
Disable Accuracy on Approval maps. [invalid]

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +4
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Enna Alouette

Tenshi wrote:

Support. (ノ゚ω゚)ノ彡☆

Raging Bull wrote:

As much as I support this, I Think it's going to get denied because of what 0_o linked.


It was denied by peppy himself so yeah orz
Didnt see "Denied" in his post. Maybe he was just clarifying that its not a bug or whatever, as someone said in that topic.

About the request, i still dunno if i support or not. Get acc free of approved maps would be a bless, but i knew it would screw my acc (because i fail) if i played them, so its kinda my own fault. Spun Out is there to be used ._.
yes yes yes
I also support this.

Bittersweet wrote:

Spun Out is there to be used ._.
This is the reason i guess Acc is also avaliable on approved maps

Anyway, besides of that, i can't tell if i should support this or not, since i think it is - as maybe already mentioned - intended that app. influence Acc.
Anyone who cares about their statistics, plays spun out/fails in multi on purpose is absolutely silly.

Unless I am mistaken, accuracy is only updated when you beat your previous score on a ranked/approved difficulty, correct?

ziin wrote:

Anyone who cares about their statistics, plays spun out/fails in multi on purpose is absolutely silly.

Unless I am mistaken, accuracy is only updated when you beat your previous score on a ranked/approved difficulty, correct?
From what I know, yes but I might be wrong.

Anyways I support this! It doesn't effect your score then why should I effect your accuracy?
Well, Approval maps are still archived maps which have a scoreboard. They still count towards your total score, number of plays, hits, combo, replays watched, and level. The only thing the don't count towards is your ranked score.

Ranked maps are a completely different set of ranking material--They only count once per beatmap set, whereas accuracy counts once per difficulty. Accuracy on approved maps shouldn't be that much different from accuracy on ranked maps, so I don't see what the problem is.

A full combo on an approved marathon has an abnormally large score, which is why it doesn't count towards your ranked score, but accuracy is not a total, it's an average, so approved maps should count towards your total accuracy.

Accuracy is supposed to show how accurate you are on all maps. If you only SS or S songs, or fail songs you know you can't 99%, then you are artificially inflating your accuracy, which renders the number useless.

Tenshi wrote:

Support. (ノ゚ω゚)ノ彡☆
i liked the TAG part so yeah... support
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
Anyone who cares about their statistics, plays spun out/fails in multi on purpose is absolutely silly.
SpunOut mod is unrankable, don't forget that someone cares not only about acc, also rank place on song.
For example, experienced player who cares about accuracy still want to have a rank, for example, on this map
I'm not accuracy paranoic, i just care about other players.
Jzh Zehnichi

Louis Cyphre wrote:

[lucky:8bf88]Anyone who cares about their statistics, plays spun out/fails in multi on purpose is absolutely silly.[/lucky:8bf88]
<<< spun out player

totally support this

I did not know approved maps effected accuracy at first, I learned the hard way...

I support this!
Support but I don't have votes months ago :l
Is anyone here supporting this for any other reason than "I have many approved maps with D!!!"?

Wishy22 wrote:

Is anyone here supporting this for any other reason than "I have many approved maps with D!!!"?
Me. I don't have any bad scores on approved maps (that I can remember) since I'm one of those people that care about statistics, but I'm still supporting for the reason of it would persuade people like me to play them without worrying about stats, especially TAG difficulties.

Heck, it would probably lower my accuracy rather than raise it, lol, but I love approved maps. <3
Ok I'll correct myself:

Is anyone supporting this for any other reason than having a higher accuracy overall? If a map is too hard for you then you shouldn't play it.
Here's an idea: disable all stats for approval maps. That changes approved maps from "ranked maps without ranked score" maps that they are now to "just for fun" maps.
Raging Bull
Sounds like any map in pending or graveyard.
Exactly. Modding aside, don't people play approved maps and pending/graved maps for the same reason? I can't see why anybody would play approval maps for stats (except maybe replay views) when ranked maps do that job so much better.

Soaprman wrote:

Here's an idea: disable all stats for approval maps. That changes approved maps from "ranked maps without ranked score" maps that they are now to "just for fun" maps.
Personally, I'd be okay with that since that's really how it is for me, but that's just me.

