
[resolved] [Solution] Initialization Error - osu! won't start

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i think i have 3.0 version... the installer started but osu and updater no more! (before last update they were ok)

what is this?

I get an initialization error on Osu!.exe after installing even though I have .NET Framework already (Vista has 2&3 built in and I installed 1.1 separately) there's no way to repair the framework if it's not working so unless the error is being caused by something else is there no way I can play this?
The "Initialization Error" doesn't exist anymore. You have some kind of error, so please post details with the specifics (as much info as you can find).
Well after some research I know for a fact I have a broken unfixable(well without reformatting) .net 2.0 just so you know.
other than that this is the error message:
(thumbnail, click please)
I have also had a similar since forever. I have never been able to play osu! on this computer because of this.
Thats why iw as checking around this forum now. Anyone know what could be the cause of these things?
Mine looks like the one above except it says:
Application has generated an exception that could not be handled.
Process ID=0x384 (900) Thread ID=0x13f8 (5112)

Click OK to terminate..
Click CANCEL to debug.
mine is having the same problem and its making me very sad.
Well after reformatting my PC after a few problems the game worked... ONCE, it crashed when I clicked exit, then it wouldn't open, giving me the same error again... it makes NO SENSE!
Sounds like you probably have a virus infecting your pc?
mine is doing this too :( i've installed it heaps of times in diffrent places and updated .NET and stuff :(
i hope this will get fixed >:
I hope you will read.
" the application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorect. reinstalling the application may fix this problem "

i always see that message when i open my osu...

i do reinstalling many times but it doesn't work...

what is the problem at osu then...

better fix this problem...

somethings really bad happening here...

i hope u fix my problem at osu...

Tried reinstalling your .NET Framework?
Reinstall windows? It sounds like you installed it wrong or got a virus that ownd it bad.
that's what I have been thinking I should do
[deleted user]
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this is the error that i'm getting.

I get the same problem. Sadfaec.
My computer is shot to hell though, and reinstalling stuff doesn't work.

geogzm wrote:

I get the same problem. Sadfaec.
My computer is shot to hell though, and reinstalling stuff doesn't work.

oh hi george!

RaptorRed wrote:

geogzm wrote:

I get the same problem. Sadfaec.
My computer is shot to hell though, and reinstalling stuff doesn't work.

oh hi george!
sup :P
If someone could fix this problem somehow, I'd pay them :oops:
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The problem is at your end. Something is either horribly wrong with your Windows installation, or you messed up your .NET Framework installation.
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DoomTrooper wrote:

I found a solution for the Initilization Error. Well, I think I have. I tried running Osu! for the first few times, got the "Failed to initilize (Sp?) error" the first few times, then Restarted my OS ( I Use vista, and most of the complaints seem to come from Vista users.) I've had similar problems before so I uninstalled osu! then reinstalled in a different directory (For example, instead of C:/Program Files/Osu!)Try to do something like C:/ Program Files/ Osu!! or replace Osu! with pancakes or something you'll remember. It seems to work for me, so give it a shot if all else fails.

I hope this helps you guys.
Hi... Thanks but no solution my problem... :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
I have both framwork 2, and 3(somehow lol). I also installed fdshow. Nothing, still doesn't work.

DoomTrooper wrote:

I found a solution for the Initilization Error. Well, I think I have. I tried running Osu! for the first few times, got the "Failed to initilize (Sp?) error" the first few times, then Restarted my OS ( I Use vista, and most of the complaints seem to come from Vista users.) I've had similar problems before so I uninstalled osu! then reinstalled in a different directory (For example, instead of C:/Program Files/Osu!)Try to do something like C:/ Program Files/ Osu!! or replace Osu! with pancakes or something you'll remember. It seems to work for me, so give it a shot if all else fails.

I hope this helps you guys.
I tried doing that and It worked the first time but then next time I got the error again >:
nothing solution?
My dad reloaded the OS and now osu! is working for me. >:

EDIT: Aww. It got the error again. >':
I'm not getting any error, the little hourglass beside the mouse cursor appears for a few seconds, then disappears.
I tried re-installing with the install that doesn't require .net frameworks 2.0 and it's still not working.
Can someone help me out? I REALLY WANNA PLAY OSU!
i have a big problem
when i click on OSU
to open it
it do nothing
anithing at all
no window no message of error.... NOTHING
what it can be?
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i reinstalling and re-downloading many times.. but it still the same
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
nope.. just downloaded it..
but it's the same..

I get this error when I open my osu!.

System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.GraphicsAdapter' threw an exception. ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.GraphicsAdapter.InitializeAdapterList()

at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.GraphicsAdapter..cctor()

--- End of inner exception stack trace ---

at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.GraphicsAdapter.get_Adapters()

at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GraphicsDeviceManager.CheckForAvailableSupportedHardware()

at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GraphicsDeviceManager.ChangeDevice(Boolean forceCreate)

at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GraphicsDeviceManager.Microsoft.Xna.Framework.IGraphicsDeviceManager.CreateDevice()

at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Run()

at #ee.#de.#5z()
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