
Weekly Challenge Discussions & Problems

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As you know I am the leader of the osu weekly challenge (This one: t/88875)

I don't want people anymore to send there problems into the normal Thread for our Challenges. So if you have a problem write it down in this Thread here.
As you wrote every top 5 i think that there shouldn't be complaints, the global ranking was done by score (and i guess that doing a pp ranking would have been kinda hard).
Still, on the last song you choose the Taikodiff has got an higher score than the Hardest map on the there'll be no problems :3
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Ok fine.
Anyway.. I won't change the score of last week anymore. But on the next evaluation I wanna have a Taiko player to support me.
Is there someone who can help me next time?
Just don't allow mods so grading score doesn't become an issue.

Mithost wrote:

Just don't allow mods so grading score doesn't become an issue.
But then people will SS maps and... how will you judge who is better?
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I think mods still should be allowed.

There are two possibilities:
1) Only look an score and marking ppl with good performance, f.e. through a special color.
2) Only look on performance, therefore I need more experience in Taiko and Standard because I only know about CtB.
I think that if a map have a mod-specific difficulty, then every FC on this diff should worth more than a FC on Insane diff (It works for Taiko and CTB).

In most of cases, taiko difficulty will give more points than std diff, so there won't be any problem though.
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I decided to lay my main focus on the score now. An absolute performance evaluation is impossible for me.
If you played with certain mods I'm going to mark you with a special color (Like in the first list).
Unfortunately this evaluation system (like you want it) is impossible for me.
If a person cannot cope with that she/he is free to leave that challenge. As ctb-player it's nearly impossible for me to look on osu- and Taiko performance, especially if you have no standard- or Taiko-player who supports you in that way. The scores had been made by me and Lally (Both ctb-players, Lally plays sometimes easy- and normal-diffs in standard but that's it).

So.. check. Any more problems for now?
Yoyo, Sey.

Is it possible to recycle older scores? I didn't find anything about that in the rules.
just one thing,
on 'Other good records' for taiko,
if you put SD on or FCed do you get in there?
i just dont understand how do you get into that category
For the evaluation for taiko, i can support you but i wont be online this week, so i can help you next week if you want.
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abrian159 wrote:

just one thing,
on 'Other good records' for taiko,
if you put SD on or FCed do you get in there?
i just dont understand how do you get into that category
For the evaluation for taiko, i can support you but i wont be online this week, so i can help you next week if you want.
Nice, maybe you have Skype? That would be helpful. If yes write me your username via PM.
Other good records are ALL records that were not able to reach the Top 5 in a difficulty nor the TOP 5 list. Anyway, I don't put bad scores into it. An example would be LunaticMara who played "with his foot". I just did not mention him there.


Laharl wrote:

Yoyo, Sey.

Is it possible to recycle older scores? I didn't find anything about that in the rules.
Yes it is. Just edit the screen.

SeySan wrote:

Edit: Yoyo, Sey.

Is it possible to recycle older scores? I didn't find anything about that in the rules.

Yes it is. Just edit the screen.
Huh ? What do you mean ? If I played a map 2 monthes ago, and this map get picked, can I still use my old score ?

And what do you mean by "edit the screen" ? Changing the date ?

Thanks :)
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Nashmun wrote:

Huh ? What do you mean ? If I played a map 2 monthes ago, and this map get picked, can I still use my old score ?

And what do you mean by "edit the screen" ? Changing the date ?
Sorry for the late reply.
You can use your old score. Always. Make a screen of it and that's it.

With "edit your screen" I mean you can refresh the Thread in the Forum.
If you already uploaded a score but you improved in it you can edit the picture and upload the new score.
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@Marcin: You saw how I evaluated in the first week. You think you can make a page for me in which the scores of every player will be ciphered automatically.
In the first week I made it with a separate paper and it was very time-consuming.

If you have a possibility please tell me in this Thread.
I could make it, but it'll took me about 2 days (due making my old page better <3 ), so... why not?
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I posted it 2 hours ago Marcin, orz...
This Thread is especially made for these things lol

Ok inform me when you did it :3
is it possible for different song on different mode,
due to most ranked taiko maps are boring.
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You mean for every mode a different song?

SeySan wrote:

You mean for every mode a different song?
Yes. 3 different songs for std, taiko and ctb.
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Hum.... I will think about it.
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