
Katakiri Rekka - Answer

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00:41:329 (1,2) - ちょっと形整えた方がいいかも・・・?
00:43:472 (3) - もうちょっと真ん中の点を上に引っ張って上げた方が綺麗かも

00:00:615 (1) - 終点を2,3に向けて伸ばした方が綺麗かも
00:01:552 (4) - 00:01:016 (2) - に添うように曲げてあげた方が綺麗かも
00:10:525 (5) - 次の1に添うように形を整える方がいいかなと
00:21:641 (9) - 1grid程右下へ
00:27:936 (3) - add NC
00:29:409 (1) - remove NC
00:32:757 (3) - 少し右上にあげてもいいかなと
00:43:070 (2) - add NC
00:44:677 (4) - ^
00:49:632 (1) - remove NC
00:53:248 (1) - 折り返してみては・・・?
00:55:659 (1) - remove NC か 00:57:534 (4) - add NC
00:58:739 (2) - 形を整えましょう
01:08:918 (7) - 次の1との間隔をもうちょっと取った方がいいかもしれません
01:14:275 (1) - remove NC
01:15:882 (1) - ^
01:17:222 (3) - add NC

Topic Starter

tort wrote:


00:41:329 (1,2) - ちょっと形整えた方がいいかも・・・?
00:43:472 (3) - もうちょっと真ん中の点を上に引っ張って上げた方が綺麗かも

00:00:615 (1) - 終点を2,3に向けて伸ばした方が綺麗かも
00:01:552 (4) - 00:01:016 (2) - に添うように曲げてあげた方が綺麗かも
00:10:525 (5) - 次の1に添うように形を整える方がいいかなと
00:21:641 (9) - 1grid程右下へ
00:27:936 (3) - add NC
00:29:409 (1) - remove NC
00:32:757 (3) - 少し右上にあげてもいいかなと
00:43:070 (2) - add NC
00:44:677 (4) - ^
00:49:632 (1) - remove NC
00:53:248 (1) - 折り返してみては・・・?
00:55:659 (1) - remove NC か 00:57:534 (4) - add NC
00:58:739 (2) - 形を整えましょう
01:08:918 (7) - 次の1との間隔をもうちょっと取った方がいいかもしれません
01:14:275 (1) - remove NC
01:15:882 (1) - ^
01:17:222 (3) - add NC

modありがとー!ランクドがんばる~ :oops:
taiko mod~
00:08:115 (1) - から00:09:186 (1) - まで→d k k d d kkkkdがいいかな
00:09:320 (2) - d
00:13:472 (1) - D 基本的に曲でシンバルがなってる場合入れたほうがいいんじゃないかな。ノリも良くなるべ
00:17:222 (2) - K
00:17:490 (1) - kkkkdもしくはkだけ 00:17:757 (1) - ここの音がそのフレーズより低いので
00:19:231 (1) - k taikoではスネアの音に沿ってるだけでは物足りなく感じることが多いです。
00:20:034 (2) - k
00:20:436 (2) - k
00:21:373 (1) - k
00:21:641 (3) - k
00:22:177 (1) - 私はスピナーは太鼓の音で表せない時に使用します。ここの場合は出来るので私はスピナーよりノーツを置きたいですね
例→00:22:311 (1) - kkddk dkkkddk
00:32:757 (1) - スピナーですね。例→こちら 光ってるのがスピナーの始まり
00:41:061 (6) - k
00:42:534 (1) - 私にはこう聞こえた→dkkddk d dd dk 00:44:677 (1) - dddddk
00:49:365 (3) - ここもKでいいようじゃな
00:52:043 (1) - さてスライダーだ。この曲速いからスライダーの点も速いのよね。1/4速度だし。自分だったらヤリズライの嫌なんでこうします。例→こちら
00:57:400 - ここけして
00:57:534 (1) - このフレーズは最終音がスネアなんでkを使ったほうがいいかしらね。例→dkkddk
00:58:472 (2) - こーゆーの入れる人と入れない人で分かれるよね。自分はこの場合ブレイクにしますね。するならこの間00:58:740 - 01:00:347 -

