
Cameron Strother - bucho mio ~LocoRoco Green's Theme~

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 23 декабря 2011 г. at 21:00:58

Artist: Cameron Strother
Title: bucho mio ~LocoRoco Green's Theme~
Source: LocoRoco
Tags: chavez aleks719 icebeam psp
BPM: 175
Filesize: 3678kb
Play Time: 02:06
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1,07 stars, 86 notes)
  2. Hard (4,99 stars, 383 notes)
  3. Not So Hard (4,49 stars, 236 notes)
Download: Cameron Strother - bucho mio ~LocoRoco Green's Theme~
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Osu needs more LocoRoco songs!
Quite old map.

[Easy] - IceBeam
[Not So Hard] - Aleks719
[Hard] - me
1st post in this map will be mine, YA RLY :P

irc mod (russian language, sorry, but our native language)
11:49 <Aleks719> : осб файл лучше сразу почистить
11:49 <Aleks719> : чтоб не писали
11:49 <Aleks719> : добавь меня, бима в тэги
11:49 <Aleks719> : что-нить по локороко вытащи из википедии
11:50 <Reiji-RJ> : вас хватит С:
11:50 <Reiji-RJ> : и чейвза
11:50 <Aleks719> : ну чавез само собой
11:52 <Reiji-RJ> : ну, добавлю псп еще
11:53 <Aleks719> : ну у бима конец свой
11:53 <Aleks719> : ну ок
11:53 <Aleks719> : напишут если что
11:56 <Aleks719> : скажут
11:56 <Aleks719> : что много фонтанов
11:56 <Aleks719> : а киая нет :D
11:57 <Aleks719> : по моей ничего не скажу, т.к. сам делал
11:57 <Reiji-RJ> : песенка такая
11:57 <Reiji-RJ> : требует киай везде!
11:57 <Aleks719> : могу твою пробежаться
11:58 <Reiji-RJ> : давай
11:58 <Aleks719> : по моей :
11:58 <Aleks719> : 01:32:194 (3) - свисток тут убери
11:58 <Aleks719> : что-то он мне разонравился тут
11:59 <Reiji-RJ> : убрала
11:59 <Aleks719> : ща по твоей
12:00 <Reiji-RJ> : я знаю, где ты скажешь что сделать!
12:00 <Aleks719> : 00:48:480 (7,8,9,10,11) -
12:00 <Aleks719> : вот здесь
12:01 <Aleks719> : 1/1
12:01 <Aleks719> : мне не нравятся
12:01 <Aleks719> : когда на 1/2 сильные биты по музыыке
12:01 <Reiji-RJ> : сделаю джамповые слайдеры 1/2
12:02 <Aleks719> : ща я накручу ритм
12:02 <Aleks719> : и сдлеаю скрин
12:02 <Aleks719> : мб понравится
12:03 <Aleks719> : по идее
12:03 <Aleks719> :
12:03 <Aleks719> : в музыке так
12:04 <Reiji-RJ> : я по тайм линии не определю где нота
12:04 <Aleks719> :
12:05 <Aleks719> : я уже напихал 1/1
12:05 <Aleks719> : блин ><
12:05 <Aleks719> : кривой
12:06 <Reiji-RJ> : 1/2,1/2 и стрим?
12:06 <Aleks719> : да
12:06 <Reiji-RJ> : круто
12:06 <Aleks719> : ну мне так кажется
12:07 <Reiji-RJ> : да, стрим там есть
12:07 <Aleks719> : проблема в том, что больше стримов нет
12:07 <Reiji-RJ> : значит надо сделать!
12:07 <Reiji-RJ> : надо усложнить хард, чтоб нормал не казался сложным
12:07 <Reiji-RJ> : С:
12:08 <Aleks719> : если будет сторим
12:08 <Aleks719> : то 00:48:480 - нк здесь
12:09 <Reiji-RJ> : теперь как бы красиво расположить
12:09 <Aleks719> : 01:32:365 (8,9) - здесь то же самое
12:09 <Aleks719> : 2х1/2 + стрим
12:11 <Aleks719> : 01:49:680 - добавить кружок?
12:11 <Aleks719> : 02:04:251 (2,3) - довольно необычный ход курсора
12:12 <Aleks719> : не знаю, плохо ли это, но я бы поменял местами
12:12 <Aleks719> : ^ даже не саджестион
12:13 <Reiji-RJ> : поменяла
12:13 <Reiji-RJ> : кружок добавила
12:13 <Reiji-RJ> : теперь нужно подумать над тем, как стрим сделать
12:13 <Aleks719> : думаю, с уменьшенным спейсингом
12:30 <Reiji-RJ> : сделала
12:30 <Reiji-RJ> : скинуть?
12:30 <Aleks719> : да
12:33 <Aleks719> : 00:49:766 (9) -
12:33 <Aleks719> : спейсинг
12:33 <Aleks719> : 00:49:422 (5) -
12:33 <Aleks719> : и тут
12:33 <Reiji-RJ> : ну симметрично же! =3=
12:33 <Aleks719> : да
12:33 <Aleks719> : но
12:33 <Aleks719> : 0.9 и 0.6
12:33 <Aleks719> : как бэ выглядит некруто
12:34 <Reiji-RJ> : я без спейсинга расставляла xD
12:34 <Aleks719> : я так и понял)
12:35 <Aleks719> : 01:33:651 - тут может добавить ноту
12:35 <Aleks719> : чтоб стрим перешел в слайдер
12:35 <Aleks719> : в музыке есть
12:35 <Reiji-RJ> : сейчас пофиксим
12:35 <Aleks719> : нэзи :
12:35 <Aleks719> : 01:40:594 (5) -
12:36 <Aleks719> : хочу, чтоб было параллельно (4)
12:36 <Aleks719> : типа так
12:37 <Reiji-RJ> : окее
12:49 <Aleks719> : у меня больше нет вопросов
12:49 <Reiji-RJ> : С:
12:49 <Aleks719> : стримы отлично играются
12:49 <Reiji-RJ> : это хорошо!
12:50 <Aleks719> : Если уверена в титле
12:50 <Aleks719> : то можно сабмитить
12:50 <Reiji-RJ> : уверена вроде
12:52 <Reiji-RJ> : песенка же норм кб/сек?
12:52 <Aleks719> : я проверял
12:52 <Aleks719> : ах
12:52 <Reiji-RJ> : за-заливать?
12:52 <Aleks719> : ё, нет
12:53 <Aleks719> : я плохо проверял
12:53 <Aleks719> : покарай меня
12:53 <Aleks719> : 212 анранкабл
12:53 <Reiji-RJ> : а что?
12:53 <Aleks719> : 192
12:53 <Aleks719> : надо
12:53 <Reiji-RJ> : ОХ Ю
12:53 <Aleks719> : :'<
13:07 <Reiji-RJ> : кстати, тебе нужно кудоску за ирк мод!
13:07 <Reiji-RJ> : лог запости
13:07 <Aleks719> : ох, окау

