
The 5 people you would love to meet

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Teta wrote:

Elly-chan wrote:

switching my list to the cool kids


oh u gais
Micaela Mousiki
1. (Insert name here)
2. (Insert name here)
3. (Insert name here)
4. (Insert name here)
5. (Insert name here)

Too lazy to think about it...That or I'm scared of everyone! *Hides below rock*
Bumping this /o/ and I made a top 5 instead of a top 32482402834823984.

1. Lesjuh
2. eddieee
3. poisonchan
4. Emaal
5. zozozofun

(Henkie/Awoken too, but fuuuu top 5)
In no order of importance...

- Hika
- Jirdex
- Copter-kun
- piercerofheavens
- erm... I'm missing someone important, aren't I?

Bobo wrote:

- erm... I'm missing someone important, aren't I?
You forgot TYO2
2. Cherrycurious
3. Cold Chester
4. danichan
5. poisonchan

Others: Wiinter, [ JJ-core ], Kaona, Canneh

Blue Dragon wrote:

Updating because HERP-A-DERP HURR DURR WURR stuff happens.

JAKACHAN because he's an awesome guy and he knows how to help.
Alice because she's such an incredible person to talk to, we can always discuss about intelligent stuff and kinda never get tired of it.
Kitsunemimi because he's the moest person ever. No doubt.
Hika because
fabriciorby because Você acha que é possível?
wtf it hasn't been a month and i'm updating again am I turning into an attention whore ):

hell is with those flags
it's called magic Ozzy
carl sagan(died of cancer in 96)
christopher hitchens(died of cancer this year)
Stephen Fry
Richard Dawkins
neil degrasse tyson
this guy
2.Athena , I want to hop on top of you IRL XD
3..Lolicore Flandre . Coolest guy I've met and the one that made me post my pic >.> I'm just gonna kill you .(jk :3)
4.zozozofun , Moe PERSON. I soo want to meet you :D
5.SEKAI , my strings :3


Sorry for the non-mentioned ,

These people are special to me D:

(Doesn't mean that the ones that I didn't mention are not ! )

Sterlin wrote:

(Doesn't mean that the ones that I didn't mention are not ! )
sure >:
1. Linco.
2. LillyWonka.
3. GladiOol.
4. f e a r.
5. CXu.

Ya, haven't changed much. :>

Fuck this, making a top 10

1. Linco.
2. LillyWonka.
3. GladiOol.
4. f e a r.
5. CXu.
6. Katsu-Nyan.
7. Teras.
8. Rukarioman (would love to meet you again dude).
9. PlasticSmoothie (you too girl.)
10. failboat.

Blue Dragon wrote:

Sterlin wrote:

(Doesn't mean that the ones that I didn't mention are not ! )
sure >:

Sterlin wrote:

2.Athena , I want to hop on top of you IRL XD
3..Lolicore Flandre . Coolest guy I've met and the one that made me post my pic >.> I'm just gonna kill you .(jk :3)
4.zozozofun , Moe PERSON. I soo want to meet you :D
5.SEKAI , my strings :3


Sorry for the non-mentioned ,

These people are special to me D:

(Doesn't mean that the ones that I didn't mention are not ! )
i see my name \:D/
but no i don't want people hopping on top of me XD i would die
1- Athena
1 - cesc (done)
2 - CardNForce (done)
3 - Firo
4 - Harry Orunitia
5 - Yumiko (done)
6 - narakucrimson, IceBeam, Luxary, Mok, Inamaru, Valde &the rest of the italian community
we should meet someday,Armin ;<
Oh well.

1- Kei
2- Lesjuh (I think he's a cool guy)
3- ikari_kyon
4- DotA Players
5- Super Meat Boy Players.

That's all.
Backfire c:
they didn't know me for sure, but I guess

Mafiamaster or Jalatiphra?
Alright, I have too many friends and I don't wanna offend anyone so I'll list my 5 favourite regions and call those people out:

USA (ztrot, dkun, Agnes, rest of vent crew)
South America (Krisom, narakucrimson, Gonzvlo, Kenezz, poisonchan, Wiinter)
Finland (Thelewa, LunaticMara)
UK (jericho2442, Doomsday, Diamondcrash, Randomjibberish, NotShinta)
Netherlands + Scandinavian (GladiOol, Ultimate, Emaal, PlasticSmoothie, Xgor)

1.- Krisom
2.- NotShinta
3.- RandomJibberish
4.- SapphireGhost
5.- KuraiPettan
6.- IceBeam
7.- Louis Cyphre
8.- Giorgos

Sorry for my long list
1- Pedolead
2- Pedolead
3- Pedolead
4- Pedolead
5- Pedolead

Rukarioman wrote:

Alright, I have too many friends and I don't wanna offend anyone so I'll list my 5 favourite regions and call those people out:

USA (ztrot, dkun, Agnes, rest of vent crew)
South America (Krisom, narakucrimson, Gonzvlo, Kenezz, poisonchan, Wiinter)
Finland (Thelewa, LunaticMara)
UK (jericho2442, Doomsday, Diamondcrash, Randomjibberish, NotShinta)
Netherlands + Scandinavian (GladiOol, Ultimate, Emaal, PlasticSmoothie, Xgor)

Broken heart of unbelievable proportions.

UnderminE wrote:

1- Athena
Aww I love you too Miney :3

Sterlin wrote:


Ohai there.

No more hurt feelings, you still have to make me a goddamn sammich.

