
Usher - Scream

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The 08 team_Bourdon

Darcsol wrote:

The 08 team_Bourdon wrote:

// added. I have no idea to add other tag, please give me more i should add in.
I thought I gave a subtle hint. :? Add "single" to tags. // oppss.. my wrong. added.

The 08 team_Bourdon wrote:

I've added a short kiai...
I meant to say that using kiai times just for the fountains is a waste of potential. These type songs are perfect for it. Why kiai times can't be stretched throughout entire choruses like the final chorus? // okay. i changed it and it just not be a fountains again.
Thanks for explain :3
Hi! Time to mod your map :P



--> I know that it's an Easy difficulty but the Approach Rate feels a bit low, would be better if you increase it by 1 Tick (AR+1)

• 00:02:796 (2): This Slider is not to funny to play because doesn't follow a significative thing in the song, especially in this Easy. To follow better the Rhythm you should make another thing. I look for a lot of varieties listening the music in 25%, and the best one that I could find it is if you move this Slider to 00:03:030 and this Slider should be in 1/2 (Finishing in 00:03:264) and after that add a Repetition (It's much better if you change that for a better playability, if you can find another idea better than mine it's Ok too :3)
• 00:06:546 (4): (^)
• 00:11:702 (3): In the middle of this Slider (After to the Repetition) the rhythm change, for this reason this can't be united because doesn't follow the Rhythm in all the aspects and this make a weird thing with the Rhythm. To follow better the Rhythm you should remove the Repetition and then add another Slider that Starts in 00:13:577 and finish in 00:14:749. You can try something like that to don't have any kind of Spacing Problem:

• 00:22:718 (1,2): In this case is better the consistent than the Symetry. It's better if you keep consistency between the Sliders (2,3) following the Vocal. For this reason I suggest you to remove the Note (1) and then move the Slider (2) to here. Works better in my opinion.
• 00:26:468 (3): To Remark the Vocal (This 'uhh') it's better if you add a Whistle on the Reverse Arrow as you did it at the beginning
• 00:44:749 (1): In the music appear a sound like a Clap hitsound for this reason sounds preety fine if you add a Clap in this note to emphatisize this sound in the music
• 00:51:311 (3): I prefer to do another thing to follow better the rhythm, I think that this Slider end on a Red Tick doesn't work at all. For this reason it's better if you do 2 Sliders in 1/1. The first one (3) starts on 00:51:311 and finish in 00:51:780 and the second one (4) starts on 00:52:249 and finish in 00:52:718.

• 00:59:632 (T): To be consistent with Normal diff. (where sounds better) add an Inherited Timing Point here with 40% in Audio (Do that if you don't follow the next suggestion)
• 00:59:983 (1,1): The Slider is too Close to the Spinner to be on an Easy difficulty, this is difficult to New Players, in general is difficult to make the spin and more if you are thinking on a Slider then. Maybe you can reduce the lenght of the Spinner to make this pattern easier
• 01:15:218 (1): (NAZI)- This Slider can be better if you curved it a bit more :P
• 02:03:499 (1): A Clap fit perfectly here, if you listen the music appear a sound like a Clap here too.
• 02:18:733 (1,1): Same as 00:59:983
• 02:47:561 (4): I think that you have to reduce this Combo a bit because is a bit long to be in this difficulty. Following the Voice, here is the better place to add a New Combo
• 03:00:452 (1): Add a Clap at the end, same reason as 02:03:499
• 03:03:030 (5): And here add a Clap at the beginning of this Slider


• 00:03:968 (1): Looking your previous pattern, this Slider in 1/1 doesn't work at all, sounds empty at the hour to play the map. I think that you should follow the same consistence as before, to make that Reduce this Slider by 1/4 and then add a note in 00:05:022 (on a blue tick), can be a bit difficult because appear a Note on a blue tick but looking the difficulty in this beginning it's Ok in my opinion
• 00:49:905 (3): I personally don't like how to play this Whistle on Sliderbody for some reasons. First of all is inconsistent with the rest of the map because you never used this kind of things in the Whole of the map and then you don't have nothing to emphatisize with that, so this make the Whistle unnecesary. It's better if you remove it from here
• 01:12:405 (3): For consistency with all the 'uuhh', you should add a Whistle instead of a Clap on the end of this Slider. Also, on Collab you did that
• 01:25:061 (5): I'm preety sure that you forgot to add a Clap on the beginning of this Slider
• 01:27:874 (3): Add a Whistle at the beginning of this Slider (same reason as 01:12:405)
• 01:31:155 (2,3): The Reverse Arrow on these Sliders don't follow nothing in the music and for this reason sound bad. For this reason it's better if you Remove the Repetitions on each Sliders and make them in 1/1, here an Screenshoot to avoid any doubt:
• 01:55:330 (x): I think that work better with the Vocal if you add a Note here.
• 01:55:764 (1): The Whistle on the Sliderbody doesn't work fine here, would be better if you Remove it from here
• 02:12:405 (3): If you following the music properly, you have to add a Clap at the end of this Slider because appear something like a Clap in the song. For this reason, it's better if you emphatisize that
• 02:37:718 (1,2,3): In General, Slider Stacked (like that) don't make a good sense because don't look fine at all. Also, this kind of things are a bit difficult to 'Normal' Players. For that, this pattern would have a better flow if you unstack those Sliders
• 02:48:968 (1): For consistency with your other difficulties, you have to Remove this New Combo
• 03:24:593 (1,2,3): Same as 02:37:718
• 03:35:843 (1,2): This pattern in particular doesn't follow the music in any aspect, I could find a simple thing in 1/1, without any kind of weird thing that fit properly with the music. The Slider (1) have to start in 03:35:843 and finish in 03:36:780 and the Slider (2) starts on 03:37:249 and finish in 02:37:718, Here you have an Screenshoot.



• 01:33:733 (2): The Normal Whistle at the end of the Slider sound noisy, and doesn't fit at all with the music. You can fix that replacing the Normal sampleset to a Soft samplset, sounds much better in my opinion
• 01:39:827 (7): (NAZI)- Just for esthetic, because looks better, would be a good Idea if you Curve this Slider a bit like the previous Slider (6), maybe a Copy/Paste is a good idea. Try it, you will look that looks better and you don't have to do a lot of things after that (To be sincere you don't have to make nothing after to Curve the Slider :P)
• 01:42:874 (6): For consistency, you have to add a Whistle in this Note
• 01:55:296 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7): We have to consider that this difficulty is a Hard diff. in general is not recommended to have a Stream with more than 5 notes in this kind of difficulties. If you want you can keep that, but try to compress a bit this Stream making the distance smaller.
• 01:55:999 (7): This Note need a Clap, fit perfect with the music
• 02:03:499 (1): (^)
• 02:10:882 (x): In this Section you are following the Instrumental and the Vocal a lot. To continue with that and don't break the consistency, it's better if you add a Note here.
• 02:16:624 (9): I can percive a more reasonable Stop on here if you Replace the Slider to a Note in this position. Try to listen the music in 25%, I think that it's better
• 02:33:264 (4,5,6,7,8,9,1): As I explained before, this 7-plet should be compressed, making the distance between notes smaller
• 02:35:374 (8,9,10): Wait... A 3-plet here? There is nothing in the middle where is (9) to be remarked with a note, there is no Rhythm in the music, so this is consider as a overmap. Remove (9), is more benefit to the Rhythm.
• 02:48:499 (8): You are missing a Clap at the beginning of this Slider
• 03:52:718 (1,2,1): These Sliders are Silenced a lot, but anyways I can listen the end of them and they are very unnecesary to the music and sounds totally off-Rhythm. For this Reason it's better if you change these Sliders to 3 Notes on the White Ticks, sounds in the Music perfectly and don't make a bad sounds like the Sliders at the end.


