
ROOKiEZ is PUNK'D - In My World (TV Size)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Sunday, June 09, 2013 at 8:58:04 PM

Artist: ROOKiEZ is PUNK'D
Title: In My World (TV Size)
Source: Ao no Exorcist
Tags: Opening Theme Rin Okumura Yukio Blue Exorcist Yasora-chan Niva Nivalis
BPM: 190
Filesize: 8216kb
Play Time: 01:27
Difficulties Available:
  1. In Maya's World (2.92 stars, 81 notes)
  2. In My World (5 stars, 249 notes)
  3. In Niva's World (4.99 stars, 197 notes)
  4. In Yasora's World (4.06 stars, 106 notes)
Download: ROOKiEZ is PUNK'D - In My World (TV Size)
Download: ROOKiEZ is PUNK'D - In My World (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
In Maya's World - easy by me (done)
In Yasora's World - normal by Yasora-chan (100% done)
In Niva's World - hard by Niva (100% done)
In My World - insane by me (done~)
don't offer a taiko diff, thanks ^^

Maya-kira wrote:


1st Timeline
BPM: 198,000
Offset: 608

2nd Timeline
BPM: 198,000
Offset: 3184

3rd Timeline
BPM: 190,000
Offset: 15305

If you can get the why of the 1st timeline, just ignore it
Topic Starter

ikari_kyon wrote:

Maya-kira wrote:


1st Timeline
BPM: 198,000
Offset: 608

2nd Timeline
BPM: 198,000
Offset: 3184

3rd Timeline
BPM: 190,000
Offset: 15305

If you can get the why of the 1st timeline, just ignore it
thank you very much for helping xD
kudosu-ed <3
yo mayachii, sudah kubilang kiai time itu harus di white tick :3
Kiai should start on a white tick (or more commonly, the big white tick called the downbeat) of a measure. Generally, the main part of the chorus will start at this point.
dan ini timing dari aku :

nb: tapi aku ga terlalu yakin orz.. menurutku sih udah pas kok.. palingan kalo kurang pas ntar ada yg mod :3

Download: ROOKiEZ is PUNK'D - In My World (TV Size) (Maya-kira) [timing].osu
My diff~

No jumps, no spacing changes, but it turned out beautiful imo :3
Enjoy THE DETONATOR In Niva's World (:

Download: In Niva's World.rar
Topic Starter

Yasora-chan wrote:

yo mayachii, sudah kubilang kiai time itu harus di white tick :3
Kiai should start on a white tick (or more commonly, the big white tick called the downbeat) of a measure. Generally, the main part of the chorus will start at this point.
dan ini timing dari aku :

nb: tapi aku ga terlalu yakin orz.. menurutku sih udah pas kok.. palingan kalo kurang pas ntar ada yg mod :3
oke. kalau rule bilang emang harus mulai di downbeat, maya uda coba di 1st kiai ><;; tapi untuk second kiai kayaknya ngak mungkin.
Btw, ini timing yang lebih pas ><;;


itu yang maya pake di insane nya ><;;
silahkan hapus kode volumenya, tapi intinya itu yang maya pake ><;;
tolong ikutin ya :3

btw thanks for star and diff niva :3
sorry if I fixed some of your timing xD
Star for you >w<
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ah >w<
thank you niisan~
Sorry I'm late orz =w="a

don't kick me ok~? >:'D

and yeah, the priview point is not set? if not, set it ok~?

Download: ROOKiEZ is PUNK'D - In My World (TV Size) (Maya-kira) [In Yasora's World].osu
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t-thank you for the star spam kurai niisan ;//_//;
kurai-nyan oAo;; lol lolololol xD
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you guys actually made me flattered ;///; (i only shoot 1 star for my own map *hides in the corner*)
go go pending this map~~~~
OMG, AWESOME <3 <3 <3

Edit: Why you didn't put Opening in tags..but you put ending there? XD

PsychoSkill wrote:

OMG, AWESOME <3 <3 <3

Edit: Why you didn't put Opening in tags..but you put ending there? XD
orz you right lol xD mayachii, fix it please~
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ekh?! I put ending? o.o

edit: fixed >w<7
omg, i have to star it XDDD
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thank you!~ >w< <3
As requested


- I notice most mats/bats don't really it when the difficulties names don't show whether it's a Easy/Normal/Hard Insane so considering renaming the diff to In my ___ Easy World, In ____ Normal World, In ___ Hard World etc. Also since it may be a little weird to say "my easy world" or "my hard world", you could try some other world like in ___ calm/relaxing world, in ____ tough/difficult world etc.
- In Yasora's World doesn't have letterbox during break, turn it on to be consistent with other diffs.