Распиши в описании мапы потом где чья диффа, непонятно же.
Пара малочей.

Почему бы тебе не добавить красноватый цвет? Вон, у него волосы такие.
Combo1 : 188,37,29

00:16:937 (1) - как-то нехорошо эта нота выбивается. Лучше или под конец убрать, или выдвинуть полностью.
00:22:422 (1) - и эта тоже. Наверное, я туплю, и это такой стиль. Таки да, дальше вижу такие же моменты.
00:27:908 (1) - 1, 3 и 5 точки — можно свистки навесить (лёгкие).
Ну и дальше такие же слайдеры. Можешь на третью точку не класть свисток.
02:06:651 (1) - странно, заглушена.

Not Hard
00:16:422 (6) - два хлопка?
00:16:937 (1) - убери с середины финиш.
00:23:108 (3) - отсюда убрать бы тоже.
00:28:422 (2,3) - на таких парах можно убрать первый мягкий свисток.
01:08:537 (1,2,3) - милая штука
01:11:794 (1,2,3,4) - и так далее — ты потеряла хлопки? На тело можно повесить свисток. А финишей лучше поменьше сделать.
01:32:194 (3) - не знаю, можно попробовать сделать «продолжением» слайдера, чтобы по кругу шло. Треугольник не смотрится.

00:28:422 (2,3) - и так далее — сделай, чтобы звучали как в предыдущей дифке.
00:49:851 (10) - свисток?

Новое комбо и прочую фигню не смотрел. И да, глянь, может, какой-то из фонтанов не нужен.