• 00:04:319 (2): If you listen the music (Inclusive in 25% to be more sure), you don't have nothing here, and it's better to delete the Overmap because this kind of things make the difficulty much more difficult than Normal.
• 00:08:069 (1): (^)
• 00:11:350 (5): You can make a paused more remarked here, because if you listen the music the pause is there. To make that it's better if you change the Slider to a Note in this position
• 00:44:632 (x): A note, to be more consistent with the another 3-plets
• 00:44:749 (2): And you're missing a Clap here
• 00:45:686 (4): (^)
• 00:59:632 (T): I prefer to listen something in the Slider, there is a little sound in the music. For this reason, I think that you should increase the Volume to 40% (Like Normal diff.)
• 01:03:030 (2): This Clap sounds bad and doesn't follow the Pattern of Claps that you have in the mapset. It's better if you remove from here
• 01:05:608 (8,9): I prefer an antijump here, and I'll said you why, After that you have the jumps in 1/2 when he said 'uu' bla bla bla. This kind of things can be a bit confusive and you can remark this space in 1/1 with an antijump, is the better option in my opinion
• 01:18:382 (x): A Note to be consistent with your 3-plets
• 01:18:733 (5,1): You should make an antijump between these Notes too. (Same as 01:05:608)
• 01:25:061 (3): Add a Clap on the beginning of the Slider. Same reason as always :P

Well, That's All. The difficulties are preety fine but I don't like the gap of difficult between Normal and Collab. I think that it's preety big inclusive on the Score, try to checks out that, otherwhise the maps looks preety fine.
Star to show you my support and the Best of luck with this map, Bourdon! ;)
Topic Starter
The 08 team_Bourdon

mancusojuanmattos wrote:

Hi! Time to mod your map :P



--> I know that it's an Easy difficulty but the Approach Rate feels a bit low, would be better if you increase it by 1 Tick (AR+1) //yes.

• 00:02:796 (2): This Slider is not to funny to play because doesn't follow a significative thing in the song, especially in this Easy. To follow better the Rhythm you should make another thing. I look for a lot of varieties listening the music in 25%, and the best one that I could find it is if you move this Slider to 00:03:030 and this Slider should be in 1/2 (Finishing in 00:03:264) and after that add a Repetition (It's much better if you change that for a better playability, if you can find another idea better than mine it's Ok too :3) //yes.
• 00:06:546 (4): (^) //yes.
• 00:11:702 (3): In the middle of this Slider (After to the Repetition) the rhythm change, for this reason this can't be united because doesn't follow the Rhythm in all the aspects and this make a weird thing with the Rhythm. To follow better the Rhythm you should remove the Repetition and then add another Slider that Starts in 00:13:577 and finish in 00:14:749. You can try something like that to don't have any kind of Spacing Problem:

• 00:22:718 (1,2): In this case is better the consistent than the Symetry. It's better if you keep consistency between the Sliders (2,3) following the Vocal. For this reason I suggest you to remove the Note (1) and then move the Slider (2) to here. Works better in my opinion. //Hmm.. I dont agree on this suggest.i prefer it like the old style :p
• 00:26:468 (3): To Remark the Vocal (This 'uhh') it's better if you add a Whistle on the Reverse Arrow as you did it at the beginning //opps. added.
• 00:44:749 (1): In the music appear a sound like a Clap hitsound for this reason sounds preety fine if you add a Clap in this note to emphatisize this sound in the music //opps. added.
• 00:51:311 (3): I prefer to do another thing to follow better the rhythm, I think that this Slider end on a Red Tick doesn't work at all. For this reason it's better if you do 2 Sliders in 1/1. The first one (3) starts on 00:51:311 and finish in 00:51:780 and the second one (4) starts on 00:52:249 and finish in 00:52:718.
• 00:59:632 (T): To be consistent with Normal diff. (where sounds better) add an Inherited Timing Point here with 40% in Audio (Do that if you don't follow the next suggestion) //Hmm.. I dont agree this. but i'll hold on this suggest.
• 00:59:983 (1,1): The Slider is too Close to the Spinner to be on an Easy difficulty, this is difficult to New Players, in general is difficult to make the spin and more if you are thinking on a Slider then. Maybe you can reduce the lenght of the Spinner to make this pattern easier // fixed.
• 01:15:218 (1): (NAZI)- This Slider can be better if you curved it a bit more :P // sure! and fixed.
• 02:03:499 (1): A Clap fit perfectly here, if you listen the music appear a sound like a Clap here too. //opps. added.
• 02:18:733 (1,1): Same as 00:59:983 // fixed.
• 02:47:561 (4): I think that you have to reduce this Combo a bit because is a bit long to be in this difficulty. Following the Voice, here is the better place to add a New Combo // no~
• 03:00:452 (1): Add a Clap at the end, same reason as 02:03:499 //opps. added.
• 03:03:030 (5): And here add a Clap at the beginning of this Slider //opps. added.


• 00:03:968 (1): Looking your previous pattern, this Slider in 1/1 doesn't work at all, sounds empty at the hour to play the map. I think that you should follow the same consistence as before, to make that Reduce this Slider by 1/4 and then add a note in 00:05:022 (on a blue tick), can be a bit difficult because appear a Note on a blue tick but looking the difficulty in this beginning it's Ok in my opinion // I agree. but i just make one more repeating on it. i dont like to add a circle at blue tick on normal diff.
• 00:49:905 (3): I personally don't like how to play this Whistle on Sliderbody for some reasons. First of all is inconsistent with the rest of the map because you never used this kind of things in the Whole of the map and then you don't have nothing to emphatisize with that, so this make the Whistle unnecesary. It's better if you remove it from here //removed.
• 01:12:405 (3): For consistency with all the 'uuhh', you should add a Whistle instead of a Clap on the end of this Slider. Also, on Collab you did that //opps. i put it wrong hitsound. thanks your remain.
• 01:25:061 (5): I'm preety sure that you forgot to add a Clap on the beginning of this Slider //yes. i forgot to add it. Orz
• 01:27:874 (3): Add a Whistle at the beginning of this Slider (same reason as 01:12:405) //opps. changed.
• 01:31:155 (2,3): The Reverse Arrow on these Sliders don't follow nothing in the music and for this reason sound bad. For this reason it's better if you Remove the Repetitions on each Sliders and make them in 1/1, here an Screenshoot to avoid any doubt:
//yes. but for the slider (3) i'll keep it to the same.
• 01:55:330 (x): I think that work better with the Vocal if you add a Note here.//is 01:55:330 right? and yes.
• 01:55:764 (1): The Whistle on the Sliderbody doesn't work fine here, would be better if you Remove it from here //removed.
• 02:12:405 (3): If you following the music properly, you have to add a Clap at the end of this Slider because appear something like a Clap in the song. For this reason, it's better if you emphatisize that //opps. added.
• 02:37:718 (1,2,3): In General, Slider Stacked (like that) don't make a good sense because don't look fine at all. Also, this kind of things are a bit difficult to 'Normal' Players. For that, this pattern would have a better flow if you unstack those Sliders //fixed.
• 02:48:968 (1): For consistency with your other difficulties, you have to Remove this New Combo //removed.
• 03:24:593 (1,2,3): Same as 02:37:718 //fixed.
• 03:35:843 (1,2): This pattern in particular doesn't follow the music in any aspect, I could find a simple thing in 1/1, without any kind of weird thing that fit properly with the music. The Slider (1) have to start in 03:35:843 and finish in 03:36:780 and the Slider (2) starts on 03:37:249 and finish in 02:37:718, Here you have an Screenshoot.



