
Avenged Sevenfold - A Little Piece of Heaven

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Thanks for mod crabovan :3
M4M con Renard - Smoke Tower


00:27:570 (6) - sistemerei meglio questo slider, ecco uno screen per capire cosa intendo
rimpiazza con questo codice
all'inizio su [HitObjects] sostituisci la riga selezionata nell'immagine 00:51:156 (2) - che ne dici di CTRL+J? mi sembra ci stia meglio
01:02:742 (5) - aggiungi un clap
01:19:086 (2,3,4) - migliora il pattern, non è tanto bello da vedere, muoverei 01:19:293 (3) - su x:320 y:320 e 01:19:500 (4) - su x:244 y:124
01:29:222 (4) - sta uscendo dallo schermo
01:44:326 (6,2,3) - muovili su x:256 y:240
01:44:533 (1) - porta il 3rd punto su x:396 y:296
01:50:947 (1) - sistema qui, porta sempre il 3rd punto su x:112 y:220
02:04:808 - clap
02:05:222 (3) - rimuovi clap
02:05:636 (5) - clap
02:20:226 (6,7) - non ci azzeccano tanto, prova a eliminare 02:20:226 (6) -
03:04:423 - clap
04:06:200 (4,5) - stessa cosa di prima, prova a eliminare 04:06:200 (4) -
07:38:568 - spinner da qua a 07:40:016 - ?

Buona fortuna! :D
Heyo, here's my m4m mod for this

The map is pretty smooth, i like it

00:42:880 - Add two notes or a slider? for example
00:50:742 (1,2) - It's odd how the sliders are overlapping, I'd change it, but it's up to you
01:03:156 - Try this. It would fit to the following slider. :)
01:38:533 (2) - Replace this note with a slider like the following two objects.
01:54:257 (1) - Unlike 01:55:912 (4) this slider doesn't fit to the music, because the kick is missing in the reversed arrow of the slider. Try this
02:23:228 (4) - Move slider to 02:23:435 ?
02:24:677 (5) - Move note to 02:25:091 ?
02:37:100 (1) - Again the reverse arrow of this slider is odd to me. There's no part in the music that fits to it.
03:47:987 (1) - Dislike this spinner. undo the reversed slider and try this
04:01:130 (1) - Hmm... I don't know about this spinner... I would remove it. Think about it. ^^
05:21:603 - I don't like this break, you could try to reverse the last slider to fill the break, because the break doesn't seem to fit in this part.
05:26:155 (1) - Try adding a note instead of the spinner, and move the spinner to 1/2 beat later. (and end it 1/2 beat earlier ofc lol)
06:00:809 (4) - Shouldn't this be a slider too?
07:20:568 (1,2,3,4) - The spacing seems to be too big in this slow part, it's pretty surprising (especially at the end of a 7 minutes song, it'd be really frustrating to lose the combo there)

I couldn't find anything odd from your hitsounds, but I hope I helped you out a little bit.
Well, good luck with your map.. ;)
allora... ho trovato molti slider che superano l'area di gioco.. ti consiglierei di spostarli un po...
eccoti un esempio...

Per il resto è ben strutturata e abbastanza simmetrica...
Se questo è il tuo stile io non te lo posso far cambiare a mio piacimento...
però trovo un po esagerati questi slider...
02:48:279 (5,6,1,1) -
05:10:224 (1,2) -
05:19:741 (1) -
Capisco però che non hai avuto altra scelta visto la lunga durata di tempo che questi ricoprono
per Barney
  1. [Flow]
    1. 00:26:121 (2) - Ritmicamente 00:25:915 (1,2,3) non hanno lo stesso spacing, quindi Stacka il (2) sopra il (5) in modo che lo spacing in 00:26:121 (2,3,4,5) - sia consistente e che il salto 00:25:915 (1,2) sia più largo.
    2. 00:27:570 (6) - Usa una sezione di SV change invece, un rallentamento ci sta proprio, e la forma sembra un pò strana per il posto...
    3. 00:44:639 (1) - Come scelta non ha molto senso, visto che stavi seguendo la voce,
    4. 00:48:880 (2) - Meno 1 repeat e nota su 00:49:501 (3), il fatto che lo slider finisca nel rosso(sulla voce) fa pensare che i salti dopo non ci siano e te li fa prendere fuori tempo.
    5. 00:54:259 (2,3) - ritmicamente confusivo, prova questo: L'importante è che (3) sia tipo questo
    6. 01:24:671 (7) - Fallo finire su 01:25:084. La voce finisce lì
    7. 01:39:360 (4) - Mi sarei aspettato uno slider uguale a 01:38:532 (2) - poichè entrambi seguono le stesse sillabe
    8. 01:46:187 (4,5) - Fagli seguire meglio la musica così
    9. 02:10:601 (1) - Fallo come unico slider

