
Yuyoyuppe - ALONE [Osu|Taiko]

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Saturday, July 06, 2013 at 12:22:42 PM

Artist: Yuyoyuppe
Title: ALONE
Tags: VOCALOID2 VocaRock Nico Douga Megurine Luka Naryuga Teru21
BPM: 190
Filesize: 6167kb
Play Time: 03:17
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hitori (5 stars, 883 notes)
  2. Naryuga's Taiko Futsuu (3.09 stars, 380 notes)
  3. Naryuga's Taiko Oni (4.83 stars, 1119 notes)
  4. Normal (4.42 stars, 348 notes)
  5. Teru's Easy (2.54 stars, 182 notes)
Download: Yuyoyuppe - ALONE
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
WIP (Work-In-Progress)
Sung by Megurine Luka
Music/Lyrics by Yuyoyuppe
Slots :
> Easy Guest difficulty (by Teru21)
-Mods : Niva, - t e n n y a -, zeroclover, LQA20Ans, Sakuya Aizawa
> Normal difficulty : Normal+ (previously Normal+)
-Mods : Teru21, Niva, - t e n n y a -, zeroclover, LQA20Ans, Sakuya Aizawa, WVS, HelloSCV
> Hard/Hard+ Guest difficulty (OPEN SLOT)
> Insane difficulty : Hitori (previously RE:INSANE)
-Mods : Niva, Loli Cjj, Teru21, - t e n n y a -, zeroclover, LQA20Ans, Sakuya Aizawa, WVS, HelloSCV
> Taiko Futsuu (by Naryuga) : Done
-Mods : Loli Cjj, Teru21, Light Usagi, - t e n n y a -, zeroclover, Rei_Fan49
> Taiko Oni (by Naryuga) : Done
-Mods : Loli Cjj, Teru21, Light Usagi, - t e n n y a -, zeroclover, Rei_Fan49, Flaus
Thanks for those who modded my map, whether its submitted or unsubmitted :D Also thanks for those who supported me in this map!
fighting Sagi-nyan~! > w<!
You should write' ゆよゆっぺ' on Artist's name.
and wirte megurine luka on tag.

Anyway it's yuyoyuppe's awesome song >w<!

I love this song!
Topic Starter

What wrote:

fighting Sagi-nyan~! > w<!
Thank you What <3

LQA20Ans wrote:

You should write' ゆよゆっぺ' on Artist's name.
and wirte megurine luka on tag.

Anyway it's yuyoyuppe's awesome song >w<!

I love this song!
Done! :3 thank you~
IRC mod... duh ini moddingnya keburu-buru + nggak konsentrasi orz, sorry Sagi ._.

21:44 XxKuroUsagixX: niv
21:44 XxKuroUsagixX: m-mod ;w;
21:44 Niva: umm?
21:44 *XxKuroUsagixX is listening to Yuyoyuppe - ALONE
21:44 Niva: oh
21:44 Niva: irc mod ok? :D
21:44 XxKuroUsagixX: iya ;w;
21:44 XxKuroUsagixX: tapi kasi kudosunya gimana ;w;
21:45 Niva: oh nanti lognya dipost
21:45 XxKuroUsagixX: oke ;w;
21:45 Niva: btw tanggal 1 katanya mau main t/d caps ._.
21:45 XxKuroUsagixX: iya ;w;
21:45 XxKuroUsagixX: pada lupa ;w;
21:45 Niva: . . .
21:45 XxKuroUsagixX: aku tanya dapid timingnya udah katanya ;w;
21:45 Niva: ok2, download dulu btw
21:45 XxKuroUsagixX: oke ;w;
21:48 XxKuroUsagixX: aku banyak kesalahan nih ;w;
21:48 Niva: err masih 80%
21:48 Niva: my net ._.
21:49 XxKuroUsagixX: iya gapapa ;w;
21:49 Niva: ah ok2
21:49 *Niva is listening to Yuyoyuppe - ALONE
21:50 XxKuroUsagixX: saya siap ;w;
21:50 Niva: 00:03:662 (5)- new combo
21:51 Niva: umm kalau ada slowdown usahakan new combo sih o.o
21:51 Niva: ini juga 00:08:715 (4)-
21:52 Niva: 00:12:188 (7)- sampleset : Drum
21:52 XxKuroUsagixX: owo
21:52 XxKuroUsagixX: ah iya
21:52 XxKuroUsagixX: wait sampleset drum
21:52 Niva: yap~
21:53 XxKuroUsagixX: maksud
21:53 Niva: umm sekarang kan sampleset ada 3
21:53 Niva: normal, soft, drum~
21:53 XxKuroUsagixX: iya owo
21:53 XxKuroUsagixX: aku kan pake custom
21:53 XxKuroUsagixX: owo
21:53 XxKuroUsagixX: di clap ada snare
21:53 XxKuroUsagixX: jadi gimana? owo
21:54 Niva: umm khusus 00:12:188 (7)- aja sih
21:54 Niva: drum, no hitsound
21:54 Niva: buat splash sound~
21:54 XxKuroUsagixX: ah oke owo
21:54 XxKuroUsagixX: lanjut
21:55 Niva: 00:15:820 (3)- repeat arrownya nggak kelihatana pakai defualt hitburst orz :D
21:55 Niva: yah jauhin aja sih btw
21:55 XxKuroUsagixX: owo
21:55 XxKuroUsagixX: maksudnya? owo
21:56 Niva: umm, di test mode repeat arrownya nggak kelihatan
21:56 Niva: ketutupan sama 300-nya 00:15:030 (1)-
21:57 XxKuroUsagixX: D: ga tau mau taro dimana enaknya orz
21:57 Niva: umm ya itu~
21:57 Niva: di screenshot itu xD
21:57 Niva: terus
21:58 Niva: 00:18:030 (2,3,4)-
21:58 Niva: apa ini nggak dijadiin repeat slider aja?
21:58 XxKuroUsagixX: gini gapapa?
21:58 Niva: soalnya di play mode agak aneh kalau stacking
21:58 Niva: sip~
21:59 XxKuroUsagixX: owo
21:59 XxKuroUsagixX: ng
21:59 XxKuroUsagixX: repeat slider
22:00 Niva: stacking's nature
22:00 Niva: umm
22:00 Niva: gimana jelasinnya yah
22:00 Niva: istilah modd
22:00 Niva: *ing
22:00 Niva: orz
22:00 Niva: btw 00:27:662 (3)- like this ?
22:00 Niva: supaya (8) keblanket
22:01 XxKuroUsagixX: kalo ga keblanket salah ya? owo
22:01 Niva: 00:36:425 (4)- ...sebenarnya di sini nggak ada beat orz, mending di-remove imo
22:01 Niva: nggak salah sih :D
22:01 Niva: suggestion itu xD
22:02 XxKuroUsagixX: owo
22:02 XxKuroUsagixX: ga jadi stream dong owo
22:02 Niva: 00:37:767 (1)- orz ini overlapnya nggak enak dilihat umm... bntr2
22:02 Niva: iya sih~
22:02 Niva: tapi memang musiknya triple + note itu :D
22:03 XxKuroUsagixX: wait suaranya ato apa?
22:03 XxKuroUsagixX: owell udah kujadikan stack
22:03 Niva: 00:37:767 (1)- supaya nggak overlap
22:04 XxKuroUsagixX: owo?
22:04 Niva: err ssnya belum kebuka orz ._.
22:04 XxKuroUsagixX: xD
22:04 Niva:
22:04 XxKuroUsagixX: ah iya owo
22:04 Niva: 00:41:478 (4)- ini juga remove note xD
22:05 XxKuroUsagixX: jadi gada triple stack? owo
22:05 Niva: umm~
22:05 XxKuroUsagixX: btw leia juga banyak yang model2nya gitu o_o
22:06 XxKuroUsagixX: gada beat tetep dipake owo
22:06 Niva: 00:46:609 (5)- finish on slider's start
22:06 Niva: ah ok2
22:06 XxKuroUsagixX: jadi gimana? owo
