
By2 - Da Mao Xian (Big Adventure)

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00:47:417; It sounds better if delete this circle, because there exists a short break.
01:14:230; The circle 5 and 6 seems a little too close, plz try to reset them.
01:26:325; The oject isn't snapped, you'd better reset this circle.

In brief, it is a very bright song, sounds good, and the design architecture is well-done! :)
BPM is fine, Offset should be 355 so that downbeat is right on long white tick
Topic Starter

Breeze wrote:

BPM is fine, Offset should be 355 so that downbeat is right on long white tick

00:15:355 (3,1,2,3) - 这里打的时候感觉很糟糕,考虑调整下节奏或者改用slider
00:46:855 (1,2) - 中间红线上感觉少了一个note
01:04:855 (3) - Slider起点的timing感觉不对,建议向前移动到红线
01:07:855 (1,2) - 同上
01:28:105 (3,4) - 中间空拍别扭
02:16:480 (6) - 考虑在这里开始新的combo



00:38:792 (6,7,8,9,10,1) - 间距,建议摆到同一点

第二段kiai mode的时间是不是持续的太长了


00:27:355 (6,1) - 感觉跳的有些突兀
00:32:792 (3,1) - 同样是跳的问题
00:37:667 (1,2,3) - 建议摆到同一点或者按照DS的距离拉开,这样摆放略难看
00:38:980 (5,6,7,8,1) - 同上
00:50:980 (2,3) - 间距

01:32:042 (1) - 感觉spinner拉长了


蛮好的图! 我很喜欢的说,加油
Title: da mao xian->Da Mao Xian
Preview Time没设..找到某个时间timing菜单最下面一个,就是设置选歌界面点上去歌开始放的时间点,每个难度一样
00:40:105 (2,1) - 距离短了..
00:48:730 (1) - 这个转盘。。个人感觉没必要

00:48:730 (1) - 还是觉得转盘奇怪。。
02:18:355 (1) - 结尾的转盘我觉得02:18:167开始02:19:105结束
00:15:917 (2) - 这附近有个2*的绿线,貌似不需要(如果只是为了改变距离的话按alt在界面右上角调distance spacing就好)后面类似,不重复了。
00:23:042 (1,2,3,4) - 稍微跳一点(用distance spacing),正方形转个角度,不然挡住(5)的箭头。
01:45:542 (7,8) - 遮挡..不喜欢,跳一下吧
02:14:230 (7,8) - 喜欢把这两个用滑条连一下
02:17:417 (4,5) - 我是觉得这里的变速很不自然,于是用滑条(不过我已经把2*的绿线去掉了)连起来,最后排的正方形转了个角度。


00:41:042 (1) - spacing
00:48:730 (1) - 从00:48:355开始
01:14:230 (1) - newcombo for视觉效果
01:17:980 提前结束SPINNER,这里换成一个NOTE怎么样
01:37:855 - SPINNER,到01:37:855结束

02:16:855 (1) - newcombo
02:17:605 (1) - newcombo

00:09:355 (5) - newcombo
00:46:480 (4) - 故意的吗?
00:58:667 (7) - new..
02:00:355 (6) - n..

对不起啊我想给KUDOSU的,但是最近要攒一些,所以只好先抱歉啦 :o

Banana wrote:

Title: da mao xian->Da Mao Xian

00:15:917 (2) - 这附近有个2*的绿线,貌似不需要(如果只是为了改变距离的话按alt在界面右上角调distance spacing就好)后面类似,不重复了。全删了
00:23:042 (1,2,3,4) - 稍微跳一点(用distance spacing),正方形转个角度,不然挡住(5)的箭头。
01:45:542 (7,8) - 遮挡..不喜欢,跳一下吧OK
02:14:230 (7,8) - 喜欢把这两个用滑条连一下好主意
02:17:417 (4,5) - 我是觉得这里的变速很不自然,于是用滑条(不过我已经把2*的绿线去掉了)连起来,最后排的正方形转了个角度。啥意思没看懂。

atk1992 wrote:


00:09:355 (5) - newcombo
00:46:480 (4) - 故意的吗?失误
00:58:667 (7) - new..
02:00:355 (6) - n..done

对不起啊我想给KUDOSU的,但是最近要攒一些,所以只好先抱歉啦 :o
Download: By2 - da mao xian(Big adventure) (popner) [chick].osu
Topic Starter

Banana wrote:

Title: da mao xian->Da Mao Xian done
Preview Time没设..找到某个时间timing菜单最下面一个,就是设置选歌界面点上去歌开始放的时间点,每个难度一样
以下.. 本来想最后再弄,现在加了
(节奏也快了,要是为新手设计的难度,半拍要尽量少) 很多原地二分音,基本还行吧。。normal
圈调大一格CircleSize:3 改了,不过似乎有点挤
00:40:105 (2,1) - 距离短了.. 没注意。。改了
00:48:730 (1) - 这个转盘。。个人感觉没必要 删了会有一小段停顿,不自然
00:48:730 (1) - 还是觉得转盘奇怪。。删了
02:18:355 (1) - 结尾的转盘我觉得02:18:167开始02:19:105结束 改了

Topic Starter

atk1992 wrote:


KIAI全部从00:51:355和02:06:355开始 改了,之前确实太长

00:41:042 (1) - spacing 改了
00:48:730 (1) - 从00:48:355开始 这个spiner删了
01:14:230 (1) - newcombo for视觉效果 改了,不过其实差不多。。
01:17:980 提前结束SPINNER,这里换成一个NOTE怎么样 好主意
01:37:855 - SPINNER,到01:37:855结束 不懂

02:16:855 (1) - newcombo done
02:17:605 (1) - newcombo done

对不起啊我想给KUDOSU的,但是最近要攒一些,所以只好先抱歉啦 :o
Topic Starter

Scorpiour wrote:


00:15:355 (3,1,2,3) - 这里打的时候感觉很糟糕,考虑调整下节奏或者改用slider
00:46:855 (1,2) - 中间红线上感觉少了一个note
01:04:855 (3) - Slider起点的timing感觉不对,建议向前移动到红线
01:07:855 (1,2) - 同上
01:28:105 (3,4) - 中间空拍别扭
02:16:480 (6) - 考虑在这里开始新的combo



00:38:792 (6,7,8,9,10,1) - 间距,建议摆到同一点

第二段kiai mode的时间是不是持续的太长了


00:27:355 (6,1) - 感觉跳的有些突兀
00:32:792 (3,1) - 同样是跳的问题
00:37:667 (1,2,3) - 建议摆到同一点或者按照DS的距离拉开,这样摆放略难看
00:38:980 (5,6,7,8,1) - 同上
00:50:980 (2,3) - 间距

01:32:042 (1) - 感觉spinner拉长了


蛮好的图! 我很喜欢的说,加油

mod by request (recheck)


00:32:625 (5,1) - 不建议在需要稳定节奏的normal难度里使用这种半拍连接。。。

00:41:062 (3) - 建议向前移动到白线,然后拉长一格以保持总长度不变

01:13:875 (2) - 建议延长到01:14:625,删掉01:14:625 (1,2) - ,然后spinner从01:15:000开始

01:36:000 (2,3,1) - 使用默认皮肤的时候1这里有比较明显的遮挡,在normal难度下还是避免出现吧



01:09:187 (6) - 建议删掉,节奏上感觉有点别扭

00:47:625 (1,2,3,4) - 放在同一点上吧,这么放感觉不是很好看

01:12:375 (1,1) - 太近了吧。。spinner后面Note贴这么近而且偏离中心点很多感觉略坑……

01:39:000 (4) - 头部加个clap?
Topic Starter
11.12.9 略微降低hard难度
Pink Agate
guest diff done~ :)


Download: By2 - Da Mao Xian(Big Adventure) (popner) [Ar3's Easy].osu
Topic Starter
  • General
  1. Remove By2 in Tags because it's already your Artist.

  2. I think grey combo color doesn't really fit the map, please remove it on every diff. :O

  3. 02:18:370 (1) - This last spinner should end on 02:21:370.

  • Easy
  1. 00:01:870 (2) - Move 2nd Point of this slider one grid right for better blanket.

  2. 00:14:620 (3) - Same as what's stated above.

  3. 00:37:870 (3) - Move 1 grid up.

  4. 00:49:870 (2) - Move 2nd and 3rd point one grid left.

  5. 01:01:870 (2) - Move 2nd point two grids right.

  6. 01:17:432 (2) - Please try to avoid this overlap. You have all the space you can get. XD

  7. 01:44:245 (2) - Move 3rd point one grid right.

  8. 02:01:682 (2) - Move 5th point one grid right.

  9. Overall Difficulty +1

  10. HP Drain +1

  • Normal
  1. 00:10:682 (1) - I believe this spinner fits more if you start it on 00:10:870.

  2. 00:15:370 (3) - Please try to avoid this overlap. :O

  3. 00:31:495 (3) - Please stack this with (1) for better gameplay.

  4. 00:46:495 (5) - This too is not stacked with (3).

  5. 01:38:995 (1) - I don't think a new combo is necessary for this note.

  6. 01:50:620 (1) - This slider is too early to start after a spinner. Please try to shorten the spinner until 01:49:870.

  7. 01:50:995 (1) - Don't put a new combo on this.

  • Hard
  1. 00:33:557 (2,3,4,5) - I don't know if this is just me, but this is a huge jump for a hard diff. Try to scale them down please? :O

  2. 01:06:370 (9) - You are definitely missing a new combo on this note.

  3. 01:21:370 (9) - Here too.

  4. 02:14:620 (7) - Not sure about this, but I think you also need a new combo for this one.

  • chick
  1. 00:27:557 (1,2,3,4) - Inconsistent spacing. Please make them equal for better gameplay.

  2. 00:30:370 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I don't know if you're trying to make a pentagon shape. If so, please fix them. :o

  3. 00:37:870 (3) - This slider has one weird structure. I suggest you remake this one and make sure to remove the 1st red point.

  4. 00:38:995 (5,6,7,8) - They look better when stacked with (1) on 00:39:370.

  5. 00:40:120 (1) - I think there's no need for a new combo for this one.

  6. 00:47:620 (1,2,3,4) - This is a bad idea, please try some other patterns instead of this.

