
Shano x 40mP - Sanpo Michi [Osu|Taiko]

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Topic Starter

Flower wrote:

Hi~ queue mod~

红线改成00:00:656 - 因为Taiko Oni有红线前的note 这大概是不需要的吧...如果需要有另外一个modder或mapper或XAT确认.
打开epilepsy warning 因为一开始有一个连续的闪光可能造成危险 ok
如果不愿意加那个破坏气氛的warning就请手动加一个相关警告的SB 类似于
关于mapset,虽然现在的情况并不是不允许,但是你的两个难度都是一个人做的GD,怀疑XAT会挑 建议你至少再做个Taiko Muzukashii
(事实上按照难度不要跳跃的原则来看你也应该做一个Taiko Muzukashii)好吧我先找XAT确认.

[Taiko Futsuu]
01:15:656 (2,3,1) - 和前一段的oox oox呼应,这里可以改成xxo ok
01:31:656 (2,3,1) - ^ ok

[Taiko Oni]
00:05:906 (1) - delete 后面有改.
00:09:906 (2) - 如果上面那个删了这个也删掉 诶没.
00:17:406 (2,3,1,1,2,1,1,2,1) - 这一段和音乐不是很搭 建议重做 这很搭啊,这没跟钢琴.
01:07:406 (1,1,1,2,3,1,1,1) - 这段2连好像有些奇怪 我觉得要么连成串要么拆成3连? ^
01:36:406 (4,5,1) - 插音有些重复?改成oxx试试 no.
01:44:531 (1) - o 因为跟鼓声 ok.

Good luck~

Katsuri wrote:

Hi!! Hope to help you!! (:


  • Skin - SB lol this already change. try redownload.
  1. The folder's size is 12,4 MB, and it's greater than the allowed size 10MB. Maybe you could try to reduce it by removing these two unused images:
    1. saka.png
    2. sb\sanpo michi.png
This Sanpo Michi image is way too largue and is at 6MB. It would reduce a bit the oversize, then you could talk to a MAT~BAT to explain why the folder is way this largue.
[*]Maybe you would like to add an epilepsy warning, since you have strong slahes in the start and during the map. ah ok.
Song's Name and Artist
[*]Just pointing it here to say IT'S ALL OK! It looks like Shano is 40-meterP's wife. And looks like it's completely ok to use 40mp instead of 40-meterP, then this part is alright. ok.

Reply this post saying what wasn't applied and why not, for better control of changes to next modders.

TheVileOne wrote:


Why do you have audio leadin?

Taiko Futsuu
Not a taiko player sorry.

01:04:156 - why is there a gap here? ok/


If the taiko difficulties check out, this mapset is not far away from a bubble. good luck! thanks ~
long mods OwO
The replies are in the spoilerboxes below.

Reply to Flower

Flower wrote:

Hi~ queue mod~

Since AR does not affect star rating, you can increase AR to 4, which makes it look more like Normal. - finally changed the AR...
01:07:156 (2) - You can extend the slider to 01:07:906 - as I think this sounds better, but it is up to your preference. - no change. In this diff most of the diff follows 1/1 rhythm so it's comfortable for now

00:52:531 - I feel that there should be a note here... or maybe you can make 00:52:156 (5) - into a 1/2 slider. - nope. Mine can follow the background drum more imo.
00:58:906 (2) - change the slider type into "P" in .osu file and make better shape, maybe. - adjusted the slider, but not by using P type...
01:03:406 (3) - not a comfortable twist. - fixed by using your code. thx
01:07:656 (4) - better follow drum rather than piano. - Definitly this is an unsatisfactory way because you weren't sure wheather you got to follow the piano or drum. I think the piano makes more strong rhythm than drum, so I want to keep the 01:07:656 (4) - . btw I changed the behavior around 01:07:156 (2) -

01:37:406 (4,5,6,1) - strange inconsistency of DS. no blanket here, I think better change them to fit other parts. - fixed the DS. but the blanket is ok to me and I don't come up with better idea... orz

Good luck~ - thx :3 btw I like your signature いろヒカ <3
Reply to Katsuri

Katsuri wrote:

Hi!! Hope to help you!! (:


  • Design
  1. Ah, I don't like this yellow you use too much, it's too strong compared to the other colours! Maybe you'd rather use something like 249,243,132. - nice touch :3


