
DJ Splash - Bass is Kicking (Cut Ver.)

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Topic Starter

CDFA wrote:

mod4mod~. Sorry for getting to this so late~.

Make sure the timing on every diff is the same~

00:15:942 (9) - Stack this with the previous 7
00:17:620 (4) - Make this into 2 sliders or something~. That many repeats isn't that good most of the time~
00:19:298 (6) - ^
00:27:270 (7) - Add NC
00:28:948 (11) - Make this symmetrical. The problem is that the last sliderpoint is too far out. To make this even, you can use the Scale tool after fixing that last point
00:31:046 (2) - Same as before
00:32:725 (4) - ^
00:40:696 (7) - ^
00:42:375 (11) - ^
Dude, I'm ok with like, a bit of copypaste, but this is just too much ;`;
01:38:178 (2) - Slowed down sliders generally don't play well~
01:39:856 (4) - ^
01:41:534 (6) - ^
01:45:310 (4) - Make this even with the previous notes to make this a square
02:46:148 (1,1,1) - Separate these so they don't have so many repeats
03:30:623 (8) - Flip this vertically so there's no overlap

00:10:068 (5) - Add NC
00:20:977 (1) - Make this into 2 sliders
00:32:305 (8) - Stack this with (6)
00:36:501 (7) - Make this into a straight line with (6)
00:44:473 (2) - Make this symmetrical~
01:01:256 (4) - Make this into 2 sliders or something
01:22:234 (1,1) - Remove NC
01:48:247 (2) - LESS REPEATS
02:18:457 (5) - NC
02:57:477 (5) - LESS REPEATS
03:07:966 (1) - Touches HP bar

00:57:477 (2) - Make this into a regular arc slider

Thx for it!!~
But a friend are make the lvl hard.
Thanks for the Post ;)
Kudos For You~ :D

:) :P :)
Topic Starter

pimpG wrote:

from modreqs


this song is long and repetitious, how about shortening it?

offset -5 ?

bpm 143,003 change to 143

about background...
take a look at konachan and find a good moe wallpapper,
then the pervert good mappers goes crazy and your map will not be ignorated 8-)

Unused Image Files:
djs sb\black.png
djs sb\colombian dj.jpg
djs sb\dj2.jpg
djs sb\dj3.jpg
djs sb\dj4.jpg
djs sb\ty.png

use the same combo colours in all difficulty


00:24:333 (1) - 1 grid up
00:25:592 (2,3,4,5) - 1 grid right
00:30:627 (8) - 1 grid right
00:36:081 (4) - clap
00:39:560 (4,5) - 3 grids up - 2 grids left
00:41:955 - maybe a circle here?
00:42:794 - ^
00:44:473 - move the curve point of the slider end 2 grids down
00:45:731 (4) - 2 grids right, 1 grid down
00:46:151 (5) - 1 grid right 3 grids up
00:46:990 (6) - 4 grids right
00:47:410 (7) - 3 grids right 4 grid up
00:47:829 (8) - 4 grids left 1 grid up, remove 1 repeat?
00:49:507 - circle here?
00:51:186 (3,4) - overlap
01:42:373 (4,5) - 1 grid up
01:45:730 (6,7,8) - 1 grid up
01:47:828 (1,2) - 2 grids up
01:49:506 (3,4,5,6,7,) - 1 grid up
01:54:121 (2,3) - 1 grid down
01:55:800 (4) - overlap with the previous (2), vertival flip and move it bellow (3) ?
02:47:827 (5) - 1 grid down
03:02:512 (2,3) - 1 grid left
03:04:609 (4) - inherit here, end the kiai
03:11:323 (1) - inherit here, start the kiai
03:15:518 (8) - 1 grid up


02:12:163 (4,5,6,7,8) - 1 grid left
02:14:261 (1,2,3,4) - ^
03:17:201 (4) - 1 grid down


01:57:058 (4) - inherit here, end the kiai
02:26:428 (3) - the custom slidertick sounds bad here
02:33:142 (3) - ^
Spinner New Combo 02:38:176 (2) - Put a new combo on this note so the previous spinner ends properly.

thats all :)
Thanks friend for the mod ;)
Luck in ranked your beatmap :D
Hi from modreq (mod 4 mod can?)
if you can mod my map, please mod this map thanks=
delete .osb file in your songs folder if you can't use StoryBoard.

I think this map is a litte boring because there are too many same patterns in placement.
try to make another pattern.
00:18:876(3,4) don't stack previous(1,2). it's not clear.
01:47:407(1) ctr+J?
02:23:491(1) remove NC
02:24:330(3) ^
02:41:113(6) move left 2 or 3 grid is better.
03:16:778(4) distant error?

00:36:918(8) NC
00:57:057(4)^ and remove whistle
00:38:176(1) remove NC
01:11:323(2,3,4) try this pattern
01:23:071(1) I think the spinner's end is 01:23:911 but it's too short imo. so I think deleting spinner is better.
03:05:449(3,4) try this pattern

good luck ;)
Topic Starter

kajiyatta wrote:

Hi from modreq (mod 4 mod can?)
if you can mod my map, please mod this map thanks=
delete .osb file in your songs folder if you can't use StoryBoard.

I think this map is a litte boring because there are too many same patterns in placement.
try to make another pattern.
00:18:876(3,4) don't stack previous(1,2). it's not clear.
01:47:407(1) ctr+J?
02:23:491(1) remove NC
02:24:330(3) ^
02:41:113(6) move left 2 or 3 grid is better.
03:16:778(4) distant error?

