
Chris Da House & DJ Sledge Hammer - Believe (Nightcore Mix)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Thursday, January 05, 2012 at 9:46:30 PM

Artist: Chris Da House & DJ Sledge Hammer
Title: Believe (Nightcore Mix)
Source: Nightcore III
Tags: [Te][Amo] BounceBabe
BPM: 171.14
Filesize: 4220kb
Play Time: 02:59
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.97 stars, 172 notes)
  2. Hard (4.42 stars, 307 notes)
  3. Insane (4.96 stars, 412 notes)
  4. Normal (3.53 stars, 225 notes)
Download: Chris Da House & DJ Sledge Hammer - Believe (Nightcore Mix)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
here is my 11th map and also 3rd nightcore map! enjoy <3
Special thanks to BounceBabe for her awesome SB !
Thank you [Te][Amo] for your hard diff :3

[Easy] 100%
[Normal] 100%
[Hard] 100% (mapped by [Te][Amo])
[Insane] 100%
I like The map Star C: !!
Here we go... here is your SB

Don't forget to full submit after you copied all elements into your map folder c(;
Good Luck ♥ ~
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wow! really awesome SB! thanks a lot again <3
ok then! it's moved to pending :3
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updated :D
you need Epilepsy Warning in your

change to *.png

umm~I think green it's not fit in this song. If you can. I suggest use brown :P

I think It's fine so you earn my star :P
good lucky ;D
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thanks :3
Here we go !


Well...the circles are actually a bit too big for a Hard, I recommend you to change the circle size.
Circle Size : 1 should be fine. (like the Insane diff)
Also, an Hard diff with bigger circles than a Normal would looks really weird, right ? :D

01:34:303 (7) - Delete a reverse arrow, then add a circle at 01:35:706 with a new combo (don't forget to delete the new combo on the next circle)
The last reverse arrow surprised me a bit when I've played this diff so I think it will be more intuitive to play this part without that reverse arrow.

Well, that's all, it's a good mapset ;)

~Stared !
Star Stream
from my queue

00:53:635 (3) - NC
00:59:244 (3) - ^
01:04:854 (4) - ^

00:53:635 (4) - NC
00:59:244 (5) - ^
02:28:996 (4) - ^
02:34:605 (5) - ^

00:48:025 (6) - NC?

That's all.. sorry
and Good map, song. Star~
Yo modding this map because of ur request :)

00:17:173 - add 3 sliders like This? or something close to this.
00:22:783 - ^
00:55:037(5) - NC
00:59:244(3) - ^ if u ignore this make (6) a NC
01:04:854(4) - NC
01:46:924 - add a slider, end it at 01:48:327 and make it repeat, then move (1) to 01:50:080
01:52:534 - same as above but end it at 01:53:936 and make it repeat and then move (1,2,3,4) to 01:55:689,01:56:040,01:56:390, and 01:57:902

00:17:173 - like This?
00:22:783 - ^
01:03:101 - add a circle and make it clap?
01:05:905 - ^
01:08:710 - ^
01:11:515 - ^
01:47:275 - Like This?
01:52:534 - same as above but make (1) repeat twice

00:10:512(2,3,4) - space these out like at 00:09:110
00:17:173 - Like [img=]This[/img]?
00:22:783 - ^
00:28:042 - add a circle?
01:47:100 - Like This?
01:52:008 - This?

00:17:524 - Like This?
00:22:608 - This? but move (8) 1 tick up to the red tick
00:50:129(9,10) - hidden repeat slider
01:12:041(7) - *nazi* align this to (6)
01:47:100 - Like This?
01:52:008 - This?
02:20:581(1,2) - i like it better if its curved
02:41:704(6) - *nazi* move 1 grid left and then 1 grid down

this is the best i can do. GL :D
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most fixed! thanks guys! now I need to optimize the timing , and it's good to go :D
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all looking good now :3 updated ~
I'm kinda sleepy now. Anyway, it doesn't matter.

  1. 00:19:988 (1,2) - How I would make them
  2. 00:29:805 (4) - if you make it 1/4 longer, it will sound right. But I'm not sure if it's comfortable for easy. {The same goes for other sliders like this}
  3. 01:12:577 (3) - make it 1/2 longer and add finish
  4. 01:46:934 — What if you drag break and place it here?
  5. 01:51:142 (2) - forgot whistle?
  6. 01:58:153 (1) - add something to it, I don't like how it sounds when it's almost completely silenced
  7. 02:03:763 (1,2,3) - the same. It's too quiet, either rise volume up to 20-22% or add whistle(s)
  8. 02:34:615 (1,2) - I don't know if these sliders want to have curvy beginning or straight. Please, choose something
  9. 02:59:682 — I would increase this section's volume by 10% and add finish to slider's end
  1. 00:18:761 — why? (Now it looks like a bug; I see these things almost everywhere in your mapset)
  2. 00:30:331 (5) - what about applying whistle to the first and the second repeats?
  3. 01:12:401 (5) - whistle for the last repeat?
  4. 01:41:676 (2,3,4,5,6) - I wonder if somebody has already said "Hey man, put these things in center"
  5. 01:44:480 (4) - NC
  1. 00:29:454 (2) - stack it with 00:28:052 (3) - and move 00:29:805 (3) 2 grid up for symmetry (kind of)
  2. 01:12:401 (6) - whistle?
  3. 01:46:584 (4,5,6) - why don't you make spacing consistent here?
  4. 02:57:403 (5) - not really symmetrical
  1. 01:11:875 (5,6,7) - looks a little bit strange (or inaccurate)
  2. 02:26:201 (1) - did you want to stack it or not?
Nothing more to say.
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TicClick wrote:

  1. 02:26:201 (1) - did you want to stack it or not?
I stacked it manually :)
thanks for the mod TicClick :3

Soo, the timing looks a bit wrong
i suggest :
Offset: 5 950ms BPM: 171,145
this fit better.


