
kaeru x chiying - Trick and Treat [Osu|Taiko]

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wmfchris wrote:

這首你才做了3:12秒 還久的很阿lol 真心希望map完 ;w;
irc req

super moe song :D !

00:47:657 - +clap
01:03:213 (3,4,5,6) - NM放咁多1/2?
02:48:991-02:50:324 - 刪kiai 02:50:768 再放

00:14:213 - 換成circle 1/4slider減個來回
00:15:435 (1,2) - ...
00:22:991 (4,5,1) - 這裡喺1/6
00:37:213 (6,7,1) - ^
00:57:213 (1) - 跟鼓點放note啦...spinner帶過太直接
01:39:657 (8) - (grid lv4)往右一格


[Your girl]
00:38:102 (3,4) - 細聲D
00:39:213 (1,4,5,6) - ^
00:44:324 (8) - 1/6
01:09:213 (1) - ^

nice map
  • - 覺得現時的previewtime選的不太好只有我一個麼! 建議換成背景音樂較強的一段
    - E/N的音量低的快聽不見了, 即使我是帶著耳機

  • - 對於最簡單難度來說, 做的稍難
01:53:879 (1,2) - (2)刪, 用(1)的c&p再...你懂的
02:06:324 (1) - 刪new combo, 前面三段同樣的地方都沒有使用nc呢
02:01:879 (1,2) - 兩個slider弧度不一樣吧o_o
02:47:657 (2) - 刪whistle
03:12:102 (x) - 正常spinner要從這裡開始的吧, 難道是偷懶不想map前一段而已!

  • 00:20:546 (5,6) - 建議(5)換成1/2拍circle, (6)換成1/4拍slider
    00:21:213 (7) - 接上條可以換成3個1/4拍circle, new combo
    00:21:657 (1) - 接上條刪nc
    01:19:879 (4,1) - hard出現這種不坑人麼XD! (4)換成1/4拍circle吧
    01:21:657 (6) - combo稍長, 在這個位置new combo?
    01:25:213 (4) - ^
    02:43:435 (4,1) - 同01:19:879
    02:47:213 (1) - 結尾少了clap?
    03:11:435 (1,2,3,4) - 4個circle的間距弄平均

    [list:fa774]- HPD略高
    - 最好先討論了H/I的sv啊...兩個難度一樣slider速度不太好
    - tickrate 2方面, 請參考一下這帖: viewtopic.php?f=80&t=56812
    照理應該E/N用2, H用1較正確
00:35:324 (10) - 換成S音效比較不突兀
00:37:657 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - N-finish的位置音量調低10%左右
00:44:102 (7,8) - 背景音樂是應該(7)的位置開始stream?
00:51:102 (6,8) - 刪whistle
02:13:102 (10) - 同00:35:324
02:15:435 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 同00:37:657
02:21:879 (7,8) - 同00:44:102 (唔, 直接c&p翻轉了嗎
02:28:880 (6,8) - 同00:51:102
03:06:102 (6) - 結尾沒疊好在(1)的位置

快聖誕才來萬聖節的歌, 這肯定是個槽點! 我懂的
Topic Starter

Pokie wrote:

  • - 覺得現時的previewtime選的不太好只有我一個麼! 建議換成背景音樂較強的一段
    - E/N的音量低的快聽不見了, 即使我是帶著耳機

  • - 對於最簡單難度來說, 做的稍難
01:53:879 (1,2) - (2)刪, 用(1)的c&p再...你懂的
02:06:324 (1) - 刪new combo, 前面三段同樣的地方都沒有使用nc呢
02:01:879 (1,2) - 兩個slider弧度不一樣吧o_o
02:47:657 (2) - 刪whistle
03:12:102 (x) - 正常spinner要從這裡開始的吧, 難道是偷懶不想map前一段而已!

  • 00:20:546 (5,6) - 建議(5)換成1/2拍circle, (6)換成1/4拍slider
    00:21:213 (7) - 接上條可以換成3個1/4拍circle, new combo
    00:21:657 (1) - 接上條刪nc
    01:19:879 (4,1) - hard出現這種不坑人麼XD! (4)換成1/4拍circle吧
    01:21:657 (6) - combo稍長, 在這個位置new combo?
    01:25:213 (4) - ^
    02:43:435 (4,1) - 同01:19:879
    02:47:213 (1) - 結尾少了clap?
    03:11:435 (1,2,3,4) - 4個circle的間距弄平均

    [list:53e5c]- HPD略高
    - 最好先討論了H/I的sv啊...兩個難度一樣slider速度不太好
    - tickrate 2方面, 請參考一下這帖: viewtopic.php?f=80&t=56812
    照理應該E/N用2, H用1較正確
00:35:324 (10) - 換成S音效比較不突兀
00:37:657 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - N-finish的位置音量調低10%左右
00:44:102 (7,8) - 背景音樂是應該(7)的位置開始stream?
00:51:102 (6,8) - 刪whistle
02:13:102 (10) - 同00:35:324
02:15:435 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 同00:37:657
02:21:879 (7,8) - 同00:44:102 (唔, 直接c&p翻轉了嗎
02:28:880 (6,8) - 同00:51:102
03:06:102 (6) - 結尾沒疊好在(1)的位置

快聖誕才來萬聖節的歌, 這肯定是個槽點! 我懂的
basically all fixed >w<
Meh, you might need an Easy. Just saying.

