
Flashlight mode, any tips/suggestions to play it better?

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I'm not very good at osu! but I think it's pretty dam fun. I tried playing flashlight mode and did terribly...even on easy songs that I can 100%. I've seen replays of players playing flashlight on really difficult songs and was wondering how the heck do they do that? Not to mention they are playing on hard rock/hidden/double time sometimes -_-. Do they play the song so many times that they memorize where the beats appear? I can't really see any other explanation because to sightread it seems impossible. Also, memorizing where the beats are must take tons of I was wondering if to beat a song on flashlight should I just play it over and over til my subconscious realizes where the beats will appear? >_>. So yeah, just a curious question as to how to play/get better for this crazy mode. Any advice is appreciated!

krndude wrote:

Do they play the song so many times that they memorize where the beats appear?
you're only playing for a month. that's pretty new. also it's all about memorizing ofc.
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Ah okay, thought so. Yeah it seemed pretty unrealistic to be able to sightread but I just wanted to make sure. Thanks for clearing that up :) Also, yeah I know I've just started recently so I probably won't be touching flashlight anytime soon.
First of all, welcome to the forums. :3 And yes, flashlight is mostly about memorization. If you are looking to get some decent scores on flashlight, start off with maps that have very little jumps in them, you want to play a map where are the notes are rather close to each other. Also, I wouldn't start off with long songs either (that means more memorization). Also, practice the file without flashlight first several times, so you can get a feel for the map; just starting off with flashlight on any map is going to leave you clueless. Hopefully a flashlight player can give you more/better tips, because I never play flashlight; I'd rather do Double Time + Hardrock + Hidden on a map before even thinking about doing flashlight by itself.
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Thanks for the reply reuben, and for the welcome. Yeah I figured it would be a lot of replaying in order to do flashlight. There are several songs that I like enough to be able to replay over and over and not get sick of(at least more than others) so I'll probably give them a shot once I get better.
(fl)start map ..... reached 160x..miss....retry.....reached 190x........retry.....reched 220x......retry......etc.etc.etc..
everything is about retry-retry-retry-retry-retry-retry-retry-retry...
I'd say 90% is memorization and the rest is sight read and luck, of course you'll feel more comfortable with flashlight the more you play it and it will come more naturally.

krndude wrote:

I'm not very good at osu! but I think it's pretty dam fun. I tried playing flashlight mode and did terribly...even on easy songs that I can 100%. I've seen replays of players playing flashlight on really difficult songs and was wondering how the heck do they do that? Not to mention they are playing on hard rock/hidden/double time sometimes -_-. Do they play the song so many times that they memorize where the beats appear? I can't really see any other explanation because to sightread it seems impossible. Also, memorizing where the beats are must take tons of I was wondering if to beat a song on flashlight should I just play it over and over til my subconscious realizes where the beats will appear? >_>. So yeah, just a curious question as to how to play/get better for this crazy mode. Any advice is appreciated!
um try ur best u lazy bum flashlight is gd but only use it on normal maps unless ur a god or are a lunatic over it

Mikutard wrote:

I'd say 90% is memorization and the rest is sight read and luck
Calling it luck when you're running purely off memorisation is a very, very bad thing to do as you have to remember:
  1. Where certain patterns begin
  2. Which direction the combos go
  3. Whether the sliders coming up have any velocity changes
  4. How long a certain stream may last for
  5. Spinner length
  6. Whether a new combo starts directly after spinners but not in a central position
  7. Plus a variety of other factors
If anything it is more based off memorisation and reacting at the correct moment especially during a slider hold as the flaslight view area shrinks further still on those.
You don't need to know the spinner lenght unless you're playing it with hidden.
Oh and yes i still think that at least 5% of it is luck since even if i have memorized the full map i can still forget or lose focus for a second and miss a note. But i guess you're right and it will always be about skill and memorizing in that case.
Even more than memorizing where each note is, for one of the songs I played on FL to get a high rank on, I found that I was mostly only memorizing the general location of the first note of each combo, and each note within a combo was in the same area, so I could just visually look at them from there.
At higher levels, though, FL requires memorizing the exact locations of notes, since combos don't necessitate notes being near each other.
i use luck
First - play easy/normal maps on flashlight, you will accustomize to it. And with time increase difficulty.
Also self-confidence - this is important when you play with FL.
To add, after getting 200 combo, the visibility area of the Flashlight mod is reduced to the smallest. I bet some people out there starts to get nervous at this point afterwards, which I often do when I started using that mod. You must learn to get used to this to avoid nervousness.

I retried a lot of time as well, which explains why I have a lot of play count while having a low ranked score. I started to use SpunOut mod so that the play count is not added, which is good for practicing.

Off-topic: lol @ my 404 Post Count. I wouldn't have known if my friend isn't pointing this out. lol

Bass wrote:

First - play easy/normal maps on flashlight, you will accustomize to it. And with time increase difficulty.
Also self-confidence - this is important when you play with FL.
lol that's what i told you xD
But it is true, if you think you can't do it then you'll never do it, but it's the same for every mod and map.

Bass wrote:

First - play easy/normal maps on flashlight, you will accustomize to it. And with time increase difficulty.
Right, because those take a lot of time and effort in mastering?

Pointless waste of time unless you're someone who is utterly desperate for high ranks on piss easy maps it does nothing more than waste your time. This is due to anything over Normal ranked difficulties being infinitely harder in comparison; with half-to-full length map jumps, combos that divert off in various directions and so forth

  1. Just go find a song you really like - this is the most important thing
  2. Play the Hard or Insane difficulty without FL to learn how the direction and flow of the song goes
  3. Play it plenty of times afterwards with FL on
  4. Continue playing until you can FL full combo run it
  5. Continue playing it until you get a much better accuracy percentage on it and until you're satisfied that you cannot get any higher
  6. Go off and start on another song
Toss in a bit of patience and that's basically it.

Anyone who actually cares about crap like play count and accuracy for player statistics is an idiot who is trying to waste your time.
LOTS of replays, LOTS of memory work needed. If you've got near-limitless patience then half the battle is won.
Of course, it goes w/o saying that you've got to be able to FC those hard/insane maps w/o the mod before attempting a good FL run.

Did an easy FL back when I first started on the game just to get into top10. Never again.
At least not for a good while yet.
Flashlight requires;
80% Memorization
20% Sightread

"But i know that already!"

okay, Play any maps with Flashlight using the Auto Pilot mod.
and start memorize the cursor movements, and follow the beat correctly.
I practiced my FL skills on offline mode so it won't 'hurt' my account.
goodluck dawg

ampzz wrote:

Anyone who actually cares about crap like play count and accuracy for player statistics is an idiot who is trying to waste your time.
This is so true about myself, because game is basically made for wasting your time and just for fun imo. :P
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