
Noda Junko (Veemon) - Go Ahead!

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Saturday, March 28, 2009 at 11:50:34 AM

Artist: Noda Junko (Veemon)
Title: Go Ahead!
BPM: 153
Filesize: 3287kb
Play Time: 02:18
Difficulties Available:
  1. BlackFlamedramon (4.76 stars, 278 notes)
  2. Flamedramon (4.9 stars, 385 notes)
  3. Veemon (3.24 stars, 166 notes)
Download: Noda Junko (Veemon) - Go Ahead!
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Veemon's Character song from Digimon Adventure 02.

Flamedramon difficulty = <3

EDIT: Halfway through Veemon difficulty.
EDIT2: Uploading BG that I forgot to upload, and almost done with Veemon.
EDIT3: Veemon difficulty done!
EDIT4: Fixes moved to Pending.
EDIT5: Hitsounds unhorrified.
Looks good to me. Starr'd
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Saturos-fangirl wrote:

00:14:07 (4,6) - i dont like this overlap It's a pattern! :P And anyways, left it as is, because when playing, since the overall difficulty is so high and you're just reacting to note after note, by the time you get to 6, 4 is already faded away, so... ;P
00:23:09 (4) - line this up vertically with the end of 3 That's what I tried to do. However, I failed. Then I just did it sucessfully... and there was an overlap with the middle notes, which I'm avoiding, so sorry
oh come ON, break up the rhythm a LITTLE at least. T_T so repetitive This, I will work on a bit. Though this only applies before 33 seconds into the song or so. But yeah, I'll fix that soon.
00:52:31 (8) - stack the end on the end of 6 No, sorry. Never intended for the ends to stack, and how I currently have it looks neater; I aimed for the end to be aligned with 7 and the start of 8. Besides, 6 fades away when you get to 8.

thats all i got for you atm
Thanks for modding! Comments in bold. ;P

EDIT: Broke up the repetitiveness at the beginning. Now there's no longer a hit circle or slider end on every 1/2 beat! :D


This map left me flabbergasted.

I think the last spinner at 1:02:706 should be shortened to 1:03:294.

Sounds nicer to me.

Why am I typing like this? I'm still in shock.

Have a sparkly star.
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Eh, that would make the spinner too short, and it's fine where it is. ;P

Anyways, mapped more, am halfway through second chorus, aka almost done. Will edit this post when done, because I've got stuff to do first. I uploaded what I got so far, though.
Hmm... I'm not good in playing hard maps like this, so an easier difficulty would be awesome.

I also like symmetry in note placements, so...

1:37:41 (3): Move it 1 space to the right
2:02:912 (4): Move the slider 1 space to the right
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Why thanks; I was aiming for symmetry there. I'll take it you meant 1 to the left on the first one though, because that made it symmetric. :) Your second suggestion also helped. And yes, I'm making an easier difficulty. Probably an Easy (Veemon) And a Normal (BlackFlamedramon, just because I found a kickass picture on the internet).
Yeah, to the left. I must be thinking of something else when I was typing that.

I'll be keeping an eye on this song. :)

PS: Did you consider reducing the hit circle size since this is more of a difficulty for experts?
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flyboy87 wrote:

Yeah, to the left. I must be thinking of something else when I was typing that.

I'll be keeping an eye on this song. :)

PS: Did you consider reducing the hit circle size since this is more of a difficulty for experts?
LOL, doing that would take away the entire point of the map! Also the in-joke for the 5 people who'll actually get it. It's meant to be a hard map, but with big circles. The big circles is why I was extra careful to be neat, and had the settings the way they are. Making the circles smaller would pretty much make this map worse, since I ended up designing the map around the big circles.

Actually I had the circles at 5 at first, then I ended up making the circles bigger (so you could hit them if you weren't an osu! robot). Then I found out I did better with an overall difficulty of 8 than 7, and the rest is history.