00:12:102 (5) - Vertically center this?
00:31:213 (2) - Start this slider at 00:31:435?
01:50:324 (1,3) - Use Copy/Paste to make these the same?

03:10:102 (1,2) - Spacing here seems a little goofy. Make (1) and (2) closer?

No problems I can see here.

Nice map, sorry I took so long modding it, circumstances came up.
irc modded.

19:30 <KanaRin> : first kiai 落場得有點怪
19:30 <KanaRin> : 得
19:30 <KanaRin> : map其實冇乜問題
19:30 <wmfchris> : why
19:30 <KanaRin> : 唔知點解= =
19:30 <KanaRin> : 都未高潮
19:31 <KanaRin> : 落kiai做咩..
19:31 <wmfchris> : 睇下其他人有冇一樣opinion先decide
19:32 <KanaRin> : b02:28:546 (5,1) -
19:32 <KanaRin> : 呢part, 我新手果時miss更(?)
19:33 <KanaRin> :
19:33 <KanaRin> : do this (?)
19:33 <KanaRin> : normal*
19:34 <wmfchris> : k
19:34 <KanaRin> : 01:39:657 (1) - 唔好再疊了 新手讀唔到,放第2到 is better
19:34 <KanaRin> :
19:34 <KanaRin> : 三角型咁都ok
19:35 <wmfchris> : lol
19:35 <KanaRin> : ok 其他no problem..
19:35 <KanaRin> : 係咪tag少左d野= =
19:36 <KanaRin> : 冇左rin佢地
19:36 <KanaRin> : Kagamine Twins
19:36 <KanaRin> : 原唱麻
19:37 <wmfchris> : reference
19:37 <wmfchris> : rin is not tagged :<
19:37 <wmfchris> : 00:39:213 -
19:37 <wmfchris> : 又又係1/2slider+slider
19:37 <KanaRin> : 係呀
19:37 <KanaRin> : fix埋他
19:37 <KanaRin> : 液
19:37 <KanaRin> : 真係唔tag?
19:37 <KanaRin> : sosad
19:38 <wmfchris> : 上次佢叫我remove tag rin lor
19:38 <KanaRin> :
19:38 <KanaRin> : ruru都tag啦=.=
19:38 <KanaRin> : Tags: vocaloid hatsune miku doriko
19:38 <KanaRin> : 都係番唱
19:38 <KanaRin> : 不過唔tag你選擇(?p)
19:38 <wmfchris> : 一於 再有人叫先改 lol
19:39 <KanaRin> : 點解要od6, 233
19:39 <KanaRin> : 算
19:39 <KanaRin> : sharon diff no problem
19:40 <KanaRin> : 00:32:546 (6) -
19:40 <KanaRin> : hard diff
19:40 <KanaRin> : 呢個slider d 滑行voice好清楚= =
19:40 <KanaRin> : 點住個slider,去whistle
19:41 <wmfchris> : k
19:42 <KanaRin> : 01:53:213 (1) -
19:42 <KanaRin> : 唔洗new combo
19:43 <KanaRin> : 02:00:102 (1) - 呢個都係
19:43 <wmfchris> : k next
19:44 <KanaRin> : ok
19:44 <KanaRin> : 係咁多
全程DS雖然不會造成SPACING問題但是感覺降低了玩的樂趣 其實多下點跳也沒問題啦
00:13:435 (3,4,5) - 現在這樣排的不太好看 畢竟是HARD可以不用考慮DS的變化
00:16:991 (2,4,6) - 都可以whistle
00:24:102 (2,3,5) - ^同理
00:57:879 (2) - SLIDER变速的NC(這個我也不清楚
01:30:102 (5) - 目測好像有點歪
01:32:991 (6) - NC
02:29:435 (1) - 這個不建議疊著 弄跳也不錯
Hi~~ :)
These are all suggestions.

Noraml and Hard
I feel,hitsounds are very small.
I propose raising volume 10~15%.

(Not Yet) Official Ranking Submission Rules and Guidelines
Each mapset must have at least two osu!standard difficulties, one of which must be below a 3-star difficulty level.
Although there is an exception, most map follow this rule.
I consider that it is better to make Easy diff.

00:12:102 (5)      How about this?00:20:991 (3)      How about this?00:48:102 (1)      I want clap really to 00:48:546.How about change of a pattern? or,how about using custom tick sound?
02:24:102 (4)      ^
02:29:435 (1)      ^
02:16:991 (3)      remove whistle on slider rail?
03:00:991 (6)      change to clap

00:07:435 (3)      add clap
00:07:657 (5)      add clap
00:10:657 (x)      How about this?00:32:546 (6)      remove whistle on slider rail?
00:51:657 (x)      hitsounds are very small.There is too much sense of incongruity.
02:29:435 (x)      ^
03:00:991 (5)      change to clap
03:04:546 (8)      ^
03:08:991 (1)      change to clap on the slider's tail
03:09:435 (2)      change to finish
03:09:879 (3)      change to clap on the slider's tail

02:02:213 (5)      remove whistle on slider rail?