00:36:801 (1) - Up the last point of the slider 2grids (Lv4) you can't see it so much but it's a nazi thing
01:10:456 (1,2,3) - Put these 3 notes with y=140 because it looks really mapped fastly and not "clean".

Nice Easy i can't really see any issues on it.


buh nice Normal sorry (:


00:05:949 (1,2) - Firstly, this spacing surprised me, try to arrange a bit? x)
00:51:174 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Why you don't hitsounded this part? i don't really understand.
01:24:655 (1) - I think that the note is too previous than the spinner, try arrange by reduce the spinner 1tick 1/2?
01:40:781 (5) - One of the only 1/4 slider ever in this map. mmh i don't think it's good
01:41:307 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6) - Omg this spacing, it shocked me here (4,5,6) =w=


I suggest to reverse these notes 00:09:455 (3) - ; 00:10:858 (6) - ; 00:26:283 (3) - ; 00:27:685 (6) - ; 01:56:032 (3) - ; 01:57:434 (6) - ;
00:32:681 (4) - This 1/4 note have non sense ! :v it's not following the song at all.
00:35:486 (6) - ^
00:38:291 (4) - ^
00:41:095 (4) - ^
I think you understand what i means for other one.

This diff have technically no issues
but anyways. I like it. Good Luck

Overalls is fine, just timing looks wrong. <3

Good Luck
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about the timing talked with you on IRC :D
thanks Musty :3
All SB should be in Foreground.
Your pulsations work not in time, because of new timing. Recheck/remake loops. Or don't know.

rare normal whistles sound so lonely... :<
00:50:489 (10,1) - make both of them more visiable. Especially (10)
01:24:672 (1) - new combo bug, add nc to this note
01:43:779 (1) - ctrl+j
02:05:165 (5,6) - stack of sliders, tshhhhh :S
02:07:970 (5,6) - ^
02:10:775 (5,6) - ^
02:24:798 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - nazi, but... too curve ><

00:15:781 (4) - add nc, like in similar pattern after this place
01:35:716 (1,2,3) - well, this patterns should fit more than now.
how to fix
for 1st :
For next :
^ till 01:41:325
02:31:635 (7,8,9) - huh, 1/4?
02:58:455 (1) - remap it, imo, doesn't fit

Tickrate 1 in Normal? Huh? set 2 like in other diffs.
end of 1st Kiai is unsnapped. Should be 01:13:102 instead of 01:13:103. 1ms but aaaaaaanyway
Stats were like in Hard. HP-1, OD-1. AR5 fine, cuz in Hard AR will be 6.
00:30:331 (5) - add whistles to the reverse, end
00:33:135 (6) - ^
00:35:940 (6) - ^
00:38:745 (4) - ^
etc etc (but imo, if 1st of two sliders would be 1/2 instead of 1/1... And no claps, only whistles on them... It will be more sexy, then whistles only)
01:04:864 (1,2) - spacing, but readable
01:24:497 - from here. whistles every high white tick sound bad. Better every two on low, like claps. like this 01:41:676 (2) -
01:56:751 (4) - add nc, huh?

fine for me

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most fixed. thanks Aleks :3
EDIT:fixed storyboard and some minor issues in all diffs
End of kiai should be snapped on 01:13:103 in all diffs. Well,to be honest, you have 01:13:103 in Normal diff, but in Normal diff timing section on 01:12:752 is useless. remove it.

Take a look on last lines for "SB\BG_Bright.jpg"
0.02000015 --> should be 0
0.03523553 --> should be 0

"SB\Layer_1.jpg". 2nd line :
0.44400... --> imo, 0 would be better. If 0, then your map will have a black screen in the start and the end.
Or use 0.4, then bg in the start will be just a bit darker, not absolutely black

00:50:139 (9) - horizontal looks not perfect before vertical
01:50:440 (3) - note? maybe 1/1 slider here? as here 01:56:050 (3) - . not "me" work here. but fits nice too
01:51:843 (3) - ^
01:55:349 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - long combo. previous - 2 short. choose one variant only
02:07:970 (5) - remove reverse, imo,fits better
02:13:579 (5) - ^
02:58:981 (6) - add whistle to the end, as in other diffs

01:12:401 (6) - remove whistle from the end
02:27:252 (2) - lol, 2 grids down

00:15:080 (2,5) - add 2 whistles
01:55:349 (1,2,3,4,5) - long combo instead two short again. suggest to recheck all
02:41:627 (2,3) - forgot to fix spacing in this copy pasta? ;3

never thought that i'll say that, but tickrate 2 sounds awful on this diff. Especially here 02:06:568 (1) - and next long sliders. Maybe tickrate 1?
02:04:113 (2) - few grids down?

~And yes, full submit after fixing *.osb~
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hope I didn't forget something.
Most fixed. Rest are intentionally
Some fixes via irc :
Kiai time,two nc in Normal were removed, were removed note and two inis breaks in Hard, one inis break in Insane. Maybe something else too, but who cares.

Edit : Bubbled~
Looks pretty good.

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booooo thanks :3
Gratz !!

Hitomi May
heeeey gratz! :3
. . .
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IceBeam wrote:

. . .
no more love D:
Thanks for the beatmap

luv it!!! :)
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