Oh yeah, finished mapping Flamedramon difficulty.
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Did those, thanks.
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Offset changed, thanks.
nice map :) but make an easier diff soon plz so I dont have to almost die everytime I try and pass it ;)
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I will, considering this difficulty is more or less an Insane; still gotta make an Easy and a Normal/Hard (Good old ambiguous difficulty names, letting me get away with that :D). I know Easy will have big circles too. Not sure about how I'll do Normal/Hard though... Gah. XP Maybe same circle size, but settings for sane people with a slightly slower slider velocity (like 2.3). I guess I'll start on it soon.

EDIT: Well Flamedramon difficulty is more of a Hard/Insane, it's not that hard at all once you get used to it, but at first it can be slightly overwhelming if you aren't prepared. It more or less depends on how tired you are when playing the map, really. If it's late at night, you *may* have problems.
Name this difficulty Imperialdramon.

Name Easy as V-mon.

Name Normal as Fladramon.

Name Hard as X-V-mon.

Just suggestions though!
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I am going my American names, and anyways, I'm going Easy - Veemon Normal/Hard - BlackFlamedramon Insane - Flamedramon


Halfway through BlackFlamedramon. ;P
Hmm... it usually takes me while to type American names because... ugh... don't mind me... it's just... my... hands... they don't respond very well to... those... names...

Anyway, I await your update. <3
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BlackFlamedramon difficulty done. Now to make the Easy... probably either tomorrow or Thursday. Enjoy.
The beats looked like they are not snapped properly for me. I wonder why? It looks like they aren't on any ticks in 1/4 0___0;;;
16:665 (1) - Move to the right once
17:645 (6) - Move to the right twice - subsequently, moving a lot of your notes as well.

17:841 (4) - Personal opinion but... I don't like this slider. I feel that "drags" the song. I liked it better if you'd replace it with just a regular hitcircle.
21:371 (6,7) - Hmm... it doesn't sound as pleasing with two "Finish" sounds. Make (6) a clap sound and (7) a Finish sound.
24:704 - 25:880: For a 4.5 star song, this part feels rather "empty". I suggest you fill it with some notes.
29:410 (1) - It sounds a lot better if you add a note on the red tick before it.
49:214 (7) - Move the END of the slider 2 grids to the RIGHT
50:390 (1,2,3) - Hmm... try making (1) and (2) a regular sound and then (3) a Finish sound. IMO, it sounds better than whistle all the way.
51:567 (6) - Add more sound variety. I suggest using a clap sound. IMO, it goes well with the previous 2 whsitle sounds.
Additional note: You also made some similar notes like this the later parts of your map where they were in just one sound (in 1-9 notes). I suggest you change some of the note sounds so that it goes with the flow of the song.
51:959 (7,8,9) - Make (7) a regular sound and (9) a Finish sound.
53:331 - Note here please.
55:292 (1) - It doesn't feel right to have a spinner here...
1:02:743 (1) - Same as above
1:46:469 (1) - Same as above
1:57449 (6,7,8) - Move these1 space to the right
2:10:782 (1) - It doesn't feel right to have a spinner here...
2:18:037 (1) - You have 2 choices, either shorten or lengthen the slider to the white ticks after or before it. It's up to you. I prefer making it shorter though.
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Download: Replays.osb
Alright, I guess that's fine. :P

I do sense that your notes are following half of the lyrics and rythm, that's great.

With that said, I DO think you have a BG for BKFlamedramon?
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Yeah, I do, why i-

...I forgot to full upload. OOPS. Will Edit once I've fixed that.