  7. 01:09:370 (1,2,3) - Make the spacing consistent for this combo please.

  8. 01:13:495 (1,2,3,4) - I hope you're aware that this is not a square-shaped pattern.

  9. 01:14:245 (5,6) - I suggest you stack (5) with (1) and (6) with (2).

  10. 01:32:057 (1) - I believe this spinner should start on 01:31:870.

  11. 01:41:432 (4) - Please change this slider. It really looks strange and doesn't fit with the rhythm.

  12. 01:50:620 (1,2,3,4) - This pattern again.. Please change it. :o

  13. 02:01:120 (3) - One grid down.

  14. 02:13:682 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Why is there a stream on this part? I suggest you just change these notes with triple streams.

  15. 02:17:620 (1,2,3,4) - Make this square larger than the previous one to give players a bit more of a challenge before the song ends.
tag/ source可增加 cheng ren li (成人礼) / 直译为coming of age ceromony orz

8month ago 不remap 大丈夫?

00:16:682 (4) - 这个0.75除了慢了一下感觉还缺了什么,试试看弄弯曲
00:22:682 (3) - 放个慢slider不然↑就好随机
00:37:682 (3) - 2头finish
00:39:370 (1,2,3,4) - 这四条不好看。。
00:58:307 (4) - 这方向这长度看起来就是要按着的那种slider,敢多一个repeat吗 不然不要这样放。。。
01:01:307 (6,1) - 跳得突兀
01:23:432 (6) - whistle?

00:07:870 (1,2,3,4,1) - 考虑弄个星星
00:18:745 (2) - blanket note 3

00:20:245 (4,5,1) - 听起来怪怪的 不如中间那个白线开个slider到下个note
00:45:370 (2) - 尾巴求no clap


normal真心觉得需要remap, 考虑看看
chick嘛 毕竟是8个月的老图了

我不大会讲话 请轻喷

I think combo colour 2 its bad change to purple ?


No Spinner ??!!??

00:02:995- it would be better if you add finish <3
00:35:245- Move to center (188 - 332)
01:13:495- it would better if this slider move to center
01:18:370- Break drag to here
01:39:370- finish
01:57:370- put whistle repeat and at the end
02:00:370- ^
02:06:370- ^


00:31:495- 1 grid up
00:33:557- clap
00:34:682- ^
00:43:870- finish
00:46:495- 1 grid up
00:58:120- move to (244x60) its nice trust me -.-
01:18:370- Break drag to here
01:34:870- remove clap because it sound weird
01:45:370- finish
01:46:870- ^


00:42:463- finish
01:23:432- this slider need whistles


00:43:870- finish
01:23:432- slider need whistles
Nice diff :3

Good luck

*Note: Bolded gold ones are things you must do (or strongly recommended; usually about unrankable stuff or extreme/fatal errors). Everything in red are things that look awkward or wrong to me (subjective suggestions; you can follow my lead here or not); everything else are rants and minor suggestions to make things look cooler and a bit better.

  1. Add four kiai times at 00:51:370 - 01:00:370 + 01:03:370 - 01:12:370 + 01:54:370 - 02:03:370 + 02:06:370 - 02:15:370? Here's some things (read: code). (The hitsound sample for the code below is Normal-Default, the volume on the kiai time is 90%, and the volume after them is 80%.)
  2. Remove the .osb?
  3. Add (Short ver.) to the title? I'm sure enough this isn't the song's full version.
  4. Easy, Hard, and then Insane? Not a good diff spread, you know... (Actually, I want to make a Normal diff for this, since it looks like a nice song to map, but I have lots of modding to do :\)
>Ar3's Easy
  1. This diff starts near the beginning of the song, and thus MUST have a lead-in. I recommend 2000, but it's up to you.
  2. 01:16:120 (1,2) - You know what, we can just replace the current (2) slider with (1) (Ctrl+C then Ctrl+V), and then place (1) @ (256,76) and (2) @ (256,308). That way, we can avoid a bad overlap (well, IMO) and make it look tidier.
  3. 01:45:370 (4) - NC?
  1. 00:58:682 (1,2,3,1) - Uh... the inconsistency in spacing broke the map's flow here. Consider remapping this spot.
  1. Name it chick's Insane? I think we're going to need to know what diff is this, and I'm sure enough this is an Insane diff.
  2. 00:24:557 (2) - Unstack? Doesn't work well for me...
  3. 01:41:432 (4) - ...Eh? It's just weird to have a loop slider placed like this. It doesn't play good, either, IMO. Rearrange?
Okay... maybe just that.