TicClick wrote:

Not Hard
00:16:422 (6) - два хлопка? неа, там нормал секция специально
00:16:937 (1) - убери с середины финиш. ноу, трипл финиши ;D
00:23:108 (3) - отсюда убрать бы тоже. ^
00:28:422 (2,3) - на таких парах можно убрать первый мягкий свисток. а я специально делал оО
01:08:537 (1,2,3) - милая штука Ooooook~
01:11:794 (1,2,3,4) - и так далее — ты потеряла хлопки? На тело можно повесить свисток. А финишей лучше поменьше сделать.
нет, я не "потеряла" хлопки(I'm a boy o/), мной расставлены финиши по сильным секциям, игра хитсаундов, все дела. :D
01:32:194 (3) - не знаю, можно попробовать сделать «продолжением» слайдера, чтобы по кругу шло. Треугольник не смотрится.
Да, в круг было бы лучше, но у меня есть один принцип, называется "не подыгрывать крутильщикам". Когда объекты выстраиваются в каком-то направлении, то в этом направлении проще крутить, засчет чего крутильщику не нужно совершать противодвижений, следовательно он накрутит больше. Поэтому в таких случаях перед спиннерами я не задаю направляющие паттерны.стараюсь по крайней мере. чтобы уравнять шансы.
So...... without changes~

@ Reiji : [Normal] - Aleks719 <= напиши название как есть, а не нормал.
Topic Starter

Aleks719 wrote:

@ Reiji : [Normal] - Aleks719 <= напиши название как есть, а не нормал.
Okaay, пофиксила~

> TicClick
Добавила клапы, спасибо!

Aleks719 wrote:

Да, в круг было бы лучше, но у меня есть один принцип, называется "не подыгрывать крутильщикам". Когда объекты выстраиваются в каком-то направлении, то в этом направлении проще крутить, засчет чего крутильщику не нужно совершать противодвижений, следовательно он накрутит больше. Поэтому в таких случаях перед спиннерами я не задаю направляющие паттерны.стараюсь по крайней мере. чтобы уравнять шансы.[/color]

В крайнем случае, можно ноту под ноту забить. И да, я как-то прозевал то, что это твоя дифка, так что извиняй.
Mod request via in-game PM

Hya~ Sorry for being quite late

-> "Not So Hard" uh... Maybe use diff name "Challenging"?
-> There's an unnecessary transparency on the comboburst.png (idk this is intentional or not, though)
-> Consider adding a light green sliderborder? :3

00:11:451 (1) - Standard curve like : plays better imo. However if you don't want to change it at least you can wave it better (:
00:27:908 (1,1,1,1) - I prefer the claps being on the first repeat and the slider's end rather than in the second repeat, but it's just my personal opinion
00:42:994 (2) - Move the middle waypoint one grid left and up? (grid modding yeah xD)
00:47:108 (1) - I can see the 2nd tick is not in the center. Maybe center this slider with turning off grid snap?
01:11:794 (1,1,1,1) - Same as 00:27:908
01:30:994 (1,2,3,4,1) - Create a better pentagon here? (
01:58:422 (1) - Is it intentional not to place this slider in the center? o.o - Also, I believe you can wave this smoother :3
02:06:651 (1) - Uh... Move the inherit section 1/4 later maybe so players who clicked this note early don't get too loud sound

[Not So Hard]
00:05:965 (1,2) - I personally doesn't like this curving technique (with 1 or 3 waypoint would be better imo) >< Plays well though
00:10:594 (6,7) - Remove hitsound on (6) and use clap hitsound on (7)? (I personally feel one clap after another is too noisy here)
00:16:937 (1) - The repeat somewhat got covered by (5)'s comboburst but the reaction time is still enough imo
00:20:194 (3) - idk why, I feel this whistle sound strange (plus there's no whistle on 01:04:080 (4))
00:31:165 (2,3) - Move these two few grids left so it will form a better triangle?
00:48:137 (2) - I think, moving this few grids up will flow better
01:23:108 (2,4) - Definitely could be curved smoother orz
01:28:937 (2) - Move few grids down like : ? (tieff style jumps orz)
02:03:908 (1) - This linear slider breaks the flow imo

00:06:822 (3) - Add whistle on repeat? (because you added whistle at 00:13:165 (8))
00:27:908 (1) - Quite tricky spacing here, but plays fine
00:30:651 (1) - Same as above
00:39:394 (2) - I think curving to this direction : flows better
00:48:137 (5) - I personally dislike how this touches (10). Maybe change (4,5,6) into a jump with (5) below (10)?
01:00:308 (8,9,10) - Looks quite weird on play mode imo, but plays fine
01:09:051 (4,5,6) - Create something like ?
01:27:908 (5,6,1) - Again, this triple stack looks quite weird imo. But this one is much better than the last one
02:02:880 (5) - Curved too much imo

...That's all from me, mostly suggestions :3
Amazing map, ready to be ranked already imo ><