  • Mapping
  1. 00:20:156 (5) - Try to remove this slider repeating and make it a 5 notes stream in 1/4 like this, then use the following hitsounds:
    1. 1st note - Normal sampleset | Normal Hit
    2. 2nd note - Normal sampleset | Normal Hit
    3. 3rd note - Drums Sampleset | Finish Hit ---> Clap Hit
    4. 4th note - Drums Sampleset | Finish Hit
    5. 5th note - Soft Sampleset | Finish Hit
    It would defintely sound like a fill-out to introduce the calm part. It sounded just awesomely here. You can take the code of this pattern here:
    to use this code, remove the slider and the note one from the beatmap, save it then paste the code anywhere in the HitObjects tag of the .osu file.- After some consideration, the suggestion filling it out to the next part sounds fine, and the hitsound is ok to me. But using 5 notes into 1/4 tick is difficult for this diff... so changed this by using a kick slider. At the third note, I tried using clap there, it sounded better to me.

  2. I don't actually know how much you want to improve the map here, maybe I would touch too much on your style, on the flow of the map, spacing and it would change the map too much, then I will leave it the way it is, cause it's fun to play, relaxing and the style plays well. Your mapping skills are still going to improve more and when you get to the middle, you will see of what I'm talking about. Nice map, tho. - thanks :3 I have to improve more!
    That was the point I liked the most here, I seem to have a good rhythmical ear, I brighted too much in this map! I have still some tips for you!
  3. 00:17:906 (5) - At the beggining of the slider, I would permute the whistle by a normal hit with the Normal sampleset. It would maybe give this fill-in more information, more feeling. - I'd like to use the whistle to follow the strong piano sound, and the background drum is not so strong, then I decided to keep using this whistle. Replacing the Soft-Whistle sound to Normal-Normal sound is still fine, but I'd rather make it fit piano.
  4. 01:00:156 (3) - At the last beat of this slider, I would maybe change from this Normal hitNormal to something like Drums' Finish/Whistle. - done with drum-finish.
    New Combos
    I'm going to point the newcombos that are not following the idea you started with.
  5. 00:14:656 (3) - New combo should be placed here, and removed from (1) - nah, it fits the rhythm. I see this usage of New combo in other maps like and , so I don't think this is needed to change. (the same thing on 00:16:406 (1) - or so.)
  6. 00:34:656 (3) - ^ - no change due to something like the above. And here follows the lyric (and the spacing). You may say "Then how about 00:50:156 (5) - ?" the next, but this is also due to the lyric. (if it is confusing to another modder I'll change here)
  7. 01:12:656 (2) - ^ - the same reason ^
  8. 01:34:656 (3) - ^ - done (I've pointed here by someone else maybe? anyway fixed)
  9. 01:36:656 (3) - ^ - done by another patten
  10. 01:54:656 (2) - ^ - done, like 00:12:156 (4,1) -

  • New Combos
  1. Maybe you should consider changing the way you place the new combos, by instead of using one new combo per big white tick you could use one new combo per two white ticks, to greater the combos. - Accepted and the symmetrical patterns look much better~
  2. 01:28:656 (2) - The new combo should be placed here instead of placing it at 01:28:156 (1) - . - no, for fitting the lyric

Reply this post saying what wasn't applied and why not, for better control of changes to next modders.
blue is what I applied and pink is what I didn't applied and green is what I made change by another way, thanks.
Reply to TheVileOne

TheVileOne wrote:


Why do you have audio leadin? - I'll talk with mint later


00:06:156 (2,1,2) - Try to make these spacings closer to 1.01. Notice in the top right, that those numbers. It goes right into 1.03, and then there are slight variations. I think 1.01 would balance out everything. You can use manual spacing, or you can press alt+shift to more accurately adjust distance spacing. If you find that the spacing stops you for whatever reason, then you can turn grid snap off, or refer to method 1. Pardon my instructions if you already know this. I'm tired of people not understanding spacing related issues. - I guess you are telling me something like this gap issue. of course fixed (not 1.01 though)
00:40:156 (3,1,2) - You should just turn grid snap off and adjust the position of 1 so that it's perfectly 1.0 here. - done
00:43:156 (2) - Looks like it's just squished in there. adding a curve similar to the slider in the previous combo would give it more meaning. Here is one way to do it - used a curve slider like yours
00:49:156 (2,3) - Shape is a bit weird IMO. Could you think of something better? - changed the shape.
01:06:406 (1,2) - Curves are a tiny bit unpolished. If you lowered the end position of 1 and made both curves less, it would look cleaner IMO. < something generally like this. My image may not be perfect since I didn't work out the absolute center of the new curves, and didn't pay much attention to how the new spacing affects things. Use this as an example of what I mean and not specifically exactly what I mean. - done, maybe
01:36:156 (3,1) - A couple things.