01:05:838 (2) - d
01:06:373 (1) - k
01:06:775 (6) - k
01:08:382 (1) - から01:09:052 (1) - kkddkd
01:09:186 (1) - こいつは厄介なフレーズだね自分はヤリズライのは避けたいから↑のようにデデッデデッデデッデデッデーデーデンにしますね。

01:17:490 (1) - k
01:25:257 (1) - 連打直後の喝きっついですね。ddkkddkにして01:25:257 (1) - を消してみよう

ぐっどらっく!(☝ ՞ਊ ՞)☝
Scarlet Sisters

Naryuga wrote:

Hi~ here my Taiko mod requested by Quilt :)

blue = something that I want you to consider to change this but it's still up to you
black = just suggestions, so you can ignore unless you like

[Scarlet's Taiko Oni]
  1. d = red(small) / k = blue(small) / D = Don(big) / K = Katsu(big)
  2. Soft HitsoundはTaiko譜面には適しません。timing ---> Timing Setup Panelを開き、SoftからNormalへと変更し、余分な緑線を消してください。また大部分でvolume 60%が使われていますが少々物足りなく感じました。60%の場所も80%でいいのではと思います fixed
  3. 00:14:543 (1,1,1) - d d k not changed
  4. 00:17:222 (2) - K Fixed
  5. 00:31:016 (1) - new comboを使った見た目と実際の音が違ってます whistleつけわすれ? fixed付け忘れでした。ありがとうございます
  6. 00:32:222 (2,3) - ^ fixed
  7. 00:32:757 (1) - ここでスピンのドカドカは合わないように感じました。スピンを使わずnotesを置いたほうがきっと合います fixed
  8. 00:46:686 - add k or 前のkをここに移動? add "d"
  9. 00:49:365 (3) - 前の流れに合わせてK fixed
  10. 00:54:186 (8) - k fixed
  11. 00:55:123 - add d not changed
  12. 00:58:472 (2) - d fixed
  13. 01:04:632 (1) - 見た目と音が違ってます fixed
  14. 01:06:106 (2) - *rhythm* ここ周辺をこのようにしてみては ---> fixed 少し変更を加えました
  15. 01:08:382 (1) - k not chenged
  16. 01:08:918 (5) - k fixed
  17. 01:10:794 (4,1) - K d fixed
  18. 01:26:329 (1) - remove new combo fixed
  19. BPMが224ととても高いので00:47:757 - からや 01:09:186 - からのような大notesの前後両方にnotesがある箇所が少しやり辛く感じましたが私の技量の問題でしょうorz

このmapset好きです :) Good luck ;)
Thank you modding !! :) :)
Scarlet Sisters

inaba-tan wrote:

taiko mod~
00:08:115 (1) - から00:09:186 (1) - まで→d k k d d kkkkdがいいかな fixed d k k ddd kkkkdと変更しました
00:09:320 (2) - d fixed
00:13:472 (1) - D 基本的に曲でシンバルがなってる場合入れたほうがいいんじゃないかな。ノリも良くなるべ fixed
00:17:222 (2) - K fixed
00:17:490 (1) - kkkkdもしくはkだけ 00:17:757 (1) - ここの音がそのフレーズより低いので fixed
00:19:231 (1) - k taikoではスネアの音に沿ってるだけでは物足りなく感じることが多いです。 fixed
00:20:034 (2) - k not changed
00:20:436 (2) - k not changed
00:21:373 (1) - k fixed
00:21:641 (3) - k fixed
00:22:177 (1) - 私はスピナーは太鼓の音で表せない時に使用します。ここの場合は出来るので私はスピナーよりノーツを置きたいですね 保留で!
例→00:22:311 (1) - kkddk dkkkddk
00:32:757 (1) - スピナーですね。例→[url=c]こちら[/url] 光ってるのがスピナーの始まり スピナーの終了位置がわからないので保留で!
00:41:061 (6) - k fixed
00:42:534 (1) - 私にはこう聞こえた→dkkddk d dd dk 00:44:677 (1) - dddddk 参考にして別のリズムに直しました
00:49:365 (3) - ここもKでいいようじゃな fixed
00:52:043 (1) - さてスライダーだ。この曲速いからスライダーの点も速いのよね。1/4速度だし。自分だったらヤリズライの嫌なんでこうします。例→こちら fixed
00:57:400 - ここけして fixed
00:57:534 (1) - このフレーズは最終音がスネアなんでkを使ったほうがいいかしらね。例→dkkddk fixed
00:58:472 (2) - こーゆーの入れる人と入れない人で分かれるよね。自分はこの場合ブレイクにしますね。するならこの間00:58:740 - 01:00:347 - not changed

