
Ouendan disussion- Post anything about Ouendan 1,2 and EBA

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Kinda redundant. The score could be anything from 6,000,000 to 9,999,999, hidden or not.

So I kinda took the score outta the picture (pun).
Oh, you're right. I guess I should taken this one instead:

How? Well, let's say that'll you'll never actually fool anyone with the autoplay code:

I thought I was so good at EBA before I searched for "All 300" videos on YouTube :lol:
Right now I'm specializing on osu!. Let's see the results.
Got my copy of EBA today.
may i join the conversation :twisted:

I just finished ouendan 2, and most favorited song
Ai - Believe
The Storyboard really mixed with the music

and another song as always LOL
Zenryoku Shounen
Music Hour
Go My Way
VISTA (but fuck VISTA by Microsoft)
Sekai wa Sore o Ai to Yobundaze

Seems to twisted... :twisted:
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Now that I actually have EBA (just bought it a few days ago), I don't see why a lot of people hate "Canned Heat." If you have a sense of rhythm (which, admittedly, we need a lot of here on osu!), it's practically easy in comparison to the massive drains of a few other songs.
I used to hate Canned Heat on Hard the first week I got the game. Now I can play it with a mouse with no problem. :P

I suggest anyone who has good music sense and just got this game to start on Normal/Crusin'. Easy/Breezin' is waaaaay too boring. >_>
Not to mention it's actually harder at points, since it's less about listening to the music than it is about watching the movement of the approach circle.

Also, on a different note, it took five days and a heck of a lot of replays, but I've managed to clear Hard Rock mode from first picking up the game, with the only stage that doesn't have a star in any difficulty the HR final level and no rank below B (although I do have plenty of those), and the 5-Star Commander rank. I would just like to say fuck the person who made the drain that high. The entire last bit of the song starting from the second break was almost entirely done in the danger zone.

YoshiKart wrote:

I used to hate Canned Heat on Hard the first week I got the game. Now I can play it with a mouse with no problem. :P

I suggest anyone who has good music sense and just got this game to start on Normal/Crusin'. Easy/Breezin' is waaaaay too boring. >_>
But if you want to FC the game, you'll have to do Easy sooner or later. And when you're used to playing on Insane, Easy is like concentrated chloroform.
This has been bothering me for some time, so can anybody tell me who this is....... :shock:

She's the wife of the shoe salesman (short guy in glasses and striped suit to her immediate right) from the VISTA stage.
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lol, with her hair down like that, looking like a long beard i always though she was a guy. I wasn't able to this figure this out until now

EBA2 confirmed?
Finally, a thin shred of hope.
If the rumor about EBA2 on Wii with dance motion controls only turns to be true, I will lose all hope.

Behonkiss wrote:

EBA2 confirmed?
"It’s been there for awhile.
It’s not a confirmation of anything.
It uses Ouendan 2’s assets and has been TBC ever since Ouendan 2 was announced."
Detective Tuesday
Still the most promising thing anyone has seen in a good year. I'll remain cautiously excited for the time being.

*hopes they put some hip hop in it*
Yeah, this is probably just holdover from back when everyone assumed that Ouendan 2 meant EBA 2 was coming. Still, I think a rumor like this circulating around the web is a good thing, because it gets people thinking about EBA.
the only wii compatibility i want with EBA2 is that you hook ds with wii so that the ds top screen is idle and the wii screen will show the score and anime. Better quality with that.
LuigiHann looks like your going to have allot of work ahead of you making an EBA2 skin....

devkit4384 wrote:

LuigiHann looks like your going to have allot of work ahead of you making an EBA2 skin....

If your serious, screenshot plz.

Unless this is a joke that my tired mind cant process
Here's the staff that brought you oto1&2 and eba

...Wasn't expecting the white guy.
The Gay one?
oh whatever.

Is any Translation of those comics (manga)from Ouendan?
I already know of GameFAQs and that FAQ. (Ouendan_Fangirl)
Here is the thing: I have been doing a project, from a little while.
Rip the manga out of the game, delete Japanese stuff, then Place English stuff. Got it?
I don't want to continue if there is a Translation. You'll know why.
So, I was looking if I should continue wasting my time, or post, or make a webpage for it?
It's nothing really Pro; This is my first time, and i'm using Photoshop, so maybe it's a little crappy.