  • 1 I'm not sure about having a whistle on the end of that. Personally a finish would work better. - finish here is too loud imo.
    2. slider 2 looks too high in comparison to 1. It doesn't look right to me. Ideally it should be placed around here Don't need to follow this as your way can work too. But I don't quite agree with the unevenness of the slider points. The first slider looks fine, but the second sliders looks odd pointing down like that with it being so high on the screen. The down pointing end method would be better if it were like the screenshot IMO. - adjusted

    Just my opinion.
01:44:906 (1) - End seems kind of noisy don't you think? - ...ok, changed Normal ---> Drum sumpleset
01:54:656 (1,2,3,4) - Doesn't play right to me. I guess it's easier than the alternative beat, but the off beat aspect is really noticeable here. - hmm, then I made them like 00:12:656 (2,3) -


00:16:906 (2,3) - Circles do not feel good. Maybe a slider instead? - nope, the background drums (with Normal-Hitsound) can be emphasized here
00:31:906 (6,7,1,2) - Curve can be improved. Notes should be more left. - ok
00:34:156 (1) - Looks like it should be more to the right. - I wonder why this note's place is obviously broken... fixed
00:46:406 (6,1,2) - Spacing could be closer to 1.0 - It can be.
00:50:656 (1,2,3,4) - Exactly 1.5 would be better. - owo... done
00:51:656 (4,5,1) - ^ - ^
01:10:406 (5,1,2) - Make a less dramatic curve shift? - no
01:11:906 (4,1) - Closer to 1.0 flows better.- done
01:19:406 (2,3,4) - Flow is poor here. I prefer regular spacing. - nah, I used wide spacing here because of dynamic vocal
01:22:406 (4) - Random hitsound? also it doesn't flow well into the next slider. Having a repeat slider here instead sounds and plays a lot better.
Try this timeline? - ...I don't think this rhythm selection is so bad. tried fixing the next sliders instead.
01:37:656 (5,6) - 1.0? Also maybe curve 6 in the opposite direct instead. - spacing fixed.


If the taiko difficulties check out, this mapset is not far away from a bubble. good luck!

It took more than 200 minutes for fix my diffs for your mods! 'w'
Thank you very much, all so helpful :)

Normal :
Hard :
Topic Starter

Naryuga wrote:

long mods OwO
The replies are in the spoilerboxes below.

Reply to Flower

Flower wrote:

Hi~ queue mod~

Since AR does not affect star rating, you can increase AR to 4, which makes it look more like Normal. - finally changed the AR...
01:07:156 (2) - You can extend the slider to 01:07:906 - as I think this sounds better, but it is up to your preference. - no change. In this diff most of the diff follows 1/1 rhythm so it's comfortable for now

00:52:531 - I feel that there should be a note here... or maybe you can make 00:52:156 (5) - into a 1/2 slider. - nope. Mine can follow the background drum more imo.
00:58:906 (2) - change the slider type into "P" in .osu file and make better shape, maybe. - adjusted the slider, but not by using P type...
01:03:406 (3) - not a comfortable twist. - fixed by using your code. thx
01:07:656 (4) - better follow drum rather than piano. - Definitly this is an unsatisfactory way because you weren't sure wheather you got to follow the piano or drum. I think the piano makes more strong rhythm than drum, so I want to keep the 01:07:656 (4) - . btw I changed the behavior around 01:07:156 (2) -

01:37:406 (4,5,6,1) - strange inconsistency of DS. no blanket here, I think better change them to fit other parts. - fixed the DS. but the blanket is ok to me and I don't come up with better idea... orz

Good luck~ - thx :3 btw I like your signature いろヒカ <3
Reply to Katsuri

Katsuri wrote:

Hi!! Hope to help you!! (:


  • Design
  1. Ah, I don't like this yellow you use too much, it's too strong compared to the other colours! Maybe you'd rather use something like 249,243,132. - nice touch :3