PS : You SHOULD tell me next time if Aleks719 and IceBeam makes a diff here, I'll mod it instantly orz
Topic Starter

Nivalis wrote:

Mod request via in-game PM

Hya~ Sorry for being quite late You are not late :3

-> "Not So Hard" uh... Maybe use diff name "Challenging"? Waiting for Aleks
-> There's an unnecessary transparency on the comboburst.png (idk this is intentional or not, though) Uh, I'll fix it
-> Consider adding a light green sliderborder? :3 Aww, how can I do this? o:

00:06:822 (3) - Add whistle on repeat? (because you added whistle at 00:13:165 (8)) Fixed
00:27:908 (1) - Quite tricky spacing here, but plays fine I think it's ok :3
00:30:651 (1) - Same as above ^
00:39:394 (2) - I think curving to this direction : flows better Yeah, it's better, fixed
00:48:137 (5) - I personally dislike how this touches (10). Maybe change (4,5,6) into a jump with (5) below (10)? Done
01:00:308 (8,9,10) - Looks quite weird on play mode imo, but plays fine B-but I like triple stack :<
01:09:051 (4,5,6) - Create something like ? Done!
01:27:908 (5,6,1) - Again, this triple stack looks quite weird imo. But this one is much better than the last one :<
02:02:880 (5) - Curved too much imo Fixed~

...That's all from me, mostly suggestions :3
Amazing map, ready to be ranked already imo >< Gaw >w<

PS : You SHOULD tell me next time if Aleks719 and IceBeam makes a diff here, I'll mod it instantly orz Okay, I'll tell you!
Omg, thanks for great mod, Nivalis! :oops:

Nivalis wrote:

-> "Not So Hard" uh... Maybe use diff name "Challenging"? No, thanks
-> Consider adding a light green sliderborder? :3 Combocolors are light green already, not sure here, imo white sliderborder works good

[Not So Hard]
00:05:965 (1,2) - I personally doesn't like this curving technique (with 1 or 3 waypoint would be better imo) >< Plays well thoughokay, leave as was
00:10:594 (6,7) - Remove hitsound on (6) and use clap hitsound on (7)? (I personally feel one clap after another is too noisy here)
clap on (7) already, like my whistle on (6), leave as was
00:16:937 (1) - The repeat somewhat got covered by (5)'s comboburst but the reaction time is still enough imo reaction time is still enough imo too, leave as was
00:20:194 (3) - idk why, I feel this whistle sound strange (plus there's no whistle on 01:04:080 (4)) Ok, whistle on (3) has been removed
00:31:165 (2,3) - Move these two few grids left so it will form a better triangle? Ok, fixed
00:48:137 (2) - I think, moving this few grids up will flow better Ok, fixed
01:23:108 (2,4) - Definitely could be curved smoother orz Oh, no need, leave as was
01:28:937 (2) - Move few grids down like : ? (tieff style jumps orz) No, thanks, hate tieff's style. also it'll break my distance snap.
02:03:908 (1) - This linear slider breaks the flow imo Ok, fixed

Also added 1 timing point.
Thank you for mod o/

Download: Cameron Strother - bucho mio ~LocoRoco Green's Theme~ (Reiji-RJ) [Not So Hard].osu

Nivalis wrote:

00:11:451 (1) - Standard curve like : plays better imo. However if you don't want to change it at least you can wave it better (: alright!
00:27:908 (1,1,1,1) - I prefer the claps being on the first repeat and the slider's end rather than in the second repeat, but it's just my personal opinion I'm really stunned with hitsounding these sliders ._. but I'll think of it,thanks!
00:42:994 (2) - Move the middle waypoint one grid left and up? (grid modding yeah xD) ok :D
00:47:108 (1) - I can see the 2nd tick is not in the center. Maybe center this slider with turning off grid snap? fixed,should be better now
01:11:794 (1,1,1,1) - Same as 00:27:908 yep,I'll think of it
01:30:994 (1,2,3,4,1) - Create a better pentagon here? ( thanks,but did in my personal way ;)
01:58:422 (1) - Is it intentional not to place this slider in the center? o.o - Also, I believe you can wave this smoother :3 fixed!
02:06:651 (1) - Uh... Move the inherit section 1/4 later maybe so players who clicked this note early don't get too loud sound I think you've meant earlier,but I got it,thanks,nice suggestion!
Thank you!
Download: Cameron Strother - bucho mio ~LocoRoco Green's Theme~ (Reiji-RJ) [Easy].