This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Thank you! I look into that. Could you give a star, please? (When writing a post, on the bottom.) Thanks!_KcN_ wrote:
Hello,from #modrep
I am a newbie modder.
so some suggest maybe useless to you,sorry for this.
(and my English is not good)
- the .osb file can be deleted if you don't use the storyboard
- maybe second kiaitime should end in 03:02:076?
- The HP Drain Rate looks too high.Change it to 5 or 6?
- i think the shape of some slider can be more beautiful
for example:
00:13:623 (1) - like this
01:14:094 (5) - like this 00:51:537 (3,4,5) - this triple stream looks a little abrupt,remove the note in the middle?
- 02:44:319 (2,3,4,5) - maybe looks better this?
- OD is generally lower than AR 1 or 2,change OD to 4?
- The same problem with hard,maybe you can make slider more symmetrical and beautiful.
such as
00:52:017 (1)
02:39:519 (1)- 01:18:893 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Empty a beat looks not natural.How about use this kind of rhythm?
OK,Star it,Good Luck!Encrypto wrote:
Thank you! I look into that. Could you give a star, please? (When writing a post, on the bottom.) Thanks!
Thank you, I look into that when i have time ^-^ Car egiving a star?:3-Bakari- wrote:
You need diff less than 3.00 stars :<
00:07:864 (3,1) - don't cross them. looks ugly ><
00:13:623 (1) - ^
00:34:740 (3) - ^
00:45:058 - circle here
01:21:772 (3,2) - don't cross them ><
02:28:001 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2) - covered by 300s
02:31:841 (1,3) - ty to stack end of (3) and start of (1)
02:37:600 (5) - new combo
00:07:864 (3,1) - don't cross them
01:14:094 (5) - can conguse players ><
02:39:519 (1) - looong booooooring slider ><
I love you. Thanks for the Video also!Metaforce wrote:
You did a great job doing this, i enjoy this map very much
There is just one issue I found u could make better:
35:700: better set the button at the end of the slider
Also I would really enjoy making an Insane-Diff for you.
Thank you ^^ May star it please? <3L i d a N wrote:
- The background should have the size 1024x768 ->
- The preview point isn't at the same point in [Hard] & [Normal]
- Use Slider Tick Rate 2 on both diffs? Sounds better imo.
- 00:44:334 - Unsnapped timing point
- 00:55:853 - Unsnapped timing point
- 01:53:443 - Unsnapped timing point
- 02:16:479 - Unsnapped timing point
- 02:31:837 - Unsnapped timing point
- 03:14:069 - Unsnapped timing point
- 03:14:070 - Unsnapped timing point
- 03:14:071 - Unsnapped timing point
- CS -1?
- Why are you using the same Slider Velocity as on [Hard]? I think you should change it to something around ~1,40
- 01:53:447 - That x0,50 section could be a bit confusing for beginners, maybe remove it? Just a suggestion~
- 02:16:483 - If you're going to keep the x0,50 section at 01:53:447, change this to x0,50 since it doesn't really get any faster.
I normally don't really like this kind of music, but this is a pretty nice song with a nice map
- 02:16:483 - Same as on [Normal], change this to x0,50.
Good luck~
Thanks, don't forget to star ^^.Ain053 wrote:
You might want to add '(Mature Video)' to the beatmap's name so it become 'Madeon - Pop Culture (Mature Video)'. There's one obscure scene which is a female wearing underwear.
If you didn't plan to add Easier diff, Keeping Normal near Star Rating 3.00 is ideal, because as far as I can see, Normal is too hard.
Most of the combo colour seems too dark. Since it's dark, it often blends with Video BG, making it hard to read the note. I suggest Brightening the combo colour.
Resize your BG to 1024 x 768 or 800 x 600. These 2 resolutions are the only allowed BG Size.
Your MP3's Bitrate is 126 kbps which is below the minimum 128 kbps, I suggest looking for new MP3.
00:36:660 (1-6) - Seems off from 1/2 beat divisor, fix it?
Thank you.2nnt wrote:
Some errors on Hard
00:07:864 (3) - Broken slider
00:09:784 (1) - ^
00:11:704 (3) - ^
00:28:021 (4) - ^
00:28:981 (1) - ^
Everything seems to be fine, but those are definitely wrong. Also great job on hitsounds~
Thanks very much <3B2IN wrote:
from #modreqs
remove osb file
the video's dimensions must not exceed 800x600
um.. i recommend more than using curve slider to you.
this map pattern is too stiff
change.slider velocity is too fast.
03:03:995 (6) - how about this one ?![]()
(if you change,respacing03:04:475 (1))
03:05:915 (5) - ^
good luck~
Well, actually, through modding about everyone helped me making the map better. That´s why I gave kudosus, or am I wrong?Mustaash wrote:
Don't sent kudos to posts didn't helped you in the map development.
