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I wanted feedback on a method to determine BPM. Every method I've seen so far has been fairly unreliable or hard to trust.

Couldn't you just open a notepad file and use it to determine how many characters per minute you were pressing?

For example, I set a timer to 10 seconds, then "streamed" for 10 seconds into a text file. After checking the file to make sure I had properly alternated every key press, as in xzxzxzxzxzxzxz, I copy and pasted it into this site:

Alternatively most text editors probably have some form of character counter, though notepad does not.

Multiply that by 6 for your characters per minute. Or set a timer for 60 seconds and stream that.

So is this accurate? If not, please explain.
This one should be good t/35610&start=0
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RaneFire wrote:

I dunno why but I just felt I should remind people that trying any "vibrate" technique with this program is inaccurate since if you hold a key down permanently it still calculates at about 400 bpm.
That program isn't reliable because it still registers held keys. It doesn't know whether you've let the key up or held it down.

Edit: although it appears to be accurate if you don't try to vibrate or whatever. Either way, I'm trying to find a better/more reliable system.
Your method is worse than those. If I get any free time I'll make something that actually works without all these bugs. But I highly doubt I will lol
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Except you can actually check to make sure you're alternating. In theory if you have a perfect xzxzxzxzxzxz pattern, you've streamed consistently. At least that's how I understand key presses?

Edit: Also, I said, if my method is bad, please EXPLAIN WHY.
Streaming doesn't require a perfect zxzxz pattern. It only requires that the key was lifted up and pressed again.

And there is absolutely no possible way you can get an accurate bpm recording if you open up notepad and use a timer :|
What I'd like to know is if they've got a program to measure BPM with click/x style. XD
Make a map, choose some BPM and try to stream it idk.
notepad? have you tried the timing setup in the editor in osu! ?

in the editor you can alternate between click and the "t" key in any desired pace
You can stream in the editor that way and get a BPM back somehow? I did not know that...
yes just drop an empty mp3 file and start streaming at any speed of your desire
if you want to use two keys, map whichever keys you want to "t" with a third party program of your choice. use google to find one of those programs.
If you people want I can program a working program to measure your streaming BPM correctly once I get home this weekend. Just post all the features you want it to do and I'll make sure it does all of them. I'll make sure it cannot be cheated with held keys or double-mashing (i.e. [zx][zx][zx][zx] instead of z>x>z>x>z>x>z).

Here's a mouse streaming program I posted earlier for reference:
Can update it with options for keyboard streaming, keyboard+mouse streaming, larger stream area, visual stream display to simulate what it feels like in-game, etc. Name what features you want. I'd fix bugs/abuse if any are detected once it's out.
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