22:06 Niva: err terserah sagi sih~
22:06 XxKuroUsagixX: soalnya saya jarang2 bisa bikin stream desu
22:06 Niva: clapnya udah lumayan membantu kok
22:06 XxKuroUsagixX: oke owo
22:07 Niva: 00:54:188 (4)- new combo
22:07 XxKuroUsagixX: 00:37:136 (7)- jadi bagian sini stack triplenya diilangin?
22:08 Niva: oh nggak, itu tetap triple stack
22:08 Niva: intinya sih dari square -> pentagon
22:08 XxKuroUsagixX: owo hm?
22:08 Niva: supaya 00:37:767 (1)- nggak overlap sama00:38:399 (4)-
22:09 Niva: 00:59:241 (5)- umm ini juga jangan overlap sih
22:09 Niva:
22:09 XxKuroUsagixX: oke done owo pentagon
22:09 Niva: ...oh wait
22:09 Niva: begini aja yang 59:241
22:10 Niva: supaya distancenya equal~
22:10 XxKuroUsagixX: overlap owo
22:10 Niva: :D
22:10 XxKuroUsagixX: tapi masih keliatan kan owo
22:11 XxKuroUsagixX: hoo wait
22:11 XxKuroUsagixX: jump nambah xD
22:11 Niva: kalau pakai default hit-300 nggak enak dilihat orz ._.
22:11 XxKuroUsagixX: owo
22:11 XxKuroUsagixX: niv
22:11 XxKuroUsagixX: ada yang cuma ku balik owo;
22:12 Niva: o.o
22:12 Niva: 01:04:294 (5)- err this
22:13 Niva:
22:13 Niva: dan lanjutannya
22:13 XxKuroUsagixX: itu kenapa owo
22:13 XxKuroUsagixX: btw ini
22:13 Niva: umm suggestion? xD
22:14 Niva: Lanjutannya
22:14 XxKuroUsagixX: saya maniak lurus2 owo
22:14 Niva: masih kurang ke bawah btw (6)
22:14 XxKuroUsagixX: ku kesamping gapapa? owo
22:15 Niva: yap~
22:15 XxKuroUsagixX: ng bentar
22:15 XxKuroUsagixX:
22:15 XxKuroUsagixX: belom cukup ya? owo
22:16 Niva: yap
22:16 Niva: jadi endpoint slider jump
22:16 XxKuroUsagixX: sipsip
22:16 XxKuroUsagixX: lalu? owo
22:16 Niva: 01:15:346 (6)- clap
22:16 XxKuroUsagixX: sebenernya anda cuma perlu mod dikit sih soalnya saya flip2 owo
22:16 XxKuroUsagixX: done owo
22:17 Niva: 01:19:926 (4,5,6)- err ini kurang enak aestheticnya
22:17 Niva: bntr2
22:17 XxKuroUsagixX: shapenya? owo
22:17 Niva: ap
22:18 Niva: *yap
22:18 XxKuroUsagixX: nempa?
22:18 Niva: 01:19:926 (4,5,6)-
22:18 Niva:
22:18 XxKuroUsagixX: not found owo
22:19 Niva:
22:20 Niva: 01:20:715 (3)- err ini sama seperti slider wave yang sebelumnya sih o.o
22:21 XxKuroUsagixX: gini boleh ga?
22:21 Niva: sip
22:22 Niva: 01:30:188 (1,2,3,4,5)-
22:22 XxKuroUsagixX: 00:26:873 (4,5,6)-
22:22 Niva: (1)-nnya mending di tengah imo
22:22 XxKuroUsagixX: ini kenapa anda ga pertanyakan? owo
22:22 XxKuroUsagixX: di flip lho owo;
22:22 Niva: err?
22:22 Niva: umm idk...
22:23 Niva: ascending dari bawah ke atas nggak terlalu kelihatan imo o.o
22:23 Niva: 01:35:715 (6)- ~x:51 y:187
22:24 XxKuroUsagixX: gitu gapapa?
22:24 Niva: err yang pingin gw tekanin sih
22:24 XxKuroUsagixX: eh
22:24 Niva: kotaknya diputar :D
22:24 XxKuroUsagixX: wait
22:25 XxKuroUsagixX: salah
22:25 Niva: err ini second kiai diflip yah~
22:25 XxKuroUsagixX: oke owo
22:25 XxKuroUsagixX: iya owo;
22:26 Niva: ah ok, gw langsung lanjut yah ke setelah 02:03:662 (1)-
22:26 XxKuroUsagixX: itu anda pake grid paling kecil?
22:27 XxKuroUsagixX: kalo saya x 72 y184 gimana?
22:27 Niva: grid snap gw selalu off btw
22:27 Niva: umm?
22:27 Niva: intinya lebih diseimbangin sih~
22:27 XxKuroUsagixX: ohh oke xD
22:27 Niva: 02:10:051 (8)- ini sengaja 3/4?
22:28 Niva: umm
22:28 Niva:
22:28 XxKuroUsagixX: kalogasala disuru dapid owo
22:28 XxKuroUsagixX: oh itu
22:29 Niva: bukan timing sectionnya...
22:29 XxKuroUsagixX: iya sengaja desu owo
22:29 Niva: umm aneh sih
22:29 Niva: mending 1/1 imo
22:29 Niva: tapi gpp sih xD
22:29 XxKuroUsagixX: 1/1 owo?
22:29 Niva: 02:15:451 (2,3,4)-
22:29 Niva: err nvm~
22:29 Niva:
22:30 Niva: atau apa aja sih, yang penting jangan stack di situ
22:30 Niva: due to stacking's nature (2) will placed too close to (1) in play mode
22:30 Niva: err, bingung jelasinnya kalau b. indo ._.
22:31 XxKuroUsagixX: kore owo
22:31 Niva: 02:20:751 (x)-
22:31 Niva: tambahin note baru
22:31 Niva: di-stack di bawah (7)?
22:32 Niva: ok~
22:33 Niva: umm keseluruhan sagi teknik slider wavenya masih agak kasar sih
22:34 XxKuroUsagixX: owo
22:34 XxKuroUsagixX: note
22:34 XxKuroUsagixX: di bawah 7
22:34 XxKuroUsagixX: ah iya
22:34 XxKuroUsagixX: itu mestinya disini menurutku sih
22:34 XxKuroUsagixX: 02:20:751 (7)-
22:34 XxKuroUsagixX: 7 nya
22:34 XxKuroUsagixX: jadi itu doublestack?
22:34 Niva: yap~
22:34 XxKuroUsagixX: oke owo
22:35 Niva: 02:39:651 (9)- err ini spacing error nggak sih
22:35 Niva: maybe just my eye ._.
22:36 XxKuroUsagixX: changed owo
22:36 XxKuroUsagixX: eh wait
22:36 XxKuroUsagixX: aku pake
22:36 Niva: 02:42:451 (1)- remove new combo
22:36 XxKuroUsagixX: 0.6 keanya
22:37 XxKuroUsagixX: done owo
22:37 XxKuroUsagixX: btw
22:37 XxKuroUsagixX: itu saya hitsoundnya ngaco bagian situ2
22:37 XxKuroUsagixX: .w.
22:37 Niva: 02:50:251 (2,3)-
22:37 Niva: dst sampai (9)
22:37 Niva: coba pakai accelerated spacing
22:37 Niva:
22:38 XxKuroUsagixX: maksudnya?
22:38 XxKuroUsagixX: ah okeoke'
22:38 Niva: 02:56:851 (1)- remove new combo
22:38 Niva: 02:58:051 (9)- new combo
22:38 Niva: 02:58:451 (1)- remove new combo
22:40 Niva: 03:06:651 (3,4,5,6,7,8)- coba pakai manual stack btw
22:40 Niva: supaya full symmetry
22:40 XxKuroUsagixX: maksudnya? owo
22:40 Niva: err
22:40 Niva: uploading screenshot ._.
22:41 Niva: btw 03:07:451 (9)- finish
22:41 XxKuroUsagixX: owo woke
22:41 Niva: yak SHIFT+F12 error
22:41 Niva: brb imgur
22:45 Niva: err sorry dc
22:45 Niva:
22:45 Niva:
22:45 Niva: stacking's nature sih
22:45 XxKuroUsagixX: hoo sip
22:46 Niva: ok~
22:46 Niva: duh moddingnya ngaco yah ._.
22:46 XxKuroUsagixX: done owo
22:46 XxKuroUsagixX: hueh?
Topic Starter