You kudosued every posts for now..
may check it later
Oh, you´re right. SHouldnt have kudosu´d that. I look into the BPM then.Mustaash wrote:
this one : btw
The BPM is totally wrong
BPM: 125
Offset: 13 605
yep, sorry about it, but i'm also mapping it >9>
Thanks!Shoily wrote:
Hi there!~
from #modreqs
00:51:050 (2) - This whistle seems kind of random
02:19:348 (2) - Remove this clap
02:26:060 (2) - Sounds a bit off, try this instead:
02:31:861 (1) - Would look a bit neater and nicer if this slider was the same and symmetrical to 02:33:743 (3)
02:35:655 (1,2,3) - Stack this pattern properly please :3
02:46:265 (3) - ^
02:26:064 (1,2) - Remove claps and add a finish at the end of (1)
00:42:357 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Suggestion~ This jump and arrangement feels very odd to me, maybe try a different pattern?
Nice song \:D/
Thank you. I changed a few things, and added a few curves like you said, but in general I think the sliders I used are quite alright. I dont really know what Patterns I could invent there.Marcin wrote:
- [General]
- Delete music from video
First of all I'd mention that this one has boring sliders - almost every slider is just slider without any curve maybe consider adding some ?
00:34:725 (3) - make this symmetric?
01:40:005 (1) - ^ (suggestion)
01:59:205 (2) - wrong spaced (move slider (3) a little bit right)
02:04:965 (1,2,1,2) - don't overlap them, extend them to use more space (yeah i know it's made for purpose but it's only normal D:
02:51:045 (1,2,3,4) - move (1) upper, and make space (2), (3) more so player will need to move mouse.
02:55:845 (2,3) - spacing
03:04:485 (1,2,3,4) - square instead of line? (1 left, 2 up, 3 right, 4 down)
02:21:765 (3) - new combo here instead of hit after
02:31:845 (1,2,3) - center this one?
Really, why don't U use curves?
00:21:765 (2,3,4,5) - 2 slider instead of 4 hits (boring ~~)
Can't really find problems in hard - maybe because it's just boring (no , it's not BAD map it's BORING map , map in itself is good, but in every minute it's almost the same)
Go, work with curves, make more patterns, I really'd like to see this ranked.
Haha, yes. Thanks for starring, dude, and your tips. I appreciate that.Marcin wrote:
So you don't know which pattern use?
Main reason why I don't make maps
Thank you.ikari_kyon wrote:
hi > #modreqs[General]
- Well maybe you want to add the name of songs and artist used on this mashup, someone made it for you already:
- The metronome feels a bit weird on the end of the song, -5 offset should fix that, and I preffer that you start the main metronome here 2080, where the song starts, check the offset later, Ill made the mod with current offset
- 00:11:684 (3) - maybe no clap on end of slider, here that finger stuff sound is not here, and makes that this clap sounds really weird, then maybe claps to 00:12:644 (4,6), they emphase to the drums
- 00:13:605 (1) - a finish on the start of this slider is just awesome, try it; and why not clap to end of this?
- 00:15:525 (1) - maybe finis to start
- 00:16:245 (2) - finish? ok I will asume that you are trying to dont overload your map with finishes so Ill just point some major of them
- 00:19:365 (1) - exteend this slider to 00:19:845, listen to 25% playback you will listend that sound, and clap to end of this, and 00:20:085 (2) - no clap to this, is breaking your claping pattern
- 00:21:285 (1) - finish maybe
- 00:25:125 (1) - ok this placement is too different from your current, look at the distance or previous, you havent used jumps on previous patterns and Im not sure about this part, my suggest is use symmetry, that way it will be a bit moar readable and predictable: screen
copy paste 00:24:645 (5), and ctrl+h it, then put 00:24:405 (4) on the centre of y axis- 00:43:365 (1) - although is symmetrical it may be so far from previous, maybe place like
or equivalent copy paste from previous- 00:44:325 (1) - no whistle to start of this? poor whistle is so lonely, if you can make moar whistles for make this moar happy <:
- 01:21:765 (2) - whistle to start/slider body/end
- 02:08:565 (3) - no finish?
- 02:23:205 (3) - [OMEGA NAZI] a grid down, to have a nicer flow with previous and next object?
- 02:26:085 (1) - moar curved?
SPOILER304,280,146085,6,0,B|368:296|432:264|456:200,1,180,0|4- 02:30:885 (1,2) - place (1) where 02:30:165 (2) and (2) where 02:30:645 (4)?
- 02:31:845 ~ lower the volume a bit please
- 02:36:405 (2,4) - whistle to start of this 2?
