
ATB - Marrakech

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Mod Infos:

You should fix this.
You must fix this.


  • Remove countdown.
    Open all .osu files and change...
    Combo1 : 219,202,227
    Combo2 : 255,237,174
    Combo3 : 197,206,254


  • HP Drain Rate: 4
    00:16:640 (1) - Remove "New Combo".
    00:18:445 (3) - Add "New Combo".
    00:20:249 (1) - Remove "New Combo".
    00:22:054 (3) - Add "New Combo".
    00:23:858 (1) - Remove "New Combo".
    00:25:663 (3) - Add "New Combo".
    00:27:467 (1) - Remove "New Combo".
    00:29:272 (4) - Add "New Combo".
    00:31:076 (1) - Remove "New Combo".
    00:32:429 (3) - Delete this slider. Add a circle at 00:32:429 (white tick) and another circle at 00:32:881 (white tick). Add a "New Combo" on the second circle.
    00:34:685 (1) - Remove "New Combo".
    01:08:069 (4) - Remove the repetition and add a circle at 01:08:971 (white tick). Add a "New Combo" on this circle.
    01:12:129 (5) - Delete this slider. Add a circle at 01:12:129 (white tick) and another circle at 01:12:580 (white tick). Add a "New Combo" on the second circle.
    02:17:091 (1) - Remove the repetition and move this slider 1/1 later. Add a circle at 02:17:091 (white tick).

  • 00:22:505 (2,3) - Make the spacing here consistent.
    00:31:076 (5) - Add "New Combo".
    00:31:978 (1) - Remove "New Combo".
    00:32:881 (7) - Add "New Combo".

Nice map, good job.
Topic Starter

xxheroxx wrote:

Mod Infos:

You should fix this.
You must fix this.


  • Remove countdown. ~
    Open all .osu files and change...
    Combo1 : 219,202,227
    Combo2 : 255,237,174
    Combo3 : 197,206,254
    yea, much better. thanks~


  • HP Drain Rate: 4 hm.. i still want to keep it as is. It's easiest diff
    00:16:640 (1) - Remove "New Combo".
    00:18:445 (3) - Add "New Combo".
    00:20:249 (1) - Remove "New Combo".
    00:22:054 (3) - Add "New Combo".
    00:23:858 (1) - Remove "New Combo".
    00:25:663 (3) - Add "New Combo".
    00:27:467 (1) - Remove "New Combo".
    00:29:272 (4) - Add "New Combo".
    00:31:076 (1) - Remove "New Combo".
    00:32:429 (3) - Delete this slider. Add a circle at 00:32:429 (white tick) and another circle at 00:32:881 (white tick). Add a "New Combo" on the second circle.
    00:34:685 (1) - Remove "New Combo".
    01:08:069 (4) - Remove the repetition and add a circle at 01:08:971 (white tick). Add a "New Combo" on this circle.
    01:12:129 (5) - Delete this slider. Add a circle at 01:12:129 (white tick) and another circle at 01:12:580 (white tick). Add a "New Combo" on the second circle.
    02:17:091 (1) - Remove the repetition and move this slider 1/1 later. Add a circle at 02:17:091 (white tick).

  • 00:22:505 (2,3) - Make the spacing here consistent.
    00:31:076 (5) - Add "New Combo".
    00:31:978 (1) - Remove "New Combo".
    00:32:881 (7) - Add "New Combo".

Nice map, good job.
others fixed~
а вот и я с ужасно субъективным и небольшим модом

ну про бг я уже писал
2 дифики маловато будет, может стоит намапать еще инсейн или изи?

1\1 всю крату с парой мест 1\2 но однако играется довольно забавно, хорошо получилось, вообще мне очень понравилась эта дифка
00:57:242 (1) - все хитсоунды должны быть слышимы бла бла бла из ранкинг правил
02:21:602 (1) - ^

наци мод тут
00:23:858 (2) - кривоват же, может так его
01:05:362 (2) - ^
02:06:715 (1) - ^

00:47:317 (1) - 00:50:023 (3) - тут вообще круто сделано

00:51:377 (3) - если все до этого смотрится красиво, то этот явно нет
00:52:279 (5) - ^
00:54:986 (3) - ^
00:55:888 (5) - ну и все такие (однотипные) слайдеры может стоит подправить? дальше их выписывать не буду если согласишся и сам найдеш :)
00:25:663 (1) - забавно, но в горизонтально положении они вроде выглядят получше :)
00:29:723 (2) - ^
02:21:602 (1) - все хитсоунды должны быть слышимы бла бла бла из ранкинг правил
Topic Starter
Нормал тут как полуизя. Simple map.А инсы я сам НЕ делаю и НЕ буду. Я их не люблю.
Остальное завтра чекну. Спасибо, вот твоя кд. :3
Все, но не все. Спиннер в конце можно сделать на 5-10% софта. это ранкбл

edit: some fxd

Let's mod this.