Niva wrote:

IRC mod... duh ini moddingnya keburu-buru + nggak konsentrasi orz, sorry Sagi ._.

21:44 XxKuroUsagixX: niv
21:44 XxKuroUsagixX: m-mod ;w;
21:44 Niva: umm?
21:44 *XxKuroUsagixX is listening to Yuyoyuppe - ALONE
21:44 Niva: oh
21:44 Niva: irc mod ok? :D
21:44 XxKuroUsagixX: iya ;w;
21:44 XxKuroUsagixX: tapi kasi kudosunya gimana ;w;
21:45 Niva: oh nanti lognya dipost
21:45 XxKuroUsagixX: oke ;w;
21:45 Niva: btw tanggal 1 katanya mau main t/d caps ._.
21:45 XxKuroUsagixX: iya ;w;
21:45 XxKuroUsagixX: pada lupa ;w;
21:45 Niva: . . .
21:45 XxKuroUsagixX: aku tanya dapid timingnya udah katanya ;w;
21:45 Niva: ok2, download dulu btw
21:45 XxKuroUsagixX: oke ;w;
21:48 XxKuroUsagixX: aku banyak kesalahan nih ;w;
21:48 Niva: err masih 80%
21:48 Niva: my net ._.
21:49 XxKuroUsagixX: iya gapapa ;w;
21:49 Niva: ah ok2
21:49 *Niva is listening to Yuyoyuppe - ALONE
21:50 XxKuroUsagixX: saya siap ;w;
21:50 Niva: 00:03:662 (5)- new combo
21:51 Niva: umm kalau ada slowdown usahakan new combo sih o.o
21:51 Niva: ini juga 00:08:715 (4)-
21:52 Niva: 00:12:188 (7)- sampleset : Drum
21:52 XxKuroUsagixX: owo
21:52 XxKuroUsagixX: ah iya
21:52 XxKuroUsagixX: wait sampleset drum
21:52 Niva: yap~
21:53 XxKuroUsagixX: maksud
21:53 Niva: umm sekarang kan sampleset ada 3
21:53 Niva: normal, soft, drum~
21:53 XxKuroUsagixX: iya owo
21:53 XxKuroUsagixX: aku kan pake custom
21:53 XxKuroUsagixX: owo
21:53 XxKuroUsagixX: di clap ada snare
21:53 XxKuroUsagixX: jadi gimana? owo
21:54 Niva: umm khusus 00:12:188 (7)- aja sih
21:54 Niva: drum, no hitsound
21:54 Niva: buat splash sound~
21:54 XxKuroUsagixX: ah oke owo
21:54 XxKuroUsagixX: lanjut
21:55 Niva: 00:15:820 (3)- repeat arrownya nggak kelihatana pakai defualt hitburst orz :D
21:55 Niva: yah jauhin aja sih btw
21:55 XxKuroUsagixX: owo
21:55 XxKuroUsagixX: maksudnya? owo
21:56 Niva: umm, di test mode repeat arrownya nggak kelihatan
21:56 Niva: ketutupan sama 300-nya 00:15:030 (1)-
21:57 XxKuroUsagixX: D: ga tau mau taro dimana enaknya orz
21:57 Niva: umm ya itu~
21:57 Niva: di screenshot itu xD
21:57 Niva: terus
21:58 Niva: 00:18:030 (2,3,4)-
21:58 Niva: apa ini nggak dijadiin repeat slider aja?
21:58 XxKuroUsagixX: gini gapapa?
21:58 Niva: soalnya di play mode agak aneh kalau stacking
21:58 Niva: sip~
21:59 XxKuroUsagixX: owo
21:59 XxKuroUsagixX: ng
21:59 XxKuroUsagixX: repeat slider
22:00 Niva: stacking's nature
22:00 Niva: umm
22:00 Niva: gimana jelasinnya yah
22:00 Niva: istilah modd
22:00 Niva: *ing
22:00 Niva: orz
22:00 Niva: btw 00:27:662 (3)- like this ?
22:00 Niva: supaya (8) keblanket
22:01 XxKuroUsagixX: kalo ga keblanket salah ya? owo
22:01 Niva: 00:36:425 (4)- ...sebenarnya di sini nggak ada beat orz, mending di-remove imo
22:01 Niva: nggak salah sih :D
22:01 Niva: suggestion itu xD
22:02 XxKuroUsagixX: owo
22:02 XxKuroUsagixX: ga jadi stream dong owo
22:02 Niva: 00:37:767 (1)- orz ini overlapnya nggak enak dilihat umm... bntr2
22:02 Niva: iya sih~
22:02 Niva: tapi memang musiknya triple + note itu :D
22:03 XxKuroUsagixX: wait suaranya ato apa?
22:03 XxKuroUsagixX: owell udah kujadikan stack
22:03 Niva: 00:37:767 (1)- supaya nggak overlap
22:04 XxKuroUsagixX: owo?
22:04 Niva: err ssnya belum kebuka orz ._.
22:04 XxKuroUsagixX: xD
22:04 Niva:
22:04 XxKuroUsagixX: ah iya owo
22:04 Niva: 00:41:478 (4)- ini juga remove note xD
22:05 XxKuroUsagixX: jadi gada triple stack? owo
22:05 Niva: umm~
22:05 XxKuroUsagixX: btw leia juga banyak yang model2nya gitu o_o
22:06 XxKuroUsagixX: gada beat tetep dipake owo
22:06 Niva: 00:46:609 (5)- finish on slider's start
22:06 Niva: ah ok2
22:06 XxKuroUsagixX: jadi gimana? owo
22:06 Niva: err terserah sagi sih~
22:06 XxKuroUsagixX: soalnya saya jarang2 bisa bikin stream desu
22:06 Niva: clapnya udah lumayan membantu kok
22:06 XxKuroUsagixX: oke owo
22:07 Niva: 00:54:188 (4)- new combo
22:07 XxKuroUsagixX: 00:37:136 (7)- jadi bagian sini stack triplenya diilangin?
22:08 Niva: oh nggak, itu tetap triple stack
22:08 Niva: intinya sih dari square -> pentagon
22:08 XxKuroUsagixX: owo hm?
22:08 Niva: supaya 00:37:767 (1)- nggak overlap sama00:38:399 (4)-
22:09 Niva: 00:59:241 (5)- umm ini juga jangan overlap sih
22:09 Niva:
22:09 XxKuroUsagixX: oke done owo pentagon
22:09 Niva: ...oh wait
22:09 Niva: begini aja yang 59:241
22:10 Niva: supaya distancenya equal~
22:10 XxKuroUsagixX: overlap owo
22:10 Niva: :D
22:10 XxKuroUsagixX: tapi masih keliatan kan owo
22:11 XxKuroUsagixX: hoo wait
22:11 XxKuroUsagixX: jump nambah xD
22:11 Niva: kalau pakai default hit-300 nggak enak dilihat orz ._.
22:11 XxKuroUsagixX: owo
22:11 XxKuroUsagixX: niv
22:11 XxKuroUsagixX: ada yang cuma ku balik owo;
22:12 Niva: o.o
22:12 Niva: 01:04:294 (5)- err this
22:13 Niva:
22:13 Niva: dan lanjutannya
22:13 XxKuroUsagixX: itu kenapa owo
22:13 XxKuroUsagixX: btw ini
22:13 Niva: umm suggestion? xD
22:14 Niva: Lanjutannya
22:14 XxKuroUsagixX: saya maniak lurus2 owo
22:14 Niva: masih kurang ke bawah btw (6)
22:14 XxKuroUsagixX: ku kesamping gapapa? owo
22:15 Niva: yap~
22:15 XxKuroUsagixX: ng bentar
22:15 XxKuroUsagixX:
22:15 XxKuroUsagixX: belom cukup ya? owo
22:16 Niva: yap
22:16 Niva: jadi endpoint slider jump
22:16 XxKuroUsagixX: sipsip
22:16 XxKuroUsagixX: lalu? owo
22:16 Niva: 01:15:346 (6)- clap
22:16 XxKuroUsagixX: sebenernya anda cuma perlu mod dikit sih soalnya saya flip2 owo
22:16 XxKuroUsagixX: done owo
22:17 Niva: 01:19:926 (4,5,6)- err ini kurang enak aestheticnya
22:17 Niva: bntr2
22:17 XxKuroUsagixX: shapenya? owo
22:17 Niva: ap
22:18 Niva: *yap
22:18 XxKuroUsagixX: nempa?
22:18 Niva: 01:19:926 (4,5,6)-
22:18 Niva:
22:18 XxKuroUsagixX: not found owo
22:19 Niva:
22:20 Niva: 01:20:715 (3)- err ini sama seperti slider wave yang sebelumnya sih o.o
22:21 XxKuroUsagixX: gini boleh ga?
22:21 Niva: sip
22:22 Niva: 01:30:188 (1,2,3,4,5)-
22:22 XxKuroUsagixX: 00:26:873 (4,5,6)-
22:22 Niva: (1)-nnya mending di tengah imo
22:22 XxKuroUsagixX: ini kenapa anda ga pertanyakan? owo
22:22 XxKuroUsagixX: di flip lho owo;
22:22 Niva: err?
22:22 Niva: umm idk...
22:23 Niva: ascending dari bawah ke atas nggak terlalu kelihatan imo o.o
22:23 Niva: 01:35:715 (6)- ~x:51 y:187
22:24 XxKuroUsagixX: gitu gapapa?
22:24 Niva: err yang pingin gw tekanin sih
22:24 XxKuroUsagixX: eh
22:24 Niva: kotaknya diputar :D
22:24 XxKuroUsagixX: wait
22:25 XxKuroUsagixX: salah
22:25 Niva: err ini second kiai diflip yah~
22:25 XxKuroUsagixX: oke owo
22:25 XxKuroUsagixX: iya owo;
22:26 Niva: ah ok, gw langsung lanjut yah ke setelah 02:03:662 (1)-
22:26 XxKuroUsagixX: itu anda pake grid paling kecil?
22:27 XxKuroUsagixX: kalo saya x 72 y184 gimana?
22:27 Niva: grid snap gw selalu off btw
22:27 Niva: umm?
22:27 Niva: intinya lebih diseimbangin sih~
22:27 XxKuroUsagixX: ohh oke xD
22:27 Niva: 02:10:051 (8)- ini sengaja 3/4?
22:28 Niva: umm
22:28 Niva:
22:28 XxKuroUsagixX: kalogasala disuru dapid owo
22:28 XxKuroUsagixX: oh itu
22:29 Niva: bukan timing sectionnya...
22:29 XxKuroUsagixX: iya sengaja desu owo
22:29 Niva: umm aneh sih
22:29 Niva: mending 1/1 imo
22:29 Niva: tapi gpp sih xD
22:29 XxKuroUsagixX: 1/1 owo?
22:29 Niva: 02:15:451 (2,3,4)-
22:29 Niva: err nvm~
22:29 Niva:
22:30 Niva: atau apa aja sih, yang penting jangan stack di situ
22:30 Niva: due to stacking's nature (2) will placed too close to (1) in play mode
22:30 Niva: err, bingung jelasinnya kalau b. indo ._.
22:31 XxKuroUsagixX: kore owo
22:31 Niva: 02:20:751 (x)-
22:31 Niva: tambahin note baru
22:31 Niva: di-stack di bawah (7)?
22:32 Niva: ok~
22:33 Niva: umm keseluruhan sagi teknik slider wavenya masih agak kasar sih
22:34 XxKuroUsagixX: owo
22:34 XxKuroUsagixX: note
22:34 XxKuroUsagixX: di bawah 7
22:34 XxKuroUsagixX: ah iya
22:34 XxKuroUsagixX: itu mestinya disini menurutku sih
22:34 XxKuroUsagixX: 02:20:751 (7)-
22:34 XxKuroUsagixX: 7 nya
22:34 XxKuroUsagixX: jadi itu doublestack?
22:34 Niva: yap~
22:34 XxKuroUsagixX: oke owo
22:35 Niva: 02:39:651 (9)- err ini spacing error nggak sih
22:35 Niva: maybe just my eye ._.
22:36 XxKuroUsagixX: changed owo
22:36 XxKuroUsagixX: eh wait
22:36 XxKuroUsagixX: aku pake
22:36 Niva: 02:42:451 (1)- remove new combo
22:36 XxKuroUsagixX: 0.6 keanya
22:37 XxKuroUsagixX: done owo
22:37 XxKuroUsagixX: btw
22:37 XxKuroUsagixX: itu saya hitsoundnya ngaco bagian situ2
22:37 XxKuroUsagixX: .w.
22:37 Niva: 02:50:251 (2,3)-
22:37 Niva: dst sampai (9)
22:37 Niva: coba pakai accelerated spacing
22:37 Niva:
22:38 XxKuroUsagixX: maksudnya?
22:38 XxKuroUsagixX: ah okeoke'
22:38 Niva: 02:56:851 (1)- remove new combo
22:38 Niva: 02:58:051 (9)- new combo
22:38 Niva: 02:58:451 (1)- remove new combo
22:40 Niva: 03:06:651 (3,4,5,6,7,8)- coba pakai manual stack btw
22:40 Niva: supaya full symmetry
22:40 XxKuroUsagixX: maksudnya? owo
22:40 Niva: err
22:40 Niva: uploading screenshot ._.
22:41 Niva: btw 03:07:451 (9)- finish
22:41 XxKuroUsagixX: owo woke
22:41 Niva: yak SHIFT+F12 error
22:41 Niva: brb imgur
22:45 Niva: err sorry dc
22:45 Niva:
22:45 Niva:
22:45 Niva: stacking's nature sih
22:45 XxKuroUsagixX: hoo sip
22:46 Niva: ok~
22:46 Niva: duh moddingnya ngaco yah ._.
22:46 XxKuroUsagixX: done owo
22:46 XxKuroUsagixX: hueh?
Thank you Niva x3!
Topic Starter
Oops, doubleposted ._.
IRC modded, long conversation~

