. je pense que t'as compris la logique.
  2. 00:43:646 - 00:58:191 - Euh ouais non, évite le finish spam pls, sur la première note de chaque pattern ok mais pas sur toutes les notes pendant tout le kiai D: Idem pour les kiai suivant
  3. 01:01:828 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,1,1,2,1) - Les notes espacées par 3 ticks sont très désagréables à jouer, évite un maximum ce genre de patterns. Je te conseille plutôt un pattern comme ça: ou ça:
  1. Les Finish sur les dkD ok why not même si je déteste ça et pas sur que ce soit rankable mais ça:
    03:30:919 (3,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,3,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - Vire moi ça. Ou je devient BAT et je te nuke.
[Tenshi & TenshiZoda]
  • Juste envie de dire que les maps ne sont pas du tout consistantes et ne respectent pas ou presque pas les percussions. Normalement faudrait au moins coller aux percussions sur les ticks blancs. Tes maps me font penser aux nombreuses mauvaises maps pleines de patterns random qu'on trouve dans les taiko ranked :|
Topic Starter

Kurosanyan wrote:

  1. Pourquoi les kantan ont un combo colour différent? :v Tu devrais juste laisser 2 combo colours sur chaque map (et puis ça fait moins de lignes dans les .osu lolol) C'est toujours ça de pris.
  2. Le hitcircle overlay est trop gros il me semble, le skin est déjà pas très lisible, ça n'arrange rien. Bah la lisibilité reste quand même correcte. J'ai aucun pal à le lire !
  3. Le menu-button ne sert à rien vu que le skin est là que pendant le jeu. Hmmm, faut que je vérifie avec le taiko skin, je sais que ça marche sans.
  4. Je ne suis pas sûr qu'un mapset de 8 taiko soit rankable, 2 kantan et 2 futsuu ne sont vraiment pas nécessaire. Ca m'évite de faire 2 mapsets :V
  5. 6 HP Drain sur les Oni??? La map fait 4:24 ffs, 4 ouais, 5 ok mais 6 no pls. Je vois même pas pourquoi t'as ajouté 2 Hp Drain par rapport aux autres diffs :v4 no. j'ai joué des maps avec un drain de 5 sur pus de 2000 notes. Puis je veux surtout garder les 2,000,000 en HR de la Tenshi.
  6. 04:21:828 - Un spinner ici? Ca colle largement mieux qu'une simple note je trouve. Et puis ça t'évite d'avoir que des circles sur ton mapset. hue.
  1. Ils sont passé où les combo? D:
    j'ai la flemme de les mettre D:
  1. 00:15:691 (1,1) - imo, pour tous les patterns comme ça, la note sur le tick rouge devrait être déplacée sur le tick blanc suivant. Le rythme est complètement cassé et y'aurait vraiment besoin d'une note sur ces ticks blancs donc soit déplacer la note soit en rajouter une mais dans le second cas ça te retire les break de la map D: Ou alors Tu peux alterner entre les deux en suivant la mélodie:
    00:15:691 (1) - +1/2
    00:17:510 (2) - + 1/2
    00:19:555 - Ajouter une note
    Etc. je pense que t'as compris la logique.
    } je vois mais j'ai préféré faire un rythme assez particulier qui se base sur le piano plus qu'autre chose, avec une fin et un début qui se produisent 1/2 après et avant le début du piano lui-même.
  2. 00:43:646 - 00:58:191 - Euh ouais non, évite le finish spam pls, sur la première note de chaque pattern ok mais pas sur toutes les notes pendant tout le kiai D: Idem pour les kiai suivant franchement ça casse l'instrument de pas laisser finish, puis c'est pas comme si ils étaient tous 3/4.
  3. 01:01:828 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,1,1,2,1) - Les notes espacées par 3 ticks sont très désagréables à jouer, évite un maximum ce genre de patterns. Je te conseille plutôt un pattern comme ça: ou ça: j'ai pris dd dk dd dk kk kd kk kd.
  1. Les Finish sur les dkD ok why not même si je déteste ça et pas sur que ce soit rankable mais ça:
    03:30:919 (3,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,3,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - Vire moi ça. Ou je devient BAT et je te nuke. Je garde les finishers. >:U
[Tenshi & TenshiZoda]
  • Juste envie de dire que les maps ne sont pas du tout consistantes et ne respectent pas ou presque pas les percussions. Normalement faudrait au moins coller aux percussions sur les ticks blancs. Tes maps me font penser aux nombreuses mauvaises maps pleines de patterns random qu'on trouve dans les taiko ranked :| osef d'un pattern de percussion qui se répète je ne sais combien de fois. J'ai essayé de coller aux instruments qui se présentent aussi, d'où le côté que tu penses random :U
I pity the MAT and BAT who has to mod this ahuaehuaehuaehuae
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Luum is NO. :<
So is Anjuu.
Big and Busty
I have only one kd, please have it.
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We've got this !