00:36:918(8) NC
00:57:057(4)^ and remove whistle
00:38:176(1) remove NC
01:11:323(2,3,4) try this pattern
01:23:071(1) I think the spinner's end is 01:23:911 but it's too short imo. so I think deleting spinner is better.
03:05:449(3,4) try this pattern

good luck ;)
Thx :3
and yes
mod 4 mod
i go to make your mod ;3
  1. use consistent for kiai style, easy and normal were different
  2. offset + (17 - 20)
  3. dont forget add tags for your guest diff later
  4. timing offset were different between your map and your guestdiff mapser, better have same offset

note: due normal mapset, i will mod some nazi and less important mod
  1. 00:17:617 (2,3) - u need really carefull abt this pattern, because hard to read at beginning
  2. 00:03:351 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - this part not using distance snap?
  3. 00:15:099 (1) - spinner should end at 00:16:778 - , it was too short : if you extend it, remove 00:17:197 (1) - , or maybe not
  4. 00:23:911 (2) - move 1 grid down
  5. 00:46:148 (4) - it was too awkward curve
  6. 00:52:862 (1,2) - change
  7. 00:55:379 (1,2) - change
  8. 01:14:260 (5) - whistle ? why only 2 whistles i can hear
  9. 01:22:232 - place spinner better.because gap too long
  10. 03:02:932 (3) - why place in there? ctrl + j,and the rest is yours
  11. 03:28:106 (8) - fix??
  12. 03:29:785 (1) - add finish
  1. not using distance snap?, better use it for all your notes
  2. first kiai not good, extend it until 01:23:911 -
  3. recheck your notes spacing , fix error spacing , i looked many error spacing
  1. 01:10:486 (1) - and 01:08:808 (1) - lol
  2. OD 5 !! WHY, no wonder i got SS 1st try
  3. 02:24:331 - start from this part, is not 1/4 beat snap if you follow key'slead, it was 1/6 for accurated
  4. the rest of notes were good, just fix 1/6 beat rythm
done and goodluck

IMO -> my opinion


The easy and normal is you so no need different kiai time, should be same because the easy and normal is you also if guest can be different
the tag "DJ splash" no need because have it Artist so is easy search just remove TAG all diff's
Set preview time at here 01:57:478 most better imo


HP -1

00:03:376 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - this are boring and the HP is extreme low better remove it this all note because this notes don't make this song
00:17:222 (2) - grid 1 down to make symentric with 00:16:803 (1)
00:28:971 (3) - grid 1 right to make symentric with 00:29:390 (4)
03:00:859 (1,2) - inconsistent spacing
03:07:992 (1,3) - ugly overlap
03:08:831 (2) - bad arc try better arc
03:13:026 (4) - ^ same
03:23:936 (4) - ^ same

the gameplay look great but hitsound are bad i not gonna full mod hitsound but you can contact me in-game then i gonna full mod and teach how work hitsound consisten


HP -1

00:03:376 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - same happened on easy remove all notes
00:51:208 (3) - bad arc
00:59:600 (1) - remove new combo and at 01:00:439 (2) - put new combo and at 01:01:278 (1) - remove new combo. better combo
01:21:838 (1) - remove new combo
01:24:355 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ugly overlaps and hard read approeach try most easy to newbie player pass it
01:42:397 (8) - New combo as change drums
01:44:075 (4) - ^ same
01:50:789 (5) - put new combo and at 01:51:628 (1) - remove new combo
02:04:215 (T) - this is nothing just remove this timing
02:44:915 at 02:49:110 - this break is unsless imo try remap this part and carefully

great gameplay and same happened bad hitsound

[My diff]

the song are lot repetive then i try change my ideia patterns and flow, here my diff -> have osu!standard and hitsound just copied and past you folder song then submit

if you like my diff then don't forget add TAG "pereira006" for all diff's
If you have lot question just ask me or some mod is hard to understand or hard fix just ask me.
is hard work consistency hitsound just ask me i can explain my best and teach ,anyway,
that all i think pleasse some mod you can't understand because my eng is suck pleasse ask me in-game i will try explain better
good luck and bye bye
yo! as requested!

title is DJ Splash - Bass Is Kicking (Nightcore Mix) it's nightcore, isn't it?
tags: put: rave trance
bg: i prefer this
make same offset and preview time for each diff
i want to hear more consistent hitsounds. not only whistles sometimes but claps/finishes etc.. put them more often :(
don't use 100% volume!
hitsounds are too loud at some places

don't miss beats to make map easier (example 00:37:782 - ) make you map easier and follow music
some sliders aren't perfectly curved but it's ok
OD and HP Drain rate -1
00:19:320 (4,1) - beginners are mostly will be confused by this slider. they can't even imagine that it's possible for slider to have more than one reverse :D
00:28:971 (3,3) - overlap
00:57:502 (2,4) - same as 00:19:320 (4,1)
02:49:950 (4,3) - overlaps and blah-blah-blah.. just change it into something

not bad but i don't like this boring patterns :/

00:26:033 (6) - i fixed shape of this slider for you. just open diff in notepad and change this 312,212,26033,2,0,B|304:292|376:292,1,120
into 312,212,26033,2,0,B|388:228|380:304,1,120
00:42:397 (2,1) - covered by hitburst.
00:47:013 (1) - new combo / 00:49:530 (1) - remove new combo
01:01:278 (3,4) - spacing between notes
02:47:852 (1,2,3,4) - looks terrible and random
03:05:054 (2,4) - don't like this overlap
03:05:054 (2,4) - beat missed. put circle

00:17:642 (1) - it's a bug, put new combo here!

