
Newbie Mafia 3! [Mafia Win!]

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adam2046 wrote:

Voting for the person who's found a tiny bit of evidence against you.
(which it is quite obviously a joke vote)
Things aren't obvious in Werewolf and Mafia
Sorry for my semi-inactivity...My internet died on me for a while.

So at the moment I have 3 people that I"m thinking about voting for...adam2046, kuwarudo and m980.

Adam posted exactly what I was thinking. m980 and kuwarudo seem extremely disinterested in the game. adam2046 (Is that number related to the Korean movie of the same name by any chance? :P) explained it in his previous post so I won't repeat the logic here.

m980 might be a little more suspicious to me, because he almost seems to have an air of superiority about him.

m980 wrote:

I have nothing else to say

m980 wrote:

Okay sure vote for me.
It feels like he doesn't care about the daytime part, because he will get his way at nighttime, regardless of what happens during the day.

kuwarudo on the other hand seems completely disinterested in the game. His only post on Day 2 has been:

kuwarudo wrote:

Am I still alive and still in the game?
Now why would he be in this game if he had no interest in playing? Either he dislikes the role he was given, or he wants to stay out of the spotlight and do his business at night. If he dislikes his role, then we'd need to know which roles he does like. Does anyone know what he's played as in other games and how active he was in those games? (Are we allowed to use information such as this?) If he was a vanilla townie and very active that would make me very suspicious of him. If he was a Cop or Doctor he might just not like being vanilla though...

Although I didn't find Wojjan suspicious before, adam2046 brings up an interesting point. Why would he be cognisant of adam2046's situation in one post and not in the next? Trying to spread seeds of doubt or plant suspicion where there is none? He also accused the Townie adam2046 (The dead one~Moar confusion) of trying to rack up votes against strager, even though adam's accusation was clearly in jest.

And finally adam2046. ASH's vote is still very suspicious. Even though adam2046 has proven to be a superior player, that doesn't absolve him of the actions of ASH. The only thing to consider is whether ASH made the decision as a noob townie or a noob mafioso. The motivation for a noob townie would be something along the lines of, "I don't want to go out on Day 1, I might as well vote strager and make sure of that". The motivation if he were mafia is obvious.

His reaction to ASH's vote:

adam2046 wrote:

...Voting ASH Day 2.

... ... ...WTF?
and then later he admits himself that he'd vote for himself if he were another player.

adam2046 wrote:

I accept that what ASH did dayone was extremely suspicious and I would vote for me if I were the previous me and still alive.
ASH never had the opportunity to explain why he did what he did though. Except for ASH's vote adam2046 doesn't seem very suspicious to me :/ Then again there isn't very much to base your votes on in this game and that vote is definitely something. (Dare I say concrete?)

I don't know what to make of this :@ At the moment though, I think the Mafia consists of some combination of adam2046, m980, kuwarudo and maybe Wojjan.

I'm going to keep my vote as is for the moment, but that might change if m980 and kuwarudo don't become more active.

Wojjan wrote:

adam2046 wrote:

Voting for the person who's found a tiny bit of evidence against you.
(which it is quite obviously a joke vote)
Things aren't obvious in Werewolf and Mafia
Hmmm, true. I'd have to say that comment had to be in jest though. I quoted strager's post and insinuated that he's Mafia because he used the word "kill" in an unrelated manner to the game. That post was obviously not serious. adam then referred to that post as finding evidence against strager. adam2046 seems to have a very level head on his shoulders and I never considered that he was being serious there. I don't think anyone did. Trying to claim that the post was serious in order to shove some suspicion onto him is suspicious in its own right to me.
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Lucidity wrote:

(Is that number related to the Korean movie of the same name by any chance? :P)
Nah, I've been using this since waaaaaay before then.