This map has a lot fun~
I wish your map is Ranked :)
All Sugesstions

The hitsound is small for Normal and Hard

Nothing to say~

00:22:102 - add note
00:36:324 (3) - You use a jump for this part, but not for the other parts with the same melody. I think you should use consistent jumps :D
00:56:102 (1) - Remove NC
00:56:768 (6) - NC
01:58:324 (3) - Rotate this note anti-clockwise so 01:57:435 (1,2,3,4,5) - flows better
02:06:991 - Add note
03:10:102 (1,2,3,4) - Use consistent spacing


Why not start at the same time with other diffs?
This map is good~ I don't like copy & paste :<

pretty solid mapset, not much stuff to point out
Topic Starter
can't fix atm, because puush is dead D:
as req.
不知道你前面的mod改了沒, 所以盡量不重複

  1. Taiko diff有unsnapped notes
  2. maybe you should tags 鏡音
  1. 這個diff感覺很多地方值得用一個 custom set 讓sliderpoint是S:whistle的音效, 維持你的2/4白線whistle
  2. 00:30:324 (1,2) - 我認為要不就兩個紅線上都有whistle (2改成一樣的1.5拍slider, 後面補圈) 要不都沒有
  3. 00:56:991 (3,4,5) - 難度允許的話我覺得改成四個圈加一個slider比較好 (背景連續鼓)
  4. 01:19:213 (1) - 這以Normal來說會不會太短..? 另可以加個S finish
  5. 01:46:768 (3) - 後面的NC放這裡
  6. 01:55:657 (2) - remove finish..的感覺
  7. 02:32:991 (1) - 這個後面漸加音量, 結尾5% 效果會很好 XD
  8. 02:44:546.. 這邊先用S whistle, 後面才用S clap
  1. 00:03:213 (4) - space out a bit (X:464 Y:88), ignore DS
  2. 00:32:546 (6) - remove slider body whistle?
  3. 00:49:879 (T) - 無用綠線
  4. 03:09:435 (3) - 聽起來有點像random misplaced clap
  1. really nice hitsound swapping between N/S set
  2. 以下無用綠線:
    1. 00:21:439
    2. 00:28:550
    3. 02:12:991
    4. 02:15:324
  3. 前半部的綠線都比 note 晚了幾ms, 聽說現在不會有bug了不過還是提一下
  4. 01:00:324 (1) - 我覺得這處跟著背景樂器map stream會比較有感覺, 尤其這裡用的又是S set, 2分48秒左右有一個同樣的不提
lim x/2x= ?
//hitsound based mod (suggestions)

I would suggest another preview time with a vocal part! (I know you like instrumental songs D: )
00:51:657 - why did you decrease the volume? :S I barely can hear the hitsounds :S
02:22:324 - ^

HP -1 or even -2! It's a bit too high :3
00:05:435 (1) - remove whistle from repeat?
00:05:435 (1) - add whistle on end instead?
00:17:879 (3) - whistle on start?
00:24:991 (2) - ^
00:59:657 (2) - clap on end?
01:04:102 (4) - remove clap from end
01:05:435 (6) - add clap on start?
01:12:324 (1) - remove NC?
01:51:657 (4) - add NC
01:53:213 (1) - remove NC
01:55:657 (2) - whistle instead of finish?
03:00:546 (4,5) - clap on 5 instead?
03:05:435 (2) - add clap?

00:47:213 (3) - clap on end?
00:53:879 (2) - add clap?
00:57:879 (3) - finish on end?
01:07:213 (6) - remove clap from end?
01:09:435 (1) - finish instead of clap on start?
01:25:879 (4) - Maybe you would use a 1/2 slider there! on the red tick I hear a nice cymbal sound in music!
01:27:213 - 01:39:657 - add claps! they fit that part imo
01:46:768 -02:22:324 - ^
02:57:657 (4) - remove clap from end?

I love small circles <3
00:25:435 (8,1) - kinda unexpected jump! maybe try something different?
00:50:991 (x) - maybe add a note?
Why did this part 01:20:102 - 01:27:213 is not mapped D: It's sooooo awesome to be played D:
02:28:768(x) - maybe add a note?
03:11:435 (7) - NC?

Lovely song! I looove those cymbals from the song!
Good luck with this :3 Starrrrrr
Hi wmfchris~
Mod4mod as promised in game PM. Sorry for being quite late >_<

-> Weird preview time imo >_< - well, it's ok as preview point, but move it backward manually a bit using notepad (79170 maybe?) because 79213 sounds too fast in-game (:
-> Err... Inconsistent Kiai Time orz, I'd prefer the one on Sharon's though