00:51:395 (2) - touches hp bar
03:22:651 (2,2) - small overlap

not bad~ :3
Topic Starter

-Bakari- wrote:

yo! as requested!

title is DJ Splash - Bass Is Kicking (Nightcore Mix) it's nightcore, isn't it?
tags: put: rave trance
bg: i prefer this
make same offset and preview time for each diff
i want to hear more consistent hitsounds. not only whistles sometimes but claps/finishes etc.. put them more often :(
don't use 100% volume!
hitsounds are too loud at some places

Long but i complete all things of the mod General :D

don't miss beats to make map easier (example 00:37:782 - ) make you map easier and follow music
some sliders aren't perfectly curved but it's ok Done o-(^-^)-o
OD and HP Drain rate -1 Done o-(^-^)-o
00:19:320 (4,1) - beginners are mostly will be confused by this slider. they can't even imagine that it's possible for slider to have more than one reverse :D Done o-(^-^)-o
00:28:971 (3,3) - overlap Done o-(^-^)-o
00:57:502 (2,4) - same as 00:19:320 (4,1) Done o-(^-^)-o
02:49:950 (4,3) - overlaps and blah-blah-blah.. just change it into something Done o-(^-^)-o

not bad but i don't like this boring patterns :/ Sorry for it u_u but i need ranked this song to can submit other :cry:

00:26:033 (6) - i fixed shape of this slider for you. just open diff in notepad and change this 312,212,26033,2,0,B|304:292|376:292,1,120
into 312,212,26033,2,0,B|388:228|380:304,1,120 Done o-(^-^)-o
00:42:397 (2,1) - covered by hitburst. Dont understand but change a thing :3
00:47:013 (1) - new combo / 00:49:530 (1) - remove new combo Done o-(^-^)-o
01:01:278 (3,4) - spacing between notes Done o-(^-^)-o
02:47:852 (1,2,3,4) - looks terrible and random Done o-(^-^)-o
03:05:054 (2,4) - don't like this overlap Done o-(^-^)-o
03:05:054 (2,4) - beat missed. put circle Done o-(^-^)-o

00:17:642 (1) - it's a bug, put new combo here! i really dont understand it D: ... but i move it xD

00:51:395 (2) - touches hp bar Done o-(^-^)-o
03:22:651 (2,2) - small overlap Done o-(^-^)-o

not bad~ :3
This Diff is of Pereira006
He make this ^^
Thank You Bakari :D
Hello there! xD

Add 2nd Kiai time(maybe?)

It's good, nothing to mod ^^

It's good, nothing to mod ^^

Pereira's Hard
02:25:506 (4) - This slider sounds bad... >.< Change it somehow or replace it with circles o:
02:27:184 (4) - ^
02:28:863 (4) - ^
02:30:541 (8) - ^
02:32:219 (2) - ^
02:33:897 (2) - ^
02:35:576 (2) - ^

Gonna give a star XD

Edit: Finally finished ;-; Here's the Insane <3 C:
Topic Starter

espiritur00 wrote:

-Bakari- wrote:

yo! as requested!

title is DJ Splash - Bass Is Kicking (Nightcore Mix) it's nightcore, isn't it?
tags: put: rave trance
bg: i prefer this
make same offset and preview time for each diff
i want to hear more consistent hitsounds. not only whistles sometimes but claps/finishes etc.. put them more often :(
don't use 100% volume!
hitsounds are too loud at some places

Long but i complete all things of the mod General :D

don't miss beats to make map easier (example 00:37:782 - ) make you map easier and follow music
some sliders aren't perfectly curved but it's ok Done o-(^-^)-o
OD and HP Drain rate -1 Done o-(^-^)-o
00:19:320 (4,1) - beginners are mostly will be confused by this slider. they can't even imagine that it's possible for slider to have more than one reverse :D Done o-(^-^)-o
00:28:971 (3,3) - overlap Done o-(^-^)-o
00:57:502 (2,4) - same as 00:19:320 (4,1) Done o-(^-^)-o
02:49:950 (4,3) - overlaps and blah-blah-blah.. just change it into something Done o-(^-^)-o

not bad but i don't like this boring patterns :/ Sorry for it u_u but i need ranked this song to can submit other :cry:

00:26:033 (6) - i fixed shape of this slider for you. just open diff in notepad and change this 312,212,26033,2,0,B|304:292|376:292,1,120
into 312,212,26033,2,0,B|388:228|380:304,1,120 Done o-(^-^)-o
00:42:397 (2,1) - covered by hitburst. Dont understand but change a thing :3
00:47:013 (1) - new combo / 00:49:530 (1) - remove new combo Done o-(^-^)-o
01:01:278 (3,4) - spacing between notes Done o-(^-^)-o
02:47:852 (1,2,3,4) - looks terrible and random Done o-(^-^)-o
03:05:054 (2,4) - don't like this overlap Done o-(^-^)-o
03:05:054 (2,4) - beat missed. put circle Done o-(^-^)-o

00:17:642 (1) - it's a bug, put new combo here! i really dont understand it D: ... but i move it xD

00:51:395 (2) - touches hp bar Done o-(^-^)-o
03:22:651 (2,2) - small overlap Done o-(^-^)-o
Pereira say that Thanks :D

not bad~ :3
This Diff is of Pereira006
He make this ^^
Thank You Bakari :D
Topic Starter

KiyoshiX101 wrote:

Hello there! xD

Add 2nd Kiai time(maybe?) Adding :D
It's good, nothing to mod ^^

It's good, nothing to mod ^^

Pereira's Hard
02:25:506 (4) - This slider sounds bad... >.< Change it somehow or replace it with circles o: I think that this sound good
02:27:184 (4) - ^ Changed :P
02:28:863 (4) - ^I think that this sound good
02:30:541 (8) - ^ Changed :P
02:32:219 (2) - ^I think that this sound good
02:33:897 (2) - ^I think that this sound good
02:35:576 (2) - ^I think that this sound good

Gonna give a star XD

KiyoshiX101 wrote:

Pereira's Hard
02:25:506 (4) - This slider sounds bad... >.< Change it somehow or replace it with circles o: keep it
02:27:184 (4) - ^ change
02:28:863 (4) - ^ change
02:30:541 (8) - ^change
02:32:219 (2) - ^ keep it
02:33:897 (2) - ^ change
02:35:576 (2) - ^ change
Thank you mod

More add hitsound and some fix grids
Topic Starter

KiyoshiX101 wrote:

Hello there! xD

Add 2nd Kiai time(maybe?)