自分だったらこのくらい暴れたい!(これは参考にはならないだろうけど隙間を減らしノーツ増やしたほうがいいかな) 参考にさせていただきます
01:05:838 (2) - d fixed
01:06:373 (1) - k not changed
01:06:775 (6) - k fixed
01:08:382 (1) - から01:09:052 (1) - kkddkd not changed
01:09:186 (1) - こいつは厄介なフレーズだね自分はヤリズライのは避けたいから↑のようにデデッデデッデデッデデッデーデーデンにしますね。not changed

01:17:490 (1) - k 違うリズムに変えました
01:25:257 (1) - 連打直後の喝きっついですね。ddkkddkにして01:25:257 (1) - を消してみよう not changed

ぐっどらっく!(☝ ՞ਊ ՞)☝
thank you for modding !! ありがとうございます!!
Scarlet Sisters  done~><
Recheck because two diffs were remade.

  1. 00:15:079 (1,3) - Switch new combo.
  2. 00:49:632 (6) - Move below a bit so avoid touching the HP bar.
  3. 01:01:686 (1,2,3) - Use normal hitsound? It sounds better.
  1. 00:37:981 (6) - Non-repeat fits the music better.
  2. 00:43:070 (2,3,4,1,2,3) - Not following the music well.
  3. 00:47:757 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^
  4. 00:51:909 (3) - To remove this note makes expecting next patterns(00:52:981 (4,1,1,2,3)) easier.
  5. 00:56:195 (6) - Almost same reason as above, it's better to remove this.
  6. 01:01:686 (1,2,3) - Turn the volume up a bit.
  7. 01:06:106 (1,2,3,1,2) - The placement looks really random to me. Can you make other patterns?
  8. 01:09:186 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - It's very difficult to hit these notes because they're not fitting the music. Start a slider when you put a finish.
  9. 01:13:472 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Just wide is not so fun to play. Make some variation of spacing or pattern here please.
Hard were well remade but Death still needs some works. Find some good modders not only Japanese before calling me back.
Also the difficulty gap between Normal and Hard became a bit huge. Can you try to make Hard a bit easier overall?
Taiko looks fine now.
Reisen Udongein
add short version on tags since you remove it from the title?

no kd
Topic Starter

Suzully wrote:

Recheck because two diffs were remade.

  1. 00:15:079 (1,3) - Switch new combo.
  2. 00:49:632 (6) - Move below a bit so avoid touching the HP bar.
  3. 01:01:686 (1,2,3) - Use normal hitsound? It sounds better.
  1. 00:37:981 (6) - Non-repeat fits the music better.
  2. 00:43:070 (2,3,4,1,2,3) - Not following the music well.
  3. 00:47:757 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^
  4. 00:51:909 (3) - To remove this note makes expecting next patterns(00:52:981 (4,1,1,2,3)) easier.
  5. 00:56:195 (6) - Almost same reason as above, it's better to remove this.
  6. 01:01:686 (1,2,3) - Turn the volume up a bit.
  7. 01:06:106 (1,2,3,1,2) - The placement looks really random to me. Can you make other patterns?
  8. 01:09:186 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - It's very difficult to hit these notes because they're not fitting the music. Start a slider when you put a finish.
  9. 01:13:472 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Just wide is not so fun to play. Make some variation of spacing or pattern here please.
Hard were well remade but Death still needs some works. Find some good modders not only Japanese before calling me back.
Also the difficulty gap between Normal and Hard became a bit huge. Can you try to make Hard a bit easier overall?
Taiko looks fine now.
all fixed!
ありがとうございます!がんばります! :)

Reisen Udongein wrote:

add short version on tags since you remove it from the title?

