
3oh!3 - Don't Dance

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Monday, May 04, 2009 at 3:48:58 PM

Artist: 3oh!3
Title: Don't Dance
BPM: 160
Filesize: 4162kb
Play Time: 03:05
Difficulties Available:
  1. Dance (4.42 stars, 302 notes)
  2. EEeee's Don't Dance (4.98 stars, 457 notes)
  3. Move (3.87 stars, 139 notes)
Download: 3oh!3 - Don't Dance
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Don't Dance is track 6 on 3oh!3's self-titled album.

Part of Rolled's 3oh!3 beatpack project

EDIT7: Storyboard
EDIT6: Mafiamaster fixes
EDIT5: fixed offset confusion
EDIT4: 3/11/2009 - Made An64fan's changes
EDIT3: 3/3/2009 - Fixed timing section sound stuff to be consistent across difficulties.. fixed a don't dance slider
EDIT2: EEeee - Thanks for help :]
EDIT: Gladi - Made your fixes and adjusted that last timing point so the double time slider would be correct.
Chaos Anime X
Pretty good so far ;D
Offset 10665


00:15:35 (x) - Extra note (?)
00:15:54 (1) - Wrong spacing, put it further away.
00:16:66 (5) - Increase lenght by either 1/4 or 1/2. (1/4 for vocals, 1/2 for music rhytm)
00:22:29 (11) - Increase lenght by 1/4 because he also sings a note on the white tick.
00:25:66 (5) - Put one grid level down.
00:29:97 (4) - Put one grid level to the left.
00:31:66 (3) - Put one grid level down.
00:41:04 (7) - Move one grid level to the right.
00:47:79 (4) - This part, is very nice :D
02:20:04 (7) - Move one grid level to the right.
02:54:54 (x) - Also if you change offset, make sure this one is also changed correctly, otherwise you'll get this slider as a normal speed slider, not a double speed slider.

Very nice map, like all 3oh!3's Hope it'll get ranked soon! :)
great job so far, can wait for more difficulties :D
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Gladi star for you!

Don't Dance

Increase Drainrate & Overall by atleast 1 and mabye even 2 (?)
00:20:60 (9) - Doesn't really look nice :o
02:53:79 (1) - Make it start 1/2 earliër, because now it's a really fast spinner.


Make the sound changing effects also take place here (?) (If possible and also only if it sounds right, otherwise keep it outta there! xD)
Like at Don't Dance


Also add sound chaning effects here like @ Don't Dance (If possible and also only if it sounds right, otherwise keep it outta there! xD)
Please increase some drain rate/ overall, also atleast by one :D (like @ don't dance)
01:36:35 (1) - Move on grid level to the right.
01:51:25 - If you don't map further, delete the break please XD
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fixing those problems and uploading shortly! Thanks Gladi!

I'll be adding the different sound sections to the other difficulties.. *I meant to already* lol

well i tested all the modes and they where fine

great job

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Made those changes and rechecked spacing on all difficulties
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changes made, the offset sounds a little funky to me, but maybe just me
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Download: Renard - Take Me To Space And Back (SniperSAR) [Mebinsane!].osu
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it's pretty early in my opinion ... idk

but Hard remmy? there is no hard in the current version... redownload ?

Skyripper wrote:

changes made, the offset sounds a little funky to me, but maybe just me
That's because you only updated the offsets on [EEeee's Don't Dance]. You left the other two difficulties outdated. >:(
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no I updated all of them... they just didn't upload??

EDIT: And now I see the problem
EEeee's has the correct offset... (IMO).. Dance and Move have Seibei's suggested offset change (but he must have been looking at EEeee's offset and not mine when he suggested the offset change in the first place.)

so it's all fixed now :S
E times 5's Don't Dance~
00:18:55 (1) - Move this up a little so 9 stacks right on top of it.
00:47:42 (7) - Same with this. And also redo break after this beat.
01:02:05 (7) - Move 1 tick to the right using Grid Level 3.
01:08:05 (7) - ^ to the left this time.
01:11:80 (17) - Redo break after this beat.
01:23:61 (5) - Move a tick down.
01:32:05 (2 and 4) - Stack these endpoints on top of 1 and 3.
01:38:23 (9,10) - Move a tick to the left.
Third break that ends early so Redo all breaks.
01:56:23 (9,10,11) - Move all a tick to the right.

Don't Dance~
00:57:36 (2) - Intentional?
02:50:23 (3) - Redo break after this beat.