It's good, nothing to mod ^^

It's good, nothing to mod ^^

Pereira's Hard
02:25:506 (4) - This slider sounds bad... >.< Change it somehow or replace it with circles o:
02:27:184 (4) - ^
02:28:863 (4) - ^
02:30:541 (8) - ^
02:32:219 (2) - ^
02:33:897 (2) - ^
02:35:576 (2) - ^

Gonna give a star XD
Thanks for the mod and thanks For the star ;33
Athena Tennos
A-tan's mod.....

delete .osb file...
delete Girl.jpg file...u not use it... this is last time....i forgot delete....

BPM is right.
Offset is fine in playablility. But you must change to 3376 so that long white tick is on downbeat.

Rules wrote:

All uninherited sections must be on the downbeat of the measure.

00:44:495 (3) - try this....i feel more good~.....~this can more embody rhythm~xD
00:46:173 (5) - ^~

00:47:852 (2) - this is too close with 1...maybe u can keep a little space~like

02:12:607 (4,6) - hmm......i think this overlap to normal diff is too hard?....idk...maybe u can change it? no sure..orz

look fine.....

nice song and mapset~
Star~☆♪ not KDs.....
Good Luck~
General: There is a problem with the offset of the first timing point? Ask someone to test it and it should be around 500.
keep the kiaitime longer till 01:23:514 - ?
00:42:606 (2) - move it forward and make 2 more reverses
01:47:640 - add one more note
02:02:744 (1) - shorten the slider and do a reverse
02:25:401 - add a note here
02:32:219 - ^
02:35:890 - ^ ?
02:57:918 (1) - shorten the slider and
02:58:547 - add a note here
03:26:449 (1) - maybe its better to make a reflection or have some new ideas, this shape is a bit wired
02:51:205 (1) - shorten the slider,
02:51:834 - add a note
03:04:631 (1) - ^
00:21:628 - add a note?
01:57:922 - ^
02:18:053 - from here u should add some sliders&notes to full-fill it otherwise it would be bored
02:36:103 - add a note
02:36:523 (1) - make it a slider
00:42:397 - make a twice reversed slider and remove the note
01:59:180 - start it earlier?
03:00:439 - one more note

So many suggestions about adding notes... u can use it or ignore it if u dont like it
Good luck ~

cx040156 wrote:

00:42:606 (2) - move it forward and make 2 more reverses keep it
01:47:640 - add one more note
02:02:744 (1) - shorten the slider and do a reverse i like this away, because so many drums so i decide slider as is hard
02:25:401 - add a note here
02:32:219 - ^ is fit listen 25% playback
02:35:890 - ^ ? ^ same
02:57:918 (1) - shorten the slider and sorry no
02:58:547 - add a note here
03:26:449 (1) - maybe its better to make a reflection or have some new ideas, this shape is a bit wired fixed
02:51:205 (1) - shorten the slider,no sorry
02:51:834 - add a note
03:04:631 (1) - ^ sorry no
thank you mod, also i didn't change offset but yes offset is off so i let to espiritur00 if agree the mods offset then change my diff too
Topic Starter

Athena Tennos wrote:

A-tan's mod.....

delete .osb file... Done 0=(^-^)=0
delete Girl.jpg file...u not use it... this is last time....i forgot delete....

BPM is right.
Offset is fine in playablility. But you must change to 3376 so that long white tick is on downbeat. Done 0=(^-^)=0

Rules wrote:

All uninherited sections must be on the downbeat of the measure.

00:44:495 (3) - try this....i feel more good~.....~this can more embody rhythm~xD Done 0=(^-^)=0
00:46:173 (5) - ^~ Done 0=(^-^)=0

00:47:852 (2) - this is too close with 1...maybe u can keep a little space~like Done 0=(^-^)=0

02:12:607 (4,6) - hmm......i think this overlap to normal diff is too hard?....idk...maybe u can change it? no sure..orz

look fine..... The Magic of Pereira006 :D

nice song and mapset~ Thanks :D
Star~☆♪ not KDs..... Now Have 1 Congratulations :D~xD
Good Luck~
Thanks :D
Athena Tennos
shoot star now~~~
sor my late mod....
Modded Easy and Normal (IRC Mod)
Hard and Insane I won't mod.
espiritur00 already know why :3

Also Good Luck with the map~
Topic Starter

Athena Tennos wrote:

shoot star now~~~
sor my late mod....
Thanks! :D
Topic Starter

cx040156 wrote:

General: There is a problem with the offset of the first timing point? Ask someone to test it and it should be around 500.
keep the kiaitime longer till 01:23:514 - ? 0=(^-^)=0 Done
00:42:606 (2) - move it forward and make 2 more reverses
01:47:640 - add one more note
02:02:744 (1) - shorten the slider and do a reverse
02:25:401 - add a note here
02:32:219 - ^
02:35:890 - ^ ?
02:57:918 (1) - shorten the slider and
02:58:547 - add a note here
03:26:449 (1) - maybe its better to make a reflection or have some new ideas, this shape is a bit wired
02:51:205 (1) - shorten the slider,
02:51:834 - add a note
03:04:631 (1) - ^
00:21:628 - add a note?
01:57:922 - ^
02:18:053 - from here u should add some sliders&notes to full-fill it otherwise it would be bored
02:36:103 - add a note
02:36:523 (1) - make it a slider
00:42:397 - make a twice reversed slider and remove the note
01:59:180 - start it earlier?
03:00:439 - one more note

So many suggestions about adding notes... u can use it or ignore it if u dont like it
Good luck ~
I think that the rest are good ;)
Thx too :D
Here is your > > SB < <
I hope you like it >.<

Then full submit after you copied everything into your map folder~
Topic Starter

Dark_Ai wrote:

Here is your > > SB < <
I hope you like it >.<

Then full submit after you copied everything into your map folder~
Yes i like . thanks :D


• Points on lines SB not don't correspond points on timeline. Desing ---> Move all elements in time ---> -15 ms
• Put epilepsy warning, bcz in SB there are bright flashes


00:42:375(4,5) - correct spacing between this notes
01:02:304(7,8) - better stack it.
00:58:528(5,6,7) - make identical spacing between notes
01:09:017(6,7,8) - stack it better
01:35:450(11,1) - unstack it. It so difficult to read
01:38:178(5,6) - correct spasing
02:01:674(6) - this slider unrankable.
02:03:772(7) - ^
02:07:128(11) - ^
02:31:053 - this break time is very long, maybe you started maped from this time 02:37:757 ?
03:00:414(1,2) - correct spacing
03:07:127 - remove clap
03:17:197 - this slider unrankable too
03:31:462 - i think better map here. to finish it earlier it is not meaningful. the impression is made what to you is simply lazy to complete up to the end.