no kd
Udongein~ thanks for you~ :oops:
hi ^^


00:42:132(3) - better end slider on big white tick and red tick to leave empty it sounds better
01:26:329(1,2,3) - make this sliders more symmetric it will be looks better


00:05:034(2,4) - stack better ends sliders
00:34:900(1,2,3) - make identical distance between this notes
01:11:329 - remove NC
01:15:615(3,1) - 1 grid up

It's all ^^ good luck~ and star :P :P :P
Topic Starter

Katty Pie wrote:

hi ^^


00:42:132(3) - better end slider on big white tick and red tick to leave empty it sounds better
01:26:329(1,2,3) - make this sliders more symmetric it will be looks better


00:05:034(2,4) - stack better ends sliders
00:34:900(1,2,3) - make identical distance between this notes
01:11:329 - remove NC
01:15:615(3,1) - 1 grid up

It's all ^^ good luck~ and star :P :P :P
Thanks mod~ & star :oops:
Fixed~ ;)
Hello DeathBlood


00:08:516 (2,5) - like this
00:17:222 (3) - add finish
00:17:490 (4) - add soft-whistle
00:25:257 (1) - add finish
00:37:579 (5) - remove whistle add finish
00:37:981 (6) - ^
00:38:115 (6) - remove finish
00:38:248 (7) - remove whistle add finish
00:45:882 (1) - add finish
00:46:284 (2) - ^
00:46:686 (3) - ^
00:47:757 (1) - ^
00:48:159 (2) - ^
00:48:561 (3) - ^
00:48:963 (4) - ^
00:49:365 (5) - ^
00:49:632 (1) - remove finish
00:53:650 (1) - remove NC
00:59:610 remove green line
00:59:811 (1) - remove finish
01:00:347 (X) - and add finish
01:01:954 (1) - volume 10%
01:02:356 (2) - ^
01:19:900 (1) - removev finish use soft 20%
01:22:847 (1) - ^
01:24:990 (1) - ^
01:26:329 (1) - add finish
01:26:731 (2) - ^
01:27:132 (3) - ^

ganbaru(? :oops:
Topic Starter

Beren wrote:

Hello DeathBlood


00:08:516 (2,5) - like this
00:17:222 (3) - add finish
00:17:490 (4) - add soft-whistle
00:25:257 (1) - add finish
00:37:579 (5) - remove whistle add finish
00:37:981 (6) - ^
00:38:115 (6) - remove finish
00:38:248 (7) - remove whistle add finish
00:45:882 (1) - add finish
00:46:284 (2) - ^
00:46:686 (3) - ^
00:47:757 (1) - ^
00:48:159 (2) - ^
00:48:561 (3) - ^
00:48:963 (4) - ^
00:49:365 (5) - ^
00:49:632 (1) - remove finish
00:53:650 (1) - remove NC
00:59:610 remove green line
00:59:811 (1) - remove finish
01:00:347 (X) - and add finish
01:01:954 (1) - volume 10%
01:02:356 (2) - ^
01:19:900 (1) - removev finish use soft 20%
01:22:847 (1) - ^
01:24:990 (1) - ^
01:26:329 (1) - add finish
01:26:731 (2) - ^
01:27:132 (3) - ^

ganbaru(? :oops:

Beren thanks mod~ヽ(*´∀`*)ノ ganbaru~ :oops:
as your request from #modreqs ((only Hard and Death

※ Notice

red is unrankable issue.
blue is recommended to fix.
Black is just suggestion.


  • Settings
    (For the setting/general issue.)

    [Scarlet's Taiko Oni:]
  1. unused green line:

    [ Kitsuneko:]
  2. green line it's after the object It should be fixed:


  • Settings
    (For the setting. like Song Setup/timing or break time~)
  1. duplicated timeline:00:00:615
(For my listened. Just some suggest for the hitsound.)
  1. 00:08:115 - add finish?
  2. 00:09:722 - add clap?
  3. 00:10:525 - ^
  4. 00:10:927 - ^
  5. 00:11:061 - ^
  6. 00:12:802 - ^
  7. 00:13:070 - ^
  8. 00:13:204 - ^
  9. 00:14:007 - ^
  10. 00:14:677 - ^
  11. 00:15:213 - ^
  12. 00:15:347 - ^
  13. 00:17:757 - to 00:24:186 - ^
It's just a suggest hitsound imo. you can ignore those if you want~

(These are about your patterns.Mostly for the suggest, Just some unrankable issue I will use red color to highlight it.)
  1. 00:23:650 (1,2,3,1,2) - It's not a symmetrical pattern. please check 00:23:784 (2,3) - if you want make symmetrical pattern
It's pretty nice pattern~ I can't help you anymore.