Good luck on the way 8-)
request from 我忘了

00:03:370 (1) - 中间的可删
00:21:370 (1,2) - 我个人推荐用slider连上这样的节奏因为DTHD不太好读

00:16:682 (4) - 我觉得没必要减速啊其实。。
00:52:307 (5) - clap漏掉了?
00:55:307 (4) - ^
00:54:370 (1,3) - 我觉得hard又不是放不下别overlap比较好
00:58:307 (4,1,2) - 欠考虑
02:03:651 (1) - 起码4个yeah我觉得要map上吧。。spinner不太好

00:15:557 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6) - 你不觉得这anti很不科学吗
00:20:620 (7,8) - 被前面挡住了没读出来
01:14:245 (5,6,7) - 虽然读出来了但是感觉还是满猎奇
01:23:432 (8) - 你加个whistle到slider上比这形状还合适

kiai time?不加也没光系。。

Ar3's Easy
00:01:870(2) 最后一个point移动到(364.176)?
00:37:870(3) 第二个point移动到(236.104)?
01:01:870(2) 第二个point移动到(196.100)?
01:37:870(4) 这节奏叠加在easy真的没问题么?
01:44:245(2) 第三个point移动到(120.244)?
01:56:057(2) 第二个point移动到(96.240)?

01:01:495(1) 跳的有点突然。
02:07:307(4) 不加个point引点弧度么?

00:20:245(6)(7) 有点不好读。。
01:20:245(3)(4)(5) 白线三连,全图还像只有这一个吧,嗯,嗯,换成个slider?
01:34:120(3)(4) 这slider不太漂亮。。

Hi~ Midas here....
Request from my queue

為啥沒有kiai time呢~~~這不科學的說~~~
好像沒有了~~ :3

開始的太突然了~~考慮加個lead-in或者從 00:05:995 開始吧~~
00:22:682 (4) - 結尾加clap
00:24:370 (2) - 換成finish吧~~
00:25:120 (1) - 結尾clap
00:36:370 (1) - finish
00:37:870 (3) - ^
00:39:745 - 加個note吧~~
00:42:370 (2) - finish
00:43:870 (4) - ^
00:45:370 (2) - 這個總有點不舒服www~~考慮1/4折返吧~~然後在這裡加個slider
00:48:745 (2) - clap
00:56:995 - 加個note並且clap會好一點的說~~~
01:18:182 - break壞掉了~~ DX

00:17:245 (5) - NC?
00:45:370 (3) - NC
01:26:995 (7) - 改成直線?
01:27:557 - break壞了
01:41:807 (1) - NC去掉
01:47:807 (1) - ^
01:50:620 (8) - NC
02:03:651 (1) - spinner不適合~~改一下吧
02:07:682 (5) - NC
02:10:682 (5) - ^
02:18:370 (1) - 最後好奇怪~~加個normal clap保持和Chick難度那樣吧~~ >.<

00:50:245 (2,4) -- 個人感覺開頭加clap
01:09:557 (2) -結尾加clap
01:27:557 - break^
01:35:807 (1) - 去掉NC
01:50:620 (1,2,3,4) - 故意不疊加在一起的吧~~>< 如果願意改成星星做成跳躍?
01:53:620 (1) - 去掉NC
01:53:995 (1) - ^ 不需要這麼多的吧 lol
02:05:245 (2,4) - clap

一起打毛線!!! :P


but i should say that using stacked notes can confuse beginners :3

00:13:682 (5) - new combo?
00:15:745 - at this patter you missed circles on white lines. add them like 00:15:745 - and so on / or use 1/2 sliders
00:25:120 (3) - x384 y8
00:27:932 (2) - move NC from (1) here

nice one :3



那啥, 8号以前的mod先帮我看吧 = = 你知道的

Download: By2 - Da Mao Xian(Big Adventure) (popner) [Ar3's Easy].osu
Hi there

[Ar3's Easy]
* I heard by someone that stacks in easier diff makes confusing for beginners. Perhaps, unstack them?

00:41:245 - Add note here for following rhythm
00:41:620 - ^

01:00:557 (4,5,6) - This sudden 1/2 stacks makes me confusing while gameplay after 1/2 note patterns. Could you replace 3 notes into slider?

00:42:745 (2) - Put the middle of sliderbody makes the players realize that there is a 2 slider in there. Try to move further away from them
01:33:745 (1) - Overlapped by spinner-osu, makes hidden for players for some cases
01:52:682 (1) - Overlapped by hitbursts and spinner-osu, so players are hard to read this slider...

Goooood luck!
Hi, here's my mod from Gabe's Modding Queue.

[Ar3's Easy]

  1. 00:25:682 - Add a clap here, it sounds good with the song.
  2. 00:47:995 - Add a clap here to keep the clap consistency.
  3. 01:12:745 - ^


  1. 00:33:557 : You should align it with (9)
  2. 00:53:432 - As I said on [Chick], add a Clap here, there's one in the song.
  3. 00:56:432 - ^
  4. 00:59:432 - ^
  5. 01:05:432 - ^
  6. 01:08:432 - ^
  7. 01:11:432 - ^
  8. 01:56:432 - ^
  9. 01:59:432 - ^
  10. 02:02:432 - ^
  11. 02:08:432 - ^
  12. 02:11:432 - ^
  13. 02:14:432 - ^


  1. 00:43:870 - Add a New Combo here. The combo is too long.
  2. 01:05:432 - Add a clap here, there's one in the Song.
  3. 01:08:432 - ^
  4. 01:09:745 - Add a Clap here to keep the consistency.
  5. 01:11:432 - Add a clap here, there's one in the Song.
  6. 01:20:620 - ^ / And it feels weird without claps.
  7. 01:26:620 - Same as ^
  8. 01:25:870 - NC. If you do that, you must put clic the New Combo button on 01:26:245 -
  9. 01:56:432 - Same as 01:05:432 -
  10. 01:59:432 - ^
  11. 02:02:432 - ^
  12. 02:02:995 - Add a clap here to keep the consistency.
  13. 02:08:432 - Same as 01:05:432 -
  14. 02:11:432 - ^
  15. 02:14:432 - ^
Topic Starter
Fixed some. Thank for your modding!
From My Modding queue~


Where is kiai Time..? I want kiai time! lol...