If no one's interested, please keep looking on the white one.

nvm I suck
Just got EBA today and beat it on Crusin'. :)

Now I see why people hate JJF though. All those hitcircles close together are hella annoying.
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My personal favorites are:
Ouendan 2: Mihimaru GT - "Kibun Jojo"
EBA: Avril Lavigne - Sk8er Boi
and I never played Ouendan
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So I mention EBA to someone during school.

He thought I said "Leaping Asians". -_-'

YoshiKart wrote:

So I mention EBA to someone during school.

He thought I said "Leaping Asians". -_-'
Thats a little...awkward...
Well that's basically what the Japanese counterpart of EBA is.
I've always wanted to do this.


Ouendan2 wrote:

YoshiKart wrote:

So I mention EBA to someone during school.

He thought I said "Leaping Asians". -_-'
Thats a little...awkward...

awp wrote:

Well that's basically what the Japanese counterpart of EBA is.

K2J wrote:

I've always wanted to do this.

I can't even count how many times I've seen that. Their Katamari one is over 9000 times better though.
My Favs Are:

EBA: Jumping Jack Flash

Ouendan: Ready Steady Go!

Ouendan2: Sekai wa Sore wo Ai to Yobunda ze

So Basically The Last Songs
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Favorite Songs:

EBA: Without a Fight

Ouendan: Thrill/Kokoro Odorou

Ouendan 2: Music Hour/SSAY
ouendan 1
ermm dun know
Without a fight
ouendan 2
the last song
if you guys can believe me
im a 10 years old finished it with a score of 99999999 full 9
i got full 9 while spinny a spinner (it aint adding the score anymore D=)
it wus last diffuculty and in hidden
and yeah i got more than 20 trys but it wus worth it :D
yeah its in the DS
Does anyone have an MP3 for the game version of Go My Way from Ouendan 2? I've been itching to find it >_>
Has anyone tried to do a mirror mode?

You know while you calibrate the touch screen, you press the left side instead of the right side, you press the top side instead of the bottom.

Then you play Ouendan 1,2 or EBA on any difficulty. I tried it once. It was hard, very hard. I don't know why I did it, probably from boredom. It was already hard on the menu screen.

kuwarudo wrote:

Has anyone tried to do a mirror mode?
Oooold news. :P I think I managed to beat JJF and Sekai in mirror mode, with a sliver of health left. >_> In Hard/Sweatin'. Normal's too easy, Insane's too... insane.
Ha ha ha, this thread still hasn't died.

kuwarudo wrote:

Ha ha ha, this thread still hasn't died.
Its stickyed.
Doesn't matter. It's dead when no one will post here again.

Zekira wrote:

Does anyone have an MP3 for the game version of Go My Way from Ouendan 2? I've been itching to find it >_>
Have you found it yet? I have it ;3
I have every in-game stuff from O1 and O2 now, thanks.
My favorites are
EBA:Makes No Diffrence/La La
Oueden 1:Shanghai Honey
Ouendan 2:Rirura Rirura

Crap i spelled ouendan 1 wrong
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awp wrote:

So I was playing Ouendan2 a couple nights ago, and it might have been due to the fact that I was on Insane/Hidden on SSAY, but Ouendan maps are sure as hell a lot less coherent than Osu! maps - the timing near the end of the song seemed terribly unpredictable to me and the overlapping notes made me start guessing and hoping for the best. But maybe I've gone soft, as we push pretty hard to have Osu! beatmaps consistant, coherent, and reasonably predictable so as to avoid a player's confusion and ANGERRRRRR.

gawddamnit I had one of those score-cap runs going and I died
Bet your talking about Countdown. Ugh taht last stream of notes made me fail the song every time, There were Even times when I got almost all 300 in the song but then the unpredictable death stream killed me x.x Later I searched for a video on YouTube with the songs ending. I knew what the rhythm sounded but couldn't reproduce it. I eventually finished it but in horrible rhythm. I still can't do the streak of notes..
Well I don't know why, but it does help if you can somehow register the hitsounds in your head while the music is playing.

TBH in my head, I hear the notes in OTO1/2 and EBA as 'Don Katsu' now... >_> E.G. that last 2 7-note streams on Countdown, I hear it as "Dodokakadodoka~" >_>
Arusha Shuna
EBA : September (full300 in sweatin')
Ouendan2 : GLAMOROUS SKY (full300+Hidden in Insane), Sekai Wa Sore Wo Ai To Yobun Daze

you know, there should be SS rank in DS version (but there's no SS in DS isn't it? :| )
I leave Only one image; This image shows what I achieved in my Ouendan 2 (mostly getting full combos on several songs in insane - hidden) - and it also explains clearly why I have not played Ouendan or any other DS game for months.