• 01:33:733 (2): The Normal Whistle at the end of the Slider sound noisy, and doesn't fit at all with the music. You can fix that replacing the Normal sampleset to a Soft samplset, sounds much better in my opinion //agree. changed.
• 01:39:827 (7): (NAZI)- Just for esthetic, because looks better, would be a good Idea if you Curve this Slider a bit like the previous Slider (6), maybe a Copy/Paste is a good idea. Try it, you will look that looks better and you don't have to do a lot of things after that (To be sincere you don't have to make nothing after to Curve the Slider :P) //changed.
• 01:42:874 (6): For consistency, you have to add a Whistle in this Note //added.
• 01:55:296 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7): We have to consider that this difficulty is a Hard diff. in general is not recommended to have a Stream with more than 5 notes in this kind of difficulties. If you want you can keep that, but try to compress a bit this Stream making the distance smaller. Hmm... Hold on this problem a moment.
• 01:55:999 (7): This Note need a Clap, fit perfect with the music //added.
• 02:03:499 (1): (^) //added.
• 02:10:882 (x): In this Section you are following the Instrumental and the Vocal a lot. To continue with that and don't break the consistency, it's better if you add a Note here. agree. added.
• 02:16:624 (9): I can percive a more reasonable Stop on here if you Replace the Slider to a Note in this position. Try to listen the music in 25%, I think that it's better wow! It's so nice! agree too! added.
• 02:33:264 (4,5,6,7,8,9,1): As I explained before, this 7-plet should be compressed, making the distance between notes smaller //Hold on.
• 02:35:374 (8,9,10): Wait... A 3-plet here? There is nothing in the middle where is (9) to be remarked with a note, there is no Rhythm in the music, so this is consider as a overmap. Remove (9), is more benefit to the Rhythm. //change it in a slider already.
• 02:48:499 (8): You are missing a Clap at the beginning of this Slider //added back.
• 03:52:718 (1,2,1): These Sliders are Silenced a lot, but anyways I can listen the end of them and they are very unnecesary to the music and sounds totally off-Rhythm. For this Reason it's better if you change these Sliders to 3 Notes on the White Ticks, sounds in the Music perfectly and don't make a bad sounds like the Sliders at the end. //actually i know and i feel this weird sound is nice xD but only a circle on white ticks, isnt too bored i think? I'll hold on this. maybe i will change it later :p


Roddie will decide
• 00:04:319 (2): If you listen the music (Inclusive in 25% to be more sure), you don't have nothing here, and it's better to delete the Overmap because this kind of things make the difficulty much more difficult than Normal.
• 00:08:069 (1): (^)
• 00:11:350 (5): You can make a paused more remarked here, because if you listen the music the pause is there. To make that it's better if you change the Slider to a Note in this position
• 00:44:632 (x): A note, to be more consistent with the another 3-plets
• 00:44:749 (2): And you're missing a Clap here
• 00:45:686 (4): (^)
• 00:59:632 (T): I prefer to listen something in the Slider, there is a little sound in the music. For this reason, I think that you should increase the Volume to 40% (Like Normal diff.)
• 01:03:030 (2): This Clap sounds bad and doesn't follow the Pattern of Claps that you have in the mapset. It's better if you remove from here
• 01:05:608 (8,9): I prefer an antijump here, and I'll said you why, After that you have the jumps in 1/2 when he said 'uu' bla bla bla. This kind of things can be a bit confusive and you can remark this space in 1/1 with an antijump, is the better option in my opinion
• 01:18:382 (x): A Note to be consistent with your 3-plets
• 01:18:733 (5,1): You should make an antijump between these Notes too. (Same as 01:05:608)
• 01:25:061 (3): Add a Clap on the beginning of the Slider. Same reason as always :P

Well, That's All. The difficulties are preety fine but I don't like the gap of difficult between Normal and Collab. I think that it's preety big inclusive on the Score, try to checks out that, otherwhise the maps looks preety fine.
Star to show you my support and the Best of luck with this map, Bourdon! ;)
a very big Thanks your mod and your star!! mancuso :D
Hello from E.E's modding queue!
00:35:608 (10) - add circle after this?Think with sound better
01:36:780 (1) - delite , sound better without this circle
02:13:343 (9,10) - something like this?
02:39:124 (3,4) - something like this?
03:03:264 (2) - add circle after this?
All @suggestion@
Good luck!
Anyway, here's some stars.
Topic Starter
The 08 team_Bourdon

EvilElvis wrote:

Hello from E.E's modding queue!
00:35:608 (10) - add circle after this?Think with sound better //hold on.
01:36:780 (1) - delite , sound better without this circle i dont get your "delite" mean. did your mean is delete this circle? If it is. i dont agree this suggest...
02:13:343 (9,10) - something like this? //okay. but i'll keep it in a moment and change it in later.
02:39:124 (3,4) - something like this? //hmm.. no. i dont agree.
03:03:264 (2) - add circle after this? //hold on
All @suggestion@
Good luck!
Thanks your mod :)
Topic Starter
The 08 team_Bourdon

-Bakari- wrote:

Anyway, here's some stars.
Because the hitsounds are changing~ so need to wait a moment~
Thanks for your star! >w</

ugh.. double post.. Orz
Hello lady.


02:18:968- finish




01:55:764 (5,6,7)- wrong spacing too close
03:20:843- finish

Nice collab part
Topic Starter
The 08 team_Bourdon

HellDawn wrote:

Hello lady.


02:18:968- finish //added.




01:55:764 (5,6,7)- wrong spacing too close //fixed.
03:20:843- finish //added.