Ar3's Easy

00:49:870 (2) - : I want to make a blanket (Suggestion)

01:35:995 (2) - : It is hard for Newbie player...

02:08:995 (4,1) - : ^ Maybe delete NC


00:19:682 (4,5) - : Stuck is good

00:58:307 (4,1,2) - : Oh... confusing...


01:19:870 (1) - : spacing is different

01:52:682 (1) - : Slider is Weird...
or is good

Finish~ Good luck~
Topic Starter

W h i t e wrote:

From My Modding queue~


Where is kiai Time..? I want kiai time! lol...

Ar3's Easy

00:49:870 (2) - : I want to make a blanket (Suggestion) ok

01:35:995 (2) - : It is hard for Newbie player... changed a little

02:08:995 (4,1) - : ^ Maybe delete NC


00:19:682 (4,5) - : Stuck is good

00:58:307 (4,1,2) - : Oh... confusing...


01:19:870 (1) - : spacing is different fixed

01:52:682 (1) - : Slider is Weird... changed a little
or is good

Finish~ Good luck~
thx for your mod!
S h i o n
A bit late from my queue:

Ar3's Easy
01:49:870 (4) - 去掉这个,给(3)加一个来回? 因为感觉这个note有点没在vocal上

01:00:557 (4,5,6,1) - 456不要原地叠,改成0.15DS的anti-jump? 这样的话note是下一个跳note的流向,感觉不会那么突然了。
01:38:995 (1) - NC? 感觉和开头第一个单独颜色note差不多吧~
01:39:370 (2,7) - NC
01:46:307 (3) - NC 01:47:245 (8) - NC 01:47:807 (1) - RNC (这一段NC好像比较乱,我的感觉...
02:05:995 (4) - 最好还是和前面3个spacing一样

diff name 为啥取这个呢~
00:20:620 (4) - 尾巴被挡(虽然没有全部被挡到
00:21:557 (1,2,3,4) - 可以再摆开点,不然的话00:23:057 (1,2,3,4,5) - 大间距会有点突然
00:47:245 (4) - Ctrl+R?
00:59:245 (2) - ^

That's all ~
Topic Starter

S h i o n wrote:

A bit late from my queue:

Ar3's Easy
01:49:870 (4) - 去掉这个,给(3)加一个来回? 因为感觉这个note有点没在vocal上 ok

01:00:557 (4,5,6,1) - 456不要原地叠,改成0.15DS的anti-jump? 这样的话note是下一个跳note的流向,感觉不会那么突然了。
01:38:995 (1) - NC? 感觉和开头第一个单独颜色note差不多吧~ fixed
01:39:370 (2,7) - NC fixed
01:46:307 (3) - NC 01:47:245 (8) - NC 01:47:807 (1) - RNC (这一段NC好像比较乱,我的感觉... fixed
02:05:995 (4) - 最好还是和前面3个spacing一样 ok

diff name 为啥取这个呢~
00:20:620 (4) - 尾巴被挡(虽然没有全部被挡到
00:21:557 (1,2,3,4) - 可以再摆开点,不然的话00:23:057 (1,2,3,4,5) - 大间距会有点突然
00:47:245 (4) - Ctrl+R?
00:59:245 (2) - ^ ok

That's all ~
Thanks for mod!
q_q sorry, I don't like Chinese song.
So, I will not mod this due to my personal taste
Very sorry :cry:
Request from Queue

>>Aoi's Mod


01:18:745 (3) - 反转箭头被部分遮挡
01:50:620 (1,2,3,4) - 我觉得这个梗实际效果并不是很好
01:52:682 (1) - 感觉还可以多加几个锚点,更圆润点
我觉得音效还有很多可处理的地方,全程用一种音效而且基本只有clap听着会疲劳啊。像00:15:557 (1,2,3,4) 这种地方可以用soft音效配合使用whistle,而像00:51:370 (1,2,3)这种三声“嘿嘿嘿“则可以用finish音效来进行增强