  • Mapping
  1. 00:20:156 (5) - Try to remove this slider repeating and make it a 5 notes stream in 1/4 like this, then use the following hitsounds:
    1. 1st note - Normal sampleset | Normal Hit
    2. 2nd note - Normal sampleset | Normal Hit
    3. 3rd note - Drums Sampleset | Finish Hit ---> Clap Hit
    4. 4th note - Drums Sampleset | Finish Hit
    5. 5th note - Soft Sampleset | Finish Hit
    It would defintely sound like a fill-out to introduce the calm part. It sounded just awesomely here. You can take the code of this pattern here:
    to use this code, remove the slider and the note one from the beatmap, save it then paste the code anywhere in the HitObjects tag of the .osu file.- After some consideration, the suggestion filling it out to the next part sounds fine, and the hitsound is ok to me. But using 5 notes into 1/4 tick is difficult for this diff... so changed this by using a kick slider. At the third note, I tried using clap there, it sounded better to me.

  2. I don't actually know how much you want to improve the map here, maybe I would touch too much on your style, on the flow of the map, spacing and it would change the map too much, then I will leave it the way it is, cause it's fun to play, relaxing and the style plays well. Your mapping skills are still going to improve more and when you get to the middle, you will see of what I'm talking about. Nice map, tho. - thanks :3 I have to improve more!
    That was the point I liked the most here, I seem to have a good rhythmical ear, I brighted too much in this map! I have still some tips for you!
  3. 00:17:906 (5) - At the beggining of the slider, I would permute the whistle by a normal hit with the Normal sampleset. It would maybe give this fill-in more information, more feeling. - I'd like to use the whistle to follow the strong piano sound, and the background drum is not so strong, then I decided to keep using this whistle. Replacing the Soft-Whistle sound to Normal-Normal sound is still fine, but I'd rather make it fit piano.
  4. 01:00:156 (3) - At the last beat of this slider, I would maybe change from this Normal hitNormal to something like Drums' Finish/Whistle. - done with drum-finish.
    New Combos
    I'm going to point the newcombos that are not following the idea you started with.
  5. 00:14:656 (3) - New combo should be placed here, and removed from (1) - nah, it fits the rhythm. I see this usage of New combo in other maps like and , so I don't think this is needed to change. (the same thing on 00:16:406 (1) - or so.)
  6. 00:34:656 (3) - ^ - no change due to something like the above. And here follows the lyric (and the spacing). You may say "Then how about 00:50:156 (5) - ?" the next, but this is also due to the lyric. (if it is confusing to another modder I'll change here)
  7. 01:12:656 (2) - ^ - the same reason ^
  8. 01:34:656 (3) - ^ - done (I've pointed here by someone else maybe? anyway fixed)
  9. 01:36:656 (3) - ^ - done by another patten
  10. 01:54:656 (2) - ^ - done, like 00:12:156 (4,1) -

  • New Combos
  1. Maybe you should consider changing the way you place the new combos, by instead of using one new combo per big white tick you could use one new combo per two white ticks, to greater the combos. - Accepted and the symmetrical patterns look much better~
  2. 01:28:656 (2) - The new combo should be placed here instead of placing it at 01:28:156 (1) - . - no, for fitting the lyric

Reply this post saying what wasn't applied and why not, for better control of changes to next modders.
blue is what I applied and pink is what I didn't applied and green is what I made change by another way, thanks.
Reply to TheVileOne

TheVileOne wrote:


Why do you have audio leadin? - I'll talk with mint later


00:06:156 (2,1,2) - Try to make these spacings closer to 1.01. Notice in the top right, that those numbers. It goes right into 1.03, and then there are slight variations. I think 1.01 would balance out everything. You can use manual spacing, or you can press alt+shift to more accurately adjust distance spacing. If you find that the spacing stops you for whatever reason, then you can turn grid snap off, or refer to method 1. Pardon my instructions if you already know this. I'm tired of people not understanding spacing related issues. - I guess you are telling me something like this gap issue. of course fixed (not 1.01 though)
00:40:156 (3,1,2) - You should just turn grid snap off and adjust the position of 1 so that it's perfectly 1.0 here. - done
00:43:156 (2) - Looks like it's just squished in there. adding a curve similar to the slider in the previous combo would give it more meaning. Here is one way to do it - used a curve slider like yours
00:49:156 (2,3) - Shape is a bit weird IMO. Could you think of something better? - changed the shape.
01:06:406 (1,2) - Curves are a tiny bit unpolished. If you lowered the end position of 1 and made both curves less, it would look cleaner IMO. < something generally like this. My image may not be perfect since I didn't work out the absolute center of the new curves, and didn't pay much attention to how the new spacing affects things. Use this as an example of what I mean and not specifically exactly what I mean. - done, maybe
01:36:156 (3,1) - A couple things.

