
Hiroshi Yamaguchi, Masami Ueda - Ushiwaka's Dance

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on March 8, 2009 at 8:02:02 PM

Artist: Hiroshi Yamaguchi, Masami Ueda
Title: Ushiwaka's Dance
Source: Okami original soundtrack
Tags: Okami OST playing with Ushiwaka
BPM: 150
Filesize: 10772kb
Play Time: 02:21
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (2.69 stars, 136 notes)
  2. Goddess (4.97 stars, 371 notes)
  3. Hard (4.8 stars, 307 notes)
  4. Normal (4.27 stars, 198 notes)
Download: Hiroshi Yamaguchi, Masami Ueda - Ushiwaka's Dance
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Jan.15: Hiroshi Yamaguchi, Masami Ueda - Ushiwaka's Dance ~Playing with Ushiwaka~ is the full name. This would be the vs. Waka/Ushiwaka music. Not nearly done with this, but decided to get it up for now. I still need to finish Hard and go through Goddess to clean everything up. I'll move this to pending when I'm done though. In the meantime, feel free to leave any comments or point out anything you think I should change.

Update: Mapped more of Hard now. That's about all.
Update (Jan.18): Almost done Hard, including sounds.
Update (Jan.20): Still need to finish the last bit of Hard, started working on Goddess.
Update (Jan.25): Finished up with Hard and Goddess. I'm not sure what happened at about 35 seconds on Goddess though... Weird stacking is weird. Besides that, though, I think this is ready for ranking. =3
Update: Added a background (many thanks Yuki for finding it) and also set Atmey's Okami skin to the preffered skin for the map (since it just fits in so naturally).
Update (Jan.28): Some little changes to a few spinners and the colours.
Update (Jan.30): Fixed the difficulty on Hard.
Update (Feb.1): Adjusted the offset, a couple structural changes to Normal and Goddess, and some alterations to some spinners.
Update (Feb.14): Edited a couple things (circle size, a particular combo as well) in Insane by Max's suggestion.
Update (Feb.16): Adjusted offset and changed a slider.
Update (Feb.21): Updated source and tags.
Update (Feb.26): Made some further adjustments based on Kasada's feedback.
Update (Mar.3): A few hitsound adjustments, fixed a slider on Normal, and adjusted offsets.
Update: Oh, added a preview point as well.
Update (Mar.5): Put in a couple hitsounds which I missed.
Update (Mar.8): Hitsound adjustment (by my own wishes though).
I'm sure the map is great, but its not really playable at all the way its set up now (for me anyways). Either i'm getting old and blind, or its just generally too hard to follow. The skinned hitcircles blend in far too much with the background, and the difficulty settings seem too high on Goddess. To nitpick on Goddess some more, I really hate the fast spinners... Everyone wants to use them, but its not fun to play.
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I'll try to ease up the drain a bit, it does seem quite high. And I'll see what some others think as for the spinners before I decide for sure to change them.

Will look into the blending issue as well.

EDIT: Any better (maybe not?)?
Fun map An64Fan! Your visual style is very beautiful and makes excellent use of the Okami theme. Nice work!! ;)

The timing seems a bit fast on my machine. Maybe delay the offset another 10-15ms?? I had better results around +10ms when I hit the + key a few times playing the map.

I must agree with foulcoon though about the really short spinners. They shouldn't be there on [Normal] because it's supposed to be an "average" difficulty without too many nasty tricks. Though I personally don't mind if you sprinkle a few through [Hard] and go to town with them on [Goddess].
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Hmmm... the timing sounds really early for some reason. I'd say +10ms to offset, maybe more, but I am definitely not sure what the other BATs would say to this.


I am not sure if I agree with the fast spinners in this difficulty. However, no technical problems with this difficulty or easy.

No problem with hard too



To be honest, I encourage increasing your circle size by one level, but that's just my recommendation.
Other than that...

00:36:09 (6) - Increase the slider by 1/2th
00:36:69 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - Doesn't seem 300-able. :(
01:11:49 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20) - Wut? Whoa, insane to the max. XD

Anyway, yeah, for this difficulty, go through it one more time, watching for un300-able spinners. Preferably, it'll be great if you didn't confuse the players too much with the sections similar to the one I mentioned. Really though, the only issue I have is the spinners. Fix those, it'll be bubbled for sure. :3
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To be honest, I encourage increasing your circle size by one level, but that's just my recommendation.
Eh, no real arguments with this, I don't want too many of my Okami maps to end up with the smallest hitcircle setting anyways (Shinshuu plains is going to have it lol).

00:36:09 (6) - Increase the slider by 1/2th
Sounds weird lengthening it, so sorry, I'm not going to do that.

00:36:69 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - Doesn't seem 300-able.
Agh my (left) arm (wtfimrighthanded?!). And they're 300-able... It's just really hard.

01:11:49 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20) - Wut? Whoa, insane to the max. XD
Something about this bugged me as well. Thanks for saying something. But it's just the slider I don't like so meh. :P *edits slider out*


I think things should be fixed (or at least the things that I thought made sense to be fixed). And I assure you, those spinners are 300-able, it's just kinda hard~ :P
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Okay, changed that slider in Hard and adjusted. Still not liking the thought of moving the slider in Insane though. :P Thanks for the mod, and updated.
Easy: 00:26:491 - To follow the quarter note pattern you've been using, I suggest starting this spinner on the next white tick. Also, since this is Easy, it's not a bad idea to give the player a bit more recovery time after a spinner, so I'd suggest ending the spinner on 00:28:291. Sounds pretty nice with the song too. Same said for the spinner at 02:08:891.