Apparently Kuu's reason for inactivity is also a dead internet (he posted in WW2 and I reposted it in WW3 if you wanna see, too lazy to link...)

strager wrote:

To make your vote official please bold your votes. Thanks.
Whoops. Fixed.
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kuwarudo wrote:

My internet died for a week. It just got repaired today. I found some hotspots though.
Oh ok :P You've got a lot of posting to do to catch up. So get to it :P
I just had a look at the one Werewolf game and ASH is still alive at Night 3 there. Clearly he knows how to play the game. That means his vote on Day 1 wasn't out of ignorance, but simply due to bad play. Sorry adam, but ASH's actions have pretty much doomed you :/

That leaves one more mafia to find...kuwarudo hasn't been any more active now that he has his internet back, so my shortlist for the last mafia member is still m980, kuwarudo and Wojjan.
I could say I'm not a Mafia, but that wouldn't really help huh?

Actually, m980 is on my list aswell, but I can't really give a real good reason (yet) so I'm letting him slide.
This isn't WW.
The rules are different in Mafia.
Did I vote already? Oh wait, I didn't, uh, vote for uhm, Ivalset


adam2046 wrote:

This isn't WW.
The rules are different in Mafia.
Yeah sure, WW is more complicated, but the basic premise is the same. You'd expect someone from WW to play this game better even :P

Lucidity wrote:

adam2046 wrote:

This isn't WW.
The rules are different in Mafia.
Yeah sure, WW is more complicated, but the basic premise is the same. You'd expect someone from WW to play this game better even :P
In WW there is no auto-lynch when there is a majority. In Mafia there is.

That is in ASH's defense, of course.
Just a reminder of the rules...

14. Once a player is dead, they cannot contribute any more to the game. They are not to post anything. (I'll accept a simple Bah! or Go Town!)
Now to show how your claim is invalid...

I asked a question on page 4:

Lucidity wrote:

On an unrelated note, unless I counted wrong, strager is on 4 votes at the moment. If someone else votes for him now, does he automatically get lynched or does he have to have the majority at the end of the Day? Sorry if it's a noob question, it is my first time playing :P
Which was replied to the very next post with:

adam2046 wrote:

Straight away.
ASH's vote was the very next post after adam's confirmation of the rule:

Agent Spin Here wrote:

Hm I really have no idea how to play this so vote for strager
There is no way that he did not know about that rule, even if he did miss it at the very top of the first post in this thread. (Although that might have been added later?)
We really need an exorcist.

I'll make a post after I catch up with the thread.
What I find most suspicious about adam is how he's using the "comment on nightkill" tell to attack wojjan when I misread the same tell in M2.

adam2046 wrote:

I find lament over the death of yesterday's lynch/NK to be suspicous (as we can refer to Mafia 1)
Read viewtopic.php?p=145737#p145737 where adam swears over the NK of bagelbob, an extremely scummy thing to do, which resulted in his lynch. Note that he was a vanilla townie in that game.

Not to mention that half his attacks in the same post are extremely forced, eg. 4th wojjan quote point is obviously just an explanation for why he said what he said, and you still use it against him.

I guess this won't come as a surprise. Vote: adam

edit: mod: vote count please
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@Lucidity: Sorry; I'll refrain from posting further, except for this post, of course.

LS said I could maintain my vote log as long as everyone is fine with it. If there are any objections I will stop updating or remove the post.
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Sorry, I'm going to be a bit busy for a while...

In return, Deadline is extended until Thursday at this time.
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You guys are boring. I extend the deadline and nobody talks.

Final Votecount:

adam2046 - 3 (Lucidity, Ivalset, Echo)
Wojjan - 1 (adam2046)
Lucidity - 1 (m980)
Ivalset - 1 (Kuwarudo)

Not Voting - 1 (Wojjan)


*The day ended in complete silence, with almost half the people wanting to kill the newly revived adam. It was so quiet, and so uneventful even, that adam's newly revived mind couldn't take it....*


*Everyone thought he had lost his mind... and he had. He pulls out a big remote and presses a ton of buttons. What happens next contains so much blood, guts, gore, and rabbits, that I can't even begin to describe it. Let's just say that what happened here, nobody will want to repeat. Oh, and you should take a shower. You really smell of adam right now.*

adam2046 - Vanilla Townie - Lynched D2


Please send in all night actions by Saturday at 8:00 AM. If I have internet at that point, I'll update the thread. If I don't, I still won't accept any actions sent in after that deadline. The sooner all actions are in, the better.
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*You discover the body of wojjan, a bullet through his brain, in the middle of the street. Searching his body, you find a cop's badge...*

Wojjan - Cop - Killed N2.