  • 1 I'm not sure about having a whistle on the end of that. Personally a finish would work better. - finish here is too loud imo.
    2. slider 2 looks too high in comparison to 1. It doesn't look right to me. Ideally it should be placed around here Don't need to follow this as your way can work too. But I don't quite agree with the unevenness of the slider points. The first slider looks fine, but the second sliders looks odd pointing down like that with it being so high on the screen. The down pointing end method would be better if it were like the screenshot IMO. - adjusted

    Just my opinion.
01:44:906 (1) - End seems kind of noisy don't you think? - ...ok, changed Normal ---> Drum sumpleset
01:54:656 (1,2,3,4) - Doesn't play right to me. I guess it's easier than the alternative beat, but the off beat aspect is really noticeable here. - hmm, then I made them like 00:12:656 (2,3) -


00:16:906 (2,3) - Circles do not feel good. Maybe a slider instead? - nope, the background drums (with Normal-Hitsound) can be emphasized here
00:31:906 (6,7,1,2) - Curve can be improved. Notes should be more left. - ok
00:34:156 (1) - Looks like it should be more to the right. - I wonder why this note's place is obviously broken... fixed
00:46:406 (6,1,2) - Spacing could be closer to 1.0 - It can be.
00:50:656 (1,2,3,4) - Exactly 1.5 would be better. - owo... done
00:51:656 (4,5,1) - ^ - ^
01:10:406 (5,1,2) - Make a less dramatic curve shift? - no
01:11:906 (4,1) - Closer to 1.0 flows better.- done
01:19:406 (2,3,4) - Flow is poor here. I prefer regular spacing. - nah, I used wide spacing here because of dynamic vocal
01:22:406 (4) - Random hitsound? also it doesn't flow well into the next slider. Having a repeat slider here instead sounds and plays a lot better.
Try this timeline? - ...I don't think this rhythm selection is so bad. tried fixing the next sliders instead.
01:37:656 (5,6) - 1.0? Also maybe curve 6 in the opposite direct instead. - spacing fixed.


If the taiko difficulties check out, this mapset is not far away from a bubble. good luck!

It took more than 200 minutes for fix my diffs for your mods! 'w'
Thank you very much, all so helpful :)

Normal :
Hard :
updated /o/

EDIT: New Page \o\
Hi~ Sorry for the long delay..


-- Audio lead in may be necessary due to the first SB, but I think 1,000 will be enough.


00:34:656 (3) - Since there the beat in the music gets a bit weak, why dont you make it NC?
00:51:156 (4) - ^
01:30:656 (4) - Whistle at start for consistency with 01:14:656 (4)
02:04:906 (1) - Imo, ending the spinner at 02:08:656 will be nice since there is an instrument ending at that point. (Too bad there's a "thanks for playing" so just feel free to ignore)


-- For the following parts : 00:53:406 (3,4,5), 00:55:406 (3,4,5), 00:57:406 (3,4,5) I think making a sound reduction will be nice, since the music gets a bit down at there, and also can emphasize 00:52:656 (1,2) and else.

00:09:156 (2) - No big difference, but just.. move the second slider path 1 grid left
01:56:406 (1,2,3) - After some round sliders, I hope making this stream(?) a bit round will be nice. Placing (2) at (114,202) or something..
02:04:281 (6) - I think reducing the reverse, and start the spinner at 02:04:656 will be better. Depends on you~

Really nice map~~ Starred, and good luck for your rank~!! ;)
via in game chat M4M


  1. fine~


  1. 00:06:406 - Whistle
  2. 00:10:656 - Finish
  3. 00:14:531 - Whistle
  4. 01:02:656 - Finish
  5. 01:04:656 - ^
  6. 01:54:406 - Nc
  7. 01:54:656 - RemoveNc
  8. 02:04:281 - スライダーを1回返してるのがほとんどなのでここも同じように 02:04:281 - ここにもnoteを置いて 02:04:406 - ここからスライダーにしてみてはどうでしょうか?


  1. looks fine~
あんまり書けなくてごめんなさいとてもいい譜面です~ awesome map :D !

