
League of Legends

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But a frozen heart isn't just the anti-Tryn aura. It's the second highest PhysDef item with cooldown reduction and decent mana. Just because one person has one doesn't mean that no one else is allowed to have one.

The aura's range also isn't that great iirc meaning it will only effect the enemies within the small range of the holder, not sure about that one though.
It's 1000 which is okay for stuff that is always in the middle of things. My point is that a randuins + a frozen heart is going to be much more beneficial and useful in a team fight as compared to double frozen heart. If you have enough gold left over after randuins+shurelyia's then by all means grab one if you want to help yourself over your team opposed to maybe picking up another aura item.

I'm not saying FH is bad on leona. Depending on who is on my team (initiator, Teams needs a tank) i'd probably build it regardless since the stats are so good for her.
having 2 frozen hearts on a team isnt bad, but thats if both of them are on a tank/bruiser (or ryze), if someone has one already and you are a support there are better options.
Glacial Shroud is already one of the most amazing buys in the game - for 425g, you get 225 mana (note that 200 is what a 400g blue crystal gives you) meaning you're already paying under 20g for 15% CDR. This is before frozen heart, which is 630 for another 5% CDR, 75 mana, and 19 armor (Mana would cost ~150g, the armor costs ~300g, CDR is as always a hard cost to codify, but it makes it the second highest CDR item in the game along with morello's), before taking into account the 1000 range -20% dps-from-ad-carries aura.

Compare thornmail, which is 2000g for 100 armor and a 30% reflect passive (the armor itself would cost ~1500g, you're paying 500g for a passive, making it the most expensive passive in the game, discounting tiamat-minus-the-regen-stats) and is absurdly situational (Does the ad carry attack you? Is nobody else attacking you so the reflect doesn't get dispersed among their team? Am I able to force them to attack me despite my armor?) as well as Last Whisper cutting the armor down to 60ish, while FH still remains just as powerful with the aura.

t;dr frozen heart is the most cost-efficient physical defense item in the game if you have mana and don't hold a heart of gold for 30 minutes

i can go into a rant of frozen heart vs randuin's but i bet that'd bore people even more
I find both frozen heart and randuin useful. I used to get randuin as quick as possible, but nowadays when I play tank I get frozen heart first and there isn't any time to get omen. If 2 people have randuin's omen, is that of any use, or is one person wasting a slot having that equipment?
It's an active so it will never be a waste. Not only can randuins active be used offensively it can be used defensively as well (Longer duration AS/MS slows during team fights, really good MS slow for an escape).

Randuins + FH do stack with each other "Multiplicatively" which is why that combo is ridiculous late game.
Add to that a malphite E and you reduce jax/vayne's aspd to nearly 0.4
nasus W anybody?
wither becomes, for all intents and purposes, a 5 second slow that becomes a snare the last full second.

Randuin's is a bit strange.

The passive reduces attack speed and movement speed, but by bonus amounts - if you're a vayne and have 70% additional attack speed (greaves + PD) then hitting someone with a randuin will reduce your bonus attack speed by 35% - giving you essentially 35% bonus

Compared to the active, which calculates the orignal 100% speed, meaning 170% * 0.65 = 110.5%, compared to 135% from passive

They don't stack, i've found.

FH + randuin active = X attack speed * 0.8 * 0.65 = 0.52X

Halving dps. Yay!

It's more useful for a pure tank, but it has less utility for the person that has it - practically no CDR means that it doesn't help peel as well, less mana means you can't peel as much.
in a teamfight you're supposed to wither their AD carry.
It's Dragon Boat Festival in China few days ago, and there's a skin for teemo

yay panda teemo and its mushrooms become "traditional Chinese rice-pudding"

inb4 but Teemo has enough skins already

He does, but you gotta admit it still looks adorable :<

Has Jayce's splash art been leaked already? I was searching for it before but eh, to no avail.
Stupid post deleted, there's a whole video of him here ... ends-70364

Dunno about splash art tho :/
I tried to play some summoner's rift today, we won, but i failed hard for all the early parts of the game as poppy.

wut do?

YodaSnipe wrote:

I tried to play some summoner's rift today, we won, but i failed hard for all the early parts of the game as poppy.

wut do?
get carried

Poppy apparently has a meh early game (dunno, haven't played her in a looooooong time) so all you have to do is farm and not feed. Then late game you god mode everyone on the enemy team... at the same time
yeah I looked at some guides and they all said I'd get pwned during laning, but make up for it once I got tri-force and some nice gear. I found this to be pretty true LOL! I need to learn how to not die early... think it might be useful XD
Always helps ;)

Wants to buy 4800 champ

+38 armor rune apge for poppy if you go top and get W level1, u can farm at ease vs 90% of solo top
vs ranged harass/ap it's harder but still doable, u need a more MR oriented rune page
Having a 32 (or a full 40) armor page is fun overall. Works neat on Irelia against retarded physical harras lanes combined with a babysitting jungler.

