
PyP Video Game Mafia [MAFIA+SURVIVOR] - Dr. Hitter Escapes!

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I know right? Its bad enough lynched persons roles aren't revealed til day 2. I feel like I got fucked being the doctor in a game where I had to guess every night wtf the lynched person was.
i'm not going to edit that, you know what I meant by day 2, right guys?
Mara what happen
As in did you recruit someone to chat with
is it just me, or do people legit forget to fucking send in their role shit. if i had already role-claimed and sent in a night action, that would be in my first post of the day.
also fishie: who did you hide behind?
I tried to talk to Rantai, but it failed.

My guess (foulcoon) was also incorrect. My night was a huge failure.
Also this is a list of current players and their claims so I can easily find it without going through 839 pages later:

LunaticMara - Absorber (confirmed)
FisHie - Hider
Luna - Vigilante
Mashley - Jester (confirmed by LS)
pieguy1372 - Bulletproof
foulcoon - Doctor thing
Lybydose - Survivor
akrolsmir - Paranoid Gun Owner
bmin11 - Time Guy (confirmed)
LadySuburu - Coroner (pretty much confirmed)
:( why assume I would be the mafia target when I'm not confirmed town, nor can I really be confirmed town?

Also I didn't really read LS's role as coroner, seeing as he got the role of a person still living in the game. idk if its more of a rolecop or what. Since it seemed like a rolecop-ish type role and tastelikecoke was the mafia rolecop, I trust LS like 99.9% now.
I hopped on pieguy1372. Nothing happened.
ok then

vote: Luna
Double posting cuz i'm bored at work.

12. DeathxShinigami - Super Mario Bros. - Mushroom Giver - Weak Motivator - Lynched Day 1
5. Salvage - Splinter Cell - Spy Infiltrator - Tracker + Watcher - Killed Night 1
13. adam2046 - Mafia - Regretful Mafia - Conditional Saulus - Lynched Day 2
6. Swiftwolf Yellowtail - ??? - ??? - ??? - Killed Night 2
9. Wojjan - Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - Shadow Realm Master - Mafia Roleblocker - Lynched Day 3
17. KRZY - Pro Evolution Soccer - Team Recruiter - Neighborizer - Killed Night 3
4. Lilac - ??? - ??? - ??? - Killed Night 3
16. tastelikecoke - Dragon Ball Z: Budokai - Scouter - Mafia Rolecop - Lynched Day 4.2
1. Rantai - ??? - ??? - ??? - Killed Night 4.2

from OP ^^^^

Night 1, Salvage was killed supposedly by Rolled as avenging gunman. LadySuburu claimed hit but 1 shot bulletproof. I did not use my protection skills.

Night 2 - Swiftwolf Yellowtail dies, no mafia kill. It is possible since I used my 100% chance protect on Mashley that the mafia had targeted Mash.

Night 3 - KRZY and Lilac both killed, Mafia and SK kills both hit through my 50% protection. Mod clarified the process in which he determined the 50% chance protections to me, and it was obvious that neither of the targets had a successful protection. My PP ran out here, leaving me vanilla town.

Night 4 - No mafia kill? Rantai dies. Alternatively, mafia and SK could have both killed Rantai.

What I dont understand is, if Luna is the SK, why on Night 1 did Salvage's role get revealed. Is it possible that mafia targetted Salvage and Rolled lied and he was the one who targetted LS? Thoughts guys?

That assumes the SK is the janitor and the mafia deaths are the revealed ones. It's quite possible that the SK kills are revealed and the mafia has the janitor.
Explanation for most recent night: Rantai likely redirected Luna to fishie, which is why we only see one death. It's unlikely we've dealt with all the mafia, because a game of this size typically has 4 mafia members. We have only lynched 3 so far, and one of them was going to become a townie at some future point, so we've essentially only removed 2 of them so far.

NoHItter wrote:

bmin11 wrote:

Mod: Assuming both SK and Mafia shot the same target, would the target's identity be revealed upon it's death, or not revealed? In other word, which kills take priority on killing result?
Janitor kill takes priority.
Just remembered this. I thought it was odd that NoHItter blatantly told us that theres a Janitor. Then again its possible the SK role is a sort of "Janitor Vig".
I realize that it's pretty much impossible to prove at this point, but I'm not the SK.
Currently trying to figure out wtf is up with the kill pattern, just wanted to post so you guys can see that I'm not trying to lurk but rather don't exactly know what I can post.
I just asked NoHItter about priority between my kill and mafia/SK kills.
Rolled assumed that if scum killed Salvage he'd keep his Vig ability. As it turns out, this is wrong. NoHItter told me that the Janitor kill takes priority but the other kills are all the same priority. So Rolled (me) and one of the scum factions (the one without Janitor abilities) could have both targeted Salvage during N1. Still doesn't explain every single night, but it's a step forward at least.
And to confirm this claim (I know it still doesn't prove me as innocent, don't worry):

mod: In the hypothetical situation that more factions with Night Kills existed, is my statement true that every kill has the same priority except for the Janitor kill (which takes priority over the other kills)?
So FisHie, why didn't you hide behind akrolsmir? Just curious.
Morning guys.