- Considering the bpm and how close the slider velocity is to Normal, would be much better to remap to 0.8x/0.9x velocity. Slider velocity is really fast.
- Not so sure about clap on red ticks, it make this sound really offbeat considering the drums on the background are on the white ticks.

00:09:850 (5) - This looks weird and the spacing isn't good. If you want to do something like this for the pattern, I recommend a short slider starting at 00:09:699 and ending it here so that the rhythm is more consistent and easier to follow.
00:14:093 (4,1) - Doesn't feel really nice to hit (1) due to spacing even through it is snapped to the correct spacing. I would suggest removing a repeat and adding a hit circle at 00:15:002. Rhythm is consistent, but no note on the down beat. I think it's fine without a note on the downbeat through.

Nothing really to say, just feel you should leave atleast 1 white tick between each note considering the bpm and the notes on the red ticks sound really offbeat to me, but I think this is because of the clap hitsound on them.


- Please do +1 ar, the bpm is this high and the feel song is quite fast so why such a low ar for Normal. I think even ar 5 would fit here.

00:05:911 (2) - This repeating slider feel really weird to me, feel better to me if you do a hit circle then a slider (starts on 00:06:214 and ends at 00:06:517), but it feel more like you should map on the red ticks here.
00:15:002 (2) - Sound betters if you remove a repeat and end it at same place. This make it less oblivious that the end of this slider isn't really following anything.
00:18:147 (1) - Rotate 90 degree anti clock wise, just to make it nicer to notice the 2 extra repeats on this slider. Without knowing the song, I release it too early.
01:13:410 (2,3) - Making this a slider lead nicer to the spinner and plays nicer since some people may get confuse since the vocal may trip you off (since it's on the previous red tick)
01:19:094 (2) - Making this a slider that end at 01:19:410 fits better with the vocal for me and makes the next notes a little nicer to play. You did a slider at 01:23:831 for this rhythm so for consistency as well.
01:25:094 (3,4) - Slider for them. (3) is follow a quiet hi-hat/crymbal sound compare to the vocal on the previous red tick and the kick drum on the next. Since the notes on the red ticks are more prominent, you'll get confused if you listen to the song so a slider make this nicer to play.
01:27:620 (4,5) - ^ Same thing here, short slider ending on the red tick may be better. This is consistent with Niva's diff.

Except for that one part at the beginning that felt really offbeat and the low ar, pretty nice diff.


00:05:456 (7) - Feel like a jump should be on here.
00:48:462 (5) - Don't like the placement of this since the slider track of (3) sort of camouflage it. Nicer if you put it up.
01:01:726 (3) - Hm, feel nicer if you stack this with the end of slider (2) so that there is a jump. Fits better with the song flow for me.

Looks good.


- I really feel ar 8 fits better with how you map this. The calmer part of this song doesn't really fit with ar 9 and for some of the jumps, being able to see the notes before they come make them nicer to read.
- I also feel slider velocity is too fast for a high bpm song. 1.8x would fit better imo.

00:23:199 (3,1,2) - Weird jumps to me, keep spacing consistent seem like a better idea.
00:29:515 (7,8,9,10) - Feel weird to play these notes after the big jumps from previous combo. I would suggest to use higher distant snapping for them.
00:46:094 (x) - Don't really agree with not putting notes here, plays better with a note here to me and consistent with previous pattern.
01:20:831 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - First time I look at it, I thought there would about 1/2 break between each combo, I suggest lower spacing between each combo to make it more oblivious that you have to hit them asap. Idea is good and fitting with the song through.

Definitely think slider velocity is too high, makes this play weird for me.

Pretty solid mapset, just feel Easy and Insane has too high slider velocity and Normal, some parts feel offbeat.