Good luck with the map! It's amazing.
Topic Starter

Sathron wrote:

IRC modded, long conversation~

Good luck with the map! It's amazing.
Thank you, Sathron >w<!

NOTE: Set the offset 1291 to fix the metronome.
no kds.

Thank ゆ :3
Topic Starter

Naryuga wrote:


NOTE: Set the offset 1291 to fix the metronome.
no kds.

Thank ゆ :3
got it >w<!
thank ゆ narゆ~
i added the taiko background for ゆ~ Removed taiko BG desu~
IRC request

Before, please read my mod carefully to see the difference between suggestion and must.
Also, please leave a comment on every mod you disagree. This way, I can fix my modding quality.

1. Offset 29. Make sure to uncheck these things :
Also, do it on F6.


1. 00:52:923 - You forget about adding kiai.
2. 01:10:607 - You gorget about removing kiai.

For now, no kd. PLEASE.
Topic Starter

Loli Cjj wrote:

IRC request

Before, please read my mod carefully to see the difference between suggestion and must.
Also, please leave a comment on every mod you disagree. This way, I can fix my modding quality.

1. Offset 29. Make sure to uncheck these things :
Also, do it on F6.


1. 00:52:923 - You forget about adding kiai.
2. 01:10:607- You gorget about removing kiai.

For now, no kd. PLEASE.
about the kiai on 01:10:607, i did it on purpose only for the fountain effect, the rest including offset is done, thank you!
Let's go.

1. You don't need Yuyoyuppe anymore at tags. It's already available as an artist. Also, do we have to put 2 Nico? I think one is enough.

This style is just, perfect.

1. 00:24:346 (4,5,6,7,1) - You just broke the beauty of flow. Consider to remake this. Just use 00:23:873 (3) - 's end circle to make such a great triangle or square. Don't worry about overlap (too much). Don't forget to change 01:17:399 (4,5,6,7,1) - too (since it's copypasta)
2. 02:03:347 (10) - Use whistle instead. Or, don't add any hitsound. Finish here just make 02:03:660 (1) - finish sounds useless.

=Taiko General=
First of all, black bg or it was me?

=Naryuga's Taiko Futsuu=
1. 00:02:869 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - Too long spam k is boring, although I use it but I never do such a thing in a long time (10 seconds, such a nono).
> 00:06:659 (7,8) - Instead, you can do this :
2. 01:00:975 (1,1,1,1,2,3) - First, too long. Second, it might confuse beginners. Try to make it k k k k k k instead. You're not planning to follow anything except guitar's deep note, are you?
3. 01:09:501 (1) - Delete
4. 01:09:817 (2) - k
5. 01:15:659 (1) - Make it simple, d.
6. 01:16:922 (1) - d
7. 01:18:186 (1) - d
8. 01:19:448 (1) - d
9. 01:20:713 (1) - d
10. 01:21:976 (1) - d
11. 01:24:501 (1) - d
12. 01:34:606 (1) - d
13. 01:44:712 (2) - d
~ Let's take a break and ask yourself : Is this D in such a pattern is okay for futsuu? Especially on a quite high bpm like this, you can't say that it's hittable for every beginner~
14. 01:54:027 (1,1,1,1,2,3) - First, too long. Second, it might confuse beginners. Try to make it k k k k k k instead. You're not planning to follow anything except guitar's deep note, are you?
15. 02:02:554 (1) - Delete
16. 02:02:869 (2) - k
17. 02:10:051 - and further, I'm not sure using duplets is okay. Please consider about this.
18. 02:19:651 (1) - d
19. 02:22:851 (2) - d

Listen - I'm not forcing you to trim all of these D, but I think you should because putting D means adding difficulty to the map. Fear not! Your map won't turn into Kantan after all.

=Naryuga's Taiko Oni=
1. HP+1 (6) ; OD +1 (6)
2. 01:15:343 (1) - k
3. 01:27:659 (8) - d
4. 01:28:133 (10) - d

Good luck.
Sorry for bad quality mod.
Topic Starter

Loli Cjj wrote:

Let's go.

1. You don't need Yuyoyuppe anymore at tags. It's already available as an artist. Also, do we have to put 2 Nico? I think one is enough. Done!

This style is just, perfect.

1. 00:24:346 (4,5,6,7,1) - You just broke the beauty of flow. Consider to remake this. Just use 00:23:873 (3) - 's end circle to make such a great triangle or square. Don't worry about overlap (too much). Don't forget to change 01:17:399 (4,5,6,7,1) - too (since it's copypasta) I tried to use 00:23:873 (3) - 's end circle but apparently I needed more space, so instead i made another square jump.
2. 02:03:347 (10) - Use whistle instead. Or, don't add any hitsound. Finish here just make 02:03:660 (1) - finish sounds useless. Used whistle on the first one and Changed it into drum to add only a splash sound.

=Taiko General=
First of all, black bg or it was me? Changed BG, I forgot that I cant put custom taiko BG so I replaced it with the old one.

Good luck.
Sorry for bad quality mod.
Thanks Loli :33!

Loli Cjj wrote:

Let's go.

=Taiko General=
First of all, black bg or it was me? - Nah, when I redownloaded after you posted the mod Taiko BG is used. But we decided to remove out it and to use the same BG to Standard diffs, because Taiko-Specific BG will be unrankable. I told it to sagi.

=Naryuga's Taiko Futsuu=
1. 00:02:869 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - Too long spam k is boring, although I use it but I never do such a thing in a long time (10 seconds, such a nono).
> 00:06:659 (7,8) - Instead, you can do this :
- Indeed, it is really boring as you say. I fixed around 00:06:659 (7,8) - but using another pattern using dons.
2. 01:00:975 (1,1,1,1,2,3) - First, too long. Second, it might confuse beginners. Try to make it k k k k k k instead. You're not planning to follow anything except guitar's deep note, are you? - I agree that it is too long and confusing for Taiko beginners. I fixed this by using dons instead of kats because kats are too light here IMO...
3. 01:09:501 (1) - Delete - deleted 01:09:818 - instead in order to follow the vocal
4. 01:09:817 (2) - k ^
5. 01:15:659 (1) - Make it simple, d.
6. 01:16:922 (1) - d
7. 01:18:186 (1) - d
8. 01:19:448 (1) - d
9. 01:20:713 (1) - d
10. 01:21:976 (1) - d
11. 01:24:501 (1) - d
12. 01:34:606 (1) - d
13. 01:44:712 (2) - d
~ Let's take a break and ask yourself : Is this D in such a pattern is okay for futsuu? Especially on a quite high bpm like this, you can't say that it's hittable for every beginner~ - I believe they (No.5~13) are all fixed.
14. 01:54:027 (1,1,1,1,2,3) - First, too long. Second, it might confuse beginners. Try to make it k k k k k k instead. You're not planning to follow anything except guitar's deep note, are you? - fixed with another pattern
15. 02:02:554 (1) - Delete - changed like the previous kiai
16. 02:02:869 (2) - k - ^
17. 02:10:051 - and further, I'm not sure using duplets is okay. Please consider about this. - I think it's acceptable even though this is the lower diff in this mapset. The twins in 150BPM is even good for the introduction to Futsuu(Normal) difficulty.
18. 02:19:651 (1) - d
19. 02:22:851 (2) - d - both done

Listen - I'm not forcing you to trim all of these D, but I think you should because putting D means adding difficulty to the map. Fear not! Your map won't turn into Kantan after all. - I reconsidered the use of all big notes, and I decided many of finishes in this diff. Indeed I'm new to map easier taiko diffs, so your advice helped me a lot. thanks.