I sometimes also do that for giggles on J4 against Riven or Renekton starting E and cloth 5. People just run into your nearly 80 armor lvl 1 and are all like "Nothing to do here".
Everyday i'm supportin'

awwwww~ dat Riven
Noone discussing RealMomGG CLG CEO appointment.

Out of all the Chinese art they could have brought over, they decided to take blood moon akali - one of the very few cases where I thought the western art was better. Riot pls :<
Kog'Maw / Leona lane is so deadly
May I ask everyone something? I'm trying to get a carry champ that is good and I thought that it would be between Vayne and Caitlyn... Who's better?
With Caitlyn you need to win your lane quite hard to be relevant later.

With Vayne you can build whatever the hell you want and still do damage.
f e a r
Vayne for president
Kanye West

TKiller wrote:

With Caitlyn you need to win your lane quite hard to be relevant later.

With Vayne you can build whatever the hell you want and still do damage.
inb4 5 warmog vayne

Angelique448 wrote:

May I ask everyone something? I'm trying to get a carry champ that is good and I thought that it would be between Vayne and Caitlyn... Who's better?
So far i know Vayne is one of the best carrys but one of the hardest to play
Cait is much easier in lane because of her stupid range and she can trap brush etc, but late game vayne overpowers her hard because of her stupid steroid and her stupid true damage % of max health. So if u can hang in there as vayne and just farm (as with pretty much any ad carry) then she is the optimal choice for later

Odaril wrote:

Kog'Maw / Leona lane is so deadly
anything/leona lane is deadly if played right

that's what kill lanes are. blitz and alistar can do the same thing, although in different ways.

Cookie wrote:

Angelique448 wrote:

May I ask everyone something? I'm trying to get a carry champ that is good and I thought that it would be between Vayne and Caitlyn... Who's better?
So far i know Vayne is one of the best carrys but one of the hardest to play
Vayne>Hard to play>ROFL
ya dude vayne is hard to play, almost as hard as ap sion

yeahyeahyeahhh wrote:

Vayne>Hard to play>ROFL
Well, I guess at 1300 elo nothing is really hard to play. But try pulling off Vayne in a competetive game, or hence, even at 1900+ when the enemy hasn't picked their botlane yet.
But excuse me, I see your name always on the DotA2 thread, have you even played League recently?
Wasn't vayne nerfed to oblivion in the sejuani patch?

If you know how to position yourself well then you might do well with Vayne. Caitlyn is pretty good choice especially if your still new to the AD role.

kawaii_uguu wrote:

yeahyeahyeahhh wrote:

Vayne>Hard to play>ROFL
Well, I guess at 1300 elo nothing is really hard to play. But try pulling off Vayne in a competetive game, or hence, even at 1900+ when the enemy hasn't picked their botlane yet.
But excuse me, I see your name always on the DotA2 thread, have you even played League recently?
I've probably played LoL longer than you and at a higher ELO. I randomly play solo que or duo with a friend when no one on Dota2.

PS Vayne isn't hard to play your clown ROFL. One button you have to click on an enemy for.

kawaii_uguu wrote:

yeahyeahyeahhh wrote:

Vayne>Hard to play>ROFL
Well, I guess at 1300 elo nothing is really hard to play. But try pulling off Vayne in a competetive game, or hence, even at 1900+ when the enemy hasn't picked their botlane yet.
But excuse me, I see your name always on the DotA2 thread, have you even played League recently?

nice ELO yyy
proud of u son

I take that back

now am proud of u son
elo es 1
Kanye West
wtf yyy hecker ban pls

yeahyeahyeahhh wrote:

I've probably played LoL longer than you and at a higher ELO. I randomly play solo que or duo with a friend when no one on Dota2.

PS Vayne isn't hard to play your clown ROFL. One button you have to click on an enemy for.
If I get to play top or mid I will crush any Vayne by just counterpicking her with picks that also do great in lane. (Olaf, Malph, Lee, Kennen, Ahri, Kass). You need some sick positioning to not get raped by me in teamfights. And her laning phase is fuckin horrible, she only wins vs Graves.

Oh and what is this, are we showing our ratings off?
ROFL not even showing off. You said I was 1300, I was showing you I'm not. Stop being so any clown LMAO.
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