No star since you have so many already, good luck!
Only fixed 00:48:462 (5) because this is my promise to Maya, to create a Hard diff without jumps/spacing changes/drain sections/etc >_<

Leaving the diff name to Maya though, if she wanna change it. Thanks for mod ~

Download: ROOKiEZ is PUNK'D - In My World (TV Size) (Maya-kira) [In Niva's World].osu
Topic Starter

merchat7 wrote:


- I notice most mats/bats don't really it when the difficulties names don't show whether it's a Easy/Normal/Hard Insane so considering renaming the diff to In my ___ Easy World, In ____ Normal World, In ___ Hard World etc. Also since it may be a little weird to say "my easy world" or "my hard world", you could try some other world like in ___ calm/relaxing world, in ____ tough/difficult world etc. that would make the title too long :D beside, I already give descriptions in the creator comment and their star ratings doesn't mix with each other, so I think its fine.
- In Yasora's World doesn't have letterbox during break, turn it on to be consistent with other diffs. fixed


- Considering the bpm and how close the slider velocity is to Normal, would be much better to remap to 0.8x/0.9x velocity. Slider velocity is really fast. I prefer the current sv ><
- Not so sure about clap on red ticks, it make this sound really offbeat considering the drums on the background are on the white ticks. fixed

00:09:850 (5) - This looks weird and the spacing isn't good. If you want to do something like this for the pattern, I recommend a short slider starting at 00:09:699 and ending it here so that the rhythm is more consistent and easier to follow. fixed
00:14:093 (4,1) - Doesn't feel really nice to hit (1) due to spacing even through it is snapped to the correct spacing. I would suggest removing a repeat and adding a hit circle at 00:15:002. Rhythm is consistent, but no note on the down beat. I think it's fine without a note on the downbeat through. sorry, your suggestion is good, but I prefer my way .-.

Nothing really to say, just feel you should leave atleast 1 white tick between each note considering the bpm and the notes on the red ticks sound really offbeat to me, but I think this is because of the clap hitsound on them.


- I really feel ar 8 fits better with how you map this. The calmer part of this song doesn't really fit with ar 9 and for some of the jumps, being able to see the notes before they come make them nicer to read. ar 9 fits perfectly with most parts and I think it make this map a little more fun >< sorry~
- I also feel slider velocity is too fast for a high bpm song. 1.8x would fit better imo. I prefer the current sv ><, 1.8 would make this not so much different from hard.

00:23:199 (3,1,2) - Weird jumps to me, keep spacing consistent seem like a better idea. it flows better with this pattern :D
00:29:515 (7,8,9,10) - Feel weird to play these notes after the big jumps from previous combo. I would suggest to use higher distant snapping for them.I'll change if someone mention this again :D
00:46:094 (x) - Don't really agree with not putting notes here, plays better with a note here to me and consistent with previous pattern. I'll change if someone mention this again :D
01:20:831 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - First time I look at it, I thought there would about 1/2 break between each combo, I suggest lower spacing between each combo to make it more oblivious that you have to hit them asap. Idea is good and fitting with the song through. this is one reason why I use ar 9 orz

Definitely think slider velocity is too high, makes this play weird for me. orz

No star since you have so many already, good luck!
thank you for mod :D


Niva wrote:

this is my promise to Maya, to create a Hard diff without jumps/spacing changes/drain sections/etc >_<
you don't promise anything like that D:
hi~ Maya-kira :)

Thank you for the request :oops:

here my mod ~

  1. KIAI TIME - change KIAI TIME ? 00:35:357~00:55:568 , 01:05:673~01:15:778 in all diff. I think is better :3
[In Maya's World]
  1. 00:03:032 (3) - match it with a curve. more beautiful x344,y320 and with 00:03:790 (4) - x428,y136 ?
  2. 00:10:153 (1) - spacing too close (0.57x) x104,y312 ?
  3. 00:14:093 (4) - end does not match a sound >< remove repeat. and add slider 00:15:002~00:15:153 is better ?
  4. 00:32:989 (3) - one grid right. x160,y168
  5. 00:37:726 (1,2) - Suggestion of the rhythm
  6. 00:56:199 (2) - add NC ?
  7. 00:56:673 (3,1,2,3) - Suggestion of the rhythm
  8. 01:00:147 (3) - spacing too far. (0.88x)
  9. 01:04:094 (3) - one grid down. x16,y260
  10. 01:05:041 (1,2) - one tick right move. I think this slider start 01:05:199 is better. ( Please be careful about DS if I change it )
  11. 01:11:831 - add note ?
  12. 01:13:726 (4) - remove finish
  13. 01:18:462 (1) - start 01:18:305 is better. Suggestion of the rhythm
  14. 01:27:305 (3) - slider end 01:27:778
[In Yasora's World]
  • Distance snap is not constant :( if this diff is Normal plz use the DS constant >:(
  1. 00:00:759 (1,2,3,4) - I think does not match rhythm ><; start 00:00:608 is better. try ?
  2. 00:05:002 (1) - remove clap
  3. 00:08:032 (1) - grid move. x244,y196
  4. 00:15:002 (2) - remove one repeat. because end 00:15:153 is better.
  5. 00:22:883 (1) - slider end 00:23:199
  6. 00:50:357 (1,2,3,4) - vocal follow suggestion
  7. 00:54:462 (1) - start 00:54:305 end 00:54:936 ( repeat part 00:54:620 )
  8. 00:55:568 (3) - add NC
  9. 01:00:620 (1,2) - two tick right move. (start 01:00:620)
  10. 01:12:778 (5) - add NC and 01:13:094 - remove NC
  11. 01:25:094 (3,4) - remove. and add slider 01:25:094~01:25:252
  12. 01:27:620 (4,5) - remove. and add slider 01:27:620~01:27:778
[In Niva's World]
  1. 00:19:726 (6) - remove whistle ?
  2. 00:34:252 (1) - spinner start 00:34:094
  3. 00:44:673 (7) - add NC and 00:45:147 - remove NC and 00:45:462 - add NC
  4. 01:27:305 (6) - add NC and 01:27:462 - remove NC
[In My World]
  1. 00:10:229 (1) - remove NC and 00:10:456 - add NC
  2. 00:15:002 (5) - slider end 00:15:153
  3. 00:23:989 (4,5) - grid move ? 4:x128,y260 5:x48,y260
  4. 00:28:726 (3) - add NC
  5. 00:29:041 (5) - ^
  6. 00:29:515 (7) - ^
  7. 00:29:989 (10) - Suggestion of the rhythm
  8. 00:38:357 (5) - slider end 00:38:515 or 00:38:673
  9. 00:41:120 - add note
  10. 00:41:199 - ^
  11. 00:42:699 (2) - remove note ?
  12. 00:46:173 (3) - spacing too close ><
  13. 00:53:831 (8) - add NC
  14. 00:55:252 (1) - remove NC and 00:55:568 - add NC
  15. 00:56:752 (8) - this slider start 00:56:831. end 00:57:462. (repeat part 00:57:147) and add note here
  16. 00:57:462 (10) - remove note
  17. 01:05:041 (1) - remove NC and 01:05:199 - add NC
  18. 01:18:620 (1,2,3,4) - two tick right move. start 01:18:778
  19. 01:27:778 (1) - spinner end 01:28:726 ?
That' all ~

sorry, long mod :o

ok~ good map and Star☆ again :D

kosiga wrote:

  1. KIAI TIME - change KIAI TIME ? 00:35:357~00:55:568 , 01:05:673~01:15:778 in all diff. I think is better :3
To Maya-kira : I checked this once more, and there should be a timing section on 00:35:357 and 01:18:482 to reset the metronome's beat. Moved kiai here though

[In Niva's World]
  1. 00:19:726 (6) - remove whistle ? That whistle is intentional >_<
  2. 00:34:252 (1) - spinner start 00:34:094 Done
  3. 00:44:673 (7) - add NC and 00:45:147 - remove NC and 00:45:462 - add NC Done
  4. 01:27:305 (6) - add NC and 01:27:462 - remove NC I prefer my current comboing atm. Will change if someone else mentions though
Thanks kosiga :3

Maya : yes I do promise to you to create a non-jump diff >_<

Download: ROOKiEZ is PUNK'D - In My World (TV Size) (Maya-kira) [In Niva's World].osu
Make someone control the timing... i kinda tried...Will tell if I find a more precise timing...

[In Maya's World]
00:03:790 (4,5) - Would be easier if you continued following the guitar with those, as you started following drums in the middle of a combo(it could be confusive for noobs) move at 00:03:638 (4,5)
00:11:365 (2) - Adjust the shape a little
00:14:093 (4) - One less repeat
00:15:153 (x) - to add a circle here
00:38:989 (2) - Make it a 1/1 Slider and add one repeat
00:44:673 (1) - Adjust Blanket
Adjust the various blankets after too, and there are many many many
01:20:989 (3,4,5) - Adjust?