  • Settings
    (For the setting. like Song Setup/timing or break time~)
  1. 00:08:115 - snap this green line. this green line it's after 00:08:114 - so... It's haven't affect to 00:08:114 (5) -
(These are about your patterns.Mostly for the suggest, Just some unrankable issue I will use red color to highlight it.)
  1. 00:04:900 (1,3) - [nazi] you can check this pattern to by "Flip Horizontal". It's not a symmetrical pattern. you should let 00:04:900 (1) - "reverse selection" twice. It's will be fine~

    fixed code:
  2. 01:13:472 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - Umm... I can't support non-stop rhythm for this part. It isn't fit rhythm imo
    ↑ for my suggestion rhythm.

good luck~
Topic Starter

spboxer3 wrote:

as your request from #modreqs ((only Hard and Death

※ Notice

red is unrankable issue.
blue is recommended to fix.
Black is just suggestion.


  • Settings
    (For the setting/general issue.)

    [Scarlet's Taiko Oni:]
  1. unused green line:

    [ Kitsuneko:]
  2. green line it's after the object It should be fixed:


  • Settings
    (For the setting. like Song Setup/timing or break time~)
  1. duplicated timeline:00:00:615
(For my listened. Just some suggest for the hitsound.)
  1. 00:08:115 - add finish?
  2. 00:09:722 - add clap?
  3. 00:10:525 - ^
  4. 00:10:927 - ^
  5. 00:11:061 - ^
  6. 00:12:802 - ^
  7. 00:13:070 - ^
  8. 00:13:204 - ^
  9. 00:14:007 - ^
  10. 00:14:677 - ^
  11. 00:15:213 - ^
  12. 00:15:347 - ^
  13. 00:17:757 - to 00:24:186 - ^
It's just a suggest hitsound imo. you can ignore those if you want~

(These are about your patterns.Mostly for the suggest, Just some unrankable issue I will use red color to highlight it.)
  1. 00:23:650 (1,2,3,1,2) - It's not a symmetrical pattern. please check 00:23:784 (2,3) - if you want make symmetrical pattern
It's pretty nice pattern~ I can't help you anymore.


  • Settings
    (For the setting. like Song Setup/timing or break time~)
  1. 00:08:115 - snap this green line. this green line it's after 00:08:114 - so... It's haven't affect to 00:08:114 (5) -
(These are about your patterns.Mostly for the suggest, Just some unrankable issue I will use red color to highlight it.)
  1. 00:04:900 (1,3) - [nazi] you can check this pattern to by "Flip Horizontal". It's not a symmetrical pattern. you should let 00:04:900 (1) - "reverse selection" twice. It's will be fine~

    fixed code:
  2. 01:13:472 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - Umm... I can't support non-stop rhythm for this part. It isn't fit rhythm imo
    ↑ for my suggestion rhythm.

good luck~
Thanks mod~ ヽ(´∀`)ノ Fixed~ ganbaru~ :oops:
こんにちは~ forum-PMで来た通り2つの難易度だけ見ます!

  1. 00:15:347 (7) - ちょっと曲げすぎに感じたので(6)と同じぐらいに曲げた方がいいかなって思いました
  2. 00:23:650 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - こういう対称性のあるものは私としてはやっぱり全部2つ右に移動して真ん中に置いて欲しいです><
  3. 01:16:150 (2) - 真ん中にwhistle入れても良いと思います
  4. 01:17:222 (3) - ^
  5. 01:18:293 (5) - ^
  1. 00:26:329 - この緑線の音量はハードと同様に45%にした方が良いと思います
  2. 00:49:632 (1) - このnew comboはたいして必要ないと思います
  3. 01:15:882 - この緑線の音量もハードと同様に75%にした方が良いと思います
  4. 01:17:490 (5) - whistle入れても良いと思います

  5. 00:00:615 (1) -
  6. 00:01:150 (3) -
  7. 00:01:552 (4) -
  8. 00:09:722 (3) -
  9. 00:10:123 (4) -
  10. 00:56:731 (2) -
  11. 00:57:132 (3) -
  12. 01:26:329 (1,2,3) -

頑張ってください~ ;)
Topic Starter

banvi wrote:

こんにちは~ forum-PMで来た通り2つの難易度だけ見ます!

