
Hi guys/gals!

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Hello, just wanted to introduce myself.

I go by DJ_NiveK, if you can't figure out my real name I feel kinda sorry for you lol.

I love rhythm games, I play ITG/DDR/GH/RB/DJMP/DJMT/IIDX all that great stuff. I bought Elite Beat agents a while back ago and loved it, it just kinda lacked in the song department which was the whole point of that game, I never thought of looking for a sim like SM is to DDR.

I was browsing on my new Galaxy S 2's android market and discovered this game, I was soooooo happy haha

I've been playing for about 2 weeks now and I got to admit I have found another rhythm game that I love and can't stop playing.

Maybe some of you guys can point me in the right direction for some awesome charts? I'm kinda a begginer so go easy on me.

my grammar skills do suck I know so please don't go hard on me
Hello, welcome to osu ~ :)
also your grammar is fine, don't worry about it ^^
welcome to osu i hope you have fun
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Welcome :)

Your grammar isn't bad, you just have to do some more punctuation.
Neh its not like everyone can be good at grammar thingies, then again, you are good in that. Uhh...oh yes-
Welcome to the *awesome* osu! game and enjoy your play! Feel free to add me to your friend list and chat with me, etc. :D
I could recommend you some songs, but that depents on what zype of songs you like.
Welcome :O. Your grammar is good! and I'm not a grammar nazi, as long as I can read it I'm ok

DJ_NiveK wrote:

Maybe some of you guys can point me in the right direction for some awesome charts?

DJ_NiveK wrote:

I'm kinda a begginer so go easy on me.

Ah dangit! search some fun themes in here, and try to play the maps, the best idea would to just play songs you like at first, that way you'll enjoy it the most.^^
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