02:07:307 (4) - 这个也有点小挡

Hi popner :3

  1. Not sure with the tittle. Is the tittle just Da Mao Xian or with (Big adventure)? If (Big Adventure) is the translation of Da Mao Xian, then you should remove the (Big adventure) but include it in tags.
Ar3's Normal
  1. Since this have become a normal diff, raise the difficulty setting. AR 4, HP and OD 3 is enough imo, and won't change the star rating much higher.
  2. 00:12:370 (1) - Since it's the opening of new rythim, i think it's good to have a finish on here.
  3. 00:14:620 (3) - Feel, a bit empty, how about a clap on this slider end?
  4. 00:24:370 (2) - Add a finish to follow up cymbal on the back?
  5. 00:25:120 (1) - I think clap on this slider end should be on 00:25:682 (2) -
  6. 00:29:245 (1) - I think you miss a clap on this slider start.
  7. 00:36:370 (1,3) - Finish on these slider start please. Not consistant with 00:42:370 (2,4) -
  8. 00:51:370 (3) - I think you should add a new combo here, since this is a start of chorus.
  9. 00:53:245 (1) - This new combo doesn't fit the stanza and downbeat. So please remove the new combo. And you should add new combo here 00:54:370 (3) -
  10. 00:56:245 (1,3) - Same case as ^
  11. 00:59:245 (1) - ^
  12. 01:03:370 (3) - Same case as ^ so please new combo.
  13. 01:04:495- Since you suddenly repeat polarity from white to red at 01:04:120 (2,1) - i highly suggest you add a note here since it will help the player to guess the rythim on 01:04:682 (1) - . Don't forget to add clap on this note, since it's very good to hear.
  14. 01:06:370 (1) - Nc, i won't tell you the reason again.
  15. 01:07:495- Same case as 01:04:495-
  16. 01:07:682 (3) - Remove nc
  17. 01:09:370 (5) - Nc
  18. 01:10:495- Same as 01:04:495-
  19. 01:10:682 (1) - Remove nc
  20. 01:11:995 (1) - Remove nc too.
  21. 01:45:370 (1,2) - You missing a finish on this two slider start.
  22. 01:54:370 (5) - Nc
  23. 01:55:495- Add a note with clap like previous mod.
  24. 01:55:682 (1) - Remove nc
  25. 01:57:370 (4) - Nc
  26. 01:58:495- Add note with clap
  27. 01:58:682 (1) - Remove nc
  28. 02:01:495- Add note with clap
  29. 02:06:370 (1) - It will be good if you add a finish here on the start since it's the begining of new chorus.
  30. 02:07:495- Add note with clap
  31. 02:10:495- ^ , but remove clap on 02:10:682 (3) - start since it's breaking the consistencies.
  32. 02:13:495- ^
  1. 00:05:995 (1) - Remove the finish please, it's too loud and overused imo.
  2. 00:17:245 (5) - I think you can add a new combo here to since it's the beginning of new rythim.
  3. 00:32:245 (6,7,8) - Hmm, this jump is not consistant. There's no jump like these in your previous rythim. Even it's playabl, but it can surprise some player. So i think you should ctrl+r 7 and 8 back or make a pattern that doesn't consist jump.
  4. 00:41:995 (1,2) - Switch new combos please. Doesn't consistant.
  5. 00:47:995 (3) - Hmm, i think you should add clap here too for clap consistencies.
  6. 01:00:932 (5,6) - Please don't stack these. It's really hard to read the rythim and doesn't flow well. Also, put 01:01:307 (6) - close to 01:01:495 (1) - so it will not surpise the player with jump.
  7. 01:44:057 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - Doesn't very good to look at. Maybe this example will help you to improve this pattern >
  8. 01:50:995 (2) - Hmm, like previous rythim, add clap at this slider start?
  9. 01:53:807- If you do timing point suggestion above, you could add another timing point there to increase the volume back to 80%.
  10. 02:07:682 (5) - New combo please, not consistant with your previous combo.
  11. 02:10:682 (5) - ^
  12. 02:15:932 (5,6) - Again, don't stack this note please. Very hard to read the rythim since it's stacked.
  1. 00:20:245 (3) - Please don't make this slider overlap 00:20:620 (4) - . Because of this i thought the end of 00:20:620 (4) - was a circle. It's against rule of ranking because it doesn't have clear path.
  2. 00:25:682 (1) - This slider body is really covered by previous combo hitburst. I can't see the slider body clearly unless i use costum skin. Make different pattern please, again, this is against tthe rule
  3. 00:27:557 (1,2,3,4) - Why this note is a jump but 00:21:557 (1,2,3,4) - not. At least make it consistant. If you do jump, make rythim like this all jump. It really surprise me when i pass this note because it's have a jump.
  4. 00:33:370 (1,2,3,4,5) - Same as ^
  5. 00:42:370 (1) - I think you miss a finish here at slider start.
  6. 00:43:870 (1) - ^
  7. 00:47:245 (4) - I think it's nice if continue your clap rythim here. So add a clap on this slider start.
  8. 00:47:995 (3) - ^
  9. 01:32:057- Raise the volume of timing point here by 10% please. It's too low.
  10. 01:35:807 (1) - What's the point of new combo here? I don't see any reason on it. Remove it please.
  11. 01:40:870 (1) - Hmm, you miss a finish at this slider start again.
  12. 01:46:870 (1) - ^
  13. 01:44:995 (1) - Very awkward slider. Make like this shape instead >
  14. 01:50:620 (1,2,3,4) - Stack this properly? Doesn't good to see imo.
  15. 01:52:495- Also, raise this timing point by 10% too.
  16. 01:54:370- ^
  17. 02:02:620 (3) - You miss a clap here at this slider end.
  18. 02:18:370 (1) - Remove clap from this spinner. Very loud and awkward to hear. Instead, change the end of this spinner to soft sound with 40% like hard diff.
Good map. I'm enjoying this. Try to search for 2 more mod then call me back.
Good luck~
Topic Starter