00:57:36 (2) - Move it a tick up.
00:58:67 (1) - Redo break after spinner.
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Mafiamaster wrote:

E times 5's Don't Dance~
00:18:55 (1) - Move this up a little so 9 stacks right on top of it. - Gawd I hate these, fixed
00:47:42 (7) - Same with this. And also redo break after this beat.- fixed
01:02:05 (7) - Move 1 tick to the right using Grid Level 3. - didn't fixed, wth hell are u talking about?
01:08:05 (7) - ^ to the left this time. - well I think I see, but hell idk, looks like a jumpish figure, fixed also ^
01:11:80 (17) - Redo break after this beat. - ^_^
01:23:61 (5) - Move a tick down. - huh? :P
01:32:05 (2 and 4) - Stack these endpoints on top of 1 and 3. - got it captain
01:38:23 (9,10) - Move a tick to the left. - Hell naw this stays
Third break that ends early so Redo all breaks. - *facepalm*
01:56:23 (9,10,11) - Move all a tick to the right. - no looks snapped to me
Also I fixed these
02:15:92 (2) - aligned with with 1s endpoint
02:21:92 (2) - ^
fixed my chorus also, for awesome jumps, I think?

Download: 3oh!3 - Don't Dance (Skyripper) [EEeee's Don't Dance].osu

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EEeee's Don't Dance
02:27:17 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14) - I'm about to make this way better cause right now it's not that intuitive, but it is bland. Ok, try to follow me here. So we'll have 5 stacks going to the left. First one on the right will be the first stack and the one on the far left is the last. Ok, so first stack is 1, 2, 3. 2nd is just 4. 3rd is 5, 6, 7. 4th is 8. Last is 9, then start alternating the notes between this stack and the 4th until you reach the red slider. Boom. Now if you had a volume effect here to make the notes gradually get louder throughout the combo...epic. I dare you to say this isn't an improvement! But if EEeee doesn't think so, then whatever...

Skyripper wrote:

no I updated all of them... they just didn't upload??

EDIT: And now I see the problem
EEeee's has the correct offset... (IMO).. Dance and Move have Seibei's suggested offset change (but he must have been looking at EEeee's offset and not mine when he suggested the offset change in the first place.)

so it's all fixed now :S
I was looking at Dance.
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well I need to know how much the offset should be adjusted now? they all have the same offset again
well yeah does look way less bland,,,, anyways,,,,, THis is the latest version,,,, just delete all the pictures after U take a look
might keep it due to awesomeness

Edit: HERE

Download: 3oh!3 - Don't Dance (Skyripper) [EEeee's Don't Dance].osu
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sounds good.. the pictures are super stupid LOL...

but amusing
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Download: 3oh!3 - Don't Dance (Skyripper) [EEeee's Don't Dance].osu
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EEeee's kiai time is pretty...just...get rid of it or find a place that actually makes sense. Skipper's placement in Dance wasn't bad and it was a rather small portion, so that's ok, but EEeee's just kinda sucked. As a side note, eee is bad at kiai placement, too. Must be genetic. o-o

The rest is totally cool though. Pretty much just how I remember it. Fix the kiai and I can bubble.
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Now mod 2 Hookers! >:[ Oh, I didn't get any new emails saying you did. Huh.
No Issues. I personally am not a whistle spam kinda guy.

No Issues.

EEeee's Don't Dance
00:17:80 (8) - move this to the left slightly for spacing.
00:18:17 (9,1) - Same here by 1 lvl3 grid to stay in spacing with ^.
02:53:61 (1) - under 2k guidelines, Get a BAT or two to be fine with it being under 2k.

here have a star.
Mogs post tiem.

-00:12:92 (4) - New Combo mark.
*-00:14:42 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark. (* in case you only want these to be that want and not follow the previously established continuity)
*-00:15:17 (1) - ^
*-00:19:67 (1,1) - ^
-00:41:80 (1) - ^
-01:31:30 (1) - ^
-01:33:36 (2) - New Combo mark goes here.
-01:37:30 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
-01:50:80 (1) - Remove the Whistle from the endpoint, replace it with a Finish.

-00:14:80 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
-00:32:98 (1) - ^ and remove the Clap.
*-Combos like 02:04:67 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I feel like every 1, 3, and 5 should have a New Combo mark.
-02:26:42 (4) - Finish goes here.

EEeee's Don't Dance:
No real complaints.

Not popping your bubble; rather, I'll rank when you change this.
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Changes made, thanks for modding mogs :3
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