-> There are some parts where the inherit section needs to be moved 1/4 earlier to prevent players who clicked early got wrong sound (00:32:102 (7) - for example)
  • 00:16:102 (1) - You can use 50% volume from the red offset line though, no need for extra inherit section here. Not a major problem though :3
    00:37:657 (1) - Spacing issue, it's much closer to (7)'s end rather than to (1)
    00:43:435 (4) - If you can move this upward a bit, it would be nice >_< (because (3,4,5) is forming a straight line more than an arc)
    00:46:991 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - I think it's possible to experiment more with the whistle's rhythm here. (I ended up putting the whistles on (3), (6), and (9)'s start+end, but I think it's still possible to create a better rhythm)
    00:52:768 (5) - Move it one grid right and down to emphasize the arc?
    00:58:102 (2,2) - Whistles fits here imo, not really necessary though
    01:05:657 (1) - Perhaps try to delete this circle. imo, double circles here is more fun rather than triples (:
    01:29:879 (5,6) - For a better hexagon, move (5,6) one grid right, and adjust (7)
    02:21:213 (4) - Same as 00:43:435, but this time move it downward a bit
    02:24:768 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Same as 00:46:991
    02:35:880 (2,2) - Same as 00:58:102, perhaps try using whistles here
    02:50:546 (1) - Delete this note to form doubles?
    03:06:102 (6) - Not perfectly stacked to (1). Barely noticeable though
    03:11:213 (6,7,8,9,10) - Suggestion, you could try accelerated spacing here if you want to ^^
-> I personally think AR6 balances more (because your ARs will be 4/6/8 instead of 4/7/8). Besides, AR6 will make this map fun to play on HR :3
  • 00:06:546 (3) - Triples here doesn't follow the music imo. If you wanna create triples, I think create two 1/4 notes after (2) and a single note 1/2 after is better
    00:07:213 (1,2,3,4,5) - Use normal hitsound here? Fits the kicking bass imo :3
    00:11:213 (2) - Add whistle on slider's start?
    00:12:546 (1) - Add finish on slider's start? It's weird having a loud cymbal sound not being accompanied by finish hitsound o.o
    00:16:768 (x) - Add circle here with whistle? (alternatively you can extend (1) into a slider which ends here)
    00:23:879 (x) - Same as above
    00:41:213 (1,2,3,4) - Minor spacing issue here, (2) and (3) looks too close to each other and far away from (1) and (4) >_<
    00:56:102 (1,2,3,4,5) - Rather than linear stream (already used much in the map imo), you could try arrange them in a ">" form
    00:57:879 (3) - Slider wave here? Fits the vocal more imo xD
    01:03:213 (3,4,5) - Consecutively, move: (3) two grids up and one grid right, (4) two grids up and one grid right, (5) one grid right
    01:12:546 (2) - Make this encircle 01:10:546 (2)?
    01:28:991 (1,5) - Why are these two so close >_<
    01:32:546 (5,10) - You could try to add a slight curve on these two, so they don't touch (1)
    01:54:546 (x) - Same as 00:16:768
    02:01:657 (x) - Same as 00:16:768
    02:30:324 (3,4,5) - Not perfectly stacked (barely noticeable though)
    02:35:657 (4) - Long 2/1 slider... This is a potential spot for a slider art imo (although slider wave is more than enough for me already xD)
    03:05:213 (2,3) - Move them both one grid down and right to form a better square
    03:09:435 (3) - Not in a same x-axis with (1). Again, this is barely noticeable though.
  • 00:10:768 (4) - Move it few grids down and left, so (1,2,3,4) will form a better trapezoid (and maybe you can curve this more too if you do so!)
    00:31:213 (2) - Move the whistle to (3)?
    00:44:102 (5,6,1) - Looks ugly in play mode. Repeating slider plays much better imo
    00:50:768 (4) - Finish on slider's end?
    01:02:768 (2,3) - Minor spacing issue, these two are somewhat spaced too apart (just compare with the spacing from (1,2) though)
    01:05:435 (6) - This slider's curve looks forced imo, to build up more flow I suggest to create something like this: (beware of getting it out of the play area though)
    01:10:324 (2,3) - Move these two few grids right, so the followpoint will move diagonally (thus looks better than straight vertical imo) ?
    01:35:435 (4,5,6) - Combine these three into a repeating slider? (it will be more beginner-friendly imo)
    01:55:657 (2) - The finish hitsound here sounds out of place I think, but maybe that's just for me >_<
    02:09:879 (3,4) - Add whistle on (3) and (4)'s end?
    02:29:435 (1) - Move a bit upward (and curve it more) so it doesn't touch 02:28:546 (5) ?
    02:58:324 (2) - Make the midpoint in the slider's center >_<
    03:04:546 (4) - Not in the center, is it intentional?
    03:05:880 (3,5) - Curve these two a bit? (3) upward, and (5) downward
That's it from me. Sharon's diff is amazing, as usual :3
Good luck wmfchris~
Topic Starter
OMG why and notes all gone away D:
anyway fixed>w< !
mod by request

00:52:991 - It's nice how you use the claps, but it dosen't sound so good when in such a case a clap is not hearable. What do you think about using Storyboard Sound Samples for slider-points? For example:
//Storyboard Sound Samples
00:58:324(5) - finish?
02:59:657(3,4)- What do you thing about to use just a slider? It feels a bit confusing in this way, I think.
03:08:991(1) - This spinner dosen't fit here well. Better to put it to 12:102

Seams fine to me.

Couldn't find aynthing.

00:11:768(x) - k
00:31:213(154) - delete? Sounds so wrong because the voice is louder then the whistle from the music.
00:47:324(x) - k?
02:24:768 - ddkkd sounds good. But maybe you didn't use it because you have want to have an high effect at 26:768?
02:36:546(break) - nothing agains it. But maybe you can try to map with the voice? Would be 3 hitcircles I think.
02:43:324(x) - k?