00:47:011(1) - make this slider more symmetcic
00:48:689(1) - ^
02:51:204(1) - make this slider shorter and add short slider it's sound better and better follow the music ( use this patern in other identical places)


oh this randomly hitsounds >.< plz check it (on Insane it's sounds good)

00:16:802 - remove clap
00:47:851 - better replace on 2 sliders 1/2
01:14:285 - here NC
01:20:159 - ^
01:37:362 - better replace 1 repeat and add note after slider
02:27:711(1,2)- make this sliders more symmetric
03:11:767 - NC

Good luck~~

Katty Pie wrote:


00:47:011(1) - make this slider more symmetcic ok
00:48:689(1) - ^ok
02:51:204(1) - make this slider shorter and add short slider it's sound better and better follow the music ( use this patern in other identical places) sorry no the slider end bluetick is overmapped (if listen 25% playback or 50%) so no sorry my slider is fit song imo
thank you mod
here my mod~

timing kiai finish at 01:22:257
2nd kiai start at 01:59:192

finish kiai at 01:23:935
2nd kiai start at 01:58:341

just that

Katty Pie wrote:



• Points on lines SB not don't correspond points on timeline. Desing ---> Move all elements in time ---> -15 ms
• Put epilepsy warning, bcz in SB there are bright flashes


00:42:375(4,5) - correct spacing between this notes Done(I think :c)
01:02:304(7,8) - better stack it. Done
00:58:528(5,6,7) - make identical spacing between notes Done
01:09:017(6,7,8) - stack it better Done
01:35:450(11,1) - unstack it. It so difficult to read Done
01:38:178(5,6) - correct spasing Done
02:01:674(6) - this slider unrankable. Changed
02:03:772(7) - ^ Changed
02:07:128(11) - ^ Changed
02:31:053 - this break time is very long, maybe you started maped from this time 02:37:757 ? Did it >.> Dunno if it's good though
03:00:414(1,2) - correct spacing Done
03:07:127 - remove clap Done
03:17:197 - this slider unrankable too Changed
03:31:462 - i think better map here. to finish it earlier it is not meaningful. the impression is made what to you is simply lazy to complete up to the end. Did it >.> Dunno if it's good though

Good luck~~
Thank you very much for the mod <3 - I'll ask a BAT about the sliders and update asap ^^
Topic Starter

Katty Pie wrote:



• Points on lines SB not don't correspond points on timeline. Desing ---> Move all elements in time ---> -15 ms
• Put epilepsy warning, bcz in SB there are bright flashes


oh this randomly hitsounds >.< plz check it (on Insane it's sounds good) i try make the hitsounds :$

00:16:802 - remove clap Done
00:47:851 - better replace on 2 sliders 1/2 Done
01:14:285 - here NC Done
01:20:159 - ^ Done
01:37:362 - better replace 1 repeat and add note after slider Done
02:27:711(1,2)- make this sliders more symmetric Done
03:11:767 - NC Done

Good luck~~
Topic Starter

frans_niko wrote:

here my mod~

timing kiai finish at 01:22:257
2nd kiai start at 01:59:192

finish kiai at 01:23:935
2nd kiai start at 01:58:341

just that
Really i cant make this changes why i need that the kai time are the same in all diffs :P
Combo Mods
00:37:362 (4) - NC
00:37:781 (1) - Remove NC
00:40:299 (5) - NC
00:41:138 (1) - Remove NC
00:52:886 (1) - Remove NC
00:53:306 (2) - NC
01:13:026 (1) - Remove NC
01:13:865 (1) - NC
01:15:543 (1) - Remove NC
02:20:159 (1) - Remove NC
02:20:998 (6) - NC
02:26:872 (1) - Remove NC
02:28:550 (5) - NC
02:41:138 (6) - NC
02:41:977 (1) - Remove NC
02:54:145 (1) - Remove NC
02:54:564 (7) - NC
03:00:858 (1) - Remove NC
03:01:278 (6) - NC
03:03:795 (1) - Remove NC
03:04:634 (6) - NC
03:10:508 (1) - Remove NC
03:11:348 (5) - NC
03:13:865 (1) - Remove NC
03:15:124 (5) - NC
03:27:292 (1) - Remove NC
03:28:131 (6) - NC
00:31:068 (3) - Break this slider down into a slider and a note like below to better fit the music:
00:32:746 (4) - ^
00:52:047 (4,5,1,2,3,4) - Try this to better fit the music:
03:00:019 (4) - Make this a slider, since there is no logical reason to leave 03:00:438 blank.
03:07:152 (6) - ^

Combo Mods
00:34:005 (5) - NC
00:34:424 (1) - Remove NC
00:40:299 (5) - NC
00:41:977 (1) - Remove NC
00:52:886 (1) - Remove NC
00:53:725 (8) - NC
00:55:403 (1) - Remove NC
01:05:473 (1) - Remove NC
01:14:285 (5) - NC
01:14:704 (1) - Remove NC
01:20:159 (1) - Remove NC
01:20:578 (5) - NC
01:40:718 (6) - NC
02:33:585 (1) - Remove NC
02:34:424 (7) - NC
02:40:299 (1) - Remove NC
02:41:557 (6) - NC
03:21:417 (5) - NC
03:21:837 (1) - Remove NC
03:28:131 (5) - NC
02:13:865 (6,1,2,3,4) - Ctrl+H