*Bolded = Unrankable/strongly suggested; red = Highly suggested/questionable (still weaker than the bolded ones); black = Minor suggestions/rants.

  1. 00:24:760 (5) - The end has no clap, while there's obviously a 2/1 clap rhythm running on here. Intentional?
  2. 00:32:429 (5) - ^
  3. 01:08:069 (4) - ^
  4. 02:17:091 (4) - ^
  1. Looks like the same no-clap stuff is here too, so I'll assume them as some intentional stuff.
  2. 00:56:452 - Add a break? This spot feels too empty to not be given a break.
  3. 01:54:760 (7) - Uh... Make this a 1/2 slider and a circle that appears 1/2 beat later? It's just weird to place a 1/1 slider on this spot...
  4. 02:02:655 (1) - Remove NC and give one to 02:03:106 (2)? I'm sure enough it's supposed to be that way, according to the song. We're not on a new stanza yet here, anyway.
...This beatmap's quality is more than sufficient to be ranked.


Good luck on the way 8-)

-Bakari- wrote:

Нормал тут как полуизя. Simple map.А инсы я сам НЕ делаю и НЕ буду. Я их не люблю.
Остальное завтра чекну. Спасибо, вот твоя кд. :3
Все, но не все. Спиннер в конце можно сделать на 5-10% софта. это ранкбл

edit: some fxd
про твою нелюбовь к инсейнам я в курсе, но тогда хотябы тайко что-ли какое-нибудь надо
так и не пофиксил этот большой слайдер ¯\ :|
да ладно уж, давай кудоску не жадничай, я же старался
Topic Starter

Hinsvar wrote:


Let's mod this.

*Bolded = Unrankable/strongly suggested; red = Highly suggested/questionable (still weaker than the bolded ones); black = Minor suggestions/rants.

  1. 00:24:760 (5) - The end has no clap, while there's obviously a 2/1 clap rhythm running on here. Intentional? ~
  2. 00:32:429 (5) - ^ ~
  3. 01:08:069 (4) - ^ ~
  4. 02:17:091 (4) - ^ ~
if you want to know why: i changed some sliders/re-shape or something and forgot to recover hitsound pattern >.<

  1. Looks like the same no-clap stuff is here too, so I'll assume them as some intentional stuff. ~
  2. 00:56:452 - Add a break? This spot feels too empty to not be given a break. i asked MAT he said it's fine as is. make map a bit more interesting to play :> but yeah, it would be nice here. if someone else will write this down again i'll maybe change
  3. 01:54:760 (7) - Uh... Make this a 1/2 slider and a circle that appears 1/2 beat later? It's just weird to place a 1/1 slider on this spot... hm.. tested with 25% playback rate. sounds like 1/2 slider and empty space or my 1/1 slider, no change here, sorry
  4. 02:02:655 (1) - Remove NC and give one to 02:03:106 (2)? I'm sure enough it's supposed to be that way, according to the song. We're not on a new stanza yet here, anyway. oh! sure >.< thanks
...This beatmap's quality is more than sufficient to be ranked. :3


Good luck on the way 8-)
here's your earned kd!

@ Sieg and yours kd too >.<
бтв, у меня звезда есть на треде. скоро мата звать, не вижу смысла допиливать еще что-то. Да и простая мапа, простой мапсет. Все однообразно.Унылый я человечишко \:D/

-Bakari- wrote:

Да и простая мапа, простой мапсет. Все однообразно.Унылый я человечишко \:D/
Topic Starter

Aleks719 wrote:

-Bakari- wrote:

Да и простая мапа, простой мапсет. Все однообразно.Унылый я человечишко \:D/
Интересный тред, да?

Aleks719 wrote:

-Bakari- wrote:

Да и простая мапа, простой мапсет. Все однообразно.Унылый я человечишко \:D/
Злой алекс такой злой
Topic Starter

grumd wrote:

Злой алекс такой злой
less drame, please
checked and nothing wrong
Topic Starter
whoa! so fast <3
oh wow, Gratz.