AoiX wrote:

Request from Queue

>>Aoi's Mod

·好歹。。。把滑条消音啊 ok

01:18:745 (3) - 反转箭头被部分遮挡 fixed
01:50:620 (1,2,3,4) - 我觉得这个梗实际效果并不是很好 stack
01:52:682 (1) - 感觉还可以多加几个锚点,更圆润点
我觉得音效还有很多可处理的地方,全程用一种音效而且基本只有clap听着会疲劳啊。像00:15:557 (1,2,3,4) 这种地方可以用soft音效配合使用whistle,而像00:51:370 (1,2,3)这种三声“嘿嘿嘿“则可以用finish音效来进行增强

02:07:307 (4) - 这个也有点小挡 fixed


Miya wrote:

Hi popner :3

  1. Not sure with the tittle. Is the tittle just Da Mao Xian or with (Big adventure)? If (Big Adventure) is the translation of Da Mao Xian, then you should remove the (Big adventure) but include it in tags.
Ar3's Normal
  1. Since this have become a normal diff, raise the difficulty setting. AR 4, HP and OD 3 is enough imo, and won't change the star rating much higher. ok
  2. 00:12:370 (1) - Since it's the opening of new rythim, i think it's good to have a finish on here. ok
  3. 00:14:620 (3) - Feel, a bit empty, how about a clap on this slider end? ok
  4. 00:24:370 (2) - Add a finish to follow up cymbal on the back? ok
  5. 00:25:120 (1) - I think clap on this slider end should be on 00:25:682 (2) - sounds weird
  6. 00:29:245 (1) - I think you miss a clap on this slider start. added
  7. 00:36:370 (1,3) - Finish on these slider start please. Not consistant with 00:42:370 (2,4) - added
  8. 00:51:370 (3) - I think you should add a new combo here, since this is a start of chorus. added
  9. 00:53:245 (1) - This new combo doesn't fit the stanza and downbeat. So please remove the new combo. And you should add new combo here 00:54:370 (3) - ok
  10. 00:56:245 (1,3) - Same case as ^ ok
  11. 00:59:245 (1) - ^ ok
  12. 01:03:370 (3) - Same case as ^ so please new combo. ok
  13. 01:04:495- Since you suddenly repeat polarity from white to red at 01:04:120 (2,1) - i highly suggest you add a note here since it will help the player to guess the rythim on 01:04:682 (1) - . Don't forget to add clap on this note, since it's very good to hear. ok
  14. 01:06:370 (1) - Nc, i won't tell you the reason again. ok
  15. 01:07:495- Same case as 01:04:495- ok
  16. 01:07:682 (3) - Remove nc ok
  17. 01:09:370 (5) - Nc ok
  18. 01:10:495- Same as 01:04:495- ok
  19. 01:10:682 (1) - Remove nc ok
  20. 01:11:995 (1) - Remove nc too. ok
  21. 01:45:370 (1,2) - You missing a finish on this two slider start. added
  22. 01:54:370 (5) - Nc ok
  23. 01:55:495- Add a note with clap like previous mod. added
  24. 01:55:682 (1) - Remove nc ok
  25. 01:57:370 (4) - Nc ok
  26. 01:58:495- Add note with clap
  27. 01:58:682 (1) - Remove nc ok
  28. 02:01:495- Add note with clap
  29. 02:06:370 (1) - It will be good if you add a finish here on the start since it's the begining of new chorus. ok
  30. 02:07:495- Add note with clap ok
  31. 02:10:495- ^ , but remove clap on 02:10:682 (3) - start since it's breaking the consistencies. ok
  32. 02:13:495- ^ ok
  1. 00:05:995 (1) - Remove the finish please, it's too loud and overused imo. ok
  2. 00:17:245 (5) - I think you can add a new combo here to since it's the beginning of new rythim. ok
  3. 00:32:245 (6,7,8) - Hmm, this jump is not consistant. There's no jump like these in your previous rythim. Even it's playabl, but it can surprise some player. So i think you should ctrl+r 7 and 8 back or make a pattern that doesn't consist jump. hmm..since there are a lot of sliders here, i think it is not so hard
  4. 00:41:995 (1,2) - Switch new combos please. Doesn't consistant. it is same as 00:35:995 (1,2)
  5. 00:47:995 (3) - Hmm, i think you should add clap here too for clap consistencies. there is no hitsound in music, so i don't want use clap here
  6. 01:00:932 (5,6) - Please don't stack these. It's really hard to read the rythim and doesn't flow well. Also, put 01:01:307 (6) - close to 01:01:495 (1) - so it will not surpise the player with jump. ok
  7. 01:44:057 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - Doesn't very good to look at. Maybe this example will help you to improve this pattern > it is a symmetry of 01:42:745 (1,2,3), though change from sliders to circles
  8. 01:50:995 (2) - Hmm, like previous rythim, add clap at this slider start? same as previous one
  9. 01:53:807- If you do timing point suggestion above, you could add another timing point there to increase the volume back to 80%. hmm...reorganized all volume
  10. 02:07:682 (5) - New combo please, not consistant with your previous combo. fixed
  11. 02:10:682 (5) - ^ fixed
  12. 02:15:932 (5,6) - Again, don't stack this note please. Very hard to read the rythim since it's stacked. i want to keep this
  1. 00:20:245 (3) - Please don't make this slider overlap 00:20:620 (4) - . Because of this i thought the end of 00:20:620 (4) - was a circle. It's against rule of ranking because it doesn't have clear path. fixed
  2. 00:25:682 (1) - This slider body is really covered by previous combo hitburst. I can't see the slider body clearly unless i use costum skin. Make different pattern please, again, this is against tthe rule fixed
  3. 00:27:557 (1,2,3,4) - Why this note is a jump but 00:21:557 (1,2,3,4) - not. At least make it consistant. If you do jump, make rythim like this all jump. It really surprise me when i pass this note because it's have a jump. this section is stronger than previous one, so i want to use different patterns
  4. 00:33:370 (1,2,3,4,5) - Same as ^ ^
  5. 00:42:370 (1) - I think you miss a finish here at slider start. added
  6. 00:43:870 (1) - ^ added
  7. 00:47:245 (4) - I think it's nice if continue your clap rythim here. So add a clap on this slider start. added
  8. 00:47:995 (3) - ^ added
  9. 01:32:057- Raise the volume of timing point here by 10% please. It's too low. it is same as previous repeat
  10. 01:35:807 (1) - What's the point of new combo here? I don't see any reason on it. Remove it please. fixed
  11. 01:40:870 (1) - Hmm, you miss a finish at this slider start again. added
  12. 01:46:870 (1) - ^ added
  13. 01:44:995 (1) - Very awkward slider. Make like this shape instead > ok
  14. 01:50:620 (1,2,3,4) - Stack this properly? Doesn't good to see imo. ok
  15. 01:52:495- Also, raise this timing point by 10% too.
  16. 01:54:370- ^
  17. 02:02:620 (3) - You miss a clap here at this slider end. added
  18. 02:18:370 (1) - Remove clap from this spinner. Very loud and awkward to hear. Instead, change the end of this spinner to soft sound with 40% like hard diff. ok
Good map. I'm enjoying this. Try to search for 2 more mod then call me back.
Good luck~
00:08:995 (4) - make this whistle+clap
00:51:370 (1,2,3) - these would sound better if they all had a whistle as well
00:54:370 (1,2,3) - ^ same as above
00:57:370 (1,2,3) - ^ same as above
01:51:182 (4) - make this a finish
01:54:370 (1,2,3) - these would sound better if they all had a whistle as well
01:57:370 (1,2,3) - ^
02:00:370 (1,2,3) - ^
02:05:995 (4) - make this a whistle
02:06:745 (2,3) - make these whistle as well
02:09:745 (2,3) - ^
02:12:745 (2,3) - ^
02:18:182 (4) - make this a finish