=Naryuga's Taiko Oni=
1. HP+1 (6) ; OD +1 (6) - both no changed. The OD is my preference (mostly I use OD5 on most of my Taiko diffs). The HP is due to not only my preference but to the length of this song. IMO HP6 is not suitable with maps which has more than 1000 notes.
2. 01:15:343 (1) - k - okay
3. 01:27:659 (8) - d - Nope. I don't want break the kats pattern... It isn't too nonsense IMO.
4. 01:28:133 (10) - d - ^

Good luck.
Sorry for bad quality mod.
- No~ you helped me a lot! Thanks! :)
(Taiko mod~)

Hi Naryuga, I'm not an experienced Taiko modder but Sagi asked me to mod it via Twitter ._.

[Naryuga's Taiko Futsuu]

  1. 00:30:027 (1) - Is this (not in 00:30:186) intentional?
  2. 00:52:922 (1) - D?
  3. 01:02:239 (6) - Move 1/2 after? Follows a more distinct rhythm this way imo (both vocals and instrument)
  4. 01:38:869 (1) - k?
  5. 01:45:975 (1) - D?
  6. 02:56:251 (x) - Add d here?
  7. 02:59:451 (x) - Same as above
  8. 03:16:772 (2,3) - Change both to k? I can hear drum snares here o.o (plus it emphasizes your ending d actually)
[Naryuga's Taiko Oni]

  1. 00:43:448 (3) - d?
  2. 00:44:238 (2) - Switch to k, and
  3. 00:44:554 (2) - Switch to d (due to the pitch)?
  4. 01:28:922 (14,15) - Change to d to emphasize 01:29:554 (1)?
  5. 02:44:051 (3) - k?
  6. 02:58:651 (1) - d?
btw, Sagi, on all diffs set the first timing section to 00:02:396 so the metronome sounds correct...
I've modded some Taiko maps before and have 1 ranked Taiko diff but I'm not a Taiko expert orz, I hope this helps though (:

Niva wrote:

(Taiko mod~)

Hi Naryuga, I'm not an experienced Taiko modder but Sagi asked me to mod it via Twitter ._. - lol

[Naryuga's Taiko Futsuu]

  1. 00:30:027 (1) - Is this (not in 00:30:186) intentional? - an error. fixed
  2. 00:52:922 (1) - D? - I'll keep this, this use of big notes in this high BPM somg might be confusing for taiko beginners. I will change this to D when another modder says a kind of something "this should be big".
  3. 01:02:239 (6) - Move 1/2 after? Follows a more distinct rhythm this way imo (both vocals and instrument) - sounds nice
  4. 01:38:869 (1) - k? - I jast wanna make a mirror pattern with 01:35:871 (1,1,2) - 's dkk and 01:38:239 (1,1,2) - 's kdd.
  5. 01:45:975 (1) - D? - no change, the same reason to the previous part.
  6. 02:56:251 (x) - Add d here? - nice catchy and it would be familiar to begginers.
  7. 02:59:451 (x) - Same as above - done as well.
  8. 03:16:772 (2,3) - Change both to k? I can hear drum snares here o.o (plus it emphasizes your ending d actually) - done~
[Naryuga's Taiko Oni]

  1. 00:43:448 (3) - d? The voice's tone is sustained from 00:43:292 - so kkk fits better IMO.
  2. 00:44:238 (2) - Switch to k, and
  3. 00:44:554 (2) - Switch to d (due to the pitch)? - I'd changed the hitsound pattern here using these suggestions.
  4. 01:28:922 (14,15) - Change to d to emphasize 01:29:554 (1)? - I thought of whether this change is worth to end kats pattern here, and I've just changed them because it can emphasize 01:29:081 (1,2,3) - as well. good sound.
  5. 02:44:051 (3) - k? - no change sorry ._.
  6. 02:58:651 (1) - d? - I'd like to follow the vocal's pitch here
I've modded some Taiko maps before and have 1 ranked Taiko diff but I'm not a Taiko expert orz, I hope this helps though (: - It helps~ Thank you! :)
OKAYYYYYY!!!!! Lets Go!! sorry for the delay ;A; the song is kinda long and @_________@!

from PM-in game request

- Tags: (currently) Sagi VOCALOID2 VocaRock Nico Douga Megurine Luka Naryuga
Remove Sagi, because I bet its your name, your name is on the creator already.. so remove it X3 (sorry if i'm wrong)
Vocarock? what is it? OAO;;
- Remove .OSB in song folder because you are not adding any SB in it X3
- set a preview point (timing>set current position as preview point)

I don't like your Idea using soft hitsound.. it makes this diff hard to play because the player hardly hear the soft hitsound but.. yeah.. its just my imo
00:34:765 - change clap to normal-hitnormal sound
00:41:239 - ^
00:39:502 (4,5,6,7) - you could place this somewhere else? XD maybe something like this?
00:46:292 - add a note here to follow the vocal or turn 00:46:133 (2,x,3) - into 1/2 slider with 1 reverse
01:05:081 (5) - this does looks strange.. ;A; turn into two 1/2 slider without reverse, or one 1/2 slider with one reverse and add a note
01:36:660 (2,1) - idk.. but I think this does looks messy
01:28:133 (1,2,3) - spacing between (1,2) and (2,3) not constant
01:36:344 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^ spacing
idk but why the spacing suddenly wider?
02:41:051 (4) - you can turn this into 1 long slider

wwwwwwwwww val's style huh? X3
00:06:820 (3,4,5) - find another good spot so (5)'s End stacked with 00:06:030 (5) (turn off grid snap to do so)
00:08:083 (3,1,2) - stack (1) perfectly if you change ^
00:09:978 (1) - stack this perfectly too..
00:31:452 (6) - ^
00:32:241 (9) - I prefer you change this into a 2 circles
01:07:925 (8,9,1) - unconstant spacing
01:09:504 (1,2,3,4) - i don't hear any stream here.. so remove them and change into 1/2 slider or what ever you want XD
02:10:051 - from here on , add whistle on each white line
02:39:351 (6,7,8) - remove this.. because I don't hear any stream sound here ;A;
meh.. copy pasting? o-o;; follow mods from above then X3
Sorry I can't mod insane so much because I'm not a standard player ;____;

OAO;; I know its hard to make an easy diff in this song.. but yeah X3
00:05:081 - add d here.. even it sounds late.. but it fine imo
00:06:344 - ^
00:10:134 - ^
00:11:397 - ^
00:12:502 (2) - D , because of the loud voice and the beginning of the music
00:13:923 - add note here and delete the note 00:14:555 (k d k)
00:14:871 (2,x,1) - ^
00:16:134 (2,x,1,2,3) - ^ (k d k k k)
00:22:607 (2) - K?
00:44:555 (1,1,1,2) - k d k k
00:50:239 (1) - move this to 00:50:397 ?
00:52:923 (1) - add finish
00:57:818 - I heard a drum sound here too.. so why don't you move 00:57:976 (1) to 00:57:818 and add a circle 00:58:134
01:48:344 (2) - k
01:55:292 (1,1) - k d

02:11:051 (2) - move the note here 02:11:151 more fit with the drum
02:14:251 (2) - ^
02:17:451 (1) - ^
02:20:651 (1) - ^
02:22:251 (1) - ^ its up to you , you want to delete 02:22:451 (2) or not XD
02:30:251 (1) - ^ ^
02:33:451 (1) - ^ ^
02:23:851 (1) - ^
02:27:051 (1) - ^ and delete 02:27:251 (2)
02:28:651 (1) - ^ ^
and fix other same things too
02:27:451 (2,3,1) - ddd
You got a good flow there.. if you change ^ this stuff.. It'll get better imo.. but I dunno too XD Different peoples opinion right? X3

I need about a week more to done my GD ;A; its a long song and a hard song to map an easy map.. I'm still at 28.7% ;A; and ima sick >_> so.. yeah you know... so much delay.. ;A; sorry.. ;____; okayy X3 here :D is the diff and here is the hitsound . I use normal hitsound, so it won't ruin your diffs X3 and the offset ;A; I use 20.. idk but i feel it more fit than 26


Topic Starter

Teru21 wrote:

OKAYYYYYY!!!!! Lets Go!! sorry for the delay ;A; the song is kinda long and @_________@!

from PM-in game request

- Tags: (currently) Sagi VOCALOID2 VocaRock Nico Douga Megurine Luka Naryuga
Remove Sagi, because I bet its your name, your name is on the creator already.. so remove it X3 (sorry if i'm wrong)
Vocarock? what is it? OAO;; Removed, ah Vocarock is the overall genre owo
- Remove .OSB in song folder because you are not adding any SB in it X3 removed~
- set a preview point (timing>set current position as preview point)

