
You know you're an otaku when...

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bmin11 wrote:

whenever I think "I'm not an otaku"
When you spend way too much money on overpriced figures and merch

my poor wallet ;_ ;
Toki Hakurei
-When you start noticing comparisons between the anime and source material.

Kaoru wrote:

Don't worry, that stage rolls over eventually. You'll want to start talking about more constructive things in time (hopefully). I did.
Already past that stage along time ago xD
have been watching anime sense i was tiny as fuck ^^
Glad to know you're not worried about being socially constructive then!
-When you are watching more anime then normal series or movies.

Kaoru wrote:

Glad to know you're not worried about being socially constructive then!
Better that way :)

Also when you say Socially
Otaku ment pretty much - "Socially desturbed , having problems with daily life things" before then some young people started to use is in highschool and it got related to anime ^^

If im wrong Correct me don't spam the shizzle out of me for telling a lie this is taken from my head and my head is a false infomation station sometimes but i think this the Right stuff ^^
- when you spend your time more in the computer or whatever platform to watch anime
- when you go mad at a moe character or epic scene

special case for me, when I finished 10 series in 1 week with the average around 20 episode a day holidays only
When you need to change computers, and specially move all of your anime and visual novels to another portable hard disk so that they'll always be with you.
you marry an anime character and put it in your avatar/signature/userpage.

Sounds like a forum game btw.

MiawKatze wrote:

When you need to change computers, and specially move all of your anime and visual novels to another portable hard disk so that they'll always be with you.
haha almost true i store my anime/novels/Manga in a portable hard driver 24/7 so i can always take it with me if im going anywhere or the computer crash ^^
Also almost filled up the 2 tb NEED MORE 1080p!
Xylem Beer

mathexpert9981 wrote:

you fap regularly to 2-dimensional girls

UnderminE wrote:

When you don't have an actual life.
And when you hear an anime character speak, you immediately recognize who's the seiyuu behind that voice.

And when you're infront of the computer 20 hours a day.

Xylem Beer wrote:

mathexpert9981 wrote:

you fap regularly to 2-dimensional girls

UnderminE wrote:

When you don't have an actual life.
And when you hear an anime character speak, you immediately recognize who's the seiyuu behind that voice.

And when you're infront of the computer 20 hours a day.
So im not the only one with these kind of problems....

Cloudio-san wrote:

So im not the only one with these kind of problems....
I'm with ya brotha.
I guess im not an otaku... :cry:
Laughing at how I can connect to all this, you're not alone guys, no worries :D
The sad/good thing is, most of these things apply to me.

Oh yeah, you know when you're an otaku when you obsess over lolis and things owned by an anime character.
You use Japanese phrases and terms in your daily life.
come on, you are such a weaboo if you do that
when you realize you are over obsessed to japanese thing like anime, manga, figurine, etc and call every japanese cartoon style image/fanart is anime whatever is it. finally, you started hate people like that or weaboo
-your heart skipped a beat when you see your favorite anime stuff <3
You waste more money on plastic figures then stuff you actually need...
You own a dakimakura.
when u wanna live in an anime world i guess
and when ur collection of anime is more valuable than ur life (at lest for me orz)
You secretly think that you have special powers similar to that of characters in anime.
I know I'm an otaku when I watch endless anime and manga every single day and night non-stop. But I'm a student, so that applies in the holidays. School days - at least 1 manga/anime a week :3 And I say to proudly to my sister, "I CAN UNDERSTAND AND TALK JAPANESE, YOU BAKA!" and she doesn't know what baka is. [ but she knows now. So, meh. :| ]

jin_churiki wrote:

I know I'm an otaku when I watch endless anime and manga every single day and night non-stop. But I'm a student, so that applies in the holidays. School days - at least 1 manga/anime a week :3 And I say to proudly to my sister, "I CAN UNDERSTAND AND TALK JAPANESE, YOU BAKA!" and she doesn't know what baka is. [ but she knows now. So, meh. :| ]
Weaboo detected

UnderminE wrote:

When you don't have an actual life.
When you start fucking your life.
When you start being too obsessed about not-living things all the time.
When you psychologically forget that you are a living creature.
When you go outside just for anime/manga/Japanese-related stuff like buying something or going to a con.

And all. Other else are just "liking anime/manga/Japanese culture" not being otaku. I can not understand what is good about being an otaku. A person who goes to school, talks with friends, falls in love with a real girl/boy, does other things except Japanese-related stuff and still calls himself/herself as an otaku. That is not what otaku means.


Jarby wrote:

When even your family is ashamed of your existence in Japanese society.
Also well said.
I believe posts in this thread are referring to the westernized meaning of Otaku, which simply means a moderately hardcore anime fan. Still, very good points because I doubt everybody that posted in this thread is aware of this.
when, suddenly you felt different
When you look more hentai than porn (?

GeeNX wrote:

When you look more hentai than porn (?
whoa.... seriously.... that`s soooooo deeeeep :o :o :o :o

Yafutsufa wrote:

GeeNX wrote:

When you look more hentai than porn (?
whoa.... seriously.... that`s soooooo deeeeep :o :o :o :o
lol i agree~
When your friend asks you if you've seen the latest season of x show, and you tell them you don't watch shows with real people.

Yafutsufa wrote:

GeeNX wrote:

When you look more hentai than porn (?
whoa.... seriously.... that`s soooooo deeeeep :o :o :o :o
^Essentially a screamer. Don't open.
well I'm glad I'm not an otaku then.
When you shout "Masaka!" out loud when something bad happens without wanting to.
spent most of your time on anime, manga, vn etc...

Plus wrote:

When you shout "Masaka!" out loud when something bad happens without wanting to.
I've done something similar. Once, when I accidentally bumped into a girl walking to my next class in school (my school's pretty crowded), I instinctively said "oh, gomenasai". She gave me the weirdest look ._.
>go to store
>chinese supermarket, kinda run down
>real cheap stuff up here though
>bring several drinks, fruit, and other assorted foods
>cashier works the register
>"that'll be twenty-five fifty-two, sir."
>hand over money
>receive change
>say "arigato na"
>looks at me
>just realized what I've said
>grab bags
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