Achievement unlocked : <100 maps above. :D/
Arrgh no French flooding please! I'll give you the mod. Now!
I can't remember the exact diff names and is not going to try. Thank you.

:idea: Thank you for filling in with a variety of different cluster patterns, although the music is only the same melody again and again with tiny changes.
:!: The custom note overlay looks confusing at first sight.
:!: Why don't Ura/Kantan, Ura/Futsuu, Ura/Muzukashii have that nice buffer volume-reductionification like in Ura/Oni?

[Ura/Kantan, Futsuu, Muzukashii]
Nice and all.

[Ura Futsuu]
:idea: Not colored?

[Ura Muzukashii]
03:51:941 (1) - This is now small katsu. I think you mean large DON?

I never have a good ear to hear out problems in rhythms like this, so I assume they are alright.

Earworm LOL. Overall great. Have this star while I pull it out.
Topic Starter

tetsutaro wrote:

Arrgh no French flooding please! I'll give you the mod. Now!
I can't remember the exact diff names and is not going to try. Thank you.

:idea: Thank you for filling in with a variety of different cluster patterns, although the music is only the same melody again and again with tiny changes.
:!: The custom note overlay looks confusing at first sight. Yes I know, but after that you get really used to it (If you play it too much you can't play the taiko skin anymore XD)
:!: Why don't Ura/Kantan, Ura/Futsuu, Ura/Muzukashii have that nice buffer volume-reductionification like in Ura/Oni? asdhasjdhawhat? volume reductionification ? wtf

[Ura/Kantan, Futsuu, Muzukashii]
Nice and all.

[Ura Futsuu]
:idea: Not colored? fixededezldmizedzedjzkjdfzekjfkzejfzeKDFLMEZKFEOZGJIOMJMZDOFJAZ SHU GET ON HERE WE HAVE TO TALK.

[Ura Muzukashii]
03:51:941 (1) - This is now small katsu. I think you mean large DON? oh this, fixed.

I never have a good ear to hear out problems in rhythms like this, so I assume they are alright.

Earworm LOL. Overall great. Have this star while I pull it out.
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faudrait qu'un jour tu me rappelle de la mod :c
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Maintenant si possible :>
--- Coming from the Taiko Modding Team ---
Some things ahead before real modding stuff begins:

Too many variations of notes, less kat ration needed, more 1/1 notes.*

[Ura Kantan]
Even if this is Ura, it is mapped like a Futsuu. You should use less notes as well, more 1/1. Only difference between Kantan and Ura Kantan would be that you have some more 1/2, but that's it.

The only difference between Futsuu and Ura Kantan is that you have used more notes in the Futsuu. To make it like a Futsuu you need way more breaks.
01:10:919~01:38:646 - 28sec without a break in a futsuu is not good. Just lower the note density and it should be fine. With "lower it" I mean really to decimate/thin it. **

[Ura Futsuu]
We have a Muzukashii here which lacks of 1/4.

Just use some less 1/4 and it is fine as it is for the level Muzukashii. ***

[Ura Muzukashii]
Level Oni we have here:
00:07:282~00:15:691 - Too many 1/4 and no breaks which a muzukashii needs.

Is fine for now.

[Ura Oni]
Fine for now.