Sonnyc wrote:

Hi~ Sorry for the long delay..


-- Audio lead in may be necessary due to the first SB, but I think 1,000 will be enough. - done


00:34:656 (3) - Since there the beat in the music gets a bit weak, why dont you make it NC? - ok
00:51:156 (4) - ^
01:30:656 (4) - Whistle at start for consistency with 01:14:656 (4) - I forgot it owo
02:04:906 (1) - Imo, ending the spinner at 02:08:656 will be nice since there is an instrument ending at that point. (Too bad there's a "thanks for playing" so just feel free to ignore) - keep it for thx4playin'


-- For the following parts : 00:53:406 (3,4,5), 00:55:406 (3,4,5), 00:57:406 (3,4,5) I think making a sound reduction will be nice, since the music gets a bit down at there, and also can emphasize 00:52:656 (1,2) and else. - sounds nice idea :3

00:09:156 (2) - No big difference, but just.. move the second slider path 1 grid left - fixed
01:56:406 (1,2,3) - After some round sliders, I hope making this stream(?) a bit round will be nice. Placing (2) at (114,202) or something.. - hmm done so
02:04:281 (6) - I think reducing the reverse, and start the spinner at 02:04:656 will be better. Depends on you~ - the last finish sound is really essential >_<

Really nice map~~ Starred, and good luck for your rank~!! ;)

Dagger-Gazel wrote:

via in game chat M4M - thx 'o'


  1. fine~


  1. 00:06:406 - Whistle - done
  2. 00:10:656 - Finish - no, finishはうるさすぎてwhistleで十分に思います
  3. 00:14:531 - Whistle - ん~.. 以前に,1/4が3つ続くところで全部にhitsound付けるとうるさく聞こえると言われたことがあります。私もその意見には賛成なので保留とします._. 01:56:531 (2) - も同じく。
  4. 01:02:656 - Finish - whistle instead
  5. 01:04:656 - ^ - no, too loud
  6. 01:54:406 - Nc - ちょっと前のpostでここのNewComboを外し次のにつけるように言われたので、少し考えてみましたが、ここはボーカルに合わせることにしました
  7. 01:54:656 - RemoveNc - done with ^
  8. 02:04:281 - スライダーを1回返してるのがほとんどなのでここも同じように 02:04:281 - ここにもnoteを置いて 02:04:406 - ここからスライダーにしてみてはどうでしょうか? - done~


  1. looks fine~
あんまり書けなくてごめんなさいとてもいい譜面です~ awesome map :D !
Thank you~! >w<


Edit: sp+60 OwO
Topic Starter

Naryuga wrote:

Sonnyc wrote:

Hi~ Sorry for the long delay..


-- Audio lead in may be necessary due to the first SB, but I think 1,000 will be enough. - done


00:34:656 (3) - Since there the beat in the music gets a bit weak, why dont you make it NC? - ok
00:51:156 (4) - ^
01:30:656 (4) - Whistle at start for consistency with 01:14:656 (4) - I forgot it owo
02:04:906 (1) - Imo, ending the spinner at 02:08:656 will be nice since there is an instrument ending at that point. (Too bad there's a "thanks for playing" so just feel free to ignore) - keep it for thx4playin'


-- For the following parts : 00:53:406 (3,4,5), 00:55:406 (3,4,5), 00:57:406 (3,4,5) I think making a sound reduction will be nice, since the music gets a bit down at there, and also can emphasize 00:52:656 (1,2) and else. - sounds nice idea :3

00:09:156 (2) - No big difference, but just.. move the second slider path 1 grid left - fixed
01:56:406 (1,2,3) - After some round sliders, I hope making this stream(?) a bit round will be nice. Placing (2) at (114,202) or something.. - hmm done so
02:04:281 (6) - I think reducing the reverse, and start the spinner at 02:04:656 will be better. Depends on you~ - the last finish sound is really essential >_<

Really nice map~~ Starred, and good luck for your rank~!! ;)

Dagger-Gazel wrote:

via in game chat M4M - thx 'o'