  1. 00:15:347 (7) - ちょっと曲げすぎに感じたので(6)と同じぐらいに曲げた方がいいかなって思いました
  2. 00:23:650 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - こういう対称性のあるものは私としてはやっぱり全部2つ右に移動して真ん中に置いて欲しいです><
  3. 01:16:150 (2) - 真ん中にwhistle入れても良いと思います
  4. 01:17:222 (3) - ^
  5. 01:18:293 (5) - ^
  1. 00:26:329 - この緑線の音量はハードと同様に45%にした方が良いと思います
  2. 00:49:632 (1) - このnew comboはたいして必要ないと思います
  3. 01:15:882 - この緑線の音量もハードと同様に75%にした方が良いと思います
  4. 01:17:490 (5) - whistle入れても良いと思います

  5. 00:00:615 (1) -
  6. 00:01:150 (3) -
  7. 00:01:552 (4) -
  8. 00:09:722 (3) -
  9. 00:10:123 (4) -
  10. 00:56:731 (2) -
  11. 00:57:132 (3) -
  12. 01:26:329 (1,2,3) -

頑張ってください~ ;)
all fixedです :)
がんばります!ありがとうございます! :oops:
little mod

First of you should enable the epilepsy warning since your video contains a lot of flashes. Also the flashes make it impossible (for me) to play the notes right at some points so I played it with video off.
I couldn't find any timing mistakes and I like the way you place the notes. Keep up the good work ! :)
It'll make map a little smaller.
00:43:472 (1) - new combo?
00:48:963 (4) - prev 2,20x maybe?
00:49:632 (1) - new combo?
Great map /o/, you said to check only hard and death, hard was fine so I only posted few things from death.
Topic Starter

Mythozz wrote:

little mod

First of you should enable the epilepsy warning since your video contains a lot of flashes. Also the flashes make it impossible (for me) to play the notes right at some points so I played it with video off.
I couldn't find any timing mistakes and I like the way you place the notes. Keep up the good work ! :)
flashe it defolt? :?

Marcin wrote:

It'll make map a little smaller.
00:43:472 (1) - new combo?
00:48:963 (4) - prev 2,20x maybe?
00:49:632 (1) - new combo?
Great map /o/, you said to check only hard and death, hard was fine so I only posted few things from death.
thanks Great map & for mod :oops:
fixed :P


  1. 00:14:007 (3) - symmetrical with (1) looks better.
  2. 00:28:472 (2,3) - I suggest making this 2/1 slider and remove the circle
  3. 00:33:829 (4) - remove whistle in reverse arrow here
  4. 00:35:570 (2) - how about this to fit the shape here
  5. 01:02:891 (2) - add note.?
  6. 01:10:793 (5,6,7) - I think rhythm is pretty hard to catch here, use reverse+slider is better..

  1. 00:00:615 (1,2,3) - symmetrical.?
  2. 00:13:204 (3) - ctrl+r better flow.?
  3. 00:15:213 (8) - I think spaced stream works better here as it feels better with the speed
  4. 00:16:016 (2) - here.?
  5. 01:02:088 (2) - better like this.. it's hard to catch rhythm for symmetrical pattern here
kitsuneko although i shouldn't mod(?

  1. 00:11:731 (3) - plz ,,, stack is hard to read at high bpm (not necessary at this diff,,)
m4m if u want :3

Good luck~
Topic Starter

[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:



  1. 00:14:007 (3) - symmetrical with (1) looks better.
  2. 00:28:472 (2,3) - I suggest making this 2/1 slider and remove the circle
  3. 00:33:829 (4) - remove whistle in reverse arrow here
  4. 00:35:570 (2) - how about this to fit the shape here
  5. 01:02:891 (2) - add note.?
  6. 01:10:793 (5,6,7) - I think rhythm is pretty hard to catch here, use reverse+slider is better..

