
Apa Khabar =D?

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I'm cooljoe. Why is there a 2 on my name I have no idea. I bet you're probably thinking Joe's my real name.Wrong. I have no name. Nah just kidding I'm Justin. I have been osuing for around 2months now and recently just discovered there was a forum here. Yeah I know I'm cute :) Hope to make new friends. Don't forget to leave a friendly reply and apa khabar means how are you. :)
Cute? Eh.....Meh?
Anyways, welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your stay.
o3o; lol, you make the 2nd person I know with the name Justin...yeah, just saying.
Welcome to the community! Hope you like it here.
Welcome to the forums and enjoy your stay (:
Hello,welcome,and hope to play with you~ ^^
Note L
Welcome... :D
K a Y e
Welcome here cooljoe2. Try not too be so cool.

hahahaha! Nah! Kidding~ :P
Hello there. You seem to be keen to get along with people, so have the only piece of advice that you'll ever need: Don't get in people's faces and you'll never have any problems here. We're a friendly bunch, despite our catty moments, so as long as we have no reason to get agitated, then we won't. Of course, you'll probably come across somebody who insists on being an arse all of the time (hopefully, I'm not that person), but you can deal with that as it happens.
welcome to the forums! do check the malay thread here t/62798 to meet fellow malaysians! ;)

D33d wrote:

: Don't get in people's faces
I'll get in your face you fat slag.

Also welcome.

vizzy wrote:

Welcome to the community! Hope you like it here.
no he wont

Gon wrote:

welcome to the forums! do check the malay thread here t/62798 to meet fellow malaysians! ;)
Ah, Gon beat me to it.

Welcome and do drop by whenever you feel like mingling. ;)
Yay Malaysian (^•^)/
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