  1. fine~


  1. 00:06:406 - Whistle - done
  2. 00:10:656 - Finish - no, finishはうるさすぎてwhistleで十分に思います
  3. 00:14:531 - Whistle - ん~.. 以前に,1/4が3つ続くところで全部にhitsound付けるとうるさく聞こえると言われたことがあります。私もその意見には賛成なので保留とします._. 01:56:531 (2) - も同じく。
  4. 01:02:656 - Finish - whistle instead
  5. 01:04:656 - ^ - no, too loud
  6. 01:54:406 - Nc - ちょっと前のpostでここのNewComboを外し次のにつけるように言われたので、少し考えてみましたが、ここはボーカルに合わせることにしました
  7. 01:54:656 - RemoveNc - done with ^
  8. 02:04:281 - スライダーを1回返してるのがほとんどなのでここも同じように 02:04:281 - ここにもnoteを置いて 02:04:406 - ここからスライダーにしてみてはどうでしょうか? - done~


  1. looks fine~
あんまり書けなくてごめんなさいとてもいい譜面です~ awesome map :D !
Thank you~! >w<


Edit: sp+60 OwO

Updated =w=

Edit: sp+61 0w0
Edit2: 110 posts /o/

mintong89 wrote:

Updated =w=

Edit: sp+61 0w0
Edit2: 110 posts /o/
Where's Mat/Bat?? :3
Topic Starter

Sonnyc wrote:

mintong89 wrote:

Updated =w=

Edit: sp+61 0w0
Edit2: 110 posts /o/
Where's Mat/Bat?? :3
i don't know =w=
Sweet story board ;)

Lower the Approach Rate
00:52:656 (1,1,1) - Make this one entire combo... If you want
01:44:906 (1,1) - The two spinners... Why don't you cut the first one and make it end at 01:46:656 then delete the second one and replace it with a short break? Cuz noobies can't find their cursor very fast
That's all

Er... nothing, really ^^

Nice map~
let's see.

yurunneram wrote:

Sweet story board ;)

- maybe you mean my Normal?
Lower the Approach Rate - You can see some modders suggested me to set AR4 to make flow better... Without XAT's suggestion I won't reset AR3 again
00:52:656 (1,1,1) - Make this one entire combo... If you want - I don't like that, it is really weird for me to make these 00:56:656 (1) - and 00:58:656 (1,2,3) - in one combo
01:44:906 (1,1) - The two spinners... Why don't you cut the first one and make it end at 01:46:656 then delete the second one and replace it with a short break? Cuz noobies can't find their cursor very fast - I don't think so. Maybe you think the second spinner's end ( 01:52:156 - ) is too close the next note 01:52:656 (1) - , but I believe it's ok since they have a close spacing, 01:52:656 (1) - is a slider which is more easily beaten than a circle and this song is 120 BPM so even newbie Normal-players can find the notes.
That's all

Er... nothing, really ^^

Nice map~

Thanks~ but nothing is changed >~<
hi random mod here :P
60多SP了不会有什么大问题的 就是nazi下
(这奇葩的格式lol from KPY)

*saka.jpg 这个似乎没有用到

Beatmap design/suggestion
(These are totally suggestion only,you can ignore them if you disagree.)
  1. 00:52:656 (1) - it makes me feel strange here , delete it?
  2. 02:00:656 (1) - (nazi)make the 2nd tick 1 grid down
(These are totally my thought only,it base on my taste,feel free to ignore them)
  1. 00:16:656 (3) - add whistle on the reverse or what , the normal hit here sounds really strange orz
[Taiko Futsuu]
Beatmap design/suggestion
(These are totally suggestion only,you can ignore them if you disagree.)
  1. 00:52:656 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 我觉得这个真的是很不好...

[Taiko Oni]
Issue/unrankable stuff
(Something bad in gameplay or unrankable staff,you should take a look on it.)
  1. Audio Lead-In There is only 1656 ms of audio lead-in, which is less than the minimum of 2000 ms.
    AIBAT这么说 但是我看着好像没有?
Beatmap design/suggestion
(These are totally suggestion only,you can ignore them if you disagree.)
  1. 01:22:656 (1) - (nazi)the 3rd tick is unnecessary
  2. 01:38:156 (3) - you needn't make it so easy since it's a hard diff...
    try this?
  3. 02:00:281 (5) - prev:0.02x fix it plz >_<
...其实我想说 整个map都没什么问题 但是也没有什么亮点啊...
加油 赶紧rank吧

raririn wrote:

hi random mod here :P
60多SP了不会有什么大问题的 就是nazi下
(这奇葩的格式lol from KPY)

*saka.jpg 这个似乎没有用到

Beatmap design/suggestion
(These are totally suggestion only,you can ignore them if you disagree.)
  1. 00:52:656 (1) - it makes me feel strange here , delete it? - why? D:
  2. 02:00:656 (1,2) - (nazi)make the 2nd tick 1 grid down - done
(These are totally my thought only,it base on my taste,feel free to ignore them)
  1. 00:16:656 (3) - add whistle on the reverse or what , the normal hit here sounds really strange orz - listen to the drum, the sound on the reverse and the end should be same NormalHit...