  1. 00:00:615 (1,2,3) - symmetrical.?
  2. 00:13:204 (3) - ctrl+r better flow.?
  3. 00:15:213 (8) - I think spaced stream works better here as it feels better with the speed
  4. 00:16:016 (2) - here.?
  5. 01:02:088 (2) - better like this.. it's hard to catch rhythm for symmetrical pattern here
kitsuneko although i shouldn't mod(?

  1. 00:11:731 (3) - plz ,,, stack is hard to read at high bpm (not necessary at this diff,,)
m4m if u want :3

Good luck~

thanks mod~ fixed :oops:
m4m if u want :3 ok it mod~ :)
hey sorry about the delay. i was debating whether i should mod this or not...but since it's only 2 diffs, i might as well...mod requested on my queue.

Bold: Unrankable/must fix.
Red: You should fix it, but it's up to you.
Italic: Suggestion. Feel free to ignore this if you don't like it.
Blue: Comment. i'll give you my opinion, advice, or if i'm curious about something.


since the BPM is high, increase the diff settings except for the circle size by 1. i feel that by doing this, it'll give off a bit of a challenge for players, and the AR would flow smoother to the song IMO.
00:06:240 (5) - add a whistle. you did a similar pattern on the last 2 combos, so doing it here would be consistent.
00:06:507 (6) - consider making this a curved slider like (3) to keep the flow going from the previous slider, also *nazi* go 1 grid down so that it'd be aligned to (3).
00:14:409 (4) - how about making the slider the same as (2) and the end stacking on (2) like this? i think it'll look neater and easier as the path flows smoother during gameplay IMO.
00:43:204 (2) - maybe Ctrl+R since the guitar changes here and i feel that this is a perfect chance for a jump IMO.
00:44:275 (1) - move this spinner up by 1/4 and add a circle here to follow the guitar. the spinner will follow up the guitar for this part of the song.
00:48:963 (4) - remove the repeat on this slider. it'll be consistent with the other sliders that follow the vocals/guitar.
01:12:668 (4) - consider aligning this to the end of (3) for a smoother flow to the song, and the path is easier, similar to what i said on 00:06:507.

00:10:525 (5) - *nazi* move the 3rd point up so that it'd be aligned to the 1st half of (3) during gameplay. like this.
01:15:882 (2) - consider unstacking this so that it'd be consistent with the next combo since the vocals tone is the same.
01:19:900 (1) - replace this for a pattern to follow the guitar. the last few spinners follow the hold in the guitar. my suggestion is to add 2 1/1 sliders like the other combos.
01:22:847 (1) - same as 00:44:275 on hard.
01:24:990 (1) - ^

I guess that's it. GL :D
Topic Starter

Byakugan249 wrote:

hey sorry about the delay. i was debating whether i should mod this or not...but since it's only 2 diffs, i might as well...mod requested on my queue.

Bold: Unrankable/must fix.
Red: You should fix it, but it's up to you.
Italic: Suggestion. Feel free to ignore this if you don't like it.
Blue: Comment. i'll give you my opinion, advice, or if i'm curious about something.


since the BPM is high, increase the diff settings except for the circle size by 1. i feel that by doing this, it'll give off a bit of a challenge for players, and the AR would flow smoother to the song IMO.
00:06:240 (5) - add a whistle. you did a similar pattern on the last 2 combos, so doing it here would be consistent.
00:06:507 (6) - consider making this a curved slider like (3) to keep the flow going from the previous slider, also *nazi* go 1 grid down so that it'd be aligned to (3).
00:14:409 (4) - how about making the slider the same as (2) and the end stacking on (2) like this? i think it'll look neater and easier as the path flows smoother during gameplay IMO.
00:43:204 (2) - maybe Ctrl+R since the guitar changes here and i feel that this is a perfect chance for a jump IMO.
00:44:275 (1) - move this spinner up by 1/4 and add a circle here to follow the guitar. the spinner will follow up the guitar for this part of the song.
00:48:963 (4) - remove the repeat on this slider. it'll be consistent with the other sliders that follow the vocals/guitar.
01:12:668 (4) - consider aligning this to the end of (3) for a smoother flow to the song, and the path is easier, similar to what i said on 00:06:507.