    10. 02:13:911 (3) - Un cuore, Bitch Please ( heart~ )
    11. 02:20:950 (1,2) - Il Ctrl+R sta meglio come ritmo (correggi la grafica, comunque)
    12. 02:24:677 (5) - Visti gli slider precedenti, direi tu possa sostituirlo con uno slider che finisce su 02:25:298
    13. 02:26:437 (x) - Puoi anche aggiungere una nota er seguire comunque la voce
    14. 02:28:818 (2) - Direi sia meglio accorciarlo di 1/2
    15. 02:43:725 (1) - Meno un repeat e sposta 02:45:381 (2) - su 02:44:553 (2) per poi aggiungere un repeat. ( cry(1)~~~(2) )
  2. [Graphic]
    1. 00:46:604 (3) - Blanket fatto male, codice correttivo sotto
    2. 00:58:811 (2) - In casi simili, preferisco rispettare il blanket... 5 grid 4 sotto
    3. 01:19:086 (2) - Puoi benissimo rispettare il blanket (x147 y202)
    4. 01:50:947 (1) - muovi l'inizio su x219 y219 visto che non è blankerato
    5. 02:17:223 (2) - Non è blanketato bene
  3. 01:12:259 (5) - Per consistenza, sarebbe meglio mettere NC anche qui(l'hai messo già su 01:11:432 (1) - .... quindi)
Katty Pie
  1. [Flow]
    1. 02:52:626 (2) - You should really divide it like this, as it feel awkward to play
    2. 02:55:730 (5) - The passage from following vocal to drums to trumpet is actually too complex. Move it to 02:55:937 so it'll pass from vocal to trumpet and stack on 02:56:144 (6) if you want
    3. 03:00:076 (2,3,4,5,6) - Like this it do follow better the music(as it respect the vocals more)
    4. 04:04:855 (3) - the flow of this repeating slider is awkward, as it was better if it was moved 1/2 after and so... do this?

Inoltre devo farti un check del timing prima di continuare, parecchie parti qui eran fuori se ascoltavo a 25% di velocità

17:35 Barney Stinson: dude
17:35 Barney Stinson: can u mod my map please?
17:35 HellDawn: ofcourse
17:35 *Barney Stinson s away: shower time
17:35 *Barney Stinson is listening to (Avenged Sevenfold - A Little Piece of Heaven)[]
17:35 Barney Stinson: thanks <3
17:51 HellDawn: Feels overmapped sometimes and u should make better some pattern/slider
17:51 HellDawn: thats all
17:52 Barney Stinson: can u point em out on mod?
17:53 HellDawn: just slows part
17:53 HellDawn: others are good
17:53 HellDawn: dont need to post :D
17:54 HellDawn: also it would be better if you note here
17:54 Barney Stinson: .-. ok
17:54 HellDawn: 06:51:189-
17:55 HellDawn: 07:16:534- you should make something :D
17:55 HellDawn: because song is perfect
17:56 HellDawn: last; 07:38:568- spinner here end:07:40:016
00:25:915 (1,2,3) - dat broken spacing
00:50:742 (1,2) - this overlap is just ugly
00:54:260 (2) - I'd follow the trombettella here, metti un circle qui e sposta lo slider 1/2 avant pls
01:45:774 (2) - this antijump was placed only for the sake to make a good pattern, but actually it kills the flow
02:01:498 (4) - I'd follow the vocal voice here, this rhythm is just inconsistent
02:04:395 (1) - make this symmetrical ._.
02:12:669 (1) - unintuitive slider velocity change, at least increase the previous slider velocity
02:43:725 (1) - the repeat does not follow anything important, it just gives a bad feeling during the play
02:59:869 (1,2) - yayy broken spacing
03:41:261 (1) - remove nc
05:19:741 (1) - I don't really understand this sv change same stuff here 05:34:431 (1) -
05:48:293 (6,7,1) - this part is just confusing: three hitobjects with the same spacing but with different position in the timeline + the beginning of a 1/2 rhythm caused by the instrumental voice
06:00:292 (1) - WHY
07:11:361 (4,5) - a triplette?
07:19:327 (1) - delete this nc

where is the video? T_T
Timing che ho trovto finora:

Devo controllarlo meglio, ma va sicuramente meglio di quello che hai... ( alcune parti eran parecchio fuori ) Inoltre mancano le time signatures
This is totally not of my taste, it was extremely dull for me to listen to the whole thing (I am talking about the song)
I can't mod the map throughly because the opinion will be very biased
I'll just tell you what I noticed while I was watching it playing

Check AImod > most of the hitobjects are unsnapped
06:00:292 (1,2) - two hitobjects at the same time

This isn't worth of kudosu
* Kert out

- "nsfw" is not neccessary as Tag.
- Disable Countdown.
- I think, you should add some more Kiai Areas, because there's only one and let it look a bit boring.
- Why in the hell does the Map not start at 00:12:674? I think this part until 00:25:915 is totally worth to map.
01:13:087 (1) - Move the last white Slider point two grids at left.
01:14:328 (2) - Reverse the Points, it's an awful jump between the End of (1) and the Start of (2).
01:13:087 (1,2) - The overall point I absolutley don't like is the tick where (1) ends. IMO it sounds about nothing where it ends. 01:14:328 (2) - should actually start at 01:14:535 and (1) should end where (2) starts now.
01:19:086 (2,3,4) - Increase the Distance, this looks messed up, to be honest. However, it doesn't have to be in the Circle Slider, it also looks k if you increase the Spacing for a bit.
01:47:429 (6) - Add Clap.
02:06:981 (1,1) - Spinner Spams are ugly and from my side, not amusing to play. Extend the first of the three spinner until to the end of the last spinner.
02:15:154 - 02:45:379 - You should slow the SV how you did at 02:09:360 (1,2,3), because the Song is getting slower and so that, the SV should too.
02:23:228 (4,5) - Delete (5) and extend (4) that the Middle Point is on the next blue Tick, because then, the End of the Slider will stay where (5) is now.
I actually suggest this, because for now, the Middle point sounds strange and a bit out of beat.
02:25:091 - Circle?
02:25:505 - ^? Because this empty part feels strange.
02:35:856 (4) - Finish at the Start.
02:37:098 (1) - Same as 02:23:228 (5).
03:47:451 (3) - Move the Slider one grid right, for Spacing.
04:08:657 (1,1) - Same as 02:06:981 (1,1).
06:58:328 (1,1) - ^

HellDawn wrote:

last; 07:38:568- spinner here end:07:40:016
I agree with this Idea.

Durrr... the Map is.. okay, for sure, you remapped it, so it will takes many more (professional) Mods for getting approved.
But I don't know how the new rule affect to the Map.. Nevermind, it's over seven Minutes long, so go on! \o
Let me finish this as a mod post :P


• 02:44:551 (2): Add a Clap on the Slider end, there is a Clap sound there so it sounds better if you add one
• 03:00:069 (2): This is here, just to make a good Slider, but to be sincere it doesn't follow the music very well. Since it is an Approval map try to risk the Rhythm a bit more, you should try something like this (you can take the Note placement too if you want):
• 03:15:690 (Spin): I don't know if this Spinner is very neccesary, the long vocal can be represented with the Slider, for example adding a Reverse Arrow on the previous Slider. Try a Rhythm something like here:
• 03:21:384 (5,6): Listening the music, could be better if you replace these Notes on a Slider, because it is a long vocal instead of 2 separated things like you did with two Notes
• 03:24:693 (1): A Clap on the Reverse arrow work preety fine with the Instrumental
• 03:44:554 (1,2): (Nazi)- Plays better on a symetry pattern if you moved to the middle of the screen, the pattern looks more enjoyable in my opinion.