Making a second set in your set is smart, but the Ura is not meant to be used in this way; making a diff. hard like the up coming one(Ura X = Higher diff[ura Kantan = Futsuu]) is not a real solution.
In general I would rather suggest to use an Ura set if you want harder patterns, for example:
------Kantan: o z o z x x x (z ->1/1 gap)
Ura Kantan: o z o z x o x
------Futsuu: o x o x o
Ura Futsuu: oo xx o x
------Muzukashii: ooo x ooo x o
Ura Muzukashii: oox o xxo x o

Just because the difficultie contains ,,Ura" in it, dose not mean in Taiko, it must be harder. This is an overall misunderstanding in the osu community.
Inner[eng.] & Ura[jpn.] means both ,,Hidden" and gives the players just an extra difficultie which dosen't need to be everytime harder as the actually Oni.
All difficulties contain their real name(Kantan, Futsuu, Muzukashii, Oni) which of course needs to be followed map-wise. That means you can't start to map in an Ura Futsuu like in a Muzukashii.

Now to some general stuff

  1. As I told you in IRC before, you should really delete this skin. It is just disturbing and most people will probably delete it. It's your free decision to keep it, but think about my suggestion please.
  2. Hah... the decision is once again yours, but I suggest to cut the mp3, seriously Gezo. Overall it has an unbelivable monoton sounding. Yes, the two last kiai-times are a bit different, but before that, you need to fight agains the first 2minutes. Cutting the mp3 dosen't mean to delete 50% of it, you can rather cut it from 00:14:555 to 00:43:646 because it is exactly the same as 00:43:646 to 01:12:737. It would give you benefits:
    - Not anymore so long
    - more possibilities to make the map more interesting by having less same patterns in 4.5 minutes
    It seems like after our talk in #taiko you have fixed this, so I will wait for now how you have cut it.
  3. I stated before what I think about naming and etc. now I want to go a bit deaper into this topic by suggesting you a diff spread...
Kantan - *
Futsuu - **
Muzukashii - ***
Rename Ura Muzukashi to Oni
Rename Oni to Inner Oni
Ura Oni

You would have 6 diff's which is totally fine. You don't need an Ura Kantan and Ura Muzukashii. It is just incriminating for everyone.
Also here is the decission yours, but consider it because it's a huge problem in this map-set.

If you have questions, I'm in IRC online.
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As we've talked in IRC (either Taiko channel or PM) most of the things have been fixed. Difficulty has been extremely lowered down in Futsuu and Muzukashii (The latter one has been completely remapped). Azure and Vermilion Oni being 10* maps, the next modders better give me a way to lower down that density in either Tianlan or Zhuhong.

To all people : I highly recommend you re-downloading the map.
stop changing the fucking diffnames
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[Luanny] wrote:

stop changing the fucking diffnames
no u

My turn! \:D/

Request taken from the Taiko Modding Team!


Thanks for listening to Ono's suggestions. xD
I would really like to see those mod-selection files removed, aswell as menu-button-background.png. score-x.png is unnecessary, since it only displays in osu!-gamemode. score-percent.png should be visible. I hope you'll add a new BG soon aswell.
Uncheck "Letterbox during breaks", since there are no breaks.
Raise vol. to 80~85%
Concerning the spread: I see no reason to make one of the inner/ura oni's easier/harder, it's fine the way it is.


That clap on big-white tick sounds horrible. ><
HP and OD should be between 4~7, so please use 4.
SV 1,2 (/me runs \o\)

00:12:767 (1) - don, this should be used to generate a smooth/easy beginning, leading nicely into kiai.
first kiai: you swap hitsounding pattern half-though the kiai, which seems awkward. I generally suggest you to keep the 2cnd hitsounding pattern for the first half. To do so, change the following stuff:
00:15:494 (4) - kat
00:17:312 (1) - don
00:19:130 (3) - kat
00:20:949 (1) - don
00:22:767 (2) - kat
00:33:676 (2) - kat?
00:46:403 (4,1) - reverse hitsounding.
00:51:858 (6,1) - ^
00:55:494 (4,1) - ^
01:08:221 (6) - kat
01:30:039 (6) - kat
01:30:039 (6,1,1,2,3,4) - k d k ddk fits nice here.
01:34:585 (1,1) - reverse hitsounding.
01:37:312 (4,1) - ^
01:40:949 (4) - kat
01:41:858 (1) - big don
01:42:767 (1) - kat
01:44:585 (4,1,1) - reverse hitsounding
01:50:039 (7) - kat
01:53:676 (12) - kat
01:56:403 - okay, now lets keep the kat on big white pattern:
02:03:676 (2) - kat
02:05:494 (5,1,1) - reverse hitsounding
02:27:767 - add don
02:29:585 (3,5) - delete
02:30:039 (4) - kat
02:36:403 (2) - kat
03:07:312 (1) - don
03:18:221 (1,1) - reverse hitsounding
03:21:858 (1,1) - ^
03:30:039 - create a calm don-line to lead to the end of the song.
03:30:039 (1) - don
03:32:767 (1) - don
03:36:403 (1) - don
03:40:948 (1) - don
03:44:585 (1) - don
03:48:221 (4) - kat
03:51:858 (8) - kat