Rukarioman wrote:

Alright, I have too many friends and I don't wanna offend anyone so I'll list my 5 favourite regions and call those people out:

USA (ztrot, dkun, Agnes, rest of vent crew)
South America (Krisom, narakucrimson, Gonzvlo, Kenezz, poisonchan, Wiinter)
Finland (Thelewa, LunaticMara)
UK (jericho2442, Doomsday, Diamondcrash, Randomjibberish, NotShinta)
Netherlands + Scandinavian (GladiOol, Ultimate, Emaal, PlasticSmoothie, Xgor)

ahuehuehue u go000o0o0o0o0oooo
<3 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

UnderminE wrote:

minEy~~ darn auto correct XD
1. Mikey
2. Emaal
3. Shael/ Scanlatione
4. Linco/ Draeno/ ShadowSoul/ few more people from #german
5. Rucker x:
I'd love to meet a lot of people.Enough said there..
I dunno why I feel like updating it again...
9 is better than 5! :D

Kaoru: I still remember the day you had that Cirno as your avatar, Y U CHANGE?! Playing with you is so much damn fun, one of the few that loves AR11 songs, you're a very good player, I think I got to your level somehow, but you'll probably surpass that in a day when you return here. We must somehow spread the love for your Hellish maps, and maybe I'll just try to make a Hellish Compilation, but I gotta find a good order first, because some maps are the difference between heaven and hell. ...Terraria, if I didn't suck so much at planning my shit, homework and stuff I'd already be playing it with you and FisHie, we'd flood maps together, troll around, fun stuff is fun. You're also the 1st 'mon on my team, Cirno the strongest! of course I would send out a level Cirno first to beat my opponents! Somehow you won't level up, but you're still powerful enough to beat level 100 'mons. (Level 9)
FisHie: BFF, Lots of fun chatting with you, drawing with you, playing with you, I'll try to get on MSN some more :P. I somehow managed to train you in multiplayer, I noticed that when you owned some 1k ranker in my room, potential #1 you are ヽ(✿ᴖ‿ᴖ)ノ. You taught me the meaning of coughing, please no. Also, Kawaii~ Michael Rosen. I wish I didn't suck so much at planning my homework, and not doing it until the last moment arrives (speaking of the same case right now), else we'd be playing Terraria right now, your pet fish with a table is very cute. You're also the 2nd mon in my team because overkilling people with a LSD Magikarp is no fun, you're too powerful, but handy for those wild pokemon battles. You're the overpowered hax of my team. (Level 255)
frankeyv3: Ah, my first friend on osu! thanks to you my noob days were fun, all that stuff in multiplayer we did, amusing, hilarious, I loved it \:D/. And even these days we're still having fun, Hina Kagiyama fan, good. 3rd 'mon on my team, you nicely put a curse (salt and pepper) on the opponent and then devour them! Great use for those annoying opponents with double team. (Level 33)
GensokyoAkuma: Not yet known as the anagram I made of your name, but lets just keep it like that. ;P Somehow you're the only person on Earth that knows 'me'... you know a bit too much... But that's no problem. You're a great player. 4th 'mon on my team! You're rare, your seduce and sweet kiss attacks helps to confuse strong opponents. (Level 40)
NeverDie: You're the one that taught me the fun stuff in playing osu!, I totally enjoyed osu! because of that, also gotta note that you're an extremely good streamer. Also a fun person to talk with, good sence of humor and a great mind. 5th 'mon on my team, sending you out when I wanna do some overkill on the opponents with Mega Punch. You're the muscle of the team. (Level 80)
yuuki: Fun person you are, always in for some fun, Patchouli Knowledge fan, excellent taste. You're the 6th 'mon on ma team, having a strong magician on my team is a MUST, you'll easily take down some fighters with your Psychic attacks. (Level 70)
knjiga: You're quite the epic guy, you also know a lot of fun stuff, always fun with you. I hope you'll never think the same about Nyan Cat again, or that you cannot unsee this. You are a rare catch, I've put you in my box. (Level 5)
doralili: The ways to describe you, I could write a book about it... I'll keep it simple, you're an extremely perverted person, but you have my maid outfit there, I want my maid outfit! Have mercy on your babies when you're older please. You're such a dangerous creature, I wouldn't know if I'm safe myself with you in my party, nor the other 'mon, but you have a nice cozy place in my box. ^^ (Level 69) ucwidt?
Soly: You're a great person to talk with, great ideas also, and the subjects are mainly interesting things, I enjoy our chats, sadly we live so inconveniently away from eachother that I gotta sleep when you get online. A very dangerous out of control 'mon you are, you don't always obey, and most of the time I suffer damage from it, hollows stay untamed, so I gave you your own box. (Level 100)
Topic Starter
lol Mon team

Rii wrote:

   doralili    : The ways to describe you, I could write a book about it... I'll keep it simple, you're an extremely perverted person, but you have my maid outfit there, I want my maid outfit! Have mercy on your babies when you're older please. You're such a dangerous creature, I wouldn't know if I'm safe myself with you in my party, nor the other 'mon, but you have a nice cozy place in my box. ^^ (Level 69) ucwidt?
Rii: an incomprehensible person that i couldn't live a day without saying hi...some1 that say im a PEVERT and a pedo without knowing that his the 1... "she" make me do stuff that I don't want.. but later I want cuz i get screw and get ignored for a life time... a super b friend that i could rape many times with out getting tired :3 ♥ love "him".. and hate her.. pffft fuck u RII
Love the maid outfit 8-)
not very many people i'd like to meet, seeing as i'm not much of a talker on here xD

_-B l i n k-_ The guy who got me hooked onto Osu! I would really love to see him one day :D Special blink is special.

Yaddahyaddahyaddah My Osu! buddy! Just wasting the day away in multi-player together is a hell a lotta fun :D Even if you do kick my ass on most occasions xD. Why don't you go back to using your tablet so i can continue my winning streak, eh? ;D
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