Well, that's all I could find. Hope it helps you.
Good luck with your project~
from my queue

tags in Sharon's is not the same with other diffs , make sure tags are all the same in all diffs
soft-slidertick.mp3 is 0 KB.. I'm not sure it is rankble or not , I suggest to use the 44KB's .wav file as most maps used

OD-1 , this is too high for a Normal imo
00:08:102 (4) - this is hard to know when it end for newbies , cuz it has too many repeats. so someone don't know how long it must be hold and when to release it , may miss combo here. I suggest change to a 1/1 repeat sldier
00:40:102 (3) - change to a repeat sldier and add finish at 00:40:324 - ? sound better
00:50:768 (4) - here is confusing ,too. deal to vocal , I think it shuold end at 00:51:213 - , and add note at 00:51:657 - , or someont may release it too early..
01:19:213 (1) - this is too short.. it is too suddenly to plzy , I think change to a sldier instead is better , and add finish at the sldier end

AR+1/2 plz , now it is toooooooo low for this diff..
00:07:880 (1,1) - this is too far , with the distance , many people may think the slider start at 00:09:435 - and miss here
00:22:991 (5,6,1) - with the low AR and the confusing newcombo , some one may think here need to click 4 times.. cuz the music is 1/6 beats here
00:37:213 (6,7,1) - ^
01:04:102 (1,2,3) - I think circles first and slider later is better rhyme..
01:25:213 - change whistle to finish? I feel here is kinda quiet
01:32:102 (1,2,3,4) - this is too hard for Hard diff imo.. I suggest to change this to a 1/4 repeat slider
01:32:991 (6,7,8,9) - ^
02:00:768 (5,6,1) - same as 00:22:991 (5,6,1) -
02:30:324 (3,4,5) - same as 01:04:102 (1,2,3) -
03:03:213 (1,2,3,4,5) - uh.. change to 2 circles and 1 slider ? or it is kinda too hard to play

rename to Sharon's Insane plz.. or no one can know it is harder than Hard diff or easier..
OD -1 ? it is kinda too high
00:24:768 (6,7,8,1) - this is too hard to read imo , after 1/1 stack here is suddenly a 1/2 jump.. not to stack 6 and 7 is better
00:32:102 (7,8,1) - ^
00:35:098 - unsnapped timing section
00:38:102 - 00:40:324 - this part's finishs are mess.. they didn't follow the music
00:44:324 (8) - this rhyme is wrong , here is 1/6 beats , not 1/8
00:44:550 - unsnapped timing section
00:47:102 (4) - remove this note , music here is empty..
00:51:102 (6) - why you put it here ? it follow drum but it is very confusing to play.. move it to 00:50:991 - to follow vocal plz..
01:09:213 (1) - same as 00:44:324 (8) -
02:02:768 (7,8,1) - if you fix the same pattern I said before , then I think here is fine , cuz player already know the rhyme before
02:15:879 - 02:18:102 - finish sound mess..
02:22:102 (8) - same
02:24:879 (4) - ^
02:28:880 (6) - ^
02:32:435 - add note? follow vocal better imo
02:54:102 (1) - same
03:11:435 (1,2,3,4) - spacing a bit bigger ? vocal is loud here 0.0

AImod : 8 unsnapped circles , you must fix them

good map
Topic Starter
wcx19911123: maybe you're modding my old ver? Most of them is fixed before :3 ~
Topic Starter
changes made:

tag: yes
hitsound: it's ok when at least one from slidertick and endpoint of slider sounds.

Fix most stuffs in Normal, Hard;

The diff name is perfectly fine, just like you know that's insane when there's [Alazy], lol.
The pattern seems fine for me and the hitsound pattern nice as well. Preserving her idea and I would think twice when more people talk about it.
T_T 求給kds...
minor stuff, this isn't really a full mod, so no kd unless I come back and do a full mod.

00:14:546 (7) - this should be 1/6 snap
00:20:546 (5) - I don't hear a beat on the blue tick here
00:21:213 (7) - you've been very consistent with new combos on the long white tick. It's a shame to mess that up.
00:32:546 (6) - ^ etc...
03:10:102 (1,2,3) - at first I thought "nazi in a wmfchris map?". Then I saw the slider speed section and figured it out, lol.
overall the map was very soft. I could barely hear the notes. Normal usually needs this sort of volume, but soft is already pretty soft. You shouldn't have to go under 60% I think.
Topic Starter
1/6 snap: yes
00:20 : just a rhythm flow. I would change it if more modder did mention this.
NC problem: I don't agree because my usual practice "if slider occupies the downbeat the NC is deferred to the next note". If you need to set a new combo 3 beats eariler that doesn't make sense.

Sounding: hell yeah, the overall sounding is quite soft so just make it to 90% there.
Hi there~~mod for request~

<nazi>有SB的话建议把Letterbox During Breaks关掉。。。

建议audio lead-in 0.5s
00:08:102 (4) - 这个折返点是不是少了个whistle?
00:09:102 - 这里开始打击音效非常不明显……建议还是调高10%左右吧
00:20:991 (2) - 建议去掉头部的whistle
00:28:102 (2) - 建议去掉whistle
00:56:768 - 这里感觉少个音。。建议加个note吧,或者和后面2个note合并也做成折返?
02:00:102 (4) - 这个应该和前面(2)一样的折返次数会比较舒服一点吧?
02:59:657 (3) - 感觉有点怪,建议延伸到后面白线并且去掉(4)会好一点?
03:08:102 (7) - 这个感觉也有点怪。。。听的时候觉得slider应该从前面红线开始并且停到03:08:324 - 会更合适

同样建议lead-in 0.5s
00:10:324 (4) - 从这里开始后面的几个折返都有点别扭……个人建议是把这里改成note,然后后面的3个折返都向前提到红线,最后00:11:435 (3) - 延长到原来的结束位
01:05:213 (1) - - 建议把这里改成slider到01:05:435 (2) - ,然后01:05:657 - 留一个空拍,后面白线note起下一句~

00:24:991 (7) - 感觉应该放在后面红线……
00:32:324 (7) - 同上
00:51:102 (6,7) - 果然反复听这里还是应该下三连好一些吧,建议前面红线加note~
00:58:213 - 这里感觉可以加个note放三连吧?
01:01:324 (2) - 感觉这个可以删掉吧?这个串总是听着有一点点奇怪
02:02:768 (7) - 依然是建议移动到后面红线……
02:10:102 (6) - 同上…………
02:28:880 (6,7) - 诶这里发生什么事情了……还是建议下三连会好点吧?
02:35:768 - 这里听着少了个note的样子?