Nice collab part
Thanks for mod and your star :)
- Roddie-4.png is the same pic as Roddie-2.png. More than that, Roddie-4.png is unsued. Remove it please
- Neeeeeeeext. Damn these lines, sb is not optimized so much :( Why you don't use loops? it makes code more clear and readable.
- Also, nicknames for Roddie(1,2,3 i mean) are not stacked perfectly(435,391 and 436,391). it's for effect of moving or not? If yes, than make it on Y-axis too, and set 2-4pixels difference for X and Y. If not... stack it. It's nice effect btw, looks better than usual pulsations
- Fade of Bourdon in very end could be more smooth~ Music ends slowly, right? make same too :P

I think white overlay will be better on reverse. Your pink seems good for pink combo. for others it looks slightly strange

00:44:749 (2,4) - missed claps?
01:22:718 (1) - totally anti-flow, replace it to somewhere like x:216, y:148?
01:32:093 - add note?
02:09:124 - add note+clap?
02:12:874 - ^
02:14:749 (3) - add clap
02:44:514 (6) - add whistle to the start + slider body whistle
03:18:968 (1) - make it louder, add whistle to the end + slider body whistle, 40% is enough
03:40:999 (1) - add whistle to the end + slider body whistle
03:44:514 (5) - this clap seems excess
03:50:843 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - 5% of volume on sliders is no-no. Change volume here~

00:55:999 - add note + clap
02:44:514 (6) - add slider body whistle?
03:31:389 (7) - add whistle to the start as in another places where you follow vocals

00:11:702 (3) - add nc
02:04:905 (2) - better this, or two 1/1 sliders. and don't forger about claps. Just in this place 1/1 sounds better
02:07:718 (2) - ^
02:25:061 (1) - clap to the end~
03:07:718 (1) - i'd like to see nice circle in the center! can you improve it?
03:20:374 (1) - add whistle as in Normal
Topic Starter
The 08 team_Bourdon

Aleks719 wrote:

- Roddie-4.png is the same pic as Roddie-2.png. More than that, Roddie-4.png is unsued. Remove it please //removed.
- Neeeeeeeext. Damn these lines, sb is not optimized so much :( Why you don't use loops? it makes code more clear and readable. //fixed.
- Also, nicknames for Roddie(1,2,3 i mean) are not stacked perfectly(435,391 and 436,391). it's for effect of moving or not? If yes, than make it on Y-axis too, and set 2-4pixels difference for X and Y. If not... stack it. It's nice effect btw, looks better than usual pulsations //fixed.
- Fade of Bourdon in very end could be more smooth~ Music ends slowly, right? make same too :P //fixed.

I think white overlay will be better on reverse. Your pink seems good for pink combo. for others it looks slightly strange //hmm.. seems white overlay is ugly than black overlay @@. and i dont know what colour are the best...

00:44:749 (2,4) - missed claps? //added.
01:22:718 (1) - totally anti-flow, replace it to somewhere like x:216, y:148?
01:32:093 - add note?
02:09:124 - add note+clap? //added.
02:12:874 - ^ //added.
02:14:749 (3) - add clap //added.
02:44:514 (6) - add whistle to the start + slider body whistle //added.
03:18:968 (1) - make it louder, add whistle to the end + slider body whistle, 40% is enough //added.
03:40:999 (1) - add whistle to the end + slider body whistle //added.
03:44:514 (5) - this clap seems excess //removed.
03:50:843 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - 5% of volume on sliders is no-no. Change volume here~ //changed. 10% is ok or not?

00:55:999 - add note + clap //added.
02:44:514 (6) - add slider body whistle? //added.
03:31:389 (7) - add whistle to the start as in another places where you follow vocals //added.

00:11:702 (3) - add nc //added.
02:04:905 (2) - better this, or two 1/1 sliders. and don't forger about claps. Just in this place 1/1 sounds better // changed.
02:07:718 (2) - ^ //changed.
02:25:061 (1) - clap to the end~ //added.
03:07:718 (1) - i'd like to see nice circle in the center! can you improve it? //fixed.
03:20:374 (1) - add whistle as in Normal //added.
Thank you so much! Aleks 8-)

The 08 team_Bourdon wrote:

//changed. 10% is ok or not?
It should be hearable, i'd use 20% or higher
knock knock
Hi >w< Mod requested via game ~

Inconsistency in tags >w< You have to add "Single" in the Collab diff

00:11:702 (1) - To fit the vocal what about to add a whislte on this slider's head? I think it'd fit good.
00:13:577 (2) - ^
00:15:218 (1) - Mh.. Here the rhythm of the song is changing and we are on a white long tick. I think that a finish here with 40% volume would sound perfectly.
00:15:218 (1) - Still here, I suggest you to move this 1 grid left w/o using distance snap, so it's centered ;3
00:44:749 (1) - Remove NC and use it on 00:45:218 (2) instead. It fits better
00:55:061 (3) - There is a missed sound here 00:55:999. Then I highly suggest you to add a repeat on this slider or just a circle 1/1 after it
01:15:218 (5) - You missed NC here. You must add it, there is a kiai time too. Then.
01:30:218 (1) - Finish here is perfect with this low volume.
02:03:499 (1,2) - You need to improve the blanket here in this way:
02:04:905 (2) - As you can see from my screen above, I removed a repeat from this slider. I just think that it's better if you remove a repeat here and add a circle to 02:06:311. Since this is the easiest diff it could be easier to play for beginners ;3
02:07:718 (2) - ^ I would to the same here. Remove a repeat and add a circle 1/1 after it
02:14:749 Add circle for consisteny if you followed my suggestion above
02:47:093 (3) - Add NC here
03:02:093 (3) - Missed clap
03:20:374 (1) - Center this circle moving it 1 grid down
03:22:718 (2) - ^ overlap with 03:20:374 (1) then

00:14:749 (2) - Same of "easy" about hitsound
00:48:499 (1,2) - To follow the rhythm I think it's much better if you remove NC from (1) and add it on (2) instead
00:52:249 (1,2) - ^
01:30:218 (1) - Same of easy
02:48:968 (7) - What about to use a single NC here?
03:02:093 (3) - Missed clap again on this slider's start
03:48:499 (6) - Remove clap and add whistle instead, for consistency with vocal and sound

00:15:218 (4,1) - It's better if you remove NC from (4) adding it on 00:15:452 (1). It fits better.
00:29:983 (2) - I'd add a whistle here
01:14:046 (2) - 2nd waypoint 1 grid right or did you do it on purpose?
01:23:655 (3) - I'd CTRL + R it, it would flow better with 01:24:593 (2,3)
01:28:343 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - So asymmetric. Use this code
I think this map needs more work >w<

That's all, I hope it's helpful :3
Good luck with it >w<
Topic Starter
The 08 team_Bourdon

Chewin wrote:

Hi >w< Mod requested via game ~

Inconsistency in tags >w< You have to add "Single" in the Collab diff //fixed.

