
Ability to play over the LAN. (Please of Magadan osu!Community.) [invalid]

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +4
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Archangel Tirael
Just want to warn all who read the post though, is that the original message was sent peppy tweeted from all Magadan osu! Community (Magadan is a city of such). But Dean did not pay attention to this tweet, and when I asked him to read mentions-old asked to write here (most offensive that eventually community for some reason I was offended after that). Here is the text of the tweet. Nothing has changed.
@peppyhax Hey. I am writing from all Magadan osu! Community, because I am one of the few who have at least some access to the Internet and who does not spend it in vain. I, unfortunately, very bad know English, and therefore the message I am writing in their native (Russian) language. If you have time and desire, then you can put it through an interpreter, or ask for help in translation from Russian members of the osu! Community. The introductory part of the message was translated by Google Translate.
У нас в городе, как ты надеюсь уже понял, очень дорогой интернет (16000 рублей в месяц за безлимитный интернет на скорости 512 килобайт в секунду), но за то у нас довольно хорошо развита Локальная Сеть. Дёшево (150 рублей в месяц) и довольно качественно. Один мой знакомый с помощью своих знакомых (Системных Администраторов :) ) смог заполучить себе несколько месяцев дорогого безлимитного интернета, но без абонентской платы (По сути, бесплатный интернет). Тогда он практически сразу узнал узнал про osu! и сильно "подсел" на неё. За всё своё он скачал более 30 гигабайт битмап. Благодаря хорошо развитой Локальной Сети, игра (И песни, разумеется) быстро разошлась по городу (Файлообменники, DC++, чаты, блоги и прочее). У игры появилось большое количество поклонников. Вот уже создаём наш локальный сайт и форум, посвящённый osu! (В будующем планируем посвятить его и другим музыкальным играм). Все они хотят поиграть в мультиплеере, но слишком дорогой интернет им этого не позволяет... А поиграть друг с другом очень сильно хочется. И нашим сообщетвом было принято решение написать Тебе это сообщение. Что мы хотим? А хотим мы малого- хотим, чтобы в osu! появилась возможность игры по Локальной Сети. Как это должно быть реализовано? Тут может быть много вариантов. Вот мой: игра соединяется с Bancho, и если она успешно с ним соединилась- при заходе в мультиплеер мы попадаем в лобби Bancho. Если это не получилось, например если у нас нет подключения к Интернету или что-то случилось с Bancho (НЕ ДАЙ БОГ! :O )- то получаем сообщение о том, что зайти на Bancho не получилось и попадаем в лобби игры по Локальной Сети. Лобби Локальной Сети не должно сильно отличаться от лобби Bancho, но в первом должна обязательно быть кнопка для создания Прямого Соединения (Особенность некоторых локальных сетей. Хост может создать комнату, но она может не отобразиться в лобби) с Хостом. Если у кого-нибудь из игроков в комнате не будет битмапы, то игра не будет предлагать игроку её загрузить с сайта игры (Я имею в виду, что сообщения "click here to download beatmap" быть не должно. Нет карты- не играй). Обязательно внутри комнаты должен быть чат. По возможности, не на IRC протоколе. От этого, возможно, тоже могут быть проблемы с соединением. Также у игрока должен быть "локальный аватар", чтобы он отображался при игре в Локальной Сети.
It's, like, everything. We hope that you have read what we wanted to write to you. You might want to copy this message somewhere on the forum / site. We shall be very glad if you do something and listen to us. Many thanks in advance to you all from the Magadan osu! Community ...
for what i've understood you guys just want to play osu! through LAN.
Well , idk if peppy can do something about this but you guys have all my support , playing and having those kind of hobby you wrote in your userpage must be a real pain without internet ;;
Thats an absurd amount to pay for such a puny connection. I don't personally need this, but I still support it, as surely it can be useful. osu! is more then just an online multiplayer game after all.

For you people who are not able to read and understand Russian, here is a little tl;dr.