Game: Valkyria Chronicles
Name: Battle Tactician

I'm going to say Fishie is our lynch today. He completely ignored the night action he was told to do of hiding behind Akrols, which means we can't confirm either of them. I'm going out on a limb here, but here's some speculation:

Fishie is a mafia hider. Fishie knows akrols isn't mafia, since they're not on the same team. Therefore, they believe his claim of Paranoid Gun Owner. This would explain why he didn't hide behind akrolsmir as was stated in the plan, as he wouldn't want to get killed via the ability. (Either that, or he's not a hider at all. Still mafia.)

Vote: Fishie

Edit: Ninja'd slightly.
While waiting for fishie's respond

I'm more inclined to believe the SK is the one with the Janitor shot now. During N2, the mafia scanned Mashley and NK'd Swiftwolf, while the Janitor SK shot Swiftwolf, thus we only got one death from N2 with no revealing of Swiftwolf's role. It's now also believable that the SK was the one to shoot Mashley on N4.1 since the mafia would have figured Mashley's role. As I wrote before, this would make Lyby and Luna to be highly unlikable to be our Janitor SK. Thus, FoS pieguy, akro
That post is under assumption that there's no point of pairing a Janitor and a Role Cop as one team.
FoS FisHie for not following the plan.

@foulcoon: essentially what Lybydose and I thought. It seems like there's really no other possibility.

It doesn't even matter who the Janitor is as long as we have the Coroner. However, at this point it can be either on the mafia or SK side (janitor SK?). However, given that Rolled said he targeted Salvage, I'd assume that the SK kills are revealed and thus the janitor is on the mafia side.

Lybydose's proposition that Rantai redirected Luna to FisHie makes sense, but if that was true it would indicate that FisHie actually was the hider because he didn't die. Too bad we can't effing find out who it was Rantai targeted. There's also the possibility that Luna and FisHie are mafia, but then who would the SK be? That possibility doesn't seem very likely.

I'm not sure why FisHie wouldn't hide behind akrolsmir. I'd assume it'd be because FisHie is mafia and akrolsmir was telling the truth.

So, FisHie and Luna.

We already lynched 3 mafia, there's probably either 1 or 2 remaining. Since there might be 2 (there really were only 4.5 to start with because adam might have swapped back to town) we should lynch the SK. vote Luna
EDIT: "really were" -> "would be"

There's so much to go over I can't even think straight :?
Now that I think about it, I don't know why I targeted pieguy.
Could be because I kinda forgot that the night had started and I sent my night action just before it ended.

I realize that this looks really suspicious but I can't help it... D:

bmin11 wrote:

During N2, the mafia scanned Mashley and NK'd Swiftwolf, while the Janitor SK shot Swiftwolf, thus we only got one death from N2 with no revealing of Swiftwolf's role.
Am I the only one who doesn't understand how you got this info? Is this an assumption bmin?
Basically we can now choose between confirmed mafia (fishie) and possible SK (Luna). I'm leaning towards lynching the former, because we don't know what fishie's role actually is. There's been no proof whatsoever that he is a hider whether town or scum, as LS suggested, and claiming to have hidden behind pieguy is an easy fake claim since pieguy definitely would not have been targeted. Fishie could be a good candidate to be the janitor, actually, if the janitor is mafia and there's only 2 of them left.

foulcoon wrote:

bmin11 wrote:

During N2, the mafia scanned Mashley and NK'd Swiftwolf, while the Janitor SK shot Swiftwolf, thus we only got one death from N2 with no revealing of Swiftwolf's role.
Am I the only one who doesn't understand how you got this info? Is this an assumption bmin?
Just an assumption, but I believe it somewhat explains the missing deaths
Vote: Fishie
Vote Mashley lynch me instead

bmin11 wrote:

foulcoon wrote:

Am I the only one who doesn't understand how you got this info? Is this an assumption bmin?
Just an assumption, but I believe it somewhat explains the missing deaths
or the fact that I used my 100% chance protection on Mashley could explain the missing death on N2, just a thought.

foulcoon wrote:

or the fact that I used my 100% chance protection on Mashley could explain the missing death on N2, just a thought.
Oh nevermind. I thought you missed your chance that night.
I assumed I did because at that point there was no way for me to know that there was an SK.

Mashley wrote:

Vote Mashley lynch me instead
Gimme a good reason.
because hes the jester and he wants to win

foulcoon wrote:

because hes the jester and he wants to win

LunaticMara wrote:

Mashley wrote:

Vote Mashley lynch me instead
Gimme a good reason.
Because it's a secret win condition that town can't win without lynching me.

Mashley wrote:

Because it's a secret win condition that town can't win without lynching me.
So uh, we just going to sit here with posts contributing nothing towards the game?

If we're not going to talk at all, let's get on with the game.

If we're going to talk, let's talk.
Vote: fishie

are you happy now?

foulcoon wrote:

Vote: fishie

are you happy now?
A little, I was getting bored :(
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