Another possible problem is that I don't know of any ranked maps with 2,000+ combo, so it would make getting that achievement impossible unless it was excluded from being disabled (if there is one, then disregard this).
Raging Bull
Well I played an Doomy's marathon when it was approved and got non stop dancer. Now that it's back in pending, I lost that achievement. So yeah, it would make people lose their achievement. (Not that it matters much to me, but maybe more to others)

KRZY wrote:

>Doesn't add to score
>Adds to accuracy

Wait this makes no sense

Make another category apart from approval? Like "Special" or "Extra" maps with a scoreboard and shit (move to that category all TAG maps and almost impossible to do stuff) and make them not affect your stats AT ALL. Plus with this you could get smarter and start "approving" (sending to this new category) spectacular maps that will never EVER get approved because most people can't actually play them (and will never do since they will never try to because they have no scoreboard whatsoever). So cool story you guys get your accuracy back, inb4 Airman and many MANY other great maps can get "ranked" and we are all happy, then you have 3 categories:

Ranked: average maps.
Approved: very good maps overall.
Special/Extra: eventually most of the best maps gonna be here.
Card N'FoRcE

Wishy22 wrote:

Make another category apart from approval? Like "Special" or "Extra" maps with a scoreboard and shit (move to that category all TAG maps and almost impossible to do stuff) and make them not affect your stats AT ALL. Plus with this you could get smarter and start "approving" (sending to this new category) spectacular maps that will never EVER get approved because most people can't actually play them (and will never do since they will never try to because they have no scoreboard whatsoever). So cool story you guys get your accuracy back, inb4 Airman and many MANY other great maps can get "ranked" and we are all happy, then you have 3 categories:

Ranked: average maps.
Approved: very good maps overall.
Special/Extra: eventually most of the best maps gonna be here.
This "3rd category" thing has been proposed in the newrules discussions by me and some other people as well, and i reported it some time ago in this post:


That said, i would REALLY like to see this 3rd category featuring some kind of gimmik/weird/whatever-to-be-defined mapsets. That would also avoid a lot of pointless drama when an experienced mapper tries to make something new by breaking some rules but it turns out great and deserves recognition.
Or just revert Approval to the old method when it didn't count for anything (score/accuracy/etc) and gimmick maps were allowed in there as well.

ziin wrote:

Well, Approval maps are still archived maps which have a scoreboard. They still count towards your total score, number of plays, hits, combo, replays watched, and level. The only thing the don't count towards is your ranked score.

Ranked maps are a completely different set of ranking material--They only count once per beatmap set, whereas accuracy counts once per difficulty. Accuracy on approved maps shouldn't be that much different from accuracy on ranked maps, so I don't see what the problem is.

A full combo on an approved marathon has an abnormally large score, which is why it doesn't count towards your ranked score, but accuracy is not a total, it's an average, so approved maps should count towards your total accuracy.

Accuracy is supposed to show how accurate you are on all maps. If you only SS or S songs, or fail songs you know you can't 99%, then you are artificially inflating your accuracy, which renders the number useless.
This. I don't support this "feature request."
Despite this sounds good for people who cared for their accuracy, I don't really support this as I play random Insane maps without SpunOut. Added to the fact that I spin much faster than SpunOut (plus SpunOut failed most of the time in my netbook)

So no support.

Wishy22 wrote:

Ranked: average maps.
Approved: very good maps overall.
Special/Extra: eventually most of the best maps gonna be here.
I don't think it's as much about map quality as it is about the rules the maps are allowed to break...

I'm about as support-the-third-category as you get but I'm not sure how well it would fulfill the intent of the feature request here. Then you'll get people who care too much wishing their favorite maps were in that category instead of in approved. I don't know a good way to remedy this.
How about something like:
Ranked: All stats count
Marathon/Long play/dont know what to call it: All long maps go here, Ranked score is disabled.
Approved: All gimmick/special maps that break some rules yet still are fun and deserve to have a scoreboard go here. Ranked score and Accuracy disabled.

Edit: btw i still would disagree on TAG maps getting approved

Wishy22 wrote:

Ok I'll correct myself:

Is anyone supporting this for any other reason than having a higher accuracy overall? If a map is too hard for you then you shouldn't play it.

KRZY wrote:

>Doesn't add to score
>Adds to accuracy

Wait this makes no sense

I'm not really going to check this thread so take this for what it is worth:

The reason accuracy is attributed (but not score) is that approved maps are ranked maps with score too high to be considered ranked. Also known as a place for maps which run too long (duration) or contain too many objects that the combo-centric score algorithm fails.

I don't see any reason to change this for the moment, unless the meaning of approved maps was to change.
I don't see any reason to change this for the moment, unless the meaning of approved maps was to change.
I think people are going to try and prove this now. Gut feeling tells me; what with the current state of the approved maps and all...

peppy wrote:

I'm not really going to check this thread so take this for what it is worth:

The reason accuracy is attributed (but not score) is that approved maps are ranked maps with score too high to be considered ranked. Also known as a place for maps which run too long (duration) or contain too many objects that the combo-centric score algorithm fails.