As FYI - the DS has been broken for long time, yet this is it's 8th time being busted - I could repair it with whopping 12usd, but i am not riveted enough to do so for now...
Did you know that the default ctb character is based off of an Ouendan character?
Arusha Shuna
^where have you been... ~_~
My favorite song(s) are
(from EBA) September, YMCA, and Highway Star
(from Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan) Over the Distance, Neraiuchi, and Ready Steady Go
(from Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2) Zoku, Julia ni Heartbreak, Shonen Heart, Pop Star, Monkey Magic, Samurai Blue, and COUNTDOWN

overall I like Ouendan 2 a lot more
Nakata Yuji

videogamenerd1991 wrote:

My favorite song(s) are
(from EBA) September, YMCA, and Highway Star
(from Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan) Over the Distance, Neraiuchi, and Ready Steady Go
(from Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2) Zoku, Julia ni Heartbreak, Shonen Heart, Pop Star, Monkey Magic, Samurai Blue, and COUNTDOWN

overall I like Ouendan 2 a lot more

[deleted user]

Sumea wrote:

I leave Only one image; This image shows what I achieved in my Ouendan 2 (mostly getting full combos on several songs in insane - hidden) - and it also explains clearly why I have not played Ouendan or any other DS game for months.

As FYI - the DS has been broken for long time, yet this is it's 8th time being busted - I could repair it with whopping 12usd, but i am not riveted enough to do so for now...
Aside from the buttons being missing, your DS looks awesome. How did you break it that much though!? :-O
Mine is missing a bit of plastic missing so the screen is floppy and squeaks sometimes. Bit annoying but it works.
Now, about Ouendan... My favourite song is from the first game. I don't know what it's called but it's the one with the crazy hair video. Where they all wear purple wigs and stuff. Great song. I wish I had the MP3.
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I recall finishing all of the songs from ouendan 2 on hidden. Fun times. Glamorous Sky would be my favourite song on there though.
Oh God the Pika Squad have entered the building.

I'd totally get that just to watch the ice shard thing fall on them in countdown.

soradg123 wrote:

It's Pikachu!!!

Those who don't get it:

Inis knows when to stop. With Activision producing almost a monthly sequel to Guirar/Band/Dj/Insert instrument here, Inis knew what is too many.
uhh... my favourites r:

Ouendan- Melody, Shanghai Honey
Ouendan 2- Monkey Magic, Glamorous Sky
Arusha Shuna

Azure_Kyte wrote:

I recall finishing all of the songs from ouendan 2 on hidden. Fun times. Glamorous Sky would be my favourite song on there though.
you have the same taste like me Azure
full 300 Glamorous Sky on hidden insane (yes in DS version)
ahhh good times...
Is it in any way possible for me to get Ouendan 1 and 2 working for me? I live in the UK with a European DS, but could import of there's a way around the whole regional cartridge thing. I also have an R4 card if there's a place to get working Japanese games for it... any help welcome, would love to experience the originals to my favourite handheld game ever in EBA!

Oh and 'The Anthem' and 'Inspiration' are my favourite tracks from EBA, insanely good fun.

Turpin2009 wrote:

Is it in any way possible for me to get Ouendan 1 and 2 working for me? I live in the UK with a European DS, but could import of there's a way around the whole regional cartridge thing. I also have an R4 card if there's a place to get working Japanese games for it... any help welcome, would love to experience the originals to my favourite handheld game ever in EBA!
I know it's extremely impolite to just post out of nowhere like this only to go back to lurking immediately after, but I have to mention there's no such thing as region-locking regular DS games.
Don't worry about it; impolite, sporadic posting is my hallmark around here!

Was confused by the fact that a Japanese region game I tried to download was 'failed to read' on my DS due to incorrect region. Does ANYONE know if it is possible to download Ouendan for free onto an R4 from any site, or to buy it online and still get it to work on an EU console?
I was able to import the games from Yes-asia and play it on my US systems fine. Worked with no problems on both the original DS and the DS Lite. I've heard that the DSi has region-locked games, but regular DS games shouldn't be region-locked even when played on a DSi system.

Also, I don't care what else anybody pirates, but we don't pirate iNiS games here. :evil:
(we just painstakingly recreate them :P )
I got all but one 300s on hidden Countdown :'c (cheer-girls)
And S ranked all of EBA 4* ;D

Anyone used some kinda cheat device to unlock EBA in ouendan2? xD Good fun, The EBA cat becomes the leader for the blue team.