Thank you for mod request~


  • Fine.
  1. 00:07:213 (T) - Remove green line.
  2. 00:08:991 (T) - ^ also set the volume 50% at first red line.
  3. 00:56:102 (1,2,3,4,5) - Move (2,3,4,5) down by 1 grid to make them symmetry.
  4. 03:10:102 (1,2,3,4) -'s better to put them with uniform spacing imo.
  5. 03:11:435 (1,2,3,4) - How about putting them as parallelogram?
  1. 01:34:324 (1) - Since this note is too far from previous note, it's hard to read it as stream...if you can, I recommend you to change it but I guess you like this pattern so that depends on you.
  2. 01:35:657 (2) - ^
  3. 02:10:102 (6) - Add new combo because of changing spacing.
  4. 02:10:546 (1) - ^ if you fix above, remove new combo.
  5. 02:24:768 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - I feel the stream should start from (5), so remove (4)?
  6. 02:57:880 (1) to 03:00:102 (5) - Adding more whistles makes good sound imo. Refer to the next pattern (since 03:04:991).

  • Speaking of materials which are placed at y:240, I recommend you to place them at y:256, especially "lace1.png".
    Because you often put notes at the center, in that case, a note is not placed at the center of material.
    For example:
    That looks kinda weird, so imo it's better to change.
Sweet song<3
There is no major issue. Good luck! :)
Topic Starter
all fixed except

01:34:324 (1) - Since this note is too far from previous note, it's hard to read it as stream...if you can, I recommend you to change it but I guess you like this pattern so that depends on you.
01:35:657 (2) - ^

since I belive the NC has shown the spacing change while I can't fix that -w-

SB: wait sherrie__fay's fixing :3
As per your request:

  1. Timing: I have checked the timing, and I found the offset is 1868.Consider it?If you change that, don't forget to adjust the SB element and your green line.
  2. Other stuff are fine.
  1. Issue/unrankable stuff
    (Something bad in gameplay or unrankable staff,you should take a look on it.)
    1. 00:31:213 (2) - (bad gameplay) I have seen a spacing problem here, the spacing seems bad and it may make some confused to newbie,how about fix this?
  2. Beatmap design/suggestion
    (These are totally suggestion only,you can ignore them if you disagree.)
    1. 00:32:102 (3) - Please stack this properly, it is not x0.00 spacing with previous note.
    2. 02:06:102 (5,6) - Would you unstack it because it is a bit ugly during the gameplay,yea,about the stack in gameplay after a slider.
    3. 02:32:991 (x) - This place shouldn't be a spinner in my opinion,because the vocal and drum sound is still going, I assum a spinner should be use in some prolong of vocal or musical instrument.So maybe map this part instead of a spinner?
    4. 02:54:324 (1,2,3) - Would you make a symmetry of these slider?I think it will be much better.
    5. 03:08:991 (x) - Same as 02:32:991
  3. Hitsound
    (These are totally my thought only,it base on my taste,feel free to ignore them)
    1. 01:56:991 (3) - Add a whistle here?It might sounds better.
    2. 01:58:324 (2) - How about add a finish sound at the end of the slider becuae of the strong accent point?
  1. Beatmap design/suggestion
    (These are totally suggestion only,you can ignore them if you disagree.)
    1. 00:30:991 (2,3,4,5,6) - I will give a design suggestion here, probably you can make a symmetry here,I mean put 00:31:879 (4,5) - on the y-axis and then let 00:32:546 (6) - symmetry with (2.3)-.Remember to adjust the spacing after changed.
    2. 01:28:768 (x) - I would add a note(or make a triplet) here because I can hear the sounds which it is very special in the music.
    3. 02:24:102 (1,2,3,4,5) - kioukiou's style o.o
    4. 02:35:657 (4) - Probably make this slider to x0.8 speed since you do it previous?
  2. Hitsound
    (These are totally my thought only,it base on my taste,feel free to ignore them)
    1. 01:10:546 (2) - Add a whistle here?
    2. 01:10:768 (3) - Add a whistle at the end of the slider?
    3. 02:18:879 (x) - I don't know why you want to use a normal hitsound here but the music of this place is calm. I was quite sudden when I heard that.
  1. Difficulty setting
    (I suggest the difficulty setting for better gameplay.)
    1. wow HP and DO were 8...I highly recommend move down a tick either HP or OD.
  2. Beatmap design/suggestion
    (These are totally suggestion only,you can ignore them if you disagree.)
    1. 01:37:213 (2,3,4) - As a Insane diff,I think you can make a jump on these notes, and it can make more fun to this map.
    2. 02:32:213 (x) - Hum,add a note gere to follow the music?Just stack it on (4)- is okay.
  3. Hitsound
    (These are totally my thought only,it base on my taste,feel free to ignore them)
    1. 00:44:324 (8) - Probably add a whistle on this slider?It may sounds much better during gameplay
  1. Pattern/suggestion
    (These are totally suggestion only,you can ignore them if you disagree.)
    1. SV 1.5 sounds better
    2. No Taiko BG?
    3. 00:19:213 (98,99) - I prefer a kat on (98)- and remove the kat on (99)-
    4. 01:32:213 (497) - How about change this to kat?
    5. 01:44:991 (584) - ^Same.
That's it.
Topic Starter
lol all fixed with BG added; SB fix
  • M4M >w<