Beatmap design/suggestion
(These are totally suggestion only,you can ignore them if you disagree.)
  1. 01:22:656 (1) - (nazi)the 3rd tick is unnecessary - without the third tick it becomes somehow odd because it become a silly circular slider...
  2. 01:38:156 (3) - you needn't make it so easy since it's a hard diff... - changed the pattern
    try this?
  3. 02:00:281 (5) - prev:0.02x fix it plz >_< - sure
...其实我想说 整个map都没什么问题 但是也没有什么亮点啊...
加油 赶紧rank吧
Thank you~! >w<
Topic Starter

raririn wrote:

hi random mod here :P
60多SP了不会有什么大问题的 就是nazi下
(这奇葩的格式lol from KPY) 诶诶诶

*saka.jpg 这个似乎没有用到 那是封面,虽然游戏时没用到但可以引人注意。

[Taiko Futsuu]
Beatmap design/suggestion
(These are totally suggestion only,you can ignore them if you disagree.)
  1. 00:52:656 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 我觉得这个真的是很不好... 没有啊,我觉得正常.

[Taiko Oni]
Issue/unrankable stuff
(Something bad in gameplay or unrankable staff,you should take a look on it.)
  1. Audio Lead-In There is only 1656 ms of audio lead-in, which is less than the minimum of 2000 ms.
    AIBAT这么说 但是我看着好像没有? 大概又是AIBAT搞错了吧.

...其实我想说 整个map都没什么问题 但是也没有什么亮点啊... 没办法喵呜...
加油 赶紧rank吧
谢了 :)
From my queue~

Nothing to say ;(

00:15:406 (4) - add whistle here
01:01:156 (3) - add soft whistle
01:17:406 (3,4) - reverse timing? hears better
01:18:406 (6,2) - add whistle on start ( 01:34:656 (1,2) - like here? )
01:34:406 (6) - NC and 01:34:656 (1) - delete NC
02:04:906 (1) - add spinners length by 02:08:656 - here?

perfect beatmap! i think this map is ready for rank haha
hope you like my mod :P
good luck!
from my queue


set lead-in to 2000 in Taiko Oni, and set it 0 in other diffs

well, it's really nice, nothing else need to fix
call me back then
Topic Starter

wcx19911123 wrote:

from my queue


set lead-in to 2000 in Taiko Oni, and set it 0 in other diffs

well, it's really nice, nothing else need to fix
call me back then
ok i fix. o.o

thanks to mod /o/

edit: 120 posts \o\
Topic Starter

wcx19911123 wrote:

thanks >.<

Small mod:
22:55 MMzz: just a few little things in the taiko need to be fixed
22:55 mintong89: hmmm ok
22:55 MMzz: 01:24:906 (1) - delete this because you need a break
22:56 mintong89: lol i froget break again
22:56 MMzz: 01:40:656 (1) - don finisher?
22:56 mintong89: fix~
22:56 MMzz: and delete this for a break 01:40:906 (1) -
22:56 mintong89: ok~
22:57 MMzz: ok that's all
神麻婆!!!恭喜 mint \:D/
Topic Starter
thanks >///</
Yay :3
Grats :D
P o M u T a
Athena Tennos
Congrats! >w<
Congrats, love it :cry:

LunarSakuya wrote:

Congrats, love it :cry:
Oh, congratulation mintong!
grats mintong :)
:) Congrats mintong~
Topic Starter
thanks all >w<///

Garven wrote:

hehe rank right? :3

[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:

S o r d a
gratz! i was late T_T
hentai kawaii mintong-san ww grats! >////,/////<)/
wow mint :)
Omedotou nyan~ (・ω・)
Omedetou bakamint :3
congratz! :)
IwI 恭喜!
gratz! x3
Congrats my Friend.
Congrats! I've been waiting for this to be ranked! :D
Nice to this Ranked ~ :3

恭喜rank 辛苦了 :)
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