[Kiyoshi's Insane]
I'd like to skip this difficulty.
Topic Starter

KRZY wrote:

Combo Mods
00:37:362 (4) - NC
00:37:781 (1) - Remove NC
00:40:299 (5) - NC
00:41:138 (1) - Remove NC
00:52:886 (1) - Remove NC
00:53:306 (2) - NC
01:13:026 (1) - Remove NC
01:13:865 (1) - NC
01:15:543 (1) - Remove NC
02:20:159 (1) - Remove NC
02:20:998 (6) - NC
02:26:872 (1) - Remove NC
02:28:550 (5) - NC
02:41:138 (6) - NC
02:41:977 (1) - Remove NC
02:54:145 (1) - Remove NC
02:54:564 (7) - NC
03:00:858 (1) - Remove NC
03:01:278 (6) - NC
03:03:795 (1) - Remove NC
03:04:634 (6) - NC
03:10:508 (1) - Remove NC
03:11:348 (5) - NC
03:13:865 (1) - Remove NC
03:15:124 (5) - NC
03:27:292 (1) - Remove NC
03:28:131 (6) - NC
00:31:068 (3) - Break this slider down into a slider and a note like below to better fit the music:
00:32:746 (4) - ^
00:52:047 (4,5,1,2,3,4) - Try this to better fit the music:
03:00:019 (4) - Make this a slider, since there is no logical reason to leave 03:00:438 blank.
03:07:152 (6) - ^

Combo Mods
00:34:005 (5) - NC
00:34:424 (1) - Remove NC
00:40:299 (5) - NC
00:41:977 (1) - Remove NC
00:52:886 (1) - Remove NC
00:53:725 (8) - NC
00:55:403 (1) - Remove NC
01:05:473 (1) - Remove NC
01:14:285 (5) - NC
01:14:704 (1) - Remove NC
01:20:159 (1) - Remove NC
01:20:578 (5) - NC
01:40:718 (6) - NC
02:33:585 (1) - Remove NC
02:34:424 (7) - NC
02:40:299 (1) - Remove NC
02:41:557 (6) - NC
03:21:417 (5) - NC
03:21:837 (1) - Remove NC
03:28:131 (5) - NC
02:13:865 (6,1,2,3,4) - Ctrl+H

[Kiyoshi's Insane]
I'd like to skip this difficulty.
All Fixed :3
Hi, sorry for the delay :<

EDIT : FU- Updated while modding ;~;


Add the epilepsy warning for this map, I think it's better to be careful about

Also, only one break in Easy and Normal ?


00:22:676 (4) - This slider is weird o.o
03:28:131 (1) - What about a Soft-Finish here ?


00:56:243 (6,1,2) - You shouldn't make this pattern in a Normal
03:29:809 (1) - What about a Soft-Finish here ? The Custom Finish sound really


[Pereira's Hard]

Meh, no custom hs D:

02:25:470 (4,1,2) - Actually, these beats are in 1/3, you have to make them like

that :
02:27:184 (5,6,7,1) - 1/3 here too :
02:28:862 (4,5,6,1) - Same here
02:30:540 (4,5,6) - ^
02:32:219 (2) - ^
02:33:897 (2,3,4) - ^
02:35:575 (2,3,4) - ^

Nice job Pereira :3

[Kiyoshi's Insane]

Please don't use Grid lvl 2 for your map, especially if it's an Insane, there is

huge spacing errors a bit everywhere like here 01:38:073 (5) or 01:38:807 (10)
Use at least grid lvl 3 or 4, then replace each circles/sliders one by one

00:39:648 (2,3,4,5) - The spacing...I highly recommend you to change this, or if

you don't want, you can at least add a new combo on 00:40:068 (5)
01:35:346 (10,11,1,2,3,4,5,6) - This part is so confusing o.o
01:41:220 (4) - Why the spacing is suddently higher ?
01:45:940 (1) - No new combo
01:46:254 (1) - No new combo
01:46:569 (1) - No new combo
01:47:618 (8) - New combo

01:57:478 - I don't like the Speed up at all, but it's just my personal


02:03:772 (3) - This slider moves in an abnormal way.
02:04:716 (1) - No new combo
02:07:128 (11) - This slider is way, too, weird
02:08:597 (5,6,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - This part is just confusing as hell,

delete 02:09:226 (1,2), then add a circle at the end of the slider 02:08:911 (6)

(don't forget the clap !)
You should get something like that :

03:00:624 (2,3,4,5) - The spacing...I highly recommend you to change this, or if

you don't want, you can at least add a new combo on 03:01:044 (5)
03:17:197 (1) - Don't make weird sliders like that :o

Sorry, but I really don't like this diff :/

That's all, good luck !

Fight69 wrote:

[Pereira's Hard]

Meh, no custom hs D: what o.o mean custom hitsound ? have o.o only kiai 2º

02:25:470 (4,1,2) - Actually, these beats are in 1/3, you have to make them like

that :
02:27:184 (5,6,7,1) - 1/3 here too :
02:28:862 (4,5,6,1) - Same here
02:30:540 (4,5,6) - ^
02:32:219 (2) - ^
02:33:897 (2,3,4) - ^
02:35:575 (2,3,4) - ^

Nice job Pereira :3
everthing fixed and some remap part, thank you mod :)

EDIT: don't download
Mod 4 Mod.
Looks like I have lots of thing to do here...