OD + HP = 4
SV 1,2 (don't kill me :D)

00:10:494 (1) - delete, the pattern gets too long.
00:15:949 (1) - delete
00:17:767 (1) - delete
00:18:676 - add don
00:19:130 (2) - kat
00:19:585 (1) - delete
00:21:403 (1) - don
00:22:312 - add kat
00:22:994 (1) - delete
00:23:449 - add don.
00:25:039 (1) - delete.
00:28:221 (3) - kat
00:33:221 (1) - don
00:34:130 (1) - delete
00:38:676 (1) - don
00:46:630 (2) - delete
00:55:039 (1,1) - reverse hitsounding.
00:55:949 (1) - delete
00:56:858 (1) - don
00:57:539 (1,2) - don
01:02:312 (1,1) - reverse hitsounding.
01:04:130 (1,1,2) - d d k
01:07:767 - add kat
01:11:630 (1) - delete.
01:11:858 (1) - don
01:15:267 (1) - move to 01:15:721
01:19:358 - add don
01:35:721 - add don
02:08:676 (3) - kat
02:22:312 (1) - delete
02:34:585 - add don
02:35:494 (1) - delete
02:38:449 (2) - delete
02:39:130 (2) - don
02:39:358 - add don
02:40:494 (1) - delete
02:44:130 (1,1) - delete
02:47:767 (1) - delete
02:51:403 (1) - delete
02:59:358 (1) - don
03:01:176 (1) - don
03:02:312 (1) - delete
03:05:039 (1) - delete
03:08:676 - add kat
03:21:630 - add don
03:22:994 (1) - don
03:23:221 (1) - kat


OD +1

00:14:130 (1) - delete
00:42:767 (1) - don
00:48:221 (2,1,1) - d d k
00:50:040 (2,1,1) - d d k
01:03:221 (1) - delete
01:25:040 (1) - delete
01:55:949 (1) - delete
01:59:585 (3) - kat
02:10:267 (1) - delete
02:10:494 (1) - kat
02:36:858 (1) - delete
02:45:949 (1) - delete
02:50:494 (2) - kat
02:52:312 (2) - kat
02:57:767 (1) - delete
03:24:130 (1) - delete
03:32:767 (1,2) - delete
03:39:130 (1) - delete
03:40:949 (1) - delete
03:48:676 (2) - kat


00:10:494 (4) - kat
00:14:358 (1) - kat
00:30:039 (1,2) - don
00:32:085 (1) - don
00:34:358 - add kat
00:34:585 (3,4,5,1) - kd dk
00:37:539 (1) - don
00:39:130 (1,2,1) - d d k
00:42:653 (2) - move to 00:42:540 // add don at 00:42:767
00:43:676 (1) - don
00:46:630 (1) - don
00:55:721 (4) - kat
00:57:994 (2) - delete
01:05:267 (3) - kat
01:18:903 (4,1,2) - k d k
01:48:221 (4,1,2) - k k d
02:01:403 (1) - kat
02:13:221 (5) - don
02:15:039 (1) - kat
02:15:949 (1) - kat
02:23:676 (1) - don
03:26:630 (3,4,5) - kkk
03:31:403 (9) - kat
03:32:085 (4,1) - reverse hitsounding
03:34:130 (2) - kat
03:47:994 (1) - don
03:49:812 (1) - don
03:51:630 (1) - don

Tianlan Oni

OD +1

00:17:880 (1) - delete.
00:18:108 - add kat
00:22:994 (5) - don
00:26:517 (2) - kat
00:32:199 (1) - kat
00:32:540 (3) - kat
00:39:812 (2) - kat
00:45:380 (3) - kat
00:48:903 (3) - don
00:56:062 (2) - delete
01:01:630 (2) - kat
01:02:426 (1) - move to 01:02:312
01:02:540 - add don
02:18:221 (1) - don
02:20:380 (1,1) - reverse hitsounding
02:39:699 - add don
03:21:517 (2) - don
03:39:017 (2) - kat
03:54:812 (1,2,3,1) - all don