I don't like your Idea using soft hitsound.. it makes this diff hard to play because the player hardly hear the soft hitsound but.. yeah.. its just my imo changed to normal hitsound, i thought so too xD thanks!
00:34:765 - change clap to normal-hitnormal sound done!
00:41:239 - ^ ^
00:39:502 (4,5,6,7) - you could place this somewhere else? XD maybe something like this? done~
00:46:292 - add a note here to follow the vocal or turn 00:46:133 (2,x,3) - into 1/2 slider with 1 reverse used a slider~
01:05:081 (5) - this does looks strange.. ;A; turn into two 1/2 slider without reverse, or one 1/2 slider with one reverse and add a note changed and used the 2nd option
01:36:660 (2,1) - idk.. but I think this does looks messy it looks okay to me, imo its still readable, so im not changing it
01:28:133 (1,2,3) - spacing between (1,2) and (2,3) not constant its still readable and i put the (2) in the middle, if i change it, it would be messier x.x
01:36:344 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^ spacing changed
idk but why the spacing suddenly wider? made it on purpose during pre-reffs and reffs xD
02:41:051 (4) - you can turn this into 1 long slider added a note and added a long slider instead

wwwwwwwwww val's style huh? X3
00:06:820 (3,4,5) - find another good spot so (5)'s End stacked with 00:06:030 (5) (turn off grid snap to do so) sorry i cant change this x.x i already measured the jump and cant find another good place for it
00:08:083 (3,1,2) - stack (1) perfectly if you change ^
00:09:978 (1) - stack this perfectly too.. if i stack it perfectly then the slider would be slightly tilted and i dont really like it x.x i cant do this sorry
00:31:452 (6) - ^
00:32:241 (9) - I prefer you change this into a 2 circles the flow is nice already, no can do sorry x_x
01:07:925 (8,9,1) - unconstant spacing changed the spacing a bit
01:09:504 (1,2,3,4) - i don't hear any stream here.. so remove them and change into 1/2 slider or what ever you want XD i added streams for only playing purposes, if i remove the stream it would be a waste since i found the spot well-located for additional streams, check other insane maps, some use this types of streams as well, sorry but i cant remove xD
02:10:051 - from here on , add whistle on each white line
02:39:351 (6,7,8) - remove this.. because I don't hear any stream sound here ;A; it creates a flow so i cant remove it sorry ;w;
meh.. copy pasting? o-o;; follow mods from above then X3 check~
Sorry I can't mod insane so much because I'm not a standard player ;____;

I need about a week more to done my GD ;A; its a long song and a hard song to map an easy map.. I'm still at 28.7% ;A; and ima sick >_> so.. yeah you know... so much delay.. ;A; sorry.. ;____; okayy X3 here :D is the diff and here is the hitsound . I use normal hitsound, so it won't ruin your diffs X3 and the offset ;A; I use 20.. idk but i feel it more fit than 26


thanks a lot teru~! get well soon and thanks for helping, this helps me a lot you know xDD
oh and thanks for the diff!
Further modding (Normal and Easy diff) (:

15:13 XxKuroUsagixX: owo skarang?
15:13 Niva: umm, boleh~
15:13 Niva: afk 5 menit dulu ya btw (:
15:14 XxKuroUsagixX: sipsip
15:17 Niva: yep, back
15:17 XxKuroUsagixX: siap ww
15:19 Niva: umm... mod apa ini...
15:19 XxKuroUsagixX: o.o\
15:19 XxKuroUsagixX: maksudnya?
15:19 XxKuroUsagixX: normal+ kan
15:19 XxKuroUsagixX: sama easy
15:19 XxKuroUsagixX: kalo easy mod ke teru
15:19 Niva: 00:13:291 (2,3,4,5) -
15:19 XxKuroUsagixX: owo yes?
15:19 Niva: select semuanya, geser sedikit ke bawah tapi tanpa grid snap dan distance snap
15:20 Niva: supaya (3)-nya nggak terlalu mentok ke atas
15:20 Niva: *(2)
15:20 XxKuroUsagixX: ratain? owo
15:20 XxKuroUsagixX: di tengah2 in gitu kan
15:20 Niva: yap~
15:20 XxKuroUsagixX: oke done :3
15:21 Niva: 00:21:818 (4,5,1) -
15:21 Niva: magic of 120°
15:22 XxKuroUsagixX: sipsip
15:22 Niva: 00:28:923 (5) - missing finish
15:23 Niva: 00:31:923 (6,7,1,2) - umm di sini juga bisa sih
15:23 Niva: magic of 120°
15:23 Niva: xD
15:24 XxKuroUsagixX: bre
15:24 XxKuroUsagixX: btr*
15:24 XxKuroUsagixX: itu gimana?
15:24 Niva: masih ketajaman itu imo~
15:24 Niva: 00:34:765 (3) - clap on slider's start
15:26 Niva: 00:46:134 (2) - clap di akhir
15:27 Niva: 00:47:870 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - dibanding kotak-kotak mungkin bisa dibuat arc seperti ini supaya lebih smooth:
15:27 Niva:
15:28 XxKuroUsagixX: sipsip
15:28 Niva: 01:00:502 (5,6) - err spacingnya kenapa ini o.o
15:28 Niva: new combo (6), then
15:29 Niva: something like this :
15:29 XxKuroUsagixX: done
15:30 XxKuroUsagixX: itu knp spacingnya?
15:30 Niva: umm kedeketan?
15:30 XxKuroUsagixX: o.o
15:30 XxKuroUsagixX: eh?
15:30 Niva: 01:09:344 (x) - add note with finish
15:30 Niva: yep~
15:31 Niva: umm, ini part 2-nya di copy-paste nggak btw :D
15:31 XxKuroUsagixX: ga inget ;w;
15:32 XxKuroUsagixX: ini gapapa?
15:32 XxKuroUsagixX: btw add notenya itu stack ma slider?
15:32 Niva: sip (:
15:33 Niva: terserah, gw sih prefer di bawahnya slider~
15:33 Niva: 01:21:186 (2,3,5) - ada spacing issue sedikit sih, tapi mestinya gpp
15:33 XxKuroUsagixX: jadi stack gitu?
15:33 Niva: oh, 01:21:976 (5) - finish
15:33 Niva: umm~
15:34 Niva: 01:28:133 (1,2) - switch new combo (soalnya anti-jump di sini)
15:34 Niva: 01:28:133 (1,2) - new combo~
15:35 Niva: 02:02:397 (x) add note juga
15:35 Niva: sama seperti sebelumnya xD
15:35 XxKuroUsagixX: diatas slider?
15:35 Niva: yap :D
15:35 XxKuroUsagixX: stack kan?
15:35 XxKuroUsagixX: 3
15:35 Niva: terserah sih~
15:35 Niva: yep
15:36 XxKuroUsagixX: sipsip done
15:36 Niva: 02:33:251 (6) - coba buat ini encircle (7)
15:36 Niva: ...mungkin~ nggak mesti sih
15:36 XxKuroUsagixX: maksudnya ?
15:36 XxKuroUsagixX: owo
15:36 XxKuroUsagixX: encircle?
15:37 Niva: melingkari? xD
15:37 Niva: 02:41:251 (5) - whistle di awal dan di badan slider
15:37 Niva: ...err ini kenapa whistlingnya begini o.o
15:37 XxKuroUsagixX: o.o
15:38 XxKuroUsagixX: knp?
15:38 XxKuroUsagixX: owo
15:38 Niva: umm, jangan whistle di semuanya juga lah ._.
15:39 XxKuroUsagixX: soalnya cymbalnya sinkron sama snarenya o.o
15:39 Niva: ...umm, nvm (:
15:39 XxKuroUsagixX: khusus di itu kuwhistle smeua
15:39 XxKuroUsagixX: semua*
15:39 XxKuroUsagixX: bagian itu doang
15:39 XxKuroUsagixX: abis itu uda
15:39 Niva: err, terlalu berisik imo, tapi gpp sih
15:39 Niva: 03:04:051 (4) -
15:39 XxKuroUsagixX: owo oke
15:40 Niva: supaya sinkron?
15:40 XxKuroUsagixX: woke
15:41 Niva: sip
15:41 Niva: paling satu lagi 03:11:878 (1) - sih
15:41 Niva: coba ganti warna new combonya jadi light pink, supaya pink-merah-pink :D
15:41 XxKuroUsagixX: sipsip



[Teru's Easy]

-> Offset is different with other diffs!

  1. 00:06:967 (x) - It feels really weird that you're skipping a very distinctive finish sound here, with the magic of the new slider algorithm it won't be hard to extend the previous note as a slider (+ add finish on slider's end) though~
  2. 00:09:493 (3) - I highly recommend to move this to ~x:432 y:239 to avoid overlap with (2) REGARDLESS of the spacing consistency
  3. 00:12:493 (1,2,3) - ...are you creating these three manually? You can get something neater with 120° rotation though (:
  4. 00:21:335 (4,5) - Err, why overlap? Try something like this instead perhaps:
  5. 00:39:651 (1) - Try tilting this sole slider wave more to emphasize the encircle:
  6. 00:42:177 (3) - Try to add curve on it's first half as well (to get more flow with (2))?
  7. 00:57:967 (1) - The overlap is *somewhat* unavoidable here, I recommend a smooth-flowing wave to let it flow more naturally with (2) though (:
  8. 01:01:914 (3,4,1) - Why not perfect symmetry here? Won't be that hard...
  9. 01:08:388 (2,1) - Another shape which looks VERY forced imo, a continuous flow like this would be better imo:
  10. 01:09:809 (2) - If you didn't change above, I highly suggest to move the repeat to another direction though, as it might be deceiving (some players might think it's repeating 2x due to (3)'s position)
  11. 01:15:177 (1) - Hmm, either remove overlap, or how about creating a small jump with two circles here? Place the first (1) in the original slider's start and (2) in 01:15:651, ~x:256 y:350 - would give an excellent impression before the break, and not hard to catch at all xD
  12. 01:25:756 (1) - Slider wave (or any other variation) would work much better here compared to straight slider orz...
  13. 01:32:230 (2) - Set Addition to Soft on slider's end (:
  14. 01:35:072 (1,2) - Again here, I recommend to move them a bit without dist. snap and grid snap to avoid overlap :3
  15. 01:40:441 (6) - It would be much neater if you made this without grid snap though, for example:
  16. 01:44:230 (1,2) - ...why'd you stop the whistling here? I'd continue the whistles at least on (1)'s end and (2)'s repeat~
  17. 02:01:283 (1) - Addition : Soft, then add finish?
  18. 02:12:451 (1) - Again, if you curved this a bit the flow can be continuous actually:
  19. 02:14:051 (3) - I highly recommend to move it to ~y:295 to make it as an arc, as it'll GREATLY improve (1)'s flow as well
  20. 02:17:651 (2) - Hmm, what is the whistle for here? It doesn't really fit, as there is no instrument to be followed here o.o (also applies to next parts like this)
  21. 02:38:051 (4) - I'd create something like this here to keep the linearity, up to you though:
  22. 02:40:451 (3) - Just my suggestion to trick the lack of space:
  23. 02:40:451 (3) - Also with this slider, whistle on slider's end for the vocals?
  24. 02:45:651 (2,1,2,1) - Again about notes placement in a narrow space here, a pentagon like this may give better appeal before the spinner:
  25. 02:48:651 (1) - Finish on spinner's end obviously
  26. 02:58:051 (1) - Move to ~y:318? Yes, I know it's an easy diff, but in a slowdown I think it wouldn't be wise if you keep the tight spacing all the time - this small jump wouldn't be hard to catch, whilst giving a better symmetry impression (:
  27. 03:07:451 - Drag break start here
  28. 03:14:562 (3) - Refer to my suggestion on 00:09:493 (3)
ganbatte natcchi :3
awsome insane map <3
IRC summon kirai