• 03:46:209 (1,2,3): This pattern don't follow very well the music, to make a better thing with the long Vocal that appear on there and with the Instrumental, try to do something like this:
• 03:49:313 (x): Add a Note, fit properly with the Vocal
• 04:03:795 (6,7,8): Unnecesary 3-plet, there is no sound on the middle, so is better if you Remove (7) from here
• 04:04:830 (3,4): This sound preety ugly, because it doesn't following the music on any aspect. Well, if you listen properly the music, it is easy to fix the problem. Just replace the position of Notes on the Timeline to make something like this:
• 04:07:726 (1,1): Those Whistles sound loud here, and it doesn't make a good sound. It's better if you Remove both whistles from both Spinners
• 04:17:243 (3,4,5): Can you explain me the usage of an antijump? Is really weird and flows preety bad. Would be better if you increase the distance between the Notes, also it is really inconsistent with the section on 04:21:795 (1,2,3,4).
• 04:17:657 (5): Hmm... Maybe you can add a New Combo here
• 04:27:588 (1): Is better if you start with the Claps here, because the battery starting in this point. I really hope a Clap on the beginning of this Slider
• 04:28:415 (3): For the same reason as above, add a Clap on the Slider end
• 04:36:484 (2): Clap on the beginning of the Slider
• 04:39:174 (6): (^)
• 04:40:002 (1,2): (^)
• 04:52:847 (1,2,3,4): This pattern totally stright it becomes weird at the hour to play the map. Maybe you can place (2,3) like I show you on the screenshoot
• 05:21:398: This break is preety unnecesary, why do not you map the woman voice? I think that it is a good idea to don't have an extrenmly short break
• 05:31:329 (1): To keep consistency, add a Clap here
• 05:44:985 (1): (^) On slider beginning
• 07:06:500 (4): To remark the Instrumental, a New Combo works perfectly here
• 07:11:673 (4,5,6): It is a very slow section, an increase on the Spacing is really unnecesary especially because you are using a lot of antijumps here, the flow between jump and antijump is preety bad. Please, reduce the spacing here
• 07:24:811 (3): The 3-plet is unnecesary here too (listen the music on 25% please). Remove this Note
• 07:31:328 (6,7,8): Again, this increase on the spacing play bad. Reduce it, please