In the city OP and his group of friends live in, an internet connection goes for absurd amounts of money (16000RUB is about 490USD, which they have to pay monthly, for a 512kbps connection), and not everyone can afford that, but they do on the other hand have a big local network throughout the city, which gives them the option to play games and share various information with eachother nonetheless, that for a very reasonable price (150RUB, no more then five bucks a month). One of his friends managed to somehow obtain an internet connection for a limited amount of time, found out about osu! and got hooked on it, and downloaded over thirty gigabytes of beatmaps, then proceeding to share it over the local network for their friends to learn about and play it too. The game got popular enough for them to create a little community of their own over the local network, sharing their scores, beatmaps and whatnot over a forum which they created. Unfortunately, obtaining an internet connection is barely an option, which is why they'd highly appreciate an implementation of multiplayer games over a local network.
Topic Starter
Archangel Tirael

Liutprando wrote:

for what i've understood you guys just want to play osu! through LAN.
Well , idk if peppy can do something about this but you guys have all my support , playing and having those kind of hobby you wrote in your userpage must be a real pain without internet ;;
I download all games in LAN. (Include 25 GB of osu!, 10 GB of DJMAX, etc) I use the Internet (and I spend a lot of money) or for osu!, Or to search for any reference to the touch, or a file that someone downloaded it and handed it to me on the LAN.
Perevyol na angliskiy dlya vas :)

Udachi vam, nadeyus chto peppy vas poslushajet i chtobe vsyo poluchilos.
Topic Starter
Archangel Tirael

boat wrote:

Perevyol na angliskiy dlya vas :)

Udachi vam, nadeyus chto poluchitsa.
Thank you. We also hope so.
Круто :) Так и нужно
Topic Starter
Archangel Tirael
Now our community is
discussing how we wanted it
to be implemented. I asked
them to express their thoughts
in the form of pictures. I will
put more money on your
phone and show the best
work here.
You should really just move :/.
I requested LAN/Local Network support years ago iirc, but it was denied as osu! is an online game.
Well the same request was asked months ago though. cba to search it
Topic Starter
Archangel Tirael
As I promised, showing you the best options for implementing this idea, presented to our community. Just a little redrafted so that all images were in the same style and corrected typos. (The first idea-mine. ;3)

But it should look like LAN lobby. (Of course, not exactly as shown in the picture. This is a scheme.)
Maybe you should just use big screens at a LAN to watch each other while you play together. I have no intentions of adding this.
Topic Starter
Archangel Tirael

peppy wrote:

Maybe you should just use big screens at a LAN to watch each other while you play together. I have no intentions of adding this.
WOOT??? In our LAN 30000 users! :D
All my city- one big Local Network! >:O

This is how big should the screen to see it all Magadan, when you consider that we have a mountain area? :D
Start your own ISP and beat the competition by offering reasonable pricing :p.
Topic Starter
Archangel Tirael
Sounds like a mockery! Am I flat can not pay. I live in constant debt. It's not that the server hardware to buy, there is even a need to lay on the bread! I'm here already so mired in debt that it is dangerous to go out into the street. Not that I'm wrong on this internet criminal record received (stole login and password from the internet and spent 15,000 RUR only on the "Osu!"). Fortunately, that just fine at 20,000 RUR (5000 - attorneys' fees). Do you propose to me here is that I'm here just fell off the chair! >:O
I'm not mocking, but I am stating openly that I will not be implementing this functionality as I wish osu! to remain an online game. Apologies to your small community.
Topic Starter
Archangel Tirael

peppy wrote:

I'm not mocking, but I am stating openly that I will not be implementing this functionality as I wish osu! to remain an online game. Apologies to your small community.
Well then in that case, do not forget about this proposal. You never know what can happen. Suddenly, for example, something terrible will happen to the "Osu!" and on-line no longer work? In such a case, such a feature would be even saved the situation.
If bancho was ever made no longer feasible, I would either release it as a public binary or add LAN support.
Topic Starter
Archangel Tirael
I then suggested another idea, which I never published here. You can try to make the proxy server and play the "Osu!" through it. But in "Osu!" davolno a lot of servers and people can not properly put restrictions on the use of proxy servers. We've got people of cunning, if not stand-limits immediately begin to do on the internet all that is anything but "Osu!" play.
Create a private VPN and pipe it out, or something. (SSH tunnelling would work just as well).
Topic Starter
Archangel Tirael

peppy wrote:

If bancho was ever made no longer feasible, I would either release it as a public binary or add LAN support.
Now that's the right decision. :)
Topic Starter
Archangel Tirael
If I understand correctly, you want to just "chosen" to play "Osu!" through a proxy server. I want a proxy not only for working Multi, but also so that people can download from the site Beatmaps. (If my memory serves me, but you can not download maps by using a proxy)
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