Adjusted blankets
Download: ROOKiEZ is PUNK'D - In My World (TV Size) (Maya-kira) [In Maya's World].osu

[In Yasora's World]
Use Custom hitsounds too?
Why using 2 Distance Snaps? ( i can say 00:15:002 (2,1) - work good as a normal jump, but others?)
00:00:759 (1,2,3,4) - Soft Hitsounds here?
00:05:002 (1,1) - why two NCs?
00:05:305 (1,2,3,4) - fix the pattern?
00:08:335 (2,3,4) - Make the pattern like this?
- no graphic mod as you should however make the distance snaps more consistent
You can use this pattern to follow voice in some parts better

in 00:16:568 (3,4) -

00:18:147 (1) - You can divide it in 2 sliders like

00:51:305 (2,3) - Move it in 00:51:147 (2,3) -
00:54:462 (1) - Move it in 00:54:305 (1) and make it 1/4 longer ( 1/2 totally )

[In Niva's World]
I, i--- can't find anything ç.ç
That's good!

[In My World]
00:46:094 (x) - Add a Note, Midly stopped stream aren't good .-.
00:53:831 (8,9,x,10,11,x) - Make it a 3-3 stream (add 00:53:989 and 00:54:305 (13) -
00:54:462 (1,2,3,4,5) - Try to move them like this?
and make the volume lower, as it's fastidious ...
01:27:778 (1) - Make it start in 01:27:936 (1) to
01:27:778 (x) - Add this circle in the center

The song was good :3
Please read my siggy~


• Make the first Kiai start on 00:35:357 and it should end on 00:55:568. It matches the music better that way.

[In Maya's World]

• 00:03:790 (4,5) - I would move these to notes over a 1/2 tick earlier so it would match the music a lot better
• 00:10:153 (1) - If I were you, I would move this note over to 00:10:305 and shorten the slider so that it ends on 00:10:759. Doing this would follow the music better and it would enhance the game play. It should look like this in the end:

• 00:22:568 (3) - I would flip this note so that is is moving downwards. This would make the note flow better into the next note, thus enhancing the game play.
• 00:28:410 (1,2) - I find this change over to red ticks has a very awkward feel to it. I would so something like this:
• 00:44:673 (1,2) - I like these slider~ Just thought I'd let you know :3

[In Yasora's World]

• 00:00:759 (1,2,3,4) - Move all these notes one white tick earlier.
• 00:18:147 (1) - I don't really like this kick slider. It tripped me up and it feels like lazy mapping. I would do something like this:
• 00:54:462 (1) - I would move this note over so it starts on 00:54:305 and then expand it so it ends on 00:54:936. It matches the lyrics that way (Because that IS what you are doing.)
• 01:09:305 (2) - Part of this note seems to be going off screen. Fix that:
• 01:14:041 (1) - I would make this spinner end on 01:15:778. Seeing as that's where the vocals end

[In My World]
♦ O_O That SV...
♦ I would turn down the AR to 7 or 8 to compensate for the insanely high SV.
♦ This diff seems a little too hectic for my taste. Some of the 1/4 notes feel a little forced when they don't fit in, just to add "fake difficulty"
• 00:10:229 (1) - I would delete this note here. It doesn't seem to fit in.
• 00:45:936 (1,2,3,4) - I don't anyone would get this on their first try. I would do something like this.

• This map could a little more modding before it's good to go. Though, this map does show the effort you put into it and the I admit that this song would be a tad hard to map. Good job~


I'll tell you what map I want you to mod some other time.

merchat7 wrote:


- In Yasora's World doesn't have letterbox during break, turn it on to be consistent with other diffs. fixed


- Please do +1 ar, the bpm is this high and the feel song is quite fast so why such a low ar for Normal. I think even ar 5 would fit here. ok

