
Ruang Tamu Perbincangan (Edisi Bahasa Malaysia)

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Dear mekadon, aku ni dah kat tanahair ni... orz
Cuti 2 bulan \:D/

If I were you, kalau susah takat macam tu nak apply leave, I would so use it to balik kampung.

Tahun akhir ni mungkin nak keluar London kejap, tour EU sikit - harap2 bolehla meetup then! Bosan gile musim sejuk kat sana =.="
Topic Starter
Tapi akhir tahun saya nak balik kampung D:
Kalau MC pun, duduk rumah minum tengok anime schlick get drunk main LoL ww

Tengah tunggu Pokemon BW2, lelaki itu sungguh hawt ♥ saya yuri ohgod apakah ini kena saka ke
lol! Gon pegi date mekadon saja la macam ni. Tak sempat/terlambat untuk chaperone kamu berdua~
IIRC Gon pun dah nak balik kampung ni...


mekadon wrote:

Tengah tunggu Pokemon BW2, lelaki itu sungguh hawt ♥ saya yuri ohgod apakah ini kena saka ke
Dua pun boleh, XD

btw ychao ada balik Pandan Indah? \:D/~

SPM must focus, dah cikgu kelas saya nak rearrange tempat duduk kami, yang markah lebih teruk atau merosot banyak letak kat depan, but I asked to be placed in front anyway~ XD

Problem is cutest girl in class who did very badly this time and needs to be placed in front wants to sit beside me... oh **** probably just wants to improve. The rumors are already spreading, HOW I STOP IT? (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
^Interestingly, aku ni dulu asal dari dekat Pandan Indah juga (Pandan Perdana). :)
That was like more than a decade ago though... Keluarga sekarang ni duduk dekat Bandar Utama (which frankly speaking, is way better than my old place), so maafla~

My romance radar is beeping: typical scenario of 'boy tutors girl -> girl eventually falls for boy' alert. :roll:
inb4 SPM prep terjejas *touches wood*

Aku kena kurangkan tengok romance anime ni.
Tsukimi Luna
Tak Tahu Nak Letak Post Apa
Topic Starter
KenAthena - Girl Classmate Route gogogo

>Boy tutors girl in class
>Class buat bising
>Nak setadi sama-sama kena discreet so study kat rumah lelaki/perempuan
>Study together
>Both dapat result bagus untuk Trials
>Sambung study together
>Mak bapak takde
>together forever
>dua2 straight A
>study kat U sama2
>happy forever after
Kalau macam atas don't forget me to invite me to your wedding lol saya pun banyak tengok/baca anime/novel romance la D:


>Bandar Utama

www saya duduk Hartamas www
until CERNthe fire nation attacked XD
Holy shit u guys, LOLWUT??!! XDXDXD

Keputusan saya not at straight A level langsung... ;_; still need a lot of work....
Ambil 10 mata pelajaran, yang guarantee dapat A sekarang ada Add Math, Physics, Bio, English dan Math saja.... Q_Q
eh, aku graduate 10 jul dan lepas tu makan angin kat scotland/london dengan family hingga 17 jul, lepas tu free hingga 2nd ogos (balik kampung~).. kalau nak meetup then have to be in that time period lol

athena perfect lyfe, get the leng lui and get straight As, imba

-Athena- wrote:

Ambil 10 mata pelajaran, yang guarantee dapat A sekarang ada Add Math, Physics, Bio, English dan Math saja.... Q_Q
I think subject yang you highlight ni la killer subject, the rest is easy one to get A.. @.@
Sejarah, BM, and other "wajib" subject are easy to score, because SPM use "graph" tu grade the mark, so, kalau subject wajib ni semua orang wajib ambik, termasuk sekolah2 kampung = diaorang akan jatuhkan graph = easy to score A. Wahaha, i got 42 in my trial for sejarah, but got A in SPM, funny..
Lahanat.. apakah yang terjadi pada facebook??? takkan acc aku kena hack kot..
apa yang ade.. >.>

edit: dah elok dah.. fuuhh hidup..

Momoka95 wrote:

HeatKai wrote:

lagu melayu apa best? list kan please ;w;
wew xD anak kampung xDD (request from my cousin)
I've been searching for the HQ mp3 actually.
then I start mapping
Eh abang MoeKai cepat rank Jalur Gemilang >w</
12 jam kemudian


law 0 of anime: 2D + 1D = 3D + shit.
But this looks decent.
warner bros wtf lol, macam yes

btw @xsrs how to extract the g senjou files? xd
what how .-. cannot extract ke?
Tengah main F/s n dan terjumpa pula advert ni.
Engrish kat bawah tu is far from impressive though.