02:21:602 (1) - Lengthen this spinner like the one in [Normal] so we don't hear the immediate silence of the song.

And with that, I'll suggest some stuff.

00:22:956 (3) - Remove this clap? You don't have to if you don't want to but for consistency's sake, think about it.
00:31:076 (1) - You have a constant clap going on throughout the song but it just stops here. Remove new combo?
00:31:978 (2) - Add a new combo here instead?
00:57:242 - Possibly add a slider here on the empty white ticks and lower the volume a bit more for this slider.

I also noticed your sudden hitsound volume change during Kiai Time, it doesn't really have that ambient feel to it as it does in the song.
For example:
00:58:144 (1) - You start off here with a strong (50%) finish sound.
01:07:166 (1) - Then next thing you know, it jumps down to a (35%) volume.
What I suggest is possibly gradually lowering the hitsound volume towards your current 35% volume section.
01:12:580 (1) - Then right here, you could bring the volume back up to 50% while doing the same thing as stated above.
Unless there's a reason for you doing what you did, you can freely disregard this.

01:45:287 (5,1) - You had something going here with the 2 claps and everything, but it just died afterwards. Maybe you can mix it up a bit. For example, at 01:51:377 (4) - Add a clap at the end of this slider?
Topic Starter
fixed all but
00:57:242 - Possibly add a slider here on the empty white ticks and lower the volume a bit more for this slider.
i think this mini-break follows rythm and sounds interesting. so.. i think it's fine as is >.<
Well, it was a pretty good attempt with the volume. I'll go into detail with what I was suggesting.
00:58:144 (1) - You could've kept this at 50% volume.
01:05:362 (2) - Right here, you could probably bring this down a bit. Let's say... 45%
01:08:971 (At the end of the slider) - You could move your inherited timing section here and put it to 40%.
01:12:580 (1) - Then back up to 50%.
01:19:798 (1) - Add a section, bring down to 45%.
01:23:407 (1) - ^, down to 40%.
01:26:114 (Start of slider) - You could add a finish here.
01:26:565 (Middle of slider) - Volume to 45%.
01:27:016 (End of slider) - Then back up to 50%.

Unless you're happy with what you currently have, I won't push any farther.

01:55:888 (1) - Remove clap and add a finish instead.

Same thing with the Kiai Time going from 50% to a sudden 35% in volume.
Topic Starter

01:55:888 (1) - Too soon after spinner for the easiest difficulty.

Just that and I'll rank!
Ohwow, okay.
Early Gratz Bakari. o/
Yay, looks good now.

congratulation! c:
Topic Starter
Thank yu for your support :3 - MAT request (2 star icons / +42 SP) - MAT request + 27 SP

thank you.
-Bakari- become MAT and bubble my map

-Bakari- wrote:

Thank yu for your support :3 - MAT request (2 star icons / +42 SP) - MAT request + 27 SP

thank you.
... really?
Topic Starter
god I love ATB ♥
Lovely map, well deserved rank.
teach me fast rank baby
Topic Starter

L_P wrote:

teach me fast rank baby
not so fast :/

L_P wrote:

teach me fast rank baby
Why doesn't a good map deserved to be ranked? He got plenty of mods and the map is clean.
I have almost 2 month bubble map ^^b
graz~ o.o

ri .

yeahyeahyeahhh wrote:

L_P wrote:

teach me fast rank baby
Why doesn't a good map deserved to be ranked? He got plenty of mods and the map is clean.

why not?

just my way to congratz him orz

no offence but your understanding is.. um
no offense, but you make no sense.
Ah, so I'm late to mod this map too. Good job anyhow.
Topic Starter
yay~ \o/
Good job, bro ;D
(two weeks is a fast rank? ah, stop kidding me)
LKs was just kidding, guys.
Colin Hou
LKs.... wut?
Topic Starter
LKs? Where LKs? D:
Congratulation~ 8-)
Congrats Bakari ~
...LOL my bad I was almost sleeping. AHAHAHAHA Sorry.
I like the song.
Congrats. ☺

Blue Dragon wrote:

...LOL my bad I was almost sleeping. AHAHAHAHA Sorry.
Omg, this thing happens to you too? :'D
Topic Starter

Gabe wrote:

Blue Dragon wrote:

...LOL my bad I was almost sleeping. AHAHAHAHA Sorry.
Omg, this thing happens to you too? :'D
let's chat about how sleepy you are
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