Zhuhong Oni

OD +1

00:10:380 (1) - kat
00:14:017 - add kat
00:32:199 (2,3) - kat
01:23:108 (1) - don
01:34:812 (1,2,1) - no 1/8 pls (same for following)
01:53:221 (1) - kat
02:13:449 (5) - kat
02:21:517 (4) - kat

Took like forever, but anyways, good luck.~
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All fixed but these :

0:33:676 : not really, I wanted to make 1 1 1 2 1 1 1x2, but the 1x2 is a 5-plet... and the note you want me to change would do a 1 1 1 2 1 2 1x2... not that good imo

1:08:221 : piano mapping... that is, I will leave it as d (this is even the lowest note of the 6 ddd ddd)

3:30:039 : I kept the k for the bell thing, else everything is fixed for kantan.

For HP and OD, I'll refuse this as these guidelines were, I think, originally set up for Oni difficulties. IIRC, the Kantan diff is very lenient as you begin in the game, the Norma is set to the half of the lifebar (75% in Oni and Muzukashii diffs) and the time window is very large. Poor kids if we had to put OD 7.5 for introdiction :D
*ikr for 1.2 and no you have >1 s to react to it so wkxlkwza*

All fixed but this :

HP+OD = same reason as kantan
1.2 :D

All fixed but these :

OD : I prefer leaving OD=4 for this, to follow a pattern 2-3-4-5(-6-6) on this mapset.

0:14:130 : This'll feel a bit empty.

[Vermilion Oni]
All fixed but these :

0:32:199 (2) : I left it as a d, but I keep k for the 3.
1:23:108 : I'd like to keep the d d d - d d d - d pattern @1/2

[Azure Oni]
All fixed but these :

0:18:108 : I didn't feel it necessary imo. The next pattern stands on its own.
2:39:699 : This would lengthen the stream very much...
(i) 3:54:812 - Only the last note was a kat. Damn spinners.

All fixed but these :

Next mod from TMT, hope you're ready for this~
(Finally...after requesting me to mod this 3 times lol)

[Zhuhong Oni]
  1. 00:14:585 (1,2) - Add Finish on (1), delete (2). Remove Clap from 00:14:926 (1) - too then.
  2. 00:17:767 (1,1,2,3,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1) - Instead of kdddkddkddkddkddk I'd prefer kdddkkdkddkkdkddk here, sounds better and is easier to play since it isn't so monotone.
  3. 00:25:494 (1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1) - kkdkddkkdkddk here please, same reason as above.
  4. 00:29:017 (2,1) - Add Finish on (1), delete (2).
  5. 00:41:858 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - ddddkkkkd sounds better to me~
  6. 00:43:562 (1,1) - Add Finish and remove Clap from the second Note, delete the previous one.
  7. 00:49:244 (1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1) - kkdkddkkdk... is more elegant~
  8. 00:58:108 (2,1) - Add Finish on (1), Delete (2).
  9. 01:12:653 (2,1) - ^
  10. 01:41:744 (1,2) - Add Finish on and remove Clap on(2), Delete (1).
  11. 01:56:403 (1) - Add Finish, move 01:56:290 (2) - to 01:56:176 - instead and remove Clap from (2) too.
  12. 02:10:835 (3,1) - Add Finish on (1), Delete (3).
  13. 02:25:494 (2) - Add Finish.
  14. 02:40:039 (1) - ^
  15. 02:54:585 (1) - ^
  16. 03:00:039 (3,4,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1) - ddkkdkddkkdk etc.: Also add Clap on if you do that.
  17. 03:09:130 (1) - Add Finish.
  18. 03:23:676 (2) - ^
  19. 03:38:221 (1) - ^
That's all both last Notes feel a bit out of place though.