Oh.. And here it is the first of the map on IRC
16:12 Barney Stinson: hey
16:12 Barney Stinson: we made m4m 5 days ago xD
16:13 mancusojuanmattos: sorry, I'll do it but I'm kinda busy/lazy at the same time :P
16:14 Barney Stinson: who minds about lazyness when getting an accord. I didn't ask u a mod request. we made m4m
16:15 mancusojuanmattos: asdadas.. I was going to said if you wanted an IRC but it is a collab :/+
16:15 Barney Stinson: no problem
16:15 Barney Stinson: who cares
16:15 Barney Stinson: I have the aurotization
16:15 mancusojuanmattos: ok, then
16:17 mancusojuanmattos: well, let's start
16:18 mancusojuanmattos: Tags: Remove the underscore from katty pie, is easier to find her
16:18 mancusojuanmattos: without iy
16:18 mancusojuanmattos: it*
16:18 Barney Stinson: kay
16:19 mancusojuanmattos: 00:27:156 (5,6)- Increase the spacing (at least with the DS) between this note and Slider, flows
16:19 mancusojuanmattos: better imo
16:21 mancusojuanmattos: let me know when you fix the stuff (or not :P)
16:21 Barney Stinson: fixed
16:21 Barney Stinson: I think the start of this map
16:21 Barney Stinson: is the most hated pattern evah
16:22 mancusojuanmattos: xD
16:22 mancusojuanmattos: I forgot something before on, 00:12:674 (T)-
16:22 mancusojuanmattos: Is necesary this Red Line? you didn't mapped on this place, and then there is no change on the BPM
16:22 mancusojuanmattos: or offset reset
16:22 Barney Stinson: ?
16:23 Barney Stinson: nah
16:23 Barney Stinson: removin' it
16:23 Barney Stinson: nono
16:23 Barney Stinson: that part is in 4/4
16:23 Barney Stinson: when it's mapped it's in 6/4
16:24 mancusojuanmattos: oh and 6/4, anywyas is unnecesary because you didn't map this part :P
16:25 mancusojuanmattos: 00:29:225 (4,5)- Hmm.. I don't think that stacked Notes fit fine on the beginning on the map, I
16:25 mancusojuanmattos: think that it's more enjoyable if you unstack
16:25 mancusojuanmattos: 00:31:708 (3,4)- Same here
16:25 Barney Stinson: okay
16:27 mancusojuanmattos: 00:39:156 (3)- Well, it is touching the HP BAR, is a bit weird when you play the map, maybe you
16:27 mancusojuanmattos: can move it to another place :P
16:28 Barney Stinson: fixed in another way
16:29 mancusojuanmattos: 00:41:639 (3,4)- Unstack these, I guess that the stack Notes (following the music) start with a good
16:29 mancusojuanmattos: flow on 00:45:777
16:32 Barney Stinson: dude
16:32 Barney Stinson: fixed
16:32 Barney Stinson: I'm beeing very distracted
16:36 mancusojuanmattos: 00:54:466 (3)- Whistle on all this Slider (except on the Sliderbody), works perfectly with this sound
16:36 mancusojuanmattos: that appear on the background of the song
16:38 Barney Stinson: added
16:38 mancusojuanmattos: 00:56:949 (3)- Clap on the beginning
16:41 Barney Stinson: done
16:42 mancusojuanmattos: 01:05:639 (1,2,3)- Flow better if you make an equal spacing between these Notes, I thought in
16:42 mancusojuanmattos: move (3) to x:324 y:240
16:43 Barney Stinson: well
16:44 Barney Stinson: nah
16:45 mancusojuanmattos: well...
16:46 mancusojuanmattos: 01:13:087 (1,2)- In this case, the second Slider doesn't follow the music very well, you should try
16:46 mancusojuanmattos: something like this (on Rhythm and Placed of Notes)
16:46 mancusojuanmattos:
16:47 Barney Stinson: oh god no dude
16:48 mancusojuanmattos: I highly suggest that, if you don't like the thing like I showed you on the screenshoot do it by
16:48 mancusojuanmattos: yourself, but really sounds bad the second Slider
16:48 mancusojuanmattos: the Reverse arrow doesn't follow anything on the music
16:49 mancusojuanmattos: I don't know if the Slider should be shorter or something, meh let's continue
16:52 mancusojuanmattos: 01:47:429 (6)- Hmm.. Add a Clap?
16:52 Barney Stinson: nah
16:54 mancusojuanmattos: 02:00:670 - 02:05:843- Some Whistle would be benefit with the consistency in the map, I think that
16:54 mancusojuanmattos: you have good places to add them
16:56 Barney Stinson: hmhm
16:56 Barney Stinson: done
17:00 mancusojuanmattos: 02:30:888 (5)- Hmm... this inconsistency on the Number of Repetitions, don't work a lot, you can
17:00 mancusojuanmattos: make something like this because you have music to do it
17:00 mancusojuanmattos:
17:01 Barney Stinson: it follows violins
17:01 Barney Stinson: wth il dat link
17:01 mancusojuanmattos: xD
17:02 mancusojuanmattos: I know that follow the Violing, but it becomes boring because it is a slow part on an app map
17:03 mancusojuanmattos: then.. 02:33:372 (5,6,7)- Unnecesary 3-plet (listen the music on 25/50% of speed), remove the
17:03 mancusojuanmattos: middle Note
17:04 Barney Stinson: right
17:06 mancusojuanmattos: 02:52:626 (2)- Sounds better if you reduce this Slider by 1/2 and then add a Note on 02:53:040-
17:07 mancusojuanmattos: because there isn't a long vocal in there

You know Barney, I had to delete some things on the chatlog When you showed this very, very, very, VERY!! preety Girl haha xD

Well, that's it
Good Luck with the map, Barney ;)


  1. 00:38:742 (2) - It's a little thing,but what do you think on rotating this slider so that it ceates a tornado pattern with the other sliders? Imho,this flows better as you have just to do an anticlockwise spin to catch the slider,and it's pretty good to see too! Ah,poi qui ci starebbe meglio un clap rispetto a un finish (non sento nessun piatto suonato qui),perciò ti conisglio di cambiare il finish in un clap