00:10:525 (5) - *nazi* move the 3rd point up so that it'd be aligned to the 1st half of (3) during gameplay. like this.
01:15:882 (2) - consider unstacking this so that it'd be consistent with the next combo since the vocals tone is the same.
01:19:900 (1) - replace this for a pattern to follow the guitar. the last few spinners follow the hold in the guitar. my suggestion is to add 2 1/1 sliders like the other combos.
01:22:847 (1) - same as 00:44:275 on hard.
01:24:990 (1) - ^

I guess that's it. GL :D
Byakugan thanks mod~ :oops:
Recheck. (this is third time :P )

  1. 00:29:141 (4) - Try to move a note to 00:29:275, and stack it with 00:29:409 (1). It makes good gameplay imo.
  2. 00:45:347 (1,2,3) - The note placement looks random to me. Make them be an equilateral triangle?
  3. 00:53:650 (1,2,3) - ^
  4. 01:09:186 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - Good pattern, but each spacing is too wide. To make the gameplay better here, I recommend you to reduce it a bit. And speaking of 01:09:186 (1,2,3), (2,3) has wider spacing than (1,2) so it looks weird.
  5. 01:15:079 (1,2,3,4) - Same as above. Get them moved near to the center a bit.
  6. 01:19:900 (5) - Add a new combo.
No kd for this post.
I'll recheck again after done then get a bubble back.
Topic Starter

Suzully wrote:

Recheck. (this is third time :P )

  1. 00:29:141 (4) - Try to move a note to 00:29:275, and stack it with 00:29:409 (1). It makes good gameplay imo.
  2. 00:45:347 (1,2,3) - The note placement looks random to me. Make them be an equilateral triangle?
  3. 00:53:650 (1,2,3) - ^
  4. 01:09:186 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - Good pattern, but each spacing is too wide. To make the gameplay better here, I recommend you to reduce it a bit. And speaking of 01:09:186 (1,2,3), (2,3) has wider spacing than (1,2) so it looks weird.
  5. 01:15:079 (1,2,3,4) - Same as above. Get them moved near to the center a bit.
  6. 01:19:900 (5) - Add a new combo.
No kd for this post.
I'll recheck again after done then get a bubble back.
スズリさんありがとうございます :oops: 、All fixedです。
Topic Starter

Suzully wrote:

スズリさんありがとうございます :oops:
がんばる~ :)
  1. 01:00:347 (4) - Don't silence the end of this slider please. Why do you use a slider if it is for silencing its end ? it doesn't really make sense. Moreover it doesn't sound well at all, like something is missing in the map, that's not agreable to play. :/
    So change the 5% inherited timing section into at least a 40% inherited timing section. (and optionally, add a whistl at the end of this slider ?).
  1. 00:08:650 (4,5,6,7) - Maybe instead of making a stack, try to do something similar as that (of course, if you do, make it look better than what I have done lol) :
  1. 00:59:543 - Same as in Normal.
  2. 01:01:686 (1,2,3) - ^
Topic Starter

Kurai wrote:

  1. 01:00:347 (4) - Don't silence the end of this slider please. Why do you use a slider if it is for silencing its end ? it doesn't really make sense. Moreover it doesn't sound well at all, like something is missing in the map, that's not agreable to play. :/
    So change the 5% inherited timing section into at least a 40% inherited timing section. (and optionally, add a whistl at the end of this slider ?).
  1. 00:08:650 (4,5,6,7) - Maybe instead of making a stack, try to do something similar as that (of course, if you do, make it look better than what I have done lol) :
  1. 00:59:543 - Same as in Normal.
  2. 01:01:686 (1,2,3) - ^
All Done, Thanks mod :oops:
Congratulation for your 1st ranked map!

spboxer3 wrote:

congrats :D
P o M u T a
finally~ grats :D

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