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Kawayi Rika
Sorry I have pop this bubble ~ :(

I suggestion 2nd kiai time change same end point.


  1. 01:27:834 (2) - Unsnapped slider (end point).

Pls fix that and call me ><

I can take you rebubble ~

Also, the ending time of the second kiai time is inconsistent throughout the difficulties.
Topic Starter
Fixed ><
Kawayi Rika
OK ~ Good job ~

Rebubbled ~

Modded through IRC ~
18:08 <Kurai> : Insane :
18:08 <Kurai> : 00:26:260 (1) - the beginning of this slmider is quite unaudible
18:08 <Kurai> : That confused me
18:08 <Kurai> : I was like "did I hit it correctly ?"
18:09 <Kurai> : So make the volume higher please
18:09 <Kurai> : 00:35:281 (4) - I don't like this stack, it's kind of a flow breaker
18:09 <Kurai> : I'd unstack it, but that's up to you
18:10 <Kite> : ah ok ill have a look in a bit
18:13 <Kurai> : 01:08:848 (6) - I guess I see what you've wanted to do here, but I find it kinda anti-climactic to only have a
18:13 <Kurai> : "hold"-slider here. Imo, that would be better to do a 1/4 kickslider where you use the soft HS samples and a 1/8
18:13 <Kurai> : for the normal HS samples
18:15 <Kite> : hm i dont really want to change that 1/8 slider
18:15 <Kite> : already told sync that i was mapping to the sound building up in the background
18:15 <Kite> : "I was going for the sound in the background that is building up steadily, imo it's great to play and gives a nice
18:15 <Kite> : effect while listening to the sound in the music."
18:16 <Kurai> : okayokay
18:16 <Kurai> : just a suggestion
18:16 <Kite> : i will check the other stuff after this map in multi
18:17 <Kurai> : okay :3
18:23 <Kite> : fixed the volume thing
18:23 <Kite> : seemed really a bit confused
18:23 <Kite> : but i like the stack :P
18:24 <Kite> : i hope theres not much wrong in happys diff
18:24 <Kurai> : okay then :3
18:24 <Kite> : he isnt there to fix it now ><
18:24 <Kite> : if its hitsound / new combo stuff i can fix it
18:24 <Kurai> : happy30 ?
18:24 <Kite> : but pattern etc i will leave to him
18:24 <Kite> : yes
18:24 <Kurai> : okay
18:24 <Kurai> : only one thing about hitsound
18:25 <Kurai> : 00:56:051 (7) - this finish isn't enough loud
18:25 <Kurai> : put it at 100%
18:25 <Kurai> : feels much better to play o.o
18:25 <Kite> : hm
18:25 <Kite> : i dont have a finish there at all in my diff
18:25 <Kite> : but ok ill raise volume
18:26 <Kurai> : cool
18:26 <Kurai> : you can upload now
18:26 <Kite> : should i add it in my diff too?
18:26 <Kite> : that finish
18:26 <Kurai> : If you like it yes
18:26 <Kurai> : but it is happy's diff
18:26 <Kite> : i am playing with a custom hitsound skin atm
18:26 <Kite> : i cant really tell
18:26 <Kurai> : lol
18:26 <Kurai> : It emphasize the music well
18:27 <Kurai> : wouldn't be bad to add it
18:27 <Kite> : ok added it

I can rank it now, Happy Birthday Kite ~ !
Topic Starter
<3 Thank you Kurai
Most played?
Grats yeah.
Also most played.

Edit: Happy Birthday yay

And happy birthday o.o
Grats and happy birthday for the third time \:D/
Topic Starter
Thanks all :3
oh my that was quick D:, and it got ranked on your b-day? man you're lucky. congratz on the rank ;)
Soul Rhythm
Congratz~ :D

And Happy Birthday :3!!
I hope you'll have a great one :).
oh this song again ;o
congrats ~ >w<
Oh god why DJPop ma-

Oh, it's you. Hi.

glad to see you use this :3

LunaticMara wrote:

Oh god why DJPop ma-

Oh, it's you. Hi.
lol~DJ :D
S h i a
Nice work Kite :D
Awesome, thanks alot for this. The old popular chart was nice, but the video quality was potato level. The video with this one looks so clear and the chart is heaps of fun as well.
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