
osu! Release (b20120620)

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The colours are great imo.


Damn word check underlining colours -_-
This update makes me want to fail just so I can watch the replay afterwards.

Saw a ton of updates I've heard people wanting for a while now. Nothing I'm going to use for the most part, but I'm sure a bunch of people are very happy campers now.

I actually just thought of the BPM thing a few days ago. And here it is. I must be psychic.

New game mode? WHAT IS IT. I'm very interested. I wonder what it could be...!?

One thing I still wonder about, what's the thing about models in the Editor? Is that, like, supporting 3D stuff? Like the Elite Beat Agents dancing in the background? Storyboards with 3D elements would be VERY neat, but my computer has enough trouble running maps without SBs on them to begin with. Well. Anyway, I might be wrong about that.

EDIT: Looks like it has nothing to do with 3D. Or something. I must look into this...
New Game Mode?
Am I expecting too much or is Touhosu really comming soon? :<
woc2006 is the best thing that happened to osu! this year.
I want costum colors in-game :l I can't tell the diffrence between in-game users and IRC users and honestly, seeing all this gray annoys me a bit... COSTUM COLORS IN-GAME GOGOGOGOGOO!!1!!112
The chat colors... I especially dislike the color of PMs. Pink? This is more grey than anything else. The contrast of blue to white was just more pleasant to look at. And there is only a little difference between you white and the grey of non-supporters. Things oneself said don't stand out enough imo.

But besides from that: great update! Especially the polygon feature in the editor!
Maybe throw in your response here t/87955

DarkDunskin wrote:

New Game Mode?
Am I expecting too much or is Touhosu really comming soon? :<
I know that feeling.
Feature that existed in Ouendan 2 gets introduced to osu 5 years later :)
Oh my god.

woc2006's additions, especially the one concerning the SBE and multiplayer... so good.

The Green Unlimited Mode is also something I never expected that I'll want; I frequently minimize osu!, so this will be really helpful to me.

Probably one of the most awesome technical updates so far.
Tsukimi Luna
wow seems nice
more than 5 feature requests got accepted one shot ;w;
So good
Well done.
So many new and cool features.
awesomeness of awesome man! this sounds like a new definition of awesome!
new dev makes community go hot
Totally hot for woc.
thank you for the scrollbar for the chatbox..i actually needed that lool (mouse scroll broke and i never bothered to replace it~)
Did one of the recent updates remove displaying the custom/online offset in the song selection screen?
状我开~woc you are the best~! :)
Is it just me or is the scroll bar in FRONT of the updating FPS in the bottom right. maybe move fps slightly to the left? woc it's all you!
The gray in the chat is bad, I can't even see the differance when I speak and when other speak, it's the same color (Not realy but the differance is not realy noticeable...) :o
A new game mode? Yay :)
Could it finally be touhousu?

Anyways, is it just me or does the UNLIMITED gameplay is a bit laggy while specting other people? I mean, if I change it to 120 or 60, or always unlimited the lag goes away :(

Yuu-Chii wrote:

wow seems nice
more than 5 feature requests got accepted one shot ;w;
So good
>Polygon arrangement

That... is genious

ErufenRito wrote:

Anyways, is it just me or does the UNLIMITED gameplay is a bit laggy while specting other people? I mean, if I change it to 120 or 60, or always unlimited the lag goes away :(
There ARE some people who lag at Unlimited actually. (like me when i'm on laptop)

So 120 when not playing is for people who actually lag on Unli

peppy wrote:

(including a new game mode)
i'm looking forward to this :!:
Nice update, but I've got a bug to report:

Switching beatmaps in multiplayer removes the room password. I suspect it's related to the new room password change feature. If it helps, I was hosting a Tag Coop room.

Thanks for the update!
There is a issue that I need to tell you

Current Priority is +19 but Stars Obtained only +16 , why ?
This is actually a new feature, not a bug. From now on, any mods that you give kudosu for give you a priority point.

Azure_Kite wrote:

This is actually a new feature, not a bug. From now on, any mods that you give kudosu for give you a priority point.
Also, every bubble popped gives you +5 SP.
Yeah, that's cool.

Azure_Kite wrote:

This is actually a new feature, not a bug. From now on, any mods that you give kudosu for give you a priority point.
YA , I know you mean now , thanks !
Congratulations for getting into the osu!dev team woc2006 c: it's nice to getting such nice updates, good luck!
nicee~ can't wait for the new game mode!! :)
Mmmmmm, a new game mode? Give pls. :)
N-n.... Oh god.... NEW GAME MODE!? >.< WANTS
Soul Rhythm
Great updates :D.
And I am really eager to know what the new game mode will be x3.
The wait is so painful.
new game mode? sounds great.
Didn't see this thread until now but noticed the changes the moment they came out. Thanks a lot woc! Your work is highly appreciated, osu really feels like it's getting better thanks to this. <3 <3 <3
new mode finally ! ^___^

Aqo wrote:

Didn't see this thread until now but noticed the changes the moment they came out. Thanks a lot woc! Your work is highly appreciated, osu really feels like it's getting better thanks to this. <3 <3 <3
Heh. I really appreciate that "Host is changing beatmap" on multiplayer. It really helps people knowing that the host is changing the beatmap ^^
woc's patch really did make Osu! look better. Thanks a lot :D

Btw, why did I not see the cursor while replaying a failed attempt? Is it me or is anybody experiencing the same thing? :o

Xierra wrote:

Btw, why did I not see the cursor while replaying a failed attempt? Is it me or is anybody experiencing the same thing? :o
i think failed replay uses some same code as spectator mode... (same sudden death bug, both are fixed now) the glitch occasionally happens in spectator too, usually when the window is minimized while they start a song... make a bug post about it ^^

Kanye West wrote:

I just want to say I really, really like watching myself fail.

zeroclover wrote:

nice updates !
dat bpm range lol, now mapper will be carefull to use bpm change for slider velocity :p
and new feature in design mode are great \:D/

this polygon so beautiful

wow this is good gj
Cant wait for that new Mod Please WOC2006 hurry with that new MOD :D
The I_old
Ya, The F1 when you fail a song is cool :)
Imo you should change it so the "fun spoiler" doesn't show up if osu! isn't in focus when you move your mouse to the left of the screen, i've accidently restarted/quit a song several times thinking i can click in the middle of the screen after having another window in focus... Maybe it's just me.

Gabi wrote:

Imo you should change it so the "fun spoiler" doesn't show up if osu! isn't in focus when you move your mouse to the left of the screen, i've accidently restarted/quit a song several times thinking i can click in the middle of the screen after having another window in focus... Maybe it's just me.
Report this as a bug or something, then. This isn't even the correct thread, and I don't know why this one is still open anyway.
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