I don't see any reason to change this for the moment, unless the meaning of approved maps was to change.
People is basically complaining (not everyone) because they want to have a higher overall accuracy, and since they have played those TAG4 maps or some other almost impossible to do maps (like Shotgun Symphony) they got it nuked. Even when what you say is absolutely right, that's why I said that stuff about a third category where TAG maps or superultrahyper insanes could be dropped (where the only difference between those new categorized maps and pending maps would be that they got a scoreboard and can't be updated again because they are "ranked"). There are tons of maps that will never aim for Approval because it's been demostrated that very hard stuff get's ignored because mappers themselves give no attention to it since they already know what the result would be (DeltaMAX, U.Nknown Goose, etc). Having the chance to somehow easily drop maps like that in a new "ranked" category by just having correct timing/offset and no horrible mapping errors would encourage mappers to try new stuff. Which of course, in the near future, if some new mapping technique would show to be liked by players and stuff, it could even become rankable.

Soaprman wrote:

I don't think it's as much about map quality as it is about the rules the maps are allowed to break...
Actually those maps that "break the rules" are quite unique and usually way more fun to play than 99,9% of ranked beatmaps which are pretty much all the same (except for a few exceptions which are basically those made by the best mappers, and we all know which mappers I'm talking about), in the Approval category you get some interesting maps but anyway most of them are just ranked maps that are "too hard" or just have very high possible scores.
Wishy22: Not disagreeing with you there. I've got quite a love for maps that break the rules myself. I just thought the good/better/best thing was a little silly is all. :P

Wishy22 wrote:

People is basically complaining (not everyone) because they want to have a higher overall accuracy, and since they have played those TAG4 maps or some other almost impossible to do maps (like Shotgun Symphony) they got it nuked.

I'm supporting this but I know you understand that many people is just supporting this because of that.
Well, Approval maps are still archived maps which have a scoreboard. They still count towards your total score, number of plays, hits, combo, replays watched, and level. The only thing the don't count towards is your ranked score.
No they don't. Try it. Total score = ranked maps only.
Raging Bull
Odd. Just tried it. It doesn't add to total score. I always thought it did though.

Raging Bull wrote:

Odd. Just tried it. It doesn't add to total score. I always thought it did though.
I'm sure it would if Approved was just incredibly hard maps. But, of course, there are the marathons. Imagine someone FCing paraparaMAX over and over - they'd get almost a billion points per hour.
well that's good to hear.
Given the little support, I take this won't ever be implemented. Oh well..
Anyway, strictly speaking, this wasn't really imperative, if anyone cares for accuracy as much as to sacrifice some pride, Half Time is -always- an option, and it does count towards accuracy- Now, if you can't even with Half Time on...
i'd like this feature request to be re-discussed since score no longer matters.
since score doesn't matter and PP is awarded to approval maps, i'm thinking no currently
I'm not sure why this is being brought up again... unless it's to get it marked as invalid. The current accuracy system has pp weighting, so any really bad accuracy plays of difficult maps you tried out aren't going to count for anything (unless you somehow managed to do really well on them). It's only at the end of a play on the second result screen that you see your old flat accuracy (mines about 3.5% lower, because it does contain a good number of bad plays), but that's not the one everyone else sees.

bwross wrote:

I'm not sure why this is being brought up again... unless it's to get it marked as invalid. The current accuracy system has pp weighting, so any really bad accuracy plays of difficult maps you tried out aren't going to count for anything (unless you somehow managed to do really well on them).
I revived this because of that reason. the new ranking system makes the original request slightly silly now, so i thought the request should be reviewed since there was some heavy support for this

deadbeat wrote:

bwross wrote:

I'm not sure why this is being brought up again... unless it's to get it marked as invalid. The current accuracy system has pp weighting, so any really bad accuracy plays of difficult maps you tried out aren't going to count for anything (unless you somehow managed to do really well on them).
I revived this because of that reason. the new ranking system makes the original request slightly silly now, so i thought the request should be reviewed since there was some heavy support for this
only 4 stars. ;v

theowest wrote:

only 4 stars. ;v
number of stars doesn't equal total support :p

deadbeat wrote:

theowest wrote:

only 4 stars. ;v
number of stars doesn't equal total support :p
well I guess 95% of everyone making a post here supports it.
Approval maps now gives you ranked score so this request is kinda invalid.

theowest wrote:

only 4 stars. ;v

deadbeat wrote:

theowest wrote:

only 4 stars. ;v
number of stars doesn't equal total support :p
Yeah, this request came at a time when stars were pretty scarce.
Well you guys have a point there, imma set this to invalid
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