With 5 alive, it's 3 to lynch. Deadline is next satruday at 8:00 AM
but wait, there's a note in Wojjan's pocket, containing his final words!

Left this note so you would know what my final wishes are. Unless you don't find it, please read my final message. 'Cause of my death, my hands are getting weaker as I write. I can't keep this on for long. Death, of course, comes to all, but this was not what I expected. I want you all to know that I'm rooting for you. Thanks to those who trusted me, and aided me on the way. You were the best support an officer could wish for in this case.

Best of luck, Vanillas.

(the rest of the note is unreadable, and mostly gibberish anyway)

Now to wait 5 days for the weekly m980 and Kuwarudo posts..
Hm, are you saying that solely because they don't post often, or because you'd rather wait for them to make a move first?
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So what exactly do you want me to say?

Edit: I'll just go ahead and vote Ivalset.

He has not really been contributing (Oh the irony).
He has been saying that other people are suspicious, but gives no reasoning. Furthermore, most of these people he finds suspicious were "Town".
I would rather wait for kuwarudo to make a post before making any decisions.
I'm still voting for Ivalset

My internet gets cut-off every single day. From various reasons.

And now I think I may be permanently cut-off from my ISP on July 15 something. Gotti find some hotspots.
That sucks kuwarudo :/ Hope your situation gets better:)

Any reason for voting Ivalset? He's one lynch away from death after your vote. If he's not Mafia and he gets lynched we lose..
Vote: Ivalset
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Good game everybody. We only delayed because neither of us were sure whether kuu's counted.

I was trying to throw obvious scumtells - massive amounts of lurking, posts with no real discussion, etc.. Seems like no one really cared >.>

Unvote Ival

Vote Echo
Kek :) Thanks for the game guys. ASH kind of gave the game away there :P
Haha, I figured it was you two, but I was in such a position I didn't think I could make a convincing argument without putting heavy suspicion on myself. I was hoping the other town would hold out on voting to actually get some kind of discussion going, but I guess that was my mistake in not starting it myself.

I suppose it's something to learn from.
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Gamez Ovar guise.

I'll post deathscene when I get back in town.

Also: Wojjan

I should be mad at you, but I specifically allow hidden chats, I love hidden messages as long as it's not used for mafia communication in the day, and as long as it's not horrendously obviously visable. Yours wasn't and I applaud you. (If Echo were town, he would've seen it most likely. :3)
Thanks for the praise, I guess ^^

well, I really liked this game, and now no one has an excuse not to pay attention to BM1 >:3
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You so don't belong in this thread.
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Well, Ima be lazy here. If you REALLY need a final votecount today, you can do it yourself. :o


*The day ended abruptly, with Echo and Lucidity jumping in and agreeing that Ivalset needed to go. The group strapped him up to a chair, and forced him to listen to "Never gonna give you up" for hours. Then, abruptly, rocks fell, everyone died.*

Ivalset - Vanilla Townie - Lynched D3


*Everyone but Echo and Lucidity that is, who had their agents plant C4 in the roof. Echo grins, and leaves to head to the next group he's supposed to infiltrate. Another job should be fun, huh?*

*Lucidity sits there for a minute, then lays some flowers down for the dead.... and promptly blows those up with more C4. Lucidity leaves, going to get more explosives... Even though they were hardly out of them.*

m980 - Doctor - killed in endgame.
kuwarudo - Vanilla Townie - killed in endgame.

Mafia - Echo (goon) and Lucidity (roleblocker) - win!
It's rather depressing that I manage to work out who the mafia are when I die (the second time in this case.)
Now I know how Echo feels.
I'm intrigued, how did you work it out?
Scumlike behaviour was intentional, but no one pounced on it >.>

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