- 02:59:445 (2) - whislte instead finish on start of slider, current finish sounds a bit bad
- 03:10:245 (1) - no finish, the finish on the last note emphase good enough the bass effect of the song
Over 3.00 star rating, lets see if we can lower it
O god this SV is too high >_< please use 1,20 ~ 1,40 SV this is just so high for be the easiest diffPlease make your easiest diff moar simple, because of newbies are suposed to play this
- 00:11:684 (3) - no clap on repeat, already pointed on [Hard], clap to end and next circle?
- 00:18:165 (2) - delete? why?↓ 3,08 star rating
- 00:18:165 (2) - having many 1/2 objects like here increase the star rating, try to use moar 1/2, delete this and we have 3,06 now
- 00:27:045 (1) - delete and add repeat to previous slider, is moar simple 3,05 star rating
- 00:32:565 (3) - delete please 3,04 star rating
- 00:35:685 (4) - delete please 3,02 star rating
- 00:39:045 (3,4) - avoid using stack on easiest diffs please, also you can make a slider instead this 2 notes
- 00:42:405 (1,2,3,4) - no stack and this objects are stacked with previous spinner hitbursts
- 00:44:325 ~ if you decide to use less red ticks from here your star rating will decrease a lot, I just deleted 00:45:045 (2) and 00:45:765 (4), and I got 2,99 star rating
But your SV still soo high, please decrease it and dont use stacks on easiest diff, and everything is ok, you have nice and clean placement here and there
Thank you :3 The MAture Video...I wanted to add it to the title because someone pointed out that the Video is too "harsh", but I decided against it in the end.zeroclover wrote:
- mature video, what is it? im curious
- different preview time? , better have same preview time to all mapset for 1 mp3
- every inherit points not snapped neatly, fix it
- 00:39:280 (3) - move 1 grid left, look not neat when playing because (2) have stacked leniency 10
- 00:42:400 (1,2) - space, (2) too far from (2) , just look 00:43:360 (1,2,3,4) - pattern
- 00:45:040 (2,3,4,1,2) - ..... , why not use distance snapping...
- 02:02:560 (5,6,7) - move, dont stack with (4)
- 02:28:000 - fix inherited point here, (1) not snapped,
- 02:31:840 (1) - too close to (5), just look your pattern flow
video size was 16 mb q_q, but nice song
- 00:21:280 (1) - use distance snap
- 00:22:240 (2) - move to 00:21:991 -
- 00:29:920 (2) - same problem, follow voice and drum rythm for same problem later
- 02:16:480 (1,2,3) - distance spacing , always use distance spacing for easy and normal mapset for less problem further
"i can be your boss, u can work with me~" haha
Thank you. That helped a lot. You deserve your kudosu, however, it's not really logical if you caught kudosus, when you encountered a wild modpost. Just sayingtheMikeAG wrote:
Wild MODPOST appeared!
Setting 5950 as the offset seems more accurate to me. Don't forget to resnap!
*Note: My modpost is going to use the original offset.
Also, this map seems like it would sound nicer without the countdown, thanks to Coldplay.
00:16:480 (2,1) - Use grid size 4 to center these.
00:20:320 (2) - Move this 1 space up and left.
00:32:800 (1,2) - Move these 1 space down.
00:45:280 (2) - Make these sliders repeat?
00:49:120 (2,3) - Center these?
01:15:040 (1,1) - Center these with grid size 4?
01:53:440 (2) - The spacing here is REALLY messed up with that timing section. Please fix.
02:04:960 (1,2,1,2) - Center this.
02:28:480 (2) - Stack this under 02:26:080 (2).
02:31:840 (1,3) - Delete (3) and copy/paste/reverse (1) to make this more symmetrical.
02:47:200 (1,2,3) - Move these 1 space left.
02:52:960 (3) - Place claps on this slider.
00:21:280 (1,2,3) - Move (1&2) up one space and make (3) symmetrical with (1).
00:24:400 (4,5,1) - Center these?
01:28:720 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - Center these too?
01:45:280 (1,2,3) - These jumps seem out of place in this difficulty. Respace these.
01:52:960 (1,1,1) - These too.
01:54:400 (3) - Move this one space down and right?
02:28:000 (1,2) - Whoa, there's a glitch here. It looks like your inherited section is set wrong.
02:47:200 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - More jumps that don't seem right. Make this into a stream instead?
theMikeAG used POKEBALL.
All Right! Kudosu was caught!
New POKEDEX data will be added for Kudosu!
Thank you.~Gabe wrote:
Add more tags like: alphabeat bag raiders black eyed peas britney spears capsule chromeo coldplay daft punk deadmau5 ellie goulding elo girls aloud gorillaz gossip gwen stefani housse racket justice katy perry kesha kylie minogue lady gaga linkin park madonna marting solveig dragonette michael jackson nero one republic ratatat solange stardust buggles killers who yelle