[Tianlan Oni]
  1. 00:14:471 (4,1,2) - Add Finish on (1), delete (4,2). Good chance to split this out of place stream a bit up~
  2. 00:16:403 (1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1) - Again, I like the kkdkddkkdkddk more~
  3. 00:29:017 (4,1) - Add Finish on (1), delete (4).
  4. 00:43:676 (3,4) - Add Finish on (4), delete (3).
  5. 00:48:790 (2,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2) - Same like above kkdkddkkdkddk etc.
  6. 00:58:221 (2,1) - Add Finish and remove Clap on (2), Move 00:58:335 (1) - to 00:58:449 - instead.
  7. 01:12:653 (3,1) - Add Finish on (1), delete (3).
  8. 01:27:199 (1,1) - Add Finish on the second Note, delete the previous one.
  9. 01:36:176 (2,1,1) - 1/4 dkD is a no-go to me, so please delete the "k".
  10. 01:41:744 (4,1) - Add Finish and remove Clap on (1), delete (4).
  11. 01:56:289 (4,5) - Add Finish and remove Clap on (5), delete (4).
  12. 02:05:267 (2,1,1) - 1/4 dkD is a no-go to me, so please delete the "k".
  13. 02:10:835 (4,1) - Add Finish and remove Clap on (1), delete (4).
  14. 02:25:380 (4,1,2) - Add Finish on (1), delete (4,2).
  15. 02:32:313 (2,3,4,5,6,1) - This is very hard to get for me, please add a Clap on (6) instead of the following Note (1).
  16. 02:39:926 (1,1,2) - Add Finish on the second (1), delete the previous (1) and (2).
  17. 03:00:039 (3,4,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1) - Same like above kkdkddkkdkddk etc.
  18. 03:09:130 (1) - Add Finish.
  19. 03:38:221 (1) - Add Finish and remove Clap.
Last four Notes seem out of place, still no good Idea. Better make the Spinner longer instead XD

  1. 00:58:221 (1,2) - Add Finish on (1), delete (2).
  2. 01:41:858 (1) - Add Finish.
  3. 01:56:403 (1) - ^
  4. 02:10:949 (1) - ^
  5. 02:40:039 (1) - ^
  6. 03:38:221 (1) - ^
I actually liked this one. To be honest: This is the only Oni I played through complete, I quit the other two after some time out of frustration.
Of all three Onis this has the best Patterns and makes the most sense to me. The others are okay but meh :/
I especially liked how you used the Finish Patterns here. This is something unique and you should keep it.

  1. 02:21:403 (3,4) - New Combo on both ;D
Fine, just fine~

  1. 00:57:994 (6) - Probably delete that Note. I'm not that confident in modding Futsuu and Kantan but 1/2 ddddD seems too hard to me.

  1. 00:14:585 (10) - Add Finish. Probably delete the following Note.
  2. 00:58:221 (4) - Add Finish. Probably delete previous Note.
  3. 01:12:767 (1) - Add Finish. Probably delete the following Note.
  4. 01:27:312 (1) - ^
  5. 01:39:130 (2) - For the sake of consistency: Add a Clap here.
  6. 01:56:403 (1) - Add Finish. Probably delete the following Note.
  7. 02:10:948 (3) - Add Finish.
  8. 02:25:494 (1) - Add Finish. Probably delete the following Note.
  9. 02:40:039 (1) - ^
  10. 02:54:585 (1) - ^
  11. 03:09:130 (1) - ^
  12. 03:23:676 (1) - ^
  13. 03:38:221 (11) - ^
I'm a Fan of consistent Finish-Patterns.

This Mapset is overall okay.
Nothing unrankable as far as I notice, but there are quite a lot weird Patterns which I can't follow exactly.
Especially in Inner and Ura Oni. But they are playable and fc-able, even to me, so I guess its alright.
Good luck, I hope this was of some help~
Topic Starter

DarkDunskin wrote:

Next mod from TMT, hope you're ready for this~
(Finally...after requesting me to mod this 3 times lol)