00:05:911 (2) - This repeating slider feel really weird to me, feel better to me if you do a hit circle then a slider (starts on 00:06:214 and ends at 00:06:517), but it feel more like you should map on the red ticks here. fixed
00:15:002 (2) - Sound betters if you remove a repeat and end it at same place. This make it less oblivious that the end of this slider isn't really following anything. fixed
00:18:147 (1) - Rotate 90 degree anti clock wise, just to make it nicer to notice the 2 extra repeats on this slider. Without knowing the song, I release it too early. eemm.. ok
01:13:410 (2,3) - Making this a slider lead nicer to the spinner and plays nicer since some people may get confuse since the vocal may trip you off (since it's on the previous red tick) I don't understand this mod = =;; sorry
01:19:094 (2) - Making this a slider that end at 01:19:410 fits better with the vocal for me and makes the next notes a little nicer to play. You did a slider at 01:23:831 for this rhythm so for consistency as well. eem.. no
01:25:094 (3,4) - Slider for them. (3) is follow a quiet hi-hat/crymbal sound compare to the vocal on the previous red tick and the kick drum on the next. Since the notes on the red ticks are more prominent, you'll get confused if you listen to the song so a slider make this nicer to play. no
01:27:620 (4,5) - ^ Same thing here, short slider ending on the red tick may be better. This is consistent with Niva's diff. no

Except for that one part at the beginning that felt really offbeat and the low ar, pretty nice diff.
Thanks for mod~

kosiga wrote:

[In Yasora's World]
Distance snap is not constant if this diff is Normal plz use the DS constant really? I just change the spacing if the notes is new combo :/
00:00:759 (1,2,3,4) - I think does not match rhythm ><; start 00:00:608 is better. try ? fixed
00:05:002 (1) - remove clap no D: because in there are avaible drum sound
00:08:032 (1) - grid move. x244,y196 lol fixed
00:15:002 (2) - remove one repeat. because end 00:15:153 is better. already do that :>
00:22:883 (1) - slider end 00:23:199 no that already follow the vocal
00:50:357 (1,2,3,4) - vocal follow suggestion ok, and I add circle too :>
00:54:462 (1) - start 00:54:305 end 00:54:936 ( repeat part 00:54:620 ) no
00:55:568 (3) - add NC no
01:00:620 (1,2) - two tick right move. (start 01:00:620) uuh.. no ._.;;
01:12:778 (5) - add NC and 01:13:094 - remove NC okay..
01:25:094 (3,4) - remove. and add slider 01:25:094~01:25:252 ok
01:27:620 (4,5) - remove. and add slider 01:27:620~01:27:778 ok
Thanks for mod~

HakuNoKaemi wrote:

[In Yasora's World]
Use Custom hitsounds too? no, I'm too lazy do that :p #kicked
Why using 2 Distance Snaps? ( i can say 00:15:002 (2,1) - work good as a normal jump, but others?) uhh.. I add some different spacing if combo is change
00:00:759 (1,2,3,4) - Soft Hitsounds here? no
00:05:002 (1,1) - why two NCs? because different rhythm and......different spacing right? :p
00:05:305 (1,2,3,4) - fix the pattern? no..what must I fix it? D':

00:08:335 (2,3,4) - Make the pattern like this? no..

- no graphic mod as you should however make the distance snaps more consistent
You can use this pattern to follow voice in some parts better

in 00:16:568 (3,4) - it's too hard for beginner I think

00:18:147 (1) - You can divide it in 2 sliders like no. same reason with before

00:51:305 (2,3) - Move it in 00:51:147 (2,3) -
00:54:462 (1) - Move it in 00:54:305 (1) and make it 1/4 longer ( 1/2 totally )
Thanks for mod~

Kiddo-kun wrote:

[In Yasora's World]

00:00:759 (1,2,3,4) - Move all these notes one white tick earlier. already do that :>
00:18:147 (1) - I don't really like this kick slider. It tripped me up and it feels like lazy mapping. I would do something like this: tehehehehe :P fixed
00:54:462 (1) - I would move this note over so it starts on 00:54:305 and then expand it so it ends on 00:54:936. It matches the lyrics that way (Because that IS what you are doing.) I swear I don't understand this sorry T_T
01:09:305 (2) - Part of this note seems to be going off screen. Fix that: okay T3T
01:14:041 (1) - I would make this spinner end on 01:15:778. Seeing as that's where the vocals end but, I don't do that :p
Thanks for mod~

Download: ROOKiEZ is PUNK'D - In My World (TV Size) (Maya-kira) [In Yasora's World].osu

Yasora-chan wrote:

Kiddo-kun wrote:

[In Yasora's World]
00:54:462 (1) - I would move this note over so it starts on 00:54:305 and then expand it so it ends on 00:54:936. It matches the lyrics that way (Because that IS what you are doing.) I swear I don't understand this sorry T_T
Things were cleared up IRC :)
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