
Hello!! ヾ(`・ω・´)”

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ychao24 wrote:

Oh my, no prizes for guessing your favourite colour there. Nice photo btw, it would go very nicely here. ;)

Oh, and before I forget - welcome to the forums and enjoy your stay~
Ah, thank you! I was wondering if there was a pic posting thread. (〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ
and thanks for the welcome~ I already quite like it here
Welcome! Enjoy your stay here ^^
Welcome there, Courtney.

Enjoy your stay. Add me if you like, we can play some rounds :>
You look familiar.

ok hi.
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@xsrsbsns; thank you!!

@MMzz; hii! familiar how? :0

Aoriki wrote:

Welcome there, Courtney.

Enjoy your stay. Add me if you like, we can play some rounds :>
okay, i'd love to! it'd probably have to be something easy though, i'm still not very good at this game. o_o
Hey there, Courtney. Nice hair ヾ(´・ω・`) (welcome)
Welcome back~ :3
also you are kinda cute >w<
hii welcome ^^ hope to see u sometime in-game ~
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thank you everyone!

@meiikyuu; i love your avatars and signatures!! i requested one, but i wasn't exactly sure how to go about doing it... (×_×; )
Welcome back! Ah, what a beautiful eyes. ヾ(`・ω・´)”

Also, your pink text is hard to read for me :?

Courtney wrote:

thank you everyone!

@meiikyuu; i love your avatars and signatures!! i requested one, but i wasn't exactly sure how to go about doing it... (×_×; )
thanks! and lol dw about it, feel free to ask questions
Hi Courtney!!~
Welcome to the forums and I hope to play against you in the future ^^
Hi there Courtney~ Awesome picture BTW. Hope to play with you sometime~ :D
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thanks guys!!
can anyone tell me how to add people in-game?
i'd really like to play with people. (ヘ。ヘ)
..when i used to play i would just always do solo-player. NOFRIENDS. :|
Welcome in the forums and enjoy your stay! Feel free to add me if you wanna do some plays ^^.
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Kinrinjin7 wrote:

Welcome in the forums and enjoy your stay! Feel free to add me if you wanna do some plays ^^.
mkay!! how do i add people? (・ω・ヾ ?~

In-game, just click on the person's name (in chat)/user-box (from search filter) and the 5th option: 'Add as Friend'.

Have fun.
^ What ychao said.
i'm so glad more Female players are playing osu. Welcome to the forums ;)
Hai There. You seem friendly ^^ And my gawd, do I love your hair *_* Feel free to hit me up anytime I'm on. I'll be delighted to be your friend :3 Welcome to the forums, Courtney.


January 16, 2010

Holy geez, you've been here longer than I have o_o
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thank you!!!

@bakugan249; yeah, i noticed it's a very male-dominant community. :p glad to see some ladies around here!

@mitsuneko; thank you!! i've had it lots of different colors :3 and i'll be sure to~
K a Y e
Welcome Courtney~ You are extremely cute! Good to have you here ^^
Welcome to the forums/community! Hope you like it here.
F m L_old
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thanks guys!! :3
there are a lot more girls here than you think.
welcome back to osu!
have fun and enjoy your stay.
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oh thank goodness, i was looking through the real life pics and for a while it was like "boy...boy..boy...boy.....boy..boy, boy. boy...boy..OH LOOK, ANOTHER BOY....boy.. C-C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER, wut?"
There a bunch of girls here, but Courtney has such a BIG personality. You go girl.

YodaSnipe wrote:

There a bunch of girls here, but Courtney has such a BIG personality. You go girl.
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YodaSnipe wrote:

There a bunch of girls here, but Courtney has such a BIG personality. You go girl.
I try :')
; 3 ; You think I'm a boy then, Courtney?! /sad face

YodaSnipe wrote:

There a bunch of girls here, but Courtney has such a BIG personality. You go girl.
I don't see this ending anytime soon. Anyway, nice to meet you; hope you don't leave us in a week. ;_;
F m L_old
Forgot to say, your hair looks awesome
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Wolfn wrote:

YodaSnipe wrote:

There a bunch of girls here, but Courtney has such a BIG personality. You go girl.
I don't see this ending anytime soon. Anyway, nice to meet you; hope you don't leave us in a week. ;_;
Whatever, just let them have their childish fun. It doesn't bother me. They're just making themselves look like idiots, anyway. BIG idiots, cuz ya no, the bigger the better.
@fml; thanks! doing it pink again very soon, maybe even today. I'm just worried about how it will show up over the bluish-green that my hair is fading to... I'm just too impatient to wait for it to fade completely 3:

@aoriki; well, at this point it's kind of hard for me to tell since I don't really know anyone here. And most people have female anime characters as their avatar, which kinda throws me off a bit.
Lol, I did post a photo of my self in the RL thread. xD So That should be a dead give away.

F m L wrote:

Forgot to say, your hair looks awesome
we're the best girls ever, sis.
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Aoriki wrote:

Lol, I did post a photo of my self in the RL thread. xD So That should be a dead give away.
Well I wasn't referring to you, specifically. Just the user population in general :p
I saw your pic in the thread, you're very pretty!!
The bigger the better.
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YodaSnipe wrote:

The bigger the better.
Ain't that the truth~
Lol, Courtney. Thank you for the comment but I ain't really cute. /add's you
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Aoriki wrote:

Lol, Courtney. Thank you for the comment but I ain't really cute. /add's you
I beg to differ! :0
And iunno when I'll be able to play again, my computer is like on the verge of dying ;____;
Must be from all the big things.... My computer can't handle it all.
Meh, my pc the same way but I clean it out and remove all what I don't use at all.
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Aoriki wrote:

Meh, my pc the same way but I clean it out and remove all what I don't use at all.
I wish I had done that before, now I can't even get it to start! x_x
It keeps asking for the windows disk, which I lost ages ago...
Looks like I need to start saving up for a new computer... :p
What kind of PC do you even have? Mine asking for a CD to add the data in it but I'm to lazy to even do that....>_>;;
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HP pavilion with windows vista..... I don't know much about computers ._.
Hi Courtney from Spain, we can be friends xD I will salute you in-game if you want to. Im 16 years next month I will be 17. Good luck with all~
Tsukimi Luna
Welcome to the forums owo
I havent seen you in the client yet xD
welcome back^^
Ahh so pretty ! <3
Welcome to the forums Courtney :3
K a Y e
Bumping FTW! Cute Courtney ~>wwww<////
Giggled a bit when you said that you were buying a new computer simply because of a corrupt OS.

Borrow a whatever OS disc (or pirate XP temporarily) to troubleshoot everything. If it all works, buy win7 and install that, or buy an older OS such as XP if its an older model pavillion.
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