    General :

    1. 沒東西~

    Easy :

  • 00:19:213 (4) - NC
  • 00:20:102 (1) - 去NC
  • 00:21:879 (4) - NC
  • 01:33:879 (3) - NC 這段太長了 lol
  • 02:20:991 (3) - NC
  • 02:36:546 做到這結束吧...
  • 03:06:768 (5) - 間距
Hard :

00:41:102 ~ 00:44:546 用原本的吧 太吵了 >_<02:35:657 (4) - 不好看... 尤其是最後紅點的轉彎處


01:12:546 (2) - NC02:57:435 (2) - NC

紅色:是我覺得unrankable的 藍色:建議 但個人認為要改的 黑色:就單純建議

神mapper沒話說 加油!!~
good luck :3
Topic Starter
01:33:879 (3) - NC 這段太長了 lol
02:36:546 做到這結束吧...
00:41:102 ~ 00:44:546 用原本的吧 太吵了 >_<

提醒句。。你spam star还是spam不过这张的。。
anyway, mod4 mod, if you accept, plz pm me

general: spacing 吐槽吗。。不了,有一点不大整齐吧。要不然可能跳大一点,视觉上比较好看,比较好玩?

00:19:657 (1,2,3,4) - 排列不大整齐。也不大美,尤其是最后第四个slider突然换了角度的。。说。。。
00:21:435 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 其实可以一个slider&一个note为一个单位,改变spacing,由大变小。。

01:28:768 (1) - 跳远一点吧,虽然hit burst不会遮到,但感觉就是不干净
01:30:546 (8) - 直接stack在下一个slider上面,不必调整spacing?

容我说一句 第二个break过后是不是全单抄啊。。。
02:20:546 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 试试看一点pattern吧?好像旋转中的五角星、四边形 或不重叠旋转三角形?
02:34:768 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - 这里都在歌曲后面了,建议难一点的,像你的combo color 一样,两个为一组,一组过后大跳
02:58:991 (7) - 尾巴没有stack好。。虽然player看不到我还是讲了


00:26:324 (6) - 可以让他跟note3对称些
01:04:102 (1) - stack在下一个slider
01:21:657 (6) - head finish
01:25:213 (1) - finish...虽然不是taiko但是我还是建议跟音乐
02:24:102 (1) - 弄美一点吧
02:25:435 (5) - ^
02:35:657 (4) - 建议从white tick开始用毛毛虫slider?现在有一点难看
02:43:435 (4) - 用两个note吧?
02:51:880 (1) - stack在之前的note 1 上?
03:06:991 (2) - 尾巴的角度调整一下,让他看起来跟slider 4 有比较平均的距离


plz reply
Cyril Scarlet
from your queue :) i'll try to m4m after L_P
BY M4m >:

02:38:324 : Quite strange for this. Suddenly become big... I think it can be Scale from small to big, or big to small. At 02:37:879 to 02:38:324 Or from 02:38:324 to 02:38:768 respectively.
I made a simple for you ~
  • Sprite,Foreground,Centre,"SB\lace1.png",320,240
-- Sound --
03:03:213 (1,2,3,4,5) - Just notice that the patten are quite noise. Can you change it to W>N>W>N>W for the sound effect?
03:10:324 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^

-- Other(S) --
01:59:879 (2,5,1) - Put it on the middle of the map is butty then here right?
02:29:435 (X) - This timing section can be 60% at all. It is the 副歌 right? just make it more 激昂 一點 lol

-- Other(S) --
01:12:991 (X) - 50% plz

UNLIKE : ~~~~~~~
Topic Starter

L_P wrote:

提醒句。。你spam star还是spam不过这张的。。
anyway, mod4 mod, if you accept, plz pm me

你女朋友的diff吗 YES
general: spacing 吐槽吗。。不了,有一点不大整齐吧。要不然可能跳大一点,视觉上比较好看,比较好玩?

00:19:657 (1,2,3,4) - 排列不大整齐。也不大美,尤其是最后第四个slider突然换了角度的。。说。。。
00:21:435 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 其实可以一个slider&一个note为一个单位,改变spacing,由大变小。。

01:28:768 (1) - 跳远一点吧,虽然hit burst不会遮到,但感觉就是不干净
01:30:546 (8) - 直接stack在下一个slider上面,不必调整spacing?