00:11:702 (1) - To fit the vocal what about to add a whislte on this slider's head? I think it'd fit good. //added.
00:13:577 (2) - ^ //added.
00:15:218 (1) - Mh.. Here the rhythm of the song is changing and we are on a white long tick. I think that a finish here with 40% volume would sound perfectly. //hmm.. is just at here 40% of the volume sound or the whole part 40% volume?
00:15:218 (1) - Still here, I suggest you to move this 1 grid left w/o using distance snap, so it's centered ;3 //agree. fixed.
00:44:749 (1) - Remove NC and use it on 00:45:218 (2) instead. It fits better //fixed.
00:55:061 (3) - There is a missed sound here 00:55:999. Then I highly suggest you to add a repeat on this slider or just a circle 1/1 after it //fixed.
01:15:218 (5) - You missed NC here. You must add it, there is a kiai time too. Then. //fixed.
01:30:218 (1) - Finish here is perfect with this low volume. //added.
02:03:499 (1,2) - You need to improve the blanket here in this way: //fixed.
02:04:905 (2) - As you can see from my screen above, I removed a repeat from this slider. I just think that it's better if you remove a repeat here and add a circle to 02:06:311. Since this is the easiest diff it could be easier to play for beginners ;3 //fixed.
02:07:718 (2) - ^ I would to the same here. Remove a repeat and add a circle 1/1 after it //fixed.
02:14:749 Add circle for consisteny if you followed my suggestion above //fixed.
02:47:093 (3) - Add NC here //added.
03:02:093 (3) - Missed clap //fixed.
03:20:374 (1) - Center this circle moving it 1 grid down //fixed.
03:22:718 (2) - ^ overlap with 03:20:374 (1) then //fixed.

00:14:749 (2) - Same of "easy" about hitsound //hmm.. is just at here 40% of the volume sound or the whole part 40% volume?
00:48:499 (1,2) - To follow the rhythm I think it's much better if you remove NC from (1) and add it on (2) instead //fixed.
00:52:249 (1,2) - ^ //fixed.
01:30:218 (1) - Same of easy //added.
02:48:968 (7) - What about to use a single NC here? //added.
03:02:093 (3) - Missed clap again on this slider's start //fixed.
03:48:499 (6) - Remove clap and add whistle instead, for consistency with vocal and sound //fixed.

00:15:218 (4,1) - It's better if you remove NC from (4) adding it on 00:15:452 (1). It fits better.
00:29:983 (2) - I'd add a whistle here //added.
01:14:046 (2) - 2nd waypoint 1 grid right or did you do it on purpose?
01:23:655 (3) - I'd CTRL + R it, it would flow better with 01:24:593 (2,3)
01:28:343 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - So asymmetric. Use this code //fixed.
I think this map needs more work >w< // I will >w</

That's all, I hope it's helpful :3 //yes. It's very helpful >w<
Good luck with it >w<
Thank you very much! chewin >w</
tag 加 max martin ... 他好出名的


00:02:913 (1,2) - stack with last note? i think like that would be easier to judge the rhythm

00:06:663 (1,2) - ^

00:13:108 (1) - im sure you played Gold dust, try put a slider here like 01:39:716 (6) - in gold dust insane?

01:00:218 (1) - use 100 % at this point?
01:52:483 (4) - whistle

01:57:874 (1) - 删了whistle

02:01:624 (1) - ^

上面那3whislte mod 是让从01:48:733 (3) - 开始就2bar一whistle,感觉比较整齐也好听 (个人意见不跟别打我

02:05:374 - 加note吧。。。

02:15:686 (5,6,7,8,9) - 这里的音乐感觉就是平音,不如做些整齐的排列?(比如perfect circle arc或者平平过来过去什么的

02:18:968 (1) - 感觉头用100%比较热血!!

02:26:468 (1) - slider身体也whistle吧? (这里想到一个梗,不如全部的"whoooo baby baby whooo" 里的"whooooo"全用whistle slider? (尾巴不要

觉得要改好麻烦= = 不如有whooo 的地方都用跳?

03:20:843 (1) - 这个绝对要100%大声

03:50:374 (7) - 头whistle?

偷懒了 呵呵
Topic Starter
The 08 team_Bourdon

L_P wrote:

tag 加 max martin ... 他好出名的 //added.


00:02:913 (1,2) - stack with last note? i think like that would be easier to judge the rhythm

00:06:663 (1,2) - ^

00:13:108 (1) - im sure you played Gold dust, try put a slider here like 01:39:716 (6) - in gold dust insane?

01:00:218 (1) - use 100 % at this point?
01:52:483 (4) - whistle //added.

01:57:874 (1) - 删了whistle //hmm.. no, i think.

02:01:624 (1) - ^

上面那3whislte mod 是让从01:48:733 (3) - 开始就2bar一whistle,感觉比较整齐也好听 (个人意见不跟别打我

02:05:374 - 加note吧。。。//added.

02:15:686 (5,6,7,8,9) - 这里的音乐感觉就是平音,不如做些整齐的排列?(比如perfect circle arc或者平平过来过去什么的 //fixed.

02:18:968 (1) - 感觉头用100%比较热血!!//too loud if use 100% volume on here :P

02:26:468 (1) - slider身体也whistle吧? (这里想到一个梗,不如全部的"whoooo baby baby whooo" 里的"whooooo"全用whistle slider? (尾巴不要 // already have added whistle. 但連babe babe也加whistle很奇怪耶~ 所以不加好了 XD

觉得要改好麻烦= = 不如有whooo 的地方都用跳?//already jumped. but not at all~

03:20:843 (1) - 这个绝对要100%大声 會不會太吵阿 @@

03:50:374 (7) - 头whistle?//added.

偷懒了 呵呵 // 那下次找我mod時, 我也偷懶好了 XD
謝謝你, L_P :P
As requested in-game, sorry for the delay.
Since the map is pretty good, I will just give some suggestion. Suggestion in bold are mostly recommended.


Circle emplacement
00:23:186 (2) - To make this slider symmetrical, move the second dot to x:160 y:364, move the third to x:256 y:384, move the 4th dot to x:352 y:364, move the 5th dot to x:384 y:300. Do the same for 00:26:468 (3) -
00:31:624 (4) - Move this slider one grid up so it could be perfectly aligned

00:18:968 - Add a clap here as you did for 00:15:218 and 00:22:718
00:30:218 - I am suggesting you to add a finish here... but the finish will sound a bit loud. Maybe you could add a soft finish with 30~40%
02:06:311 (3) - Replace the whistle by a clap, please.
03:36:780 - This clap sounds weird, seriously.


01:25:296 - Actually, the clap doesn't sounds good with the previous clap. I am suggesting you to delete it or even add a whistle.


Circle emplacement
01:01:155 (6,7,8,9) - I think you should move these objects like this;
01:30:218 (1) - Move this circle in the center of the playfield. I meant like... at x:256 y:260
01:55:530 (3,5) - These circles should be aligned in the same x:' axis. (x:80)
01:55:414 (2,6) - Same as ^ but at (x:108)
01:55:999 (7) - Align it at x:108
02:16:624 (9) - Finish this slider on the big tick, please.