Type-Moon in collaboration with Rockstar Games presents...

Awesome parody. Each sub-pic merits its own lolz... :)
+1 Mesti beli. :D

Edit: Subforum ni perlu ada random pics thread. Js.
Edit 2: Puush-ed. Pic tu x suka di-hotlink kot.
buat thread baru lah ychao (btw image tu tak boleh load xd)

xsrs files tu dalam .001, .002 format etc.. winrar macam x boleh extract .-. tengah cuba 7-zip sekarang
Aku guna 7zip np

Yeah image tu x load, perlu quote dan manual paste xd

Edit: wtf sekarang boleh load

Gon wrote:

xsrs files tu dalam .001, .002 format etc.. winrar macam x boleh extract .-. tengah cuba 7-zip sekarang
Gon, kalau masih tak boleh, join those files dengan HJSplit into a .rar/.zip format. Then baru boleh extract dengan biasa.

Pic masih xleh load ke?
Dah 1 minggu stay back until 7pm + tidur 12am.
Esok Taylor's CO2 Car Competition, hope it goes well. derp tak payah pergi kelas esok derp
2 days later.....

orz team A sekolah saya menang #1, iPad 3 + beberapa ratus cash prize + Taylor's limited edition stuff + medal for all members OMG (cikgu pun dapat, sekolah dapat beberapa ribu OMGOMG)
saya apa pun tak dapat because bottle failure last minute ;_; (only certificate of participation)
Sunyi.... ><

-Athena- wrote:

Eh abang MoeKai cepat rank Jalur Gemilang >w</
lol,I scared lo. politik tak menentu skrg :(
saja promosi deviant ID aku. derp
semua MIA dari osu
Busy these few days, many competitions and events
+ SPM nak datang ;_;
mekaaa y u change name n go spain???

mekadon's sell moe multi acc


my new wallpaper~

supernova ke tu :O

bila aq nk men osu ni =.=...
jauh jatuh pp aq >_>

xsrsbsns wrote:

semua MIA dari osu
kat scotland zz, besok pergi london satu hari (ychao where xd)
About 6 kawan datang rumah hari ni, tak de masa main <3

Gon wrote:

(ychao where xd)
Gon ni baru sekarang nak datang ke London Town... aku sekarang ni sedang holiday kat home country 1 bulan plus \:D/
Syok boleh menikmati good ol' Malaysian cuisine semula, time to buy bigger-sized clothes :D

Gon xde ticket ke Olympics ke? 2 minggu lagi... Aku mulanya nak tengok sebab ada 2 ticket tapi nak spend longer time in Msia... ;)
Feel so sad and miserable... Haiz...

Harap saya tak jadi emo ;_;
^Dear Ken (or iirc you would prefer -Athena-), I do not know what got your mood down so whatever I say next might lack a sense of empathy; but do not let it dwell for too long. Things usually seem undesirable from one angle of perception but appear differently, even positively when viewed in an alternate light.

At the very least, we mature into better men overcoming unfavourable experiences and challenges - think of it as levelling up, if you like. Life is one huge-ass RPG anyway; with the caveat of having no respawns (if you do not believe in karma/reincarnation and what-not, but I digress), and being able to actually feel (e.g. hurt) physically and emotionally. We get to enjoy satisfaction and joy from accomplishments and relationships more deeply/personally that way too, which is my alternative (more positive) perception of this very caveat.

If you think you would feel better talking about it, know that I am all ears and just a pm away, whenever. I do not mean to be a busybody though, so please do not misunderstand my true intention. :)

Edit: Apa ni tiap kali ychao ni post mesti tl;dr macam karangan saja, dan karangan BI pulak tu... orz

Katsuragi Keima wrote:

Life is just a shitty game
So ironic because I'm facing love problems ;w;

Terima Kasih ychao, I needed that.

When all else fails.

xsrsbsns wrote:

When all else fails.

Mungkin sebab i myself am a shitty player XD.
lol shameless advertisement of achievement... though that wasn't your main intention, of course. ;)
Gj nevertheless! :)

Very tempting avatar as well, xsrs. Would kiss.
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