[Zhuhong Oni]
  1. 00:14:585 (1,2) - Add Finish on (1), delete (2). Remove Clap from 00:14:926 (1) - too then. This one would sound very weird. I mainly mapped this to the sound I've bignote'd in the Oni...
  2. 00:17:767 (1,1,2,3,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1) - Instead of kdddkddkddkddkddk I'd prefer kdddkkdkddkkdkddk here, sounds better and is easier to play since it isn't so monotone. I like this formation.
  3. 00:25:494 (1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1) - kkdkddkkdkddk here please, same reason as above. ^
  4. 00:29:017 (2,1) - Add Finish on (1), delete (2). Better.
  5. 00:41:858 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - ddddkkkkd sounds better to me~ Fixed
  6. 00:43:562 (1,1) - Add Finish and remove Clap from the second Note, delete the previous one. ^
  7. 00:49:244 (1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1) - kkdkddkkdk... is more elegant~ ^
  8. 00:58:108 (2,1) - Add Finish on (1), Delete (2). ^
  9. 01:12:653 (2,1) - ^ ^
  10. 01:41:744 (1,2) - Add Finish on and remove Clap on(2), Delete (1). ^
  11. 01:56:403 (1) - Add Finish, move 01:56:290 (2) - to 01:56:176 - instead and remove Clap from (2) too. ^
  12. 02:10:835 (3,1) - Add Finish on (1), Delete (3). ^
  13. 02:25:494 (2) - Add Finish.
  14. 02:40:039 (1) - ^
  15. 02:54:585 (1) - ^
  16. 03:00:039 (3,4,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1) - ddkkdkddkkdk etc.: Also add Clap on if you do that.
  17. 03:09:130 (1) - Add Finish.
  18. 03:23:676 (2) - ^
  19. 03:38:221 (1) - ^
Where I stopped putting "^" I accepted, the last bits are the same so lol

That's all both last Notes feel a bit out of place though. It's the end of the crash that got to be glitched somehow. I never managed to reproduce it afterwards o.0

[Tianlan Oni]
  1. 00:14:471 (4,1,2) - Add Finish on (1), delete (4,2). Good chance to split this out of place stream a bit up~ holy shit i think i made an epic formation
  2. 00:16:403 (1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1) - Again, I like the kkdkddkkdkddk more~ I've cut this stream instead don't be mad at me :<
  3. 00:29:017 (4,1) - Add Finish on (1), delete (4).
  4. 00:43:676 (3,4) - Add Finish on (4), delete (3).
  5. 00:48:790 (2,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2) - Same like above kkdkddkkdkddk etc.
  6. 00:58:221 (2,1) - Add Finish and remove Clap on (2), Move 00:58:335 (1) - to 00:58:449 - instead.
  7. 01:12:653 (3,1) - Add Finish on (1), delete (3).
  8. 01:27:199 (1,1) - Add Finish on the second Note, delete the previous one.
  9. 01:36:176 (2,1,1) - 1/4 dkD is a no-go to me, so please delete the "k".
  10. 01:41:744 (4,1) - Add Finish and remove Clap on (1), delete (4).
  11. 01:56:289 (4,5) - Add Finish and remove Clap on (5), delete (4).
  12. 02:05:267 (2,1,1) - 1/4 dkD is a no-go to me, so please delete the "k".
  13. 02:10:835 (4,1) - Add Finish and remove Clap on (1), delete (4).
  14. 02:25:380 (4,1,2) - Add Finish on (1), delete (4,2).
  15. 02:32:313 (2,3,4,5,6,1) - This is very hard to get for me, please add a Clap on (6) instead of the following Note (1). dddd) k d is weirder for me ôô.)
  16. 02:39:926 (1,1,2) - Add Finish on the second (1), delete the previous (1) and (2).
  17. 03:00:039 (3,4,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1) - Same like above kkdkddkkdkddk etc. Another patterning instead, don't be maaaaad D: !
  18. 03:09:130 (1) - Add Finish.
  19. 03:38:221 (1) - Add Finish and remove Clap.
most of them are fixed
Last four Notes seem out of place, still no good Idea. Better make the Spinner longer instead XD You know what I'll say. :D

  1. 00:58:221 (1,2) - Add Finish on (1), delete (2). Yup, that ended a bit unstressed.
  2. 01:41:858 (1) - Add Finish. Of all this 3/4 finisher pattern, I forgot to put the crash big note. LOL
  3. 01:56:403 (1) - ^ Unstressed before. Shit. D:
  4. 02:10:949 (1) - ^ ^
  5. 02:40:039 (1) - ^ ^
  6. 03:38:221 (1) - ^ ^
I actually liked this one. To be honest: This is the only Oni I played through complete, I quit the other two after some time out of frustration.
Of all three Onis this has the best Patterns and makes the most sense to me. The others are okay but meh :/
I especially liked how you used the Finish Patterns here. This is something unique and you should keep it.

  1. 00:57:994 (6) - Probably delete that Note. I'm not that confident in modding Futsuu and Kantan but 1/2 ddddD seems too hard to me. I deleted it, I think that would give more preparation and mostly less confusion for players on this level.