The taiko spread diff is not good.
Change Futsuu to Muzu (so it will be Muzu-Oni), or Oni to Muzu (Futsuu-Muzu)

[Taiko Futsuu]
00:07:450 - finish
00:12:029 - k
00:12:502 - finish
00:16:765 (1,2) - k
00:22:607 - finish
00:29:397 - k
01:03:029 - finish
01:03:818 - finish
01:15:660 - finish?

[Taiko Oni]
01:00:344 - k
02:11:051 - move to 02:11:151
02:14:251 - move to 02:14:351
03:04:451 - d

fuck you no jk, ganba

~ Requested from in-game PM ~

  1. Tags should be NicoNico Douga right? while I found here is Nico Douga
  2. Add Teru21's name on the tags, since she made Easy diff right?
  3. If you use Pause-overlay then add the fail bg, it'll fill the skin set perfectly.
  4. Delete the .osb if you feel you do not need them
  5. Add preview point
[Teru's Easy]
  1. 00:08:230 (1,1,1)- : I don't think the NC have any necessary reason to add them, so remove them pls
  2. 00:21:335 (4,5)- : try this shape
  3. 03:13:299 (1,1,1)- : same opinion as 00:08:230-
  1. 00:22:607 (6)- : NC here?
  2. 00:34:765 (9)- : kinda cruel but NC here pls ._.
  3. 01:28:765 (1)- : remove nc
  4. 01:34:607 (8)- : nc here
  5. 02:32:451 (6)- : nc here
  1. 00:18:029 (2,3,4)- : move them to X:420 Y:212 to make a symmetric with previous slider
  2. It good because you followed the song perfectly
[Naryuga's Taiko Futsuu]
  1. 00:07:450 (2)- : D ? because you used D at 00:02:397 (1)- here so it'll be fit :3
  2. 00:12:502 (2)- : ^
  3. 00:22:607 (2)- : ^
  4. 00:44:555 (1,1,1)- : k d k more fit imo
  5. 01:18:029 - : add k here would good :3
  6. 01:47:081 (1)- : k would be good
[Naryuga's Taiko Oni]
  1. Seriously I'm in love with this diff <3
That's all I can find, feel free to not kd me because of this shit mod ;-;
good luck~!
Topic Starter

- t e n n y a - wrote:

~ Requested from in-game PM ~

  1. Tags should be NicoNico Douga right? while I found here is Nico Douga the actual is Nico Nico Douga with spaces between the two "Nico"s, since its spaced, i used only 1 Nico for the tags~
  2. Add Teru21's name on the tags, since she made Easy diff right?
  3. If you use Pause-overlay then add the fail bg, it'll fill the skin set perfectly. actually i think there's a new rule regarding custom backgrounds other than main bg, because popped up when i tried to upload, like the taiko-bg o.o
  4. Delete the .osb if you feel you do not need them funny, i remember deleting the OSB already o_o;
  5. Add preview point

  1. 00:22:607 (6)- : NC here?
  2. 00:34:765 (9)- : kinda cruel but NC here pls ._.
  3. 01:28:765 (1)- : remove nc nah, as niva suggested before because it's constant spacing, i'll need to add a new combo here
  4. 01:34:607 (8)- : nc here
  5. 02:32:451 (6)- : nc here
done everything anyways~

  1. 00:18:029 (2,3,4)- : move them to X:420 Y:212 to make a symmetric with previous slider
  2. It good because you followed the song perfectly
done exactly in spot~

That's all I can find, feel free to not kd me because of this shit mod ;-;
good luck~!
h-hueh jadi malu itu screenshotnya ////
makasih ya tennya :3 modnya unyu deh <3 kd given :3!

makasih juga usarin buat modnya di taiko :3

toradicted wrote:

ganbatte natcchi :3
insane map are awsome <3
thx tora :3

- t e n n y a - wrote:

[Teru's Easy]
  1. 00:08:230 (1,1,1)- : I don't think the NC have any necessary reason to add them, so remove them pls fixed
  2. 00:21:335 (4,5)- : try this shape
    nope.. I prefer mine ;A;
  3. 03:13:299 (1,1,1)- : same opinion as 00:08:230-
fix :D
thanks tennya
Topic Starter

oh and Naryu's computer is still broken ATM, so he could only fix it when his comp is fixed~
Great map, love the song, but sadly im not good enough to play insane :( the normal+ is still fun though. Keep up the work id like to play more songs like this :)
Okay Naryuga is here with an old alternative PC X3

Teru21 wrote:

OAO;; I know its hard to make an easy diff in this song.. but yeah X3
00:05:081 - add d here.. even it sounds late.. but it fine imo - very weird to me... :(
00:06:344 - ^
00:10:134 - ^
00:11:397 - ^
00:12:502 (2) - D , because of the loud voice and the beginning of the music - I'd rather make here easy so I prefer a small ome. (especially this note is on the red tick)
00:13:923 - add note here and delete the note 00:14:555 (k d k) - nope, like 00:05:081 - it sounds somehow weird to me ;3
00:14:871 (2,x,1) - ^
00:16:134 (2,x,1,2,3) - ^ (k d k k k)
00:22:607 (2) - K? - k/K here is too light here with the drum and guitar
00:44:555 (1,1,1,2) - k d k k - done
00:50:239 (1) - move this to 00:50:397 ? - good :3 done
00:52:923 (1) - add finish Making easy here, sorry!
00:57:818 - I heard a drum sound here too.. so why don't you move 00:57:976 (1) to 00:57:818 and add a circle 00:58:134 - no, I like 00:57:976 (1) - because this drum sound is stronger and neccesary imo =w=
01:48:344 (2) - k - done and moved to 01:48:502 -
01:55:292 (1,1) - k d - done

02:11:051 (2) - move the note here 02:11:151 more fit with the drum
02:14:251 (2) - ^
02:17:451 (1) - ^
02:20:651 (1) - ^
02:22:251 (1) - ^ its up to you , you want to delete 02:22:451 (2) or not XD
02:30:251 (1) - ^ ^
02:33:451 (1) - ^ ^
02:23:851 (1) - ^
02:27:051 (1) - ^ and delete 02:27:251 (2)
02:28:651 (1) - ^ ^
and fix other same things too
- Fixed almost everything above (maybe they're bug), except deleting some notes like 02:27:251 - because I'd like to add some essence(?) change in this part.
02:27:451 (2,3,1) - ddd - nope, the k fits the drum well
You got a good flow there.. if you change ^ this stuff.. It'll get better imo.. but I dunno too XD Different peoples opinion right? X3

Light Usagi wrote:

The taiko spread diff is not good.
Change Futsuu to Muzu (so it will be Muzu-Oni), or Oni to Muzu (Futsuu-Muzu)
- so... abandon the Futsuu and make a new Muzu? (At first I thought this mapset wouldn't include osu!Easy, so I decided to make this Futsuu)
I'll ask sagi

[Taiko Futsuu]
00:07:450 - finish
00:12:029 - k - since the guitar gets heavier here I prefer d here
00:12:502 - finish
00:16:765 (1,2) - k only 00:16:765 (4) -
00:22:607 - finish
00:29:397 - k - no
01:03:029 - finish
01:03:818 - finish
01:15:660 - finish?
- I've thought of the finishes, still keeped fow now. This is a diff for Taiko beginners, the song is high BPM, and the rhythm is a bit hard to put a big notes.

[Taiko Oni]
01:00:344 - k - no change due to the vocal's pitch
02:11:051 - move to 02:11:151 - why not, fixed
02:14:251 - move to 02:14:351 - ^
03:04:451 - d - ok

- t e n n y a - wrote:

[Naryuga's Taiko Futsuu]
  1. 00:07:450 (2)- : D ? because you used D at 00:02:397 (1)- here so it'll be fit :3
  2. 00:12:502 (2)- : ^
  3. 00:22:607 (2)- : ^
  4. 00:44:555 (1,1,1)- : k d k more fit imo - done~
  5. 01:18:029 - : add k here would good :3 - this 1/2 is hard imo ._.
  6. 01:47:081 (1)- : k would be good - done

[Naryuga's Taiko Oni]
  1. Seriously I'm in love with this diff <3 - <333 Thanks :3
Than you for modding, guys! :)

To Sagi: Feel free to ask me (or another person) for Taiko-Muzukashii diff and delete the Futsuu for a better Taiko difficulty spread :3
Fustuu - Oni can be ranked though ( example: )

- yes
- no
- semi-change / comment

Futsuu -
Oni -
Naryu's Inner Oni would be really cool hehehe

Can I make Muzukashii? tapi saya gabut kalo ngurusin GD ._.