00:47:291 - Some of the other upbeat placed notes are ok, but this one just feels a bit too awkward. I'd suggest moving it up to the next white tick and having it snapped to 1/2's.

02:15:291 - This is a bit of a strange rhythm differentiation, especially for Easy. Might want to move it up to the next white tick.

Normal: 00:51:491 - I think this note doesn't have to be underneath the previous one so much. Consider moving it out a bit.

02:19:091 - To make this pattern flow a little better, I'd suggest extending the spinner by one white tick and moving the next spinner to the next white tick.

Hard: 01:41:291 - Though this note is technically incorrectly spaced, it works with the placement pattern, so feel free to leave it.

Insane: Nothing to note other than the combos could be lower. Then again, this map is probably supposed to be that hard, so you can keep them if you want. ;)

One thing I noticed is that Easy seems like a Normal, Normal seems like a Hard, etc. But in a relative sense, they're all in the right place.

This is a very nice map. You were really creative with the rhythms you chose and the placement of the notes. Some nice hit sounds too. Have yourself a star.

Also, this song is pretty awesome/epic. If the whole soundtrack is this awesome, I should probably play Okami...
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Not sure why I nazi'd your hitsounds like that; maybe because I really like them for the most part?

And make me happy by adding preview points. For that extra touch of class.

Ignore my previous offset; 17,101's better.

A fun, interesting Easy!
02:04:09 (3) - Add a finish on the end or move the whistle to the end?

00:18:69 (4) - Shouldn't end where it does.
00:21:89 (9) - Add a whistle?
00:33:09 (9) - Add a whistle?
00:41:89 (1,2,3,4) - Plays awkwardly.
02:04:29 (8) - Whistle?

00:21:89 (12) - Whistle?
00:29:89 (3) - No whistle on the end here?
00:31:89 (6) - Or here?
00:33:09 (9) - Switch to a finish?
00:47:29 (8,9,10,11) - Whistles somewhere in here?
00:49:89 (4) - Whistle?
00:50:69 (7) - Whistle?
01:05:89 (4) - Whistle?
01:11:69 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - Love this part.
01:18:09 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Whistles somewhere in here?
01:40:09 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - And this part.
01:58:69 (7) - Finish?
02:04:29 (9) - Whistle?

00:35:09 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Still not sure about this. But if you're determined to keep it, make it a new combo. And how about adding another one somewhere? It's pretty cool.
00:48:89 (1,2,3,4) - Change the hitsounds somehow?
01:11:69 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14) - Whistles somewhere?
01:27:09 (16) - Needs SOMETHING on the end.
02:04:29 (11) - Finish?
02:14:29 (8) - Finish?
02:17:09 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Whistles somewhere in there?
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00:41:89 (1,2,3,4) - Plays awkwardly.
Not really sure how else this would play easier?

00:35:09 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Still not sure about this. But if you're determined to keep it, make it a new combo. And how about adding another one somewhere? It's pretty cool.
Not sure where I'd put another spot like this (and I like my map how it is at the moment as well lol).

Changed a few hitsounds mostly around where you suggested. Didn't change everything you brought up but did put consideration into most of them. Also adjusted offset and resnapped.


00:22:201- Break feels unnecessary. If this has already been discussed, then don't mind me because I haven't bothered to read the thread :P
00:33:401- Same here
01:34:30 (2) - Sound effect suggestion-- add claps here

00:22:201- Again with the break
00:33:401- ^
01:34:30 (2,3) - I seriously think these should be clapped
02:04:70 - Another short break

00:22:20 - You get the hint. I'll strike these if you refuse though. But with your drain rate, i don't really think you need them.

Nothing else really wrong here.

00:39:10 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - On the fence about this. Auto barely passes these, but im not sure if cyclone can with some ease.

Fix and/or disagree with me, and i givez bubble. But have a star!
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I added a couple claps in near that 1:30 area of the map on Normal and Hard that I missed putting in. Not the ones you suggested, sorry, but your suggestions helped me notice what I had missed.

As for the beaks, I'm pretty particular on how long to go without a break and always seem to have some period of time and anything over that I break. In this case it's those five magical beats~

As for those sliders, I can 300 those on a good day. They do take some spinning skill, I admit, but at least I'm not tossing in something that's most definitely un-300-able. :P

*Updated* with those couple sounds I had missed before~
Alright then, you've earned my bubble! :)
Last time I checked, the spinners in the middle section were illegal unless you're going for Approved.
32:902(8)-> Remove Whistle

21:499(10,11,12)-> Sound effect is different from [Normal & Hard]
32:702(9,10,11)-> Whistle/None/Whistle
41:203(1)-> Remove this spinner.
1:41:897(7)-> Whistle.

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/me starts objecting to hitsound nazi.

And it doesn't have to be the same between difficulties. As the form of the map changes, so can the sounds.

Also, it just doesn't seem the same without the spinners...... :(

*Updates with minor hitsound adjustment by her own will*
/me rebubbles.

If another mod objects to the spinners, okay.

Mogsworth wrote:

If another mod objects to the spinners, okay.
Eh... I'm not too sure about the spinners myself. I know you're going to put up a fight with this, but a) Mogs is right. Also, Auto can't manage a bonus with these, which I'm also concerned about.

Leaving bubble for now until we get another opinion.
I accept your spinners, as I can 300 them. Can't recover from them yet, but that's irrelevant. Good map, great job, congrats on the rank!
i cant see the note clearly . plz dont add SB and images into .osu .
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Oh c'mon Dake, those ninja spinners are ass and there are some overlapping sliders too. :\ You can make good maps without that too An.
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