  2. 01:00:673 (1) - I'd suggest you to CTRL+R this slider,as now this setting flows a bit unnatural because the dropoff with 01:00:259 (4) - could be made better.
  3. 01:25:498 (1) - Perchè questo antijump? Non è che ce lo vedo così tanto bene qui. Ti direi di CTRL+Rare questo slider per evitare l'antijump. Oh,e se ti piace potresti anche spostare 01:26:119 (2) - a x:256 y:36 per far andare propriamente il flow che da 01:25:498 (1) - va sù e ritorna con 01:26:326 (3) -
  4. 01:39:360 (4) - Add a whistle at the beginning of this slider? It fits with the vocals repeating themselves,so it could be good to add that.
  5. 02:01:498 (4,5,6,7) - Ne ho parlato un po' con haku,e direi che lo spazio tra le note 6 e 7 potrebbe essere allungato per la progessione della canzone,o se ti piace potresti anche fare un jump incrociato,come in questa immagine.
  6. 02:28:817 (2) - Potresti seguire qui sia il sintetizzatore che le vocali rimpiazzando con 3 note 1/2,oppure accorciando lo slider di 1/2 (ad ora il punto in cui termina è abbastanza meh),decidi te.
  7. 02:52:621 (2) - You could try a symmetric approach,like here:

    I also reversed 02:52:621 (2) -'s sliderbody to make it properly flow with 02:53:035 (3) -
  8. 04:06:071 (6) - New combo here? It fits pretty good with the vocals and prevents from having a too long "combo chain"
  9. 04:56:985 (3,4) - Un CTRL+R ci starebbe benissimo qui e farebbe diventare il flow di 05:05:467 (4,5,6) - più naturale.
  10. 05:30:916 (5) - Ora come ora non ci sta proprio bene questo slider qui. Ti consiglierei invece di modificarlo rendendolo un pattern ad arco assieme agli altri slider: flowwa molto meglio rispetto al pattern attuale.

  11. 05:54:088 (6) - Trovo che il pattern scorra meglio usando un CTRL+R qui,ma forse sono solo io.
  12. 06:56:776 (2) - Ti direi di seguire le vocali qui al posto del tamburo spostando questa nota 1/2 indietro,ci sta mooolto meglio attualmente. E se possibile ti direi di spostarlo a x:256 y:352,che flowwa abbastanza bene con 06:55:742 (1) - .
  13. 07:11:052 (3) - Un clap manca alla fine di questo slider
  14. 07:21:397 (5) - ^,ma all'inizio
  15. 07:16:431 (7) - ^
  16. 07:17:259 (1) - ^
    Questa ultima parte mi è sembrata piuttosto scarna di hitsounds,è ancora incompleta? :\
Spero ti sia piacuta questa (random) mod,oltretutto incompleta,visto che moddare 8 e passa minuti di mappa mi ha mezzo ucciso.
This map has strange unfitting distance snap changes, some unfitting jumps and plenty of other unaccurate stuff. Yea, Larto's version was 10 times better and I really don't like this one. So sorry, denying your mod request.

Edit: okay, talked with Barney via irc, pointed out some general spacing stuff. He'll try to fix everything.
I'm still not sure why a remap of this song was needed, but what can i do
modded some stuff in IRC:

Bubble #2

02:06:981 (1,1) - I highly suggest to add finish on both these spinners.
02:45:379 (3) - Unsnapped slider end.

Let me know.
>Work In Progress/Help.

I guess it should be moved, yes?
If the bubble has been popped, then this map is in the correct place, since it only has 1 diff.
Topic Starter
Barney Stinson

Mercurial wrote:

If the bubble has been popped, then this map is in the correct place, since it only has 1 diff.

Mercurial wrote:

If the bubble has been popped, then this map is in the correct place, since it only has 1 diff.
Not when Andrea is about to approves it, right? (:
Approve *^*

Gabe wrote:

Mercurial wrote:

If the bubble has been popped, then this map is in the correct place, since it only has 1 diff.
Not when Andrea is about to approves it, right? (:
Again, if the bubble is popped, the map doesn't have to be on Pending, ask at some BAT.
No need to be Pending or WIP anymore.

Love you Andrea ♥

Congratz Barney, Roxas and Katty Pie :D
so fast D:
This was fast. lol
Congratulation! :DDDDD
Congratz man! :3
Gratz \:D/
Avenged Sevenfold <3


Loved the 'You had my heart, at least for the most part' mapping xD
Congrats > <
R e d
this map is LEGEND...


Gratz for the rank!!
You did awesome work!
Wow. Makes no sense.
I'm deleting a two page mod cuz of this. Could this really not have waited?
Why in my name (SB) I see a mistake? *Pie* should be capitalized too. This is disrespect to my name
Mh, gratz
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