First of all, can you fullsubmit, please? There's missing the Insane difficulty. I had to download it manually.
Second, move the beatmap topic to Pending. So it could get bubbled and blablah ~

There's an inconsistency in Timing Points, The Kiai time and the Preview Point.
Every redtiming must be placed at 00:03:376, with a BPM of 143,000The PreviewPoint must be placed at 117502And for the Kiai time, every kiai times must be placed at these places:
Kiai #1: Starts on 00:57:082, ends on 01:23:514
Kiai #2: Starts on 01:57:502, ends on 02:10:929


Circle emplacement
Try to make something more natural and fun to play. Because only having straight sliders isn't really fun to play.
00:42:816 (5) - Align this circle with the previous circle. So x:408 y:128

Try to look at your Hitsounds and try to keep the consistency.
00:20:159 - Add a clap here to keep the consistency
00:26:872 - Also add a clap here to keep the consistency
00:33:585 - ^
00:36:942 - Replace the whistle by a clap
00:37:362 - Delete the clap here if you decide to add a clap at ^
00:40:299 - Also add a clap here.
00:42:816 (5) - Add a whistle here to keep the consistency with your previous whistle.
00:47:012 - Add a clap
00:53:725 - ^
02:49:949 - Add a clap here to fit with the storyboard.


Circle emplacement
Try to make something more natural and fun to play. Because only having straight sliders isn't really fun to play.
00:26:872 (1,2) - Move these two circles, there are hitting the windows bar. (Well, almost. But move it.)

Try to look at your Hitsounds and try to keep the consistency.

This is the funniest map on this mapset. This is my opinion.

New combos
00:52:046 - Delete the new combo?
01:02:116 - Also remove the new combo.
01:08:829 (3) - Remove the new combo
01:15:542 - Remove the NC. q.q
03:06:309 - Add a new combo here.

Circle emplacement
00:35:053 (6,7,8) - move these circles at x:188 y:60 to align it with the previous circles.
00:51:416 - Can you move the slider at x:256 y:76 and do something like this: it will just play better.
01:07:150 (1) - Align this with 01:05:472 (1) - .


New combos
00:46:990 - Add a new combo here and delete the combo to the next note.
00:55:381 - Add a new combo.
01:02:304 - Add a new combo
01:09:017 - Add a new combo
01:12:164 - ^
01:13:843 - ^
01:45:940 - Remove the combo
01:46:254 (1) - ^
01:47:618 - Add a combo
02:04:716 - Delete the new combo.
02:07:548 - New combo
02:08:072 (4) - Delete the new combo.

Circle emplacement
01:57:478 - Give us at least a warning for this speed ?

what with these hitsounds...?
Try to make something consistent. Not random hitsounds placed randomly. o3o

01:33:982 - Delete the clap and add a finish
01:35:660 - Same as ^
01:37:339 - ^
01:39:017 - ^
01:40:695 - ^

Gabe wrote:

This is the funniest map on this mapset. This is my opinion.

New combos
00:52:046 - Delete the new combo? done
01:02:116 - Also remove the new combo.done
01:08:829 (3) - Remove the new combodone
01:15:542 - Remove the NC. q.qdone
03:06:309 - Add a new combo here. no

some remap "NC and RNC"

Circle emplacement
00:35:053 (6,7,8) - move these circles at x:188 y:60 to align it with the previous circles done.
00:51:416 - Can you move the slider at x:256 y:76 and do something like this: it will just play better. done
01:07:150 (1) - Align this with 01:05:472 (1) - done

thank you mod :)

Fight69 wrote:

[Kiyoshi's Insane]

Please don't use Grid lvl 2 for your map, especially if it's an Insane, there is

huge spacing errors a bit everywhere like here 01:38:073 (5) or 01:38:807 (10)
Use at least grid lvl 3 or 4, then replace each circles/sliders one by one

00:39:648 (2,3,4,5) - The spacing...I highly recommend you to change this, or if

you don't want, you can at least add a new combo on 00:40:068 (5)
01:35:346 (10,11,1,2,3,4,5,6) - This part is so confusing o.o
01:41:220 (4) - Why the spacing is suddently higher ?
01:45:940 (1) - No new combo
01:46:254 (1) - No new combo
01:46:569 (1) - No new combo
01:47:618 (8) - New combo

01:57:478 - I don't like the Speed up at all, but it's just my personal


02:03:772 (3) - This slider moves in an abnormal way.
02:04:716 (1) - No new combo
02:07:128 (11) - This slider is way, too, weird
02:08:597 (5,6,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - This part is just confusing as hell,

delete 02:09:226 (1,2), then add a circle at the end of the slider 02:08:911 (6)

(don't forget the clap !)
You should get something like that :

03:00:624 (2,3,4,5) - The spacing...I highly recommend you to change this, or if

you don't want, you can at least add a new combo on 03:01:044 (5)
03:17:197 (1) - Don't make weird sliders like that :o

Sorry, but I really don't like this diff :/

That's all, good luck !
Thanks a lot for your mod, I put the new combo at 03:01:044 (5) and 00:40:068 (5) but I don't like the rest, the sliders are good as they are atm, if next mods wont like them as well I might change them. About the "confusing part" it's just pure sync if you follow the music is easier :3 Thank a lot once again! <3

Gabe wrote:


New combos
00:46:990 - Add a new combo here and delete the combo to the next note. - Fixed <3
00:55:381 - Add a new combo. - Fixed <3
01:02:304 - Add a new combo - Fixed <3
01:09:017 - Add a new combo - Fixed <3
01:12:164 - ^ - Fixed <3
01:13:843 - ^ - Fixed <3
01:45:940 - Remove the combo - Fixed <3
01:46:254 (1) - ^ - Fixed <3
01:47:618 - Add a combo - Fixed <3
02:04:716 - Delete the new combo. - Fixed <3
02:07:548 - New combo - Fixed <3
02:08:072 (4) - Delete the new combo. - Fixed <3

Circle emplacement
01:57:478 - Give us at least a warning for this speed ? - Will be fixed I hope :c

what with these hitsounds...?
Try to make something consistent. Not random hitsounds placed randomly. o3o
- Fixed <3
01:33:982 - Delete the clap and add a finish - Fixed <3
01:35:660 - Same as ^ - Fixed <3
01:37:339 - ^ - Fixed <3
01:39:017 - ^ - Fixed <3
01:40:695 - ^ - Fixed <3
I'll talk with Dark_Ai for a SB Warning for this part, I hope he will accept to make it >.< Thanks a lot for your helpful mods <3 :* - Updated.
H-HE?! D:
I'M not a guy DDD: I'm a GIRL

and what?
Topic Starter

Dark_Ai wrote:

H-HE?! D:
I'M not a guy DDD: I'm a GIRL

and what?
nothing xD
are to the Epilepsy warning in the sb .
But i already make it :P
Topic Starter

Gabe wrote:

Mod 4 Mod.
Looks like I have lots of thing to do here...

