
With new year around the corner, any resolutions?

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noneed wrote:

Become #1 in osu!
how cute

loseri wrote:

noneed wrote:

Become #1 in osu!
how cute
u fiting wiv me m8?
do you even lift?
ill have you fagit know that i graduated top in my class, trained in gorilla warfare, more secret al quaeda jobs than your mom blow.... and you know the rest.

loseri wrote:

how cute
k, strike that above, i have a new resolution which includes you, your butthole and some toys. we'll have fun :3 i promise
sorry dude, you're too late, he's mine (✿◠‿◠)

Hoverlegs wrote:

sorry dude, you're too late, he's mine (✿◠‿◠)
I wanted to post "sorry my butthole belongs to hoverlegs, but thanks for trying."
My resolution is to stop fucking around in school.

...Considering my situation right now I should actually keep that one!

loseri wrote:

Hoverlegs wrote:

sorry dude, you're too late, he's mine (✿◠‿◠)
I wanted to post "sorry my butthole belongs to hoverlegs, but thanks for trying."
gg no re bab
Restless Spirit
Well, what I want to do (and what I definitely will do) is to start to learn japanese. And of course continue with that.
Aside from that, I want to watch more anime, play more games and be less social to other people. Really, I don't like most of them. There are only a few friendshps I'll take care of. Only a few people I want to hang out with.

Well... that's it. No other plans for the next year. Any further suggestions?
My new years resolution is to not get silenced, because obviously I'm a horrible person and the most idiotic person to have ever clicked a circle and I deserve it every time, regardless of whether I'm actually retarded or not (hint: I am lol)

Oh, on a serious note, I want to honor all my spring classes and learn some new useful shit.
listen to what dkun says cause he's right most of the times and its for your own good

My new years resolution is to focus on studying and not get too distracted by osu!
What I mean by love more is to forget her and prepare for another chance or get myself a girlfriend.

Since people on OT want to see Osu! drama and breakups. I'll be sacrifice myself to be one of the victims. It's time to put the popcorn in the microwave.
Maybe i will become more sociable to people not in my computer.
Or a more realistic one, finally learning to drive.
i want good grades at school
and good ranking and skill at osu! :) :? :?
to grow up.
Top 50 US in osu!

Not sucking at school.
Well I finally have a reason and the desire to make some resolutions. So it's srs bsns time, let's do this.

[X] To have a home that feels like a home.
[X] To have financial stability and not have to worry about being able to buy food or pay rent.
[X] To work at a job I do not hate with every fiber of my being.
[X] To have true inner peace and to not dread the fact that I continue living this existence every single day I wake up.
[X] To gain spiritual wisdom.
[X] To be able to go to get to sleep without being on the verge of tears every night.
[X] To not need pills or distractions to get to sleep.
[X] To truly learn from the fatal mistakes I have made and never repeat them.
[X] To do at least one act of unimaginable kindness.
[X] To do one thing that I myself can consider awe inspiring.
[X] To meet in person at least 1 online friend.
[X] To finally have the strength to stand up for myself without resorting to violence.
[X] To not love her anymore and be able to get over her.
[X] To follow through with learning another language, and not stop when I am close to knowing it enough for full conversation.
[X] To not be disgusted every time I look at myself in the mirror.
[X] To repay the kindness to those that aided me, and to cast down those that have done the opposite.
[X] To truly learn 1 skill I wish to possess.

I think that about sums it up, long list, but I've got lots of time. Why post such a serious thing here? Well I'd look like quite the dumb shit ass hole if I didn't follow through with everyone aware of it.
By the end of the year these will all be green and have become reality, I'll be sure of it.
It's a new year, everywhere. You know what you said, everyone, it's up to you to realise it.
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