LuigiHann wrote:

I was able to import the games from Yes-asia and play it on my US systems fine. Worked with no problems on both the original DS and the DS Lite. I've heard that the DSi has region-locked games, but regular DS games shouldn't be region-locked even when played on a DSi system.

Also, I don't care what else anybody pirates, but we don't pirate iNiS games here. :evil:
(we just painstakingly recreate them :P )
Thankyou very much, shall follow this up now.

Having some issues with winrar trial now though...
Ouendan 1: Ready Steady Go!
Ouendan 2: Countdown
Mine are

Elite Beat Agents- Sk8ter boy

Ouendan- Koi No Dance Site

Ouendan 2- Kibun Jojo (you know what I mean, right)

LuigiHann wrote:

Do want.
Nexus Reaper
@ Image above: Do want. x2

Ouendan: Ready, Steady, GO!
EBA: September (Earth, Wind & Fire FTW)
Ouendan 2: Samurai Blue
Lt Morke

I know, I know... I added the sideburns to my current one.

Now, if only I could make Ryuta...
Anyone know if: ... endan/data , is an Ouendan game or just has Ouendan in the title >_>? If not, are there any plans for them to make another?

Rvsoldier wrote:

Anyone know if: ... endan/data , is an Ouendan game or just has Ouendan in the title >_>? If not, are there any plans for them to make another?
It's porn.
No idea if there's plans for another, I wouldn't say it's likely, but it might happen someday.
Fav Song:

Ouendan: Ready Steady Go
Ouendan 2: (I don't remember any music...)

adam2046 wrote:

Rvsoldier wrote:

Anyone know if: ... endan/data , is an Ouendan game or just has Ouendan in the title >_>? If not, are there any plans for them to make another?
It's porn.
No idea if there's plans for another, I wouldn't say it's likely, but it might happen someday.
Is it a fan-made game dedicated to the girls of OTO and EBA? Crazy. I kind of want to see some (work safe) screens to see if they screwed with the art style.

Behonkiss wrote:

Is it a fan-made game dedicated to the girls of OTO and EBA? Crazy. I kind of want to see some (work safe) screens to see if they screwed with the art style.
I'm pretty sure it's just porn...
Ouendan 1 : i dont have :(
Ouendan 2 : Shonen heart
My Favorite Song ;)
:Ouendan 1-Thrill
:Ouendan 2- Bambina
:Elite Beat Agents-Survivor
My favorite songs are (If someone cares):

Ouendan 1: Ready, Steady, Go!
Ouendan 2: Samurai Blue, Music Hour, Seki Wa Sore wo Ai to Yobundaze (wow, too many favorites)
EBA: Survivor

But I really like more songs, they're all pretty good.
My favourite songs
OTO1: Ready Steady Go (I have't played OTO but this is only song i've heared)
OTO2: Bambina, Samurai Blue, COUNTDOWN
EBA: Jumpin' Jack Flash, The Anthem, Without a Fight

I have big problem in EBA; in The Anthem stage (Sweatin' and Hard ROCK!) I just can't complete the spinner in the end of the stage (It's always so close), only 5% of the times I have tried I completed it. Any help for this?
My Favorites

Ouendan-Nearly All Songs
Moero Nekketsu Rythem Damashi(or Ouendan 2)-Nearly All Songs
EBA-Half of the songs
Eh, might as well.

Favorite songs
Ouendan- Never played it but maybe ready Steady GO?

Elite Beat Agents: Survivor, You're the inspiration, Jumpin Jack Flash, Without a Fight, Makes no difference

Ouendan 2:Music Hour, Bang! Bang! Vacances!, VISTA and Sekai wa Sore o Ai to Yobundaze
too much osu made me able to do one thing last time:

I got my DS back, for nostalgia value I wanted to play Ouendan 2, but had no old saves...

In 3 days I had the games highest rank, with three songs FC'd at hard rock with hidden, rest of all the game's songs full comboed on all difficulties (Except easy what I do not even touch) - And only two like shounen heart at A rank, rest on S rank...

Such nice game... But Shortly after stopped playing again.

and then come back to osu and see all these "Osu standard insane maps" with just stupid death jumps over the map and stuff like "making maps without distance snap is cool" - makes me really remember why iNIS designers earned their buck.
That's pretty cool. Not as cool as an actual iNiS-made Micheal Jackson game, but still cool.
has anyone noticed in EBA any graphic glitches like mild slow downs and like a section of the screen kinda moving?
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