EDIT: Fixed.
00:17:84 (4) - i think this'd sound better as a hitcircle, not a slider
00:19:41 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - im sorry i cannot find the timing on these hits to be intuitive to the song at all. are you sure its timed correctly?
00:41:56 (2,3) - not only does the overlap look bad but the whole reversal thing is weird
man how can you even stand to map this with the timing like this? either Rhesa is like 5x worse than normal or your map needs to be retimed
01:35:68 (3) - move this so its not under 1
01:45:09 (4) - stack end under the fading 1
map needs background

00:14:11 (4,6) - make the ends stack
00:27:64 (8) - new combo imo
00:50:39 (1) - this is almost completely hidden under 7
01:51:95 (8) - overlaps 5 too much imo
again i think the timing is iffy

needs moar Easy
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background image?
00:23:90 (4) - i like this better 1 full beat later
00:36:45 (4) - put a break here?
00:55:27 (4,5) - ??? what are these doing here? why two? why that distance?
01:02:13 (1) - end this 1 beat earlier
01:26:64 (3) - sounds better 1/2 later
01:39:18 (5) - add another note stacked 1/2 later
01:43:89 (2) - stack on fading 3
01:53:30 (1) - sounds better 1/2 later
01:56:44 (1) - ^
01:58:01 (4,5) - ???
01:59:57 (1) - sounds better 1/2 later
02:02:71 (1) - ^
02:05:85 (1) - ^ and this is getting really annoyingly repetitive
02:08:98 (1) - ^ minus the repetitive part
02:12:12 (1) - ^
02:15:26 (1) - ^

00:17:82 (4) - why is this a slider, not a hit?
00:23:51 (3) - add a note 1/2 later
00:42:33 (3) - end 1/2 earlier
00:51:94 (7) - spacing wut
01:02:72 (1) - end 1/2 earlier
01:37:62 (1) - spacing wut
02:08:79 (1) - stack under fading 8
02:11:92 (1,2,3...) - pattern getting repetitive. best way to break it up imo is to put a note between 6 and 7

00:14:11 (4,6) - stack the endpoints or do SOMETHING to keep these from overlapping in such a God-awful way
00:22:35 (1,2,3,4,5) - augh too many whistles in this vicinity
00:41:56 (1) - not quite stacked under 3
00:52:34 (8) - stack end on the end of 6
00:13:52 (1,2,3,4) to 00:33:13 (6,7,1) - HURR LET ME JUST PUT A NOTE ON ALMOST EVERY 1/2 BEAT THATS A GOOD MAP OLOLOL
01:39:69 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - finishspam

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Yes ma'am. ;P

And the changes I made to Flamedramon difficulty *should* make it as doable as the rest of the map now. BRB checking.
No problems on the other difficulties.

- For beginners, I feel that the slider velocity is a little too fast, you might wanna make it slower, but that's entirely optional.
36:452 (4) - Move this 2 spaces left
1:17:231 (3) - Move 1 space to the right
1:24:485 (6) - ^
1:51:540 (1) - Extend this to the next red tick
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Did those fixes, thanks.
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Oh, thanks, fixed.
Move timing section from 31,798 to 31,858, unless you really intended that slider before then to sound that way.
02:13:70 (9) - Out of place.

Maybe you wanna change the Veemon BG? I don't think it looks nice; but then again, it's a personal opinion.
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vytalibus, fixed those, thanks.

@flyboy: Well, I changed the BG for Veemon last night, after you looked at it. Are you talking about the current one or the old one, which was much uglier?
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Skeptic Larto is skeptic.
No idea if the BPM is better off at 153, but well. You tell me it works. Fine.

Fuck you if the BPM is wrong.
Fuck you if the BPM is right.
Fuck you anyways.
Fuck this bubble.
I seriously cant find anything wrong with it o.O

I guess too many people modded it already.

Well perfect imo.

BPM is 153.00. Change it.
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Fixed it.
-00:39:78 (4) - Make this exactly symmetrical.

-00:15:47 (8) - Make this symmetrical.

Fix and I'll rank.

EDIT: Ranked.
Something I whipped up for fun

I used a mapping technique called "The Copy Techinique" when mapping this. :D

Download: Noda Junko (Veemon) - Go Ahead! (Ekaru) [Taiko Dream Oni].osu
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So I make a joke map.

This joke map gets higher ratings than some of my serious maps.

...Pathetic. ><; That is all. Good day! *Looks for things he did right here*
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