00:15:557 (1,2,3) - make these whistle
00:16:682 (4) - (start note) ^
00:21:932 (1,2,3) - ^
00:23:057 (1) - ^
00:27:557 (1,2,3,4) - ^
00:29:057 (1) - ^
00:33:557 (1,2,3,4) - ^
00:35:057 (1) - ^
00:37:307 (1) - ^
00:38:807 (6) - ^
00:41:057 (1) - ^
00:41:995 (1) - ^
00:43:307 (1) - ^
00:44:807 (1) - make this clap
00:48:182 (4) - make this finish
00:51:370 (2,3,4) - make this whistle
00:54:370 (1,2,3) - ^
00:57:370 (1,2,3) - ^
01:06:370 (1,2,3) - ^
01:09:370 (1,2,3) - ^
01:41:432 (3) - make this clap
01:44:807 (5) - ^
01:54:370 (4,5,6) - make this whistle
01:57:370 (1,2,3) - ^
02:00:370 (1,2,3) - ^
02:04:870 (1,2,3,4) - ^
02:09:370 (1,2,3) - ^
02:12:370 (1,2,3) - ^

[Ar3's Normal]
00:37:495 (2) - make whistle
00:38:995 (4) - ^
00:41:995 (1) - ^
00:43:495 (3) - ^
00:51:370 (1) - add a whistle on the slider (end note)
00:54:370 (1) - make all whistle
00:57:370 (1) - ^
01:06:370 (1) - ^
01:09:370 (1) - ^
01:31:870 (2) - make whistle
01:35:620 (1) - ^
01:38:995 (1) - make whistle+clap
01:40:495 (3) - ^
01:44:995 (3) - ^
01:46:495 (2) - ^
01:54:370 (1) - add whistle to all slider points (keep the clap on the reverse as well)
01:57:370 (1) - ^
02:00:370 (1) - ^
02:06:370 (1) - ^
02:09:370 (1) - ^
02:12:370 (1) - ^
Snowy Dream
Mod request from PM request
01:49:120 (3,4,5) - 我觉得明显这样排会好

00:20:245 (2) - 没完全重合
00:58:682 (1) - 前面的slider既然回到了左边这里就不应该放在右边.. 放上面好
00:59:245 (2) - ^=-= 感觉是恶趣味?

Wonderful Mapset
果然神图 还中文的
Good Luck
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