容我说一句 第二个break过后是不是全单抄啊。。。
02:20:546 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 试试看一点pattern吧?好像旋转中的五角星、四边形 或不重叠旋转三角形?
02:34:768 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - 这里都在歌曲后面了,建议难一点的,像你的combo color 一样,两个为一组,一组过后大跳
02:58:991 (7) - 尾巴没有stack好。。虽然player看不到我还是讲了

沒辦法 只能叫妃下次不要這樣抄好了, 我還是相信她map法 desu

00:26:324 (6) - 可以让他跟note3对称些 對穩不了吧 lol
01:04:102 (1) - stack在下一个slider
01:21:657 (6) - head finish fixed
01:25:213 (1) - finish...虽然不是taiko但是我还是建议跟音乐 ok
02:24:102 (1) - 弄美一点吧 沒看過QQ姐的圖嗎 lol
02:25:435 (5) - ^
02:35:657 (4) - 建议从white tick开始用毛毛虫slider?现在有一点难看 大家都說難看 orz
02:43:435 (4) - 用两个note吧? fixed
02:51:880 (1) - stack在之前的note 1 上?
03:06:991 (2) - 尾巴的角度调整一下,让他看起来跟slider 4 有比较平均的距离 fixed


plz reply
P.S. 我要spam star的話誰能比我多啊 lol


KingsAL2 wrote:

BY M4m >:

02:38:324 : Quite strange for this. Suddenly become big... I think it can be Scale from small to big, or big to small. At 02:37:879 to 02:38:324 Or from 02:38:324 to 02:38:768 respectively.
I made a simple for you ~
  • Sprite,Foreground,Centre,"SB\lace1.png",320,240
The overall SB is in a sudden style to fit the song and original MV so I don't tend to fix this one.

-- Sound --
03:03:213 (1,2,3,4,5) - Just notice that the patten are quite noise. Can you change it to W>N>W>N>W for the sound effect?
03:10:324 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^


-- Other(S) --
01:59:879 (2,5,1) - Put it on the middle of the map is butty then here right?
02:29:435 (X) - This timing section can be 60% at all. It is the 副歌 right? just make it more 激昂 一點 lol

-- Other(S) --
01:12:991 (X) - 50% plz

UNLIKE : ~~~~~~~
nothing changed but thanks
Cyril Scarlet
sorry for my bad english and this mod is just suggestion ~
and sorry about taiko diff. i don't know how to mod taiko xd


● this song came from Nico Nico Douga , hmm, I think Nico Nico Douga is currect Source and move Vocaloid to Tag
  becuz this is 歌ってみた series right ? original of this song is Vocaloid ? ( try to ask other for confirm plz) XD
  and I saw all of 歌ってみた Series was used Nico Nico Douga


I'm try to mod this diff but it's fine for me


I saw a lot of note in this map used Finish sounds with Whistle but i can't hear whistle lol
how about to use only finish sounds ?

00:56:768 (1) - you wanna try to change this slider to Single note ? 00:56:768 - 00:56:991

01:58:991 (5) - move this to 01:58:768 and move 01:58:768 (4) - to 01:58:991 is better for me
02:00:991 (1) - remove new combo ?
02:01:879 (2) - add new combo ?

you wana try spinner at the end part ? 03:12:324 ~ 03:15:657 (1) -


00:38:991 (6) - how about to add note here ?
Ithis move this slider from 00:44:324 (8) to 00:44:102 and move 00:44:102 (7) - to 0:44:324 is better.

00:51:102 (7) - maybe try to delete this note ? using stream at this point is not match with the song for me
02:28:880 (7) - same opinion with ↑

you wanna try to add spinner here ? 02:36:546 ~ 02:38:324
Topic Starter
About artist:

I know her in reality and I confirmed this with her.

I'll check the rest of it tomorrow, thanks >W<

wmfchris wrote:

P.S. 我要spam star的話誰能比我多啊 lol
我earn了113 kudos, 99个给了好map跟新mapper啊!!
S h i o n
:) Hi.

From your queue , M4M request ~

  1. 00:46:102 (5) - Make it into 1/6 and add one time's repeat at the same time ? Maybe to be consistent with 00:44:324 (8).
  2. 00:51:435 (9) - Move on 00:49:879 (1), maybe have a better flow.
  3. 02:22:102 (8) - 1/6 fits most imo.
  4. 03:07:657 (1) - I'd suggest you to put this far, like (316,252). Just in case it will be misread as it were on 03:07:546
  1. 00:20:102 (1) - Make the shape look better ~?
  2. 00:36:102 (1) - Just let it not touch 00:35:657 (4)
  3. 02:13:879 (4) - You can find a better place rather than stacking it , maybe near (60,80) ~?
  4. 02:23:657 (3,4) - Make 3 in center of 4 perfectly ? Try this :
  5. 03:08:991 (1) - This spinner appears very weirdly... Remove it ? Or let it start on 03:10:324 sounds better imo.
  1. 00:35:213 (4,5,6) - This plays really awkward to me... don't know why
  2. 00:36:324 (3) - Kinda big jump
  3. 01:26:991 (7) - Give a whistle ?
  4. 01:36:991 (2) - New combo here , but not 01:36:546 (1) ?
  5. 01:57:213 (7) - Maybe add one note here for the accelerating rhythem ?
Trick and treat ?
Topic Starter
[Normal] fixed:
02:23:657 (3,4) - Make 3 in center of 4 perfectly ? Try this :
03:08:991 (1) - This spinner appears very weirdly... Remove it ? Or let it start on 03:10:324 sounds better imo.
about 1/6: it completely follow the music.
Crazy Jay

02:10:102 (1) - dis(全程就这里不一样感觉不是特别好D:
【所有在正中间的圈试着向下一个tiny grid?这样好像对应在sb的图案更中心一些】
Topic Starter
ok fixed combo colour and SB
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