First of all, can you fullsubmit, please? There's missing the Insane difficulty. I had to download it manually.
Second, move the beatmap topic to Pending. So it could get bubbled and blablah ~

There's an inconsistency in Timing Points, The Kiai time and the Preview Point.
Every redtiming must be placed at 00:03:376, with a BPM of 143,000The PreviewPoint must be placed at 117502And for the Kiai time, every kiai times must be placed at these places:
Kiai #1: Starts on 00:57:082, ends on 01:23:514
Kiai #2: Starts on 01:57:502, ends on 02:10:929


Circle emplacement
Try to make something more natural and fun to play. Because only having straight sliders isn't really fun to play.
00:42:816 (5) - Align this circle with the previous circle. So x:408 y:128

Try to look at your Hitsounds and try to keep the consistency.
00:20:159 - Add a clap here to keep the consistency
00:26:872 - Also add a clap here to keep the consistency
00:33:585 - ^
00:36:942 - Replace the whistle by a clap
00:37:362 - Delete the clap here if you decide to add a clap at ^
00:40:299 - Also add a clap here.
00:42:816 (5) - Add a whistle here to keep the consistency with your previous whistle.
00:47:012 - Add a clap
00:53:725 - ^
02:49:949 - Add a clap here to fit with the storyboard.


Circle emplacement
Try to make something more natural and fun to play. Because only having straight sliders isn't really fun to play.
00:26:872 (1,2) - Move these two circles, there are hitting the windows bar. (Well, almost. But move it.)

Try to look at your Hitsounds and try to keep the consistency.

This is the funniest map on this mapset. This is my opinion.

New combos
00:52:046 - Delete the new combo?
01:02:116 - Also remove the new combo.
01:08:829 (3) - Remove the new combo
01:15:542 - Remove the NC. q.q
03:06:309 - Add a new combo here.

Circle emplacement
00:35:053 (6,7,8) - move these circles at x:188 y:60 to align it with the previous circles.
00:51:416 - Can you move the slider at x:256 y:76 and do something like this: it will just play better.
01:07:150 (1) - Align this with 01:05:472 (1) - .


New combos
00:46:990 - Add a new combo here and delete the combo to the next note.
00:55:381 - Add a new combo.
01:02:304 - Add a new combo
01:09:017 - Add a new combo
01:12:164 - ^
01:13:843 - ^
01:45:940 - Remove the combo
01:46:254 (1) - ^
01:47:618 - Add a combo
02:04:716 - Delete the new combo.
02:07:548 - New combo
02:08:072 (4) - Delete the new combo.

Circle emplacement
01:57:478 - Give us at least a warning for this speed ?

what with these hitsounds...?
Try to make something consistent. Not random hitsounds placed randomly. o3o

01:33:982 - Delete the clap and add a finish
01:35:660 - Same as ^
01:37:339 - ^
01:39:017 - ^
01:40:695 - ^
A things Already fixed :P
Thanks :D
Now your mod :P
Topic Starter

Fight69 wrote:

Hi, sorry for the delay :<

EDIT : FU- Updated while modding ;~;


Add the epilepsy warning for this map, I think it's better to be careful about

Also, only one break in Easy and Normal ?


00:22:676 (4) - This slider is weird o.o
03:28:131 (1) - What about a Soft-Finish here ?


00:56:243 (6,1,2) - You shouldn't make this pattern in a Normal
03:29:809 (1) - What about a Soft-Finish here ? The Custom Finish sound really


[Pereira's Hard]

Meh, no custom hs D:

02:25:470 (4,1,2) - Actually, these beats are in 1/3, you have to make them like

that :
02:27:184 (5,6,7,1) - 1/3 here too :
02:28:862 (4,5,6,1) - Same here
02:30:540 (4,5,6) - ^
02:32:219 (2) - ^
02:33:897 (2,3,4) - ^
02:35:575 (2,3,4) - ^

Nice job Pereira :3

[Kiyoshi's Insane]

Please don't use Grid lvl 2 for your map, especially if it's an Insane, there is

huge spacing errors a bit everywhere like here 01:38:073 (5) or 01:38:807 (10)
Use at least grid lvl 3 or 4, then replace each circles/sliders one by one

00:39:648 (2,3,4,5) - The spacing...I highly recommend you to change this, or if

you don't want, you can at least add a new combo on 00:40:068 (5)
01:35:346 (10,11,1,2,3,4,5,6) - This part is so confusing o.o
01:41:220 (4) - Why the spacing is suddently higher ?
01:45:940 (1) - No new combo
01:46:254 (1) - No new combo
01:46:569 (1) - No new combo
01:47:618 (8) - New combo

01:57:478 - I don't like the Speed up at all, but it's just my personal


02:03:772 (3) - This slider moves in an abnormal way.
02:04:716 (1) - No new combo
02:07:128 (11) - This slider is way, too, weird
02:08:597 (5,6,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - This part is just confusing as hell,

delete 02:09:226 (1,2), then add a circle at the end of the slider 02:08:911 (6)

(don't forget the clap !)
You should get something like that :

03:00:624 (2,3,4,5) - The spacing...I highly recommend you to change this, or if

you don't want, you can at least add a new combo on 03:01:044 (5)
03:17:197 (1) - Don't make weird sliders like that :o

Sorry, but I really don't like this diff :/

That's all, good luck !
Thanks :D
and no problem for the late :>
i really dont remember when i ask you the mod >.<
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