
Possible To Play Top Level With Click/X The Way I Do It?

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Hi! I know people ask a lot about the different play styles, so this is why I am going to ask a very specific question: Is it possible to play Click/X at the top level? I don't think I've seen any references to very high level players doing it, and I know the best always use Z/X regardless of their using mouse or tablet. I am around rank 9000, so I'm not bad, but I feel that I have a really hard time playing fast maps at double time speed, because I am not used to that back and forth alternation that I see Z/X players using. I tend to rely on clicking the mouse when I can, and I use X for streams, or quick beats, or basically any time I couldn't possibly click fast enough or accurately enough. Is this style just not going to cut it for fast double time? Is it possible to get good at doing the back and forth alternation that Z/X players use, while using Click/X?

I just want to clarify that I am capable of beating most maps at regular speed, and many at double speed. I'm not one of the best by any means, but I'm able to stream quickly (I think Click/X makes this easier in general) and my accuracy is not bad. I can also click very fast when I want to with just my mouse. It's just that I can't seem to click fast enough to keep up with hard double time maps, and I feel like the only way a person could do it is to alternate from one key to the other through the whole map. Is it just something I should try to learn to do with my Click/X style, or is it not practical with this style? Also, should I try to start playing this way at every speed to get more used to it, or is it safe to keep using click for the targets that I can hit with just clicking and using X as sort of a backup for fast situations?

This question is kind of directed at the experienced players, since I really am aiming to get to the top levels eventually. If you don't know what I'm talking about, then watch Silvia. He apparently always goes from X to Z, and then back to X on every click at every speed, or at least this is how it looks to me in his Youtube videos. I could be wrong.

Thanks for any input! Sorry if this has been asked before, but I wasn't able to find any threads on this specific question about clicking style.

G0r wrote:

Is it possible to play Click/X at the top level?
Yes it is.

It's definitely possible, though I don't really know any pro off the top of my head that uses that method. Perhaps you can be the first \:D/

I never tried learning Click/X and I fail at it quite badly, so I stick with Z/X. However, Click/X is probably easier to stream faster and to stream with more stamina due to the fact that the stamina need for streaming is distributed among both hands, except it's just a lot harder to be accurate, since you are click and moving the mouse and clicking at the same time.

That's just my take on it. I don't even use Click/X so idk much lol.

At least for me, using Z/X is much easier for accuracy and I am able to sustain much more smooth cursor movements.

Also just curious, how fast is fast for you? :S
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Thank you for your responses! Winber, I agree with all of your points about the strengths and weaknesses of this style vs yours. I am curious, do you typically alternate back and forth on every beat, or do you hit one key more for slow beats, and then use both for fast ones? I am using the second method with my current style, and I am worried about wasting a lot of time to get used to constantly alternating. It'd be a lot of work to get accurate doing that after getting so good at my current style over time.

To answer your question, I can play maps like Blue Night, and Banned Forever, but I can't do well at either of them, and I can't handle the Nogard difficulty on the latter. Those are just a couple beatmaps that come to mind. Sorry if I'm not giving you enough information. I don't know what else to use as a better example.
Aevv used to use click/x I believe and he was a pretty good player. Just keep at it and keep practicing and you will do fine. Players can pretty much adapt to anything (Some click singles and use z/x for streams which is a pain for me.)
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Why is it a pain for you, if you don't mind me asking, Jakachan? Basically that's what I do. Personally I find it annoying when the singles come up fast enough that you have to treat them almost like streams, like I described happens in double time situations sometimes. Is that something like what you mean? Thanks for the info on Aevv. I had not heard of this player.
No wonder you haven't heard of him, he was banned for cheating. Before that, he was an awesome player even without hacks.
I'd say it is. For the first 2 years I played on and off, I used mouse only. When I started playing Osu more frequently as one of my primary games and started getting into the harder insane maps, I began incorporating the keyboard into my mouse clicks to keep up with the faster BPM's. I'd use my mouse as primary clicks and keyboard for the off click, before I could get into the harder maps, my curiousity peaked with tablets and started learning to use keyboard only (which I must admit, using the keyboard for my off click hurt me when switching to full keyboard).

I can't do much higher than about 180BPM constant streams keyboard only (keyboard + tablet, 180+ bpm streams are basically my weakness), but from time to time, I'll play around with mouse and my old play style for nostalgia fun and I find even BPM's 200+ to be a breeze with mouse+keyboard as the stress is put on the 2 hands rather than the just comes alot more natural to me (as I'd imagine it would for alot of people?). Doesn't hurt to try it out, I've personally done it and it improved my performance during that period once you get used to it. I'd imagine once mastered you could crank out some serious bpm streams, it also has the advantage of improving your stamina being the clicking stress is divided between both your hands, not just the one.
click/x, when mastered, is almost like cheating. No pain from using 2 joints, endless stamina. You name it.

I know aevv pretty well, and I remember how he was able to alternate all his clicks together with x to survive the diehard DT runs we did back then. It's pretty much the same as with z/x and mouse only alternating where you focus on hitsounds and timing and split this apart from moving the cursor.

The basic concept is to prioritize rythm first. Ignore all misses etc. just focus on making the hitsounds match the rythm. Eventually the cursor will follow and make less curvy movements that allows you to manage more complex patterns.
lesjuh uses tap/x (click/x but then with tablet)

silmarilen wrote:

lesjuh uses tap/x (click/x but then with tablet)
Another player worth noting is TTTL. He alternates tap + x on fast singles that you couldn't be asked to single tap. It just takes practice but it is possible even on a mouse.
Then there's also the simplified version of this style, which has the players click or tap single notes and do streams normally. It helps a lot with jumps and snapping.
this is definitely possible since there already exists a variant with the tablet
Blue Dragon, TTTL and Lesjuh all use it i think
ahh so many different playstyles so confusing
mouse only BIG BIG YEAH!
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Thank you, guys! Special thanks to Kriers, and to Jackachan! You two really got to the heart of what I wanted to know. I'm going to continue using my current style on maps where it works, and I am going to work on the alternating clicks on the maps where singles can't be done with just clicks. Maybe I'll come back and post a new thread if I master it. Otherwise, I'll keep checking in here, so feel free to add more thoughts, if you have them. :D

*Goes to play Osu!* ^.^
Lesjuh also plays click + x when he's playing mouse.

just sayin'

he's weird~~~~~~~~

GladiOol wrote:


he's weird~~~~~~~~
ikr XD

GladiOol wrote:

Lesjuh also plays click + x when he's playing mouse.

just sayin'

he's weird~~~~~~~~
he isn't weird, he is just nice. obviously, he would destroy everybody in this game if he played with two fingers on the keyboard
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