01:20:374 - You should really add a whistle here because of the vocal.
02:05:374 - Add a clap here to keep the consistency. as you did for 02:09:124 (8) -
02:10:061 - Have you forgot to add a clap here? :>
02:12:874 - Same as 02:05:374
02:13:811 - Also add a clap

00:03:264 (3,4,5) - I messed up twice, since this are 1/2 aparts, and had the same spacing as the previous ones. Maybe something like this: 00:07:014 (3,4) -
00:56:468 (1) - I think you should finish the spinner here and let that black space without mapping, cuz your break is almost at the end of the song. This gap can work as a break and players can re-adjust hand or whatever.
02:05:843 (8) - Extend half beat and add a repeat (deleting the next slider ofc)
02:09:593 (10) - same
02:13:343 (10) - same

00:18:030 (1) - delete a repeat and move to here: 00:18:499 - and add note at : 00:18:030 - I think it fits better
01:55:764 (1) - start in next white tick and add a note in the red one.
02:17:093 - end slider here ?

00:10:530 (2) - shorten by 1/2 beat
00:11:702 (1) - would be easier to hit for beginners if is at: 00:11:468 -
00:13:577 (2) - and this here: 00:13:108 -
00:16:858 (3) - hard to hit for beginners, shorten by 1/2 beat and move it 1/2 beat forward in the white tick.
00:18:264 (1) - I dont like this slider... I think it should start here 00:18:030 - and you should extend it till here 00:19:905 - SOmething like this:
00:22:718 (1) - delete this note and move 00:23:186 (2) - to here: 00:22:718 -

Topic Starter
The 08 team_Bourdon

Gabe wrote:

As requested in-game, sorry for the delay.
Since the map is pretty good, I will just give some suggestion. Suggestion in bold are mostly recommended.


Circle emplacement
00:23:186 (2) - To make this slider symmetrical, move the second dot to x:160 y:364, move the third to x:256 y:384, move the 4th dot to x:352 y:364, move the 5th dot to x:384 y:300. Do the same for 00:26:468 (3) - //fixed.
00:31:624 (4) - Move this slider one grid up so it could be perfectly aligned //fixed.

00:18:968 - Add a clap here as you did for 00:15:218 and 00:22:718 //hmm. disagree. clap sound on here seem weird. @@
00:30:218 - I am suggesting you to add a finish here... but the finish will sound a bit loud. Maybe you could add a soft finish with 30~40% //added.
02:06:311 (3) - Replace the whistle by a clap, please. //fixed.
03:36:780 - This clap sounds weird, seriously. //removed.


01:25:296 - Actually, the clap doesn't sounds good with the previous clap. I am suggesting you to delete it or even add a whistle. //removed.


Circle emplacement
01:01:155 (6,7,8,9) - I think you should move these objects like this; //fixed.
01:30:218 (1) - Move this circle in the center of the playfield. I meant like... at x:256 y:260 //fixed.
01:55:530 (3,5) - These circles should be aligned in the same x:' axis. (x:80) //fixed.
01:55:414 (2,6) - Same as ^ but at (x:108) //fixed.
01:55:999 (7) - Align it at x:108 //fixed. but x:108? or you mean x:148?
02:16:624 (9) - Finish this slider on the big tick, please. //fixed.

01:20:374 - You should really add a whistle here because of the vocal. //fixed.
02:05:374 - Add a clap here to keep the consistency. as you did for 02:09:124 (8) - //fixed.
02:10:061 - Have you forgot to add a clap here? :> //fixed.
02:12:874 - Same as 02:05:374 //fixed.
02:13:811 - Also add a clap //fixed.

Lizbeth wrote:


00:03:264 (3,4,5) - I messed up twice, since this are 1/2 aparts, and had the same spacing as the previous ones. Maybe something like this: 00:07:014 (3,4) -
00:56:468 (1) - I think you should finish the spinner here and let that black space without mapping, cuz your break is almost at the end of the song. This gap can work as a break and players can re-adjust hand or whatever.
02:05:843 (8) - Extend half beat and add a repeat (deleting the next slider ofc) // hmm, no i think.
02:09:593 (10) - same // hmm, no i think.
02:13:343 (10) - same // hmm, no i think.

00:18:030 (1) - delete a repeat and move to here: 00:18:499 - and add note at : 00:18:030 - I think it fits better //fixed.
01:55:764 (1) - start in next white tick and add a note in the red one. //fixed.
02:17:093 - end slider here ? //hmm.. no~

00:10:530 (2) - shorten by 1/2 beat //yes. and fixed.
00:11:702 (1) - would be easier to hit for beginners if is at: 00:11:468 - //fixed.
00:13:577 (2) - and this here: 00:13:108 - //fixed.
00:16:858 (3) - hard to hit for beginners, shorten by 1/2 beat and move it 1/2 beat forward in the white tick. //fixed.
00:18:264 (1) - I dont like this slider... I think it should start here 00:18:030 - and you should extend it till here 00:19:905 - //fixed.
Something like this:
00:22:718 (1) - delete this note and move 00:23:186 (2) - to here: 00:22:718 - //fixed.

Thanks both of you~ Gabe and Liz >w</
hello :3 for m4m


00:16:155 (2,3) - spacing ?
00:06:546 (4) - - move here 00:06:780
00:45:218 (1) - finish
01:07:249 (2,3) - hmm?


00:02:327 (3) - hmm?
00:03:968 (1) - hmm?
00:06:428 (4) -



Nice map and song! good luck! star

P.S. nicks, during Kiai Time, they blink in red letters.but why not do just the part that the red light flashes? Rod - red and Bour - red. (Bourdon-2,Roddie-2) .
or you have something wrong with the storyboards? please check.
Topic Starter
The 08 team_Bourdon

ZLOdeuka wrote:

hello :3 for m4m


00:16:155 (2,3) - spacing ? //no~ I don't agree.
00:06:546 (4) - - move here 00:06:780 //yes.
00:45:218 (1) - finish //added.
01:07:249 (2,3) - hmm? //hmm.. no~


00:02:327 (3) - hmm? //yes.
00:03:968 (1) - hmm? //no~
00:06:428 (4) - //fixed.



Nice map and song! good luck! star

P.S. nicks, during Kiai Time, they blink in red letters.but why not do just the part that the red light flashes? Rod - red and Bour - red. (Bourdon-2,Roddie-2).
// i dont agree both nickname's colour are the same.
or you have something wrong with the storyboards? please check.
Thanks your mod and your star =w=/
Don't use black on the hicircle and the sliderborder, it mixes with the girls in the BG.

You can use this hitcircle (is the same but in strong gray):

For the slider border is: 42,42,42

I like this song! :D Good luck! :)
Topic Starter
The 08 team_Bourdon

ezek wrote:

Don't use black on the hicircle and the sliderborder, it mixes with the girls in the BG.

You can use this hitcircle (is the same but in strong gray):

For the slider border is: 42,42,42

I like this song! :D Good luck! :)
Thank you ezek!~ and Fixed. 8-)
Halo, apa kabar?

02:26:468 (2) - Make a same shape of slider as 02:25:061 (1) and flip it to make better symetry pattern

01:00:218 (1) - Reverse this slider (Ctrl+R) to make beginners are see the head slider clearly
03:37:249 (2) - Add clap at head slider

01:14:749 (5) - Move 1 grid right for allign the pattern? (Nazi)
02:16:624 (9) - Finish at tail slider doesn't make sense, IMO
03:35:139 (7) - Remove 1 repeating slider. So the players can click the next object with prefect timed

Selamat berjuang!