Niva wrote:

Further modding (Normal and Easy diff) (:

[Teru's Easy]

-> Offset is different with other diffs! Last time I was playing with the offset but Idk why its the same as the other now @_@

  1. 00:06:967 (x) - It feels really weird that you're skipping a very distinctive finish sound here, with the magic of the new slider algorithm it won't be hard to extend the previous note as a slider (+ add finish on slider's end) though~ fix, tho I hate those new algorithm >_> so hard to use
  2. 00:09:493 (3) - I highly recommend to move this to ~x:432 y:239 to avoid overlap with (2) REGARDLESS of the spacing consistency mehh, sorry nope ;A; I don't think its overlap. and I care about the spacing cause its an easy..
  3. 00:12:493 (1,2,3) - ...are you creating these three manually? You can get something neater with 120° rotation though (: hell if I create manually I would die already wwww I don't think so I will change eh.. @_@ will change if any other modder complain about it.. cause changing that, means changing all..
  4. 00:21:335 (4,5) - Err, why overlap? Try something like this instead perhaps: wow.. XD fix 'em
  5. 00:39:651 (1) - Try tilting this sole slider wave more to emphasize the encircle: fix
  6. 00:42:177 (3) - Try to add curve on it's first half as well (to get more flow with (2))? mehh.. done
  7. 00:57:967 (1) - The overlap is *somewhat* unavoidable here, I recommend a smooth-flowing wave to let it flow more naturally with (2) though (: fixfixfixfixfixfixfix @_@
  8. 01:01:914 (3,4,1) - Why not perfect symmetry here? Won't be that hard... fix
  9. 01:08:388 (2,1) - Another shape which looks VERY forced imo, a continuous flow like this would be better imo: DONE XD
  10. 01:09:809 (2) - If you didn't change above, I highly suggest to move the repeat to another direction though, as it might be deceiving (some players might think it's repeating 2x due to (3)'s position)
  11. 01:15:177 (1) - Hmm, either remove overlap, or how about creating a small jump with two circles here? Place the first (1) in the original slider's start and (2) in 01:15:651, ~x:256 y:350 - would give an excellent impression before the break, and not hard to catch at all xD the jump was okay, but 2 circle i think no, I change it by my own opinion o3o but I take the jump ;A;
  12. 01:25:756 (1) - Slider wave (or any other variation) would work much better here compared to straight slider orz... fine o3o
  13. 01:32:230 (2) - Set Addition to Soft on slider's end (: added
  14. 01:35:072 (1,2) - Again here, I recommend to move them a bit without dist. snap and grid snap to avoid overlap :3 =3= okay
  15. 01:40:441 (6) - It would be much neater if you made this without grid snap though, for example: okay used yours
  16. 01:44:230 (1,2) - ...why'd you stop the whistling here? I'd continue the whistles at least on (1)'s end and (2)'s repeat~ I'm following the drum sound, so if I use a whistle, the sound will be a "hitwhistle Default"
  17. 02:01:283 (1) - Addition : Soft, then add finish? okay
  18. 02:12:451 (1) - Again, if you curved this a bit the flow can be continuous actually: fix
  19. 02:14:051 (3) - I highly recommend to move it to ~y:295 to make it as an arc, as it'll GREATLY improve (1)'s flow as well okay XD
  20. 02:17:651 (2) - Hmm, what is the whistle for here? It doesn't really fit, as there is no instrument to be followed here o.o (also applies to next parts like this) it. is. a. hitsound. pattern. Neh? =3=
  21. 02:38:051 (4) - I'd create something like this here to keep the linearity, up to you though: done
  22. 02:40:451 (3) - Just my suggestion to trick the lack of space: uh @_@ no , I just fix the spacing @_@
  23. 02:40:451 (3) - Also with this slider, whistle on slider's end for the vocals? okay
  24. 02:45:651 (2,1,2,1) - Again about notes placement in a narrow space here, a pentagon like this may give better appeal before the spinner: its good but I still prefer mine @_@
  25. 02:48:651 (1) - Finish on spinner's end obviously slider end? u sure? @_@ added on the start
  26. 02:58:051 (1) - Move to ~y:318? Yes, I know it's an easy diff, but in a slowdown I think it wouldn't be wise if you keep the tight spacing all the time - this small jump wouldn't be hard to catch, whilst giving a better symmetry impression (: mehhhh okay owo;;;
  27. 03:07:451 - Drag break start here
  28. 03:14:562 (3) - Refer to my suggestion on 00:09:493 (3) nope eh ;A;

Thanks Nipah o3o
Topic Starter

deathrevised wrote:

Great map, love the song, but sadly im not good enough to play insane :( the normal+ is still fun though. Keep up the work id like to play more songs like this :)
Thank you :3

Light Usagi wrote:

Can I make Muzukashii? tapi saya gabut kalo ngurusin GD ._.
Napa ga hard aja? xDDD lagi butuh GD hard nih ;w; taiko menurutku cukup 2 aja sih


make <hard diff>
AI mod : snapping issue ?


00:21:820 (6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14) - make a curved custom slider, then convert is to stream , more neat then
00:39:188 (8) - 1/2 ? , 1/4 slider better, of course with 1x SV , and put circle after it with normal sample set aka shift W
00:58:452 (2) - ctrl G (reverse)
00:58:767 (3) - ^
03:06:051 (1) - stack = =?

overall, overjump everywhere and custom SV o_o , this make this diff like insane ++


Normal + , should remove +, rename hard diff .give some speed and more jump , stream
or remove + , make it easier
kinda unrankable stuff with plus plus o_o

Teru Easy

nice at beginning
nice at slider
nice at hitsound


no comment

need re check ?
pm me =w=
Topic Starter

zeroclover wrote:



make <hard diff>
AI mod : snapping issue ?


00:21:820 (6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14) - make a curved custom slider, then convert is to stream , more neat then aaand done
00:39:188 (8) - 1/2 ? , 1/4 slider better, of course with 1x SV , and put circle after it with normal sample set aka shift W tried and felt off to me somehow, i'll just follow the tempo so no thx owob
00:58:452 (2) - ctrl G (reverse) done
00:58:767 (3) - ^ ^
03:06:051 (1) - stack = =? err yes stack owo

overall, overjump everywhere and custom SV o_o , this make this diff like insane ++


Normal + , should remove +, rename hard diff .give some speed and more jump , stream
or remove + , make it easier
kinda unrankable stuff with plus plus o_o
err yeah im still trying to figure this out, hopefully i can change it to hard

Teru Easy

nice at beginning
nice at slider
nice at hitsound


no comment

need re check ?
pm me =w=
further snapping coming up =w= i'll update the insane when im done figuring all of the snapping orz
Sorry for being late T.T
Anyway... Let's go :3


-I didn't say to you yesterday... how about consist a mapset with 3 standard diff : Normal, Hard, and Insane.
Teru's Easy is little bit hard to say Easy diff. It's more fit to Normal.


-00:12:493 (1) - You gave a clap sound on two sliderticks(3rd and 4th one).
It's pretty cool but I recommend that give a clatp sound on only 3rd slidertick like this.

-00:15:020 (3) , 00:17:546 (1) , 00:20:072 (3) : Same as former one.

-00:22:125 (5) - drum clap sound is little bit weird to here. Change to normal custom hitclap.

-02:10:051 (1) - very trivial suggestion about hitsound.

02:10:551 - decrease volume 80 to 60
02:10:851, 02:11:251 - Add a timing : N:C2 and volume 80.
02:11:051 - Add a timing : N:C2 and volume 60.

Just give some change...

-02:15:251 (1) - Delete NC

-02:18:851 (1) - Add NC for emphasizing.

-02:22:051 (4) - Delete whistle on end of slider.

-02:25:251 (4) , 02:31:651 (4) - Add NC

-02:28:451 (4) - Same with 02:22:051 (4)

-02:40:451 (3) - extend a slider to 02:41:451 and add two timing points.

02:41:251 - N:C2 volume 80

02:41:451 - N:C1 volume 40

-02:45:651 (2) - change to two circle. It would be more fit to music imo

-02:47:251 (2) - ^

-02:48:051 (1) - Delete NC

Awesome diff. But it's little bit hard for easy imo


-In Kiai part, slow sliders are not fit to map's flow imo. How about not using slow sliders...?

-00:52:450 (5,6) - Distance is little bit far... decrease a distance please.

-01:30:186 (1) - Add a clap

-02:17:551 (1,1) - delete NC

-02:18:851 (4) - Add Normal whistle on start and end of slider(like Teru's easy)

-02:20:351 (1,1) - Delete NC

-02:25:251 (1,2) - same effect 02:18:851 (4). Only Normal whistle would be good.

-02:31:651 (1,2), 02:38:051 (4,5) - ^

-02:39:351 (6,7,8) - It looks like overmapping... delete this 3 circles.

-02:41:051 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - make a sound gradually bigger. (like crescendo)

-02:50:051 (1,2) - How about change to slider like 02:48:451 (4)

-03:16:772 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - this stream looks weird to me...
Change the shape like this one would be better 03:00:251 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11)

I'll do normal diff tommorow.

If you add other diff, Please call me. :)
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