  1. 00:14:585 (10) - Add Finish. Probably delete the following Note. I'm not confident in throwing away the next d...
  2. 00:58:221 (4) - Add Finish. Probably delete previous Note. ^ but previous instead.
  3. 01:12:767 (1) - Add Finish. Probably delete the following Note. Accepted both, that time.
  4. 01:27:312 (1) - ^ Deleted notes 2 and 4
  5. 01:39:130 (2) - For the sake of consistency: Add a Clap here. I FAIL
  6. 01:56:403 (1) - Add Finish. Probably delete the following Note. Yup, yup.
  7. 02:10:948 (3) - Add Finish. Yep
  8. 02:25:494 (1) - Add Finish. Probably delete the following Note. Not very confident in deleting the next note.
  9. 02:40:039 (1) - ^ ok
  10. 02:54:585 (1) - ^ ^
  11. 03:09:130 (1) - ^ ^
  12. 03:23:676 (1) - ^ ^
  13. 03:38:221 (11) - ^ ^
I'm a Fan of consistent Finish-Patterns.

This Mapset is overall okay.
Nothing unrankable as far as I notice, but there are quite a lot weird Patterns which I can't follow exactly.
Especially in Inner and Ura Oni. But they are playable and fc-able, even to me, so I guess its alright.
Good luck, I hope this was of some help~
From mod queue~

This song is for freestyle mapping so I don't tend to mod on specific notes.
Just some comments on suitabilities of lower difficulties because Oni just mean the hardest diff and can be infinitely difficult :D

Nice. A typical kantan diff. Just a little bit sleepy when going through the diff... ( Can we cut the song in lower diffs for beginners? I'm not sure...

I saw many patterns playing with the red lines (= 1/2 divisor), I doubt whether Futsuu players would be able to play this kind of patterns. In other words, I think these suit a Muzukashii better.

Nice. But more ooo/xxx could be added to be a more medium leveled Muzukashii.

The Oni's are great. I like them. Hope it can be ranked.
Topic Starter
Infinitely difficult ? Nah, I always try to get a decent difficulty, not getting above 10*

Futsuu introduces you to the real shit (Kantan is sleepy here, that's you think, don't even bother looking at NLMDA which is way more sleepy.)
Muzukashii is easy on purpose about ooo/xxx, look at the kiai parts : They switch between 1/1 - 1/2 and 3/4 big notes. That's hard enough for me as it's not a regular rhythm.
noo the highlights ;;
Topic Starter
22:46 _Gezo_ : lel like if Melyceria&Disease was made up to mass HL you
You will gain 2 kudosu for this post if it is deemed as helpful by the map's creator.
Yay :D
Recheck, won't need KD for this.

I won't mod the diffs, just give you a small impression on what needs to be changed before you get this bubbled.

All Diffs:
Resnap everything, lol. There are a bunch of unsnapped notes in all diffs.
All Onis:
I disliked the speedups/slowdowns at the end of the map, they don't fit after a static 1,4SV for 3:15mins.
In the "regular" Oni, try to keep the Kiaipatterns (big notes) more consistent, you swap them everytime to something else.
You should consider to stick to single-colored triplets. I saw some mixed (ddk or similar), but since it's low-BPM, it's really up to you if you change it or not.
Naisu, I love it. :)
Katplacement is still inconsistent in some places, make sure you have a consistent use of kats.

This post looks so trashy, but I don't care.

Good luck - again - this need to be ranked now. :3
Topic Starter
All but the Muzukashii thing have been fixed.
With the advices of Kokatsu, I will be able to look at this map.

'd for now
:O Love map, TAIKOS!!!!!!! Good Luck :)
I've played all the Taiko difficulties and they plays pretty good.
With some discussion about the timing and some general stuffs, I finally declare this map...

Sorry if I scared some people, that was Gezo's profile picture on facebook. LOL
Topic Starter
reported for misuse of the Unforgiven Vampires huehuehue
oh you

Gogo Gezo!
Topic Starter
If this gets ranked this is for Luum's birthday.
You eventually got a ranked map ....

congratz :)
Oh gezo, oh... you got it, i knew it. p:
Gratz moegezo
Topic Starter
I... I did it... ~(=^;ω;^)ノ
Mmm...yes, its lovely. Congratz.
Gezo <3
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