EDIT : this song is reminds me of Patchouli Knowledge's theme

I was modding with some lag. I may have been impaired.


Nice and varied. I enjoyed all the nice sliders. Hitsounds were also great!

00:11:468 (1) - Nazi, but this doesn't look absolutely perfect. Making the move points more uniform will create a better slider.
00:16:624 (3) - Add whistle to end? (This part feels quiet)
00:20:374 (2) - ^
01:15:218 (1) - Nice slider!!


You make varied patterns well. The designs worked for the most part. It could probably be ranked the way it currently is, but it's not perfect.

00:06:546 (3) - Same comment as 11 seconds in Easy. This slider is slightly malformed. Tweak the points around to make it perfect.
00:08:186 (1,2,3) - Vocals here don't hold any form of rhythm. I would like playing to the actual beat instead of to those vocals. 3/4th time doesn't play all that bad. Perhaps you could do something with this.
00:11:702 (1) - I don't like how it skips over the white tick vocals. Those vocals sound better than the red ones.
01:52:952 (2,3) - Not a great angle IMO. I suggest that 2 be more pointed towards 3. ??
02:07:014 (1,2) - Is this supposed to be not lined up?


I warmed up to the rhythm after a few tries. There's some parts that I just don't like personally, but when it comes to things that are actual flaws, there's very few. Even the note placement on the screen is well chosen. I felt some parts in the Intro played weird and you kind of have no warning the sliders are going to be that fast considering the 0.8 spacing is no indication of how fast the sliders are. It shouldn't be too much of a problem though.

00:08:538 (3,1) - Awkward at 0.8. Make this 1.0.
00:17:093 - Gap is awkward not filled in. I find it hard to adjust to the slider speed after the gap and that throws off me going into the next stack. I would fill this.
00:28:343 (2,3,4,5) - Is there a reason why this is so much different than the previous pattern?
00:49:905 (2) - This is awkward to follow IMO. It's difficult to transition into next part.
Topic Starter
The 08 team_Bourdon

Leorda wrote:

Halo, apa kabar?

02:26:468 (2) - Make a same shape of slider as 02:25:061 (1) and flip it to make better symetry pattern //fixed,

01:00:218 (1) - Reverse this slider (Ctrl+R) to make beginners are see the head slider clearly //fixed.
03:37:249 (2) - Add clap at head slider //added.

01:14:749 (5) - Move 1 grid right for allign the pattern? (Nazi) //fixed.
02:16:624 (9) - Finish at tail slider doesn't make sense, IMO //removed.
03:35:139 (7) - Remove 1 repeating slider. So the players can click the next object with prefect timed //hmm.. no~ i think.

Selamat berjuang!

EDIT : this song is reminds me of Patchouli Knowledge's theme // O.O

TheVileOne wrote:


I was modding with some lag. I may have been impaired.


Nice and varied. I enjoyed all the nice sliders. Hitsounds were also great! //thanks :3

00:11:468 (1) - Nazi, but this doesn't look absolutely perfect. Making the move points more uniform will create a better slider.
00:16:624 (3) - Add whistle to end? (This part feels quiet) //added.
00:20:374 (2) - ^ //added.
01:15:218 (1) - Nice slider!! //yea :D


You make varied patterns well. The designs worked for the most part. It could probably be ranked the way it currently is, but it's not perfect. //I will try to make it as perfect (?)

00:06:546 (3) - Same comment as 11 seconds in Easy. This slider is slightly malformed. Tweak the points around to make it perfect. //fixed.
00:08:186 (1,2,3) - Vocals here don't hold any form of rhythm. I would like playing to the actual beat instead of to those vocals. 3/4th time doesn't play all that bad. Perhaps you could do something with this. //fixed. but i just changed it in a 1/2 repeating slider.
00:11:702 (1) - I don't like how it skips over the white tick vocals. Those vocals sound better than the red ones. //fixed.
01:52:952 (2,3) - Not a great angle IMO. I suggest that 2 be more pointed towards 3. ?? //fixed.
02:07:014 (1,2) - Is this supposed to be not lined up? //huh? I dont get your mean here~


I warmed up to the rhythm after a few tries. There's some parts that I just don't like personally, but when it comes to things that are actual flaws, there's very few. Even the note placement on the screen is well chosen. I felt some part sin the Intro play weird and you kind of have no warning the sliders are going to be that fast considering the 0.8 spacing is no indication of how fast the sliders are. It shouldn't be too much of a problem though. //hmm... for personally i dont think it's have too much problem on the spacing and the speeding of slider~
Roddie will decide
00:08:538 (3,1) - Awkward at 0.8. Make this 1.0.
00:17:093 - Gap is awkward not filled in. I find it hard to adjust to the slider speed after the gap and that throws off me going into the next stack. I would fill this.
00:28:343 (2,3,4,5) - Is there a reason why this is so much different than the previous pattern?
00:49:905 (2) - This is awkward to follow IMO. It's difficult to transition into next part.
Thank you so much for Leo and VileOne. :D
Baby uh uh uh

  1. Nothing wrong here
  • -- I think is much better if you reduce one tick in AR
    - 02:07:249 (1) - Remove the new combo here to follow the vocals and add a new combo here 02:07:718
    - 02:10:530 (x) - Keep the flow please, add a note
    - 00:59:632 (T) - Tming section should be end here 00:59:749
  • -- Nice
  • -- Lovely
Good job
Topic Starter
The 08 team_Bourdon

MoodyRPG wrote:

Baby uh uh uh

  1. Nothing wrong here
  • -- I think is much better if you reduce one tick in AR //hmm.. no~ i think.
    - 02:07:249 (1) - Remove the new combo here to follow the vocals and add a new combo here 02:07:718 //fixed.
    - 02:10:530 (x) - Keep the flow please, add a note //fixed. but i just make a repeating on the previous slide.
    - 00:59:632 (T) - Tming section should be end here 00:59:749
  • -- Nice
  • -- Lovely
Good job
Thanks for your mod :D
-Baby Strawberry-
Nice song~!

(except those sliders in the end of collab. you fixed them. IRC suggestion))
now here's your SCREEEEEEEAAAAAAM stars!
Topic Starter
The 08 team_Bourdon

-Bakari- wrote:

(except those sliders in the end of collab. you fixed them. IRC suggestion))
yea~ wait... did i need to give you kud?~ o:
and Thanks for your starrrrr again~ 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
Alright i finally have time to mod this...mod requested in-game.

Bold: Unrankable/must fix.
Red: You should fix it, but it's up to you.
Italic: Suggestion. Feel free to ignore this if you don't like it.
Blue: Comment. I'll give you my opinion, advice, or if i'm curious about something.


00:03:968 (3) - this should be a NC because the instrumental changes, not to mention it'll be consistent with 00:11:468.
00:11:468 (1) - if you ignore this suggestion above, then remove the NC for consistency since the instrumental loops all over again.
00:15:686 - since you have a 1/1 pattern from (2,3), i suggest adding a circle here to keep that 1/1 rhythm going during gameplay.
00:33:499 (1,2,3,4) - maybe something like this? i think the flow would be smoother and easier during gameplay.
00:45:218 (1) - replace this for a 1/1 slider to follow the hold in the vocals in this part.
00:47:093 (3) - missing a whistle at the end? add it for consistency in the whistles.
00:51:311 (3) - ^
00:55:061 (3) - same as above but at the repeat arrow.
01:03:968 (5) - maybe add a whistle with the clap to match the vocals? whistles for vocals, and claps for consistency.
01:18:499 (4) - *nazi* consdier moving this to the left so that it'd stack on the beginning of (1) perfectly.
01:18:968 (5) - same as 01:03:968.
01:52:718 (4) - consider making this a NC because the lyrics change in this part of the song.
02:09:124 (2) - replace the whistle for a clap for consistency with the claps for this part. it sounds as if this is the only lone whistle in this part of the song.
02:12:405 (2,3) - maybe make these 2 sliders like this for a smoother flow since the notes are making a blanket for (1)?
02:22:718 (5) - same as 01:03:968.
02:37:718 (5) - ^
03:26:936 (6) - make this a NC because of the lyrics in the song. it'll be consistent with the other combos in the diff.
03:39:593 (5) - same as 01:03:968.

00:00:218 (1,2,3) - consider adding whistles at each end to match the instrumental in this part of the song.
00:03:968 (1,2,3) - ^
00:11:702 (1,2,3,4) - maybe add a decrease in the volume since the vocals fade out in this part?
01:55:999 (1) - missing a clap at the store...add that clap and that beginning....

00:13:108 (1) - replace this for a 1/2 slider and a spinner 1/4 still follows fade out in the vocals.
00:46:155 (2) - how about making the curved slider like this. the curved slider blanket almost every note in this part of the song.
01:22:718 (1) - here as well. try to stack this note on the other (2) for consistency.
01:36:077 (9) - maybe a curved slider to give off that nice feeling to the song.
01:44:280 (4) - do Ctrl+R to emphasize the vocals fade out, also i think doing this would make a nice challenge for players to clear.

I guess that's it. GL :D. sorry about my short mod, i was half asleep and i can't mod properly :(
Topic Starter
The 08 team_Bourdon

Byakugan249 wrote:

Alright i finally have time to mod this...mod requested in-game.

Bold: Unrankable/must fix.
Red: You should fix it, but it's up to you.
Italic: Suggestion. Feel free to ignore this if you don't like it.
Blue: Comment. I'll give you my opinion, advice, or if i'm curious about something.


00:03:968 (3) - this should be a NC because the instrumental changes, not to mention it'll be consistent with 00:11:468.
00:11:468 (1) - if you ignore this suggestion above, then remove the NC for consistency since the instrumental loops all over again.
00:15:686 - since you have a 1/1 pattern from (2,3), i suggest adding a circle here to keep that 1/1 rhythm going during gameplay.
00:33:499 (1,2,3,4) - maybe something like this? i think the flow would be smoother and easier during gameplay.
00:45:218 (1) - replace this for a 1/1 slider to follow the hold in the vocals in this part.
00:47:093 (3) - missing a whistle at the end? add it for consistency in the whistles.
00:51:311 (3) - ^
00:55:061 (3) - same as above but at the repeat arrow.
01:03:968 (5) - maybe add a whistle with the clap to match the vocals? whistles for vocals, and claps for consistency.
01:18:499 (4) - *nazi* consdier moving this to the left so that it'd stack on the beginning of (1) perfectly.
01:18:968 (5) - same as 01:03:968.
01:52:718 (4) - consider making this a NC because the lyrics change in this part of the song.
02:09:124 (2) - replace the whistle for a clap for consistency with the claps for this part. it sounds as if this is the only lone whistle in this part of the song.
02:12:405 (2,3) - maybe make these 2 sliders like this for a smoother flow since the notes are making a blanket for (1)?
02:22:718 (5) - same as 01:03:968.
02:37:718 (5) - ^
03:26:936 (6) - make this a NC because of the lyrics in the song. it'll be consistent with the other combos in the diff.
03:39:593 (5) - same as 01:03:968.

00:00:218 (1,2,3) - consider adding whistles at each end to match the instrumental in this part of the song.
00:03:968 (1,2,3) - ^
00:11:702 (1,2,3,4) - maybe add a decrease in the volume since the vocals fade out in this part?
01:55:999 (1) - missing a clap at the store...add that clap and that beginning....

00:13:108 (1) - replace this for a 1/2 slider and a spinner 1/4 still follows fade out in the vocals.
00:46:155 (2) - how about making the curved slider like this. the curved slider blanket almost every note in this part of the song.
01:22:718 (1) - here as well. try to stack this note on the other (2) for consistency.
01:36:077 (9) - maybe a curved slider to give off that nice feeling to the song.
01:44:280 (4) - do Ctrl+R to emphasize the vocals fade out, also i think doing this would make a nice challenge for players to clear.

I guess that's it. GL :D. sorry about my short mod, i was half asleep and i can't mod properly :(
Fixed all. except on collab. Thank you very much >w</, Byakugan~~
I apologize for the lateness, is that even a word? Oh well


- I really think you shouldn't map the very start until 00:15:218 because it doesn't sound very good also like how it is right now is just confusing/hard to play
- Tick rate 2 sounds great, use it?
- 03:50:374 ~ Maybe change the clap for a finish sound
- Very good map

- 03:50:374 ~ Add a finish?

- Use tick rate 2? It suits well when there are long sliders
- 03:02:796 ~ This NC doesn't seem necessary
- 03:50:374 ~ Maybe add a finish?

That's all, I would glady recheck this, just call me back
Topic Starter
The 08 team_Bourdon

lovhin456 wrote:

I apologize for the lateness, is that even a word? Oh well


- I really think you shouldn't map the very start until 00:15:218 because it doesn't sound very good also like how it is right now is just confusing/hard to play
- Tick rate 2 sounds great, use it? // i dont agree in 1/1 beat needed tick rate 2.
- 03:50:374 ~ Maybe change the clap for a finish sound
- Very good map //Thanks ^^

- 03:50:374 ~ Add a finish?

- Use tick rate 2? It suits well when there are long sliders
- 03:02:796 ~ This NC doesn't seem necessary
- 03:50:374 ~ Maybe add a finish?

That's all, I would glady recheck this, just call me back
ok. Fixed all. ^^ just except that easy diff i didn't change the tick rate into 2.
and Thank you very much :3

02:13:343 (3,4) - Wrong spacing.


03:50:843 (1) - End this spinner on the same place of the other difficulties to be consistent.

That's all :3
Topic Starter
The 08 team_Bourdon

Andrea wrote:


02:13:343 (3,4) - Wrong spacing.


03:50:843 (1) - End this spinner on the same place of the other difficulties to be consistent.

That's all :3
Fixed. and Thanks, Andrea!~ :D
Looks good now!

Enna Alouette
Gratz :3

Oh. My. God.

gratz :D
congratz!!! :D
Topic Starter
The 08 team_Bourdon
Thanks for everyone ^^
wow, this song!! <3!
Congratulations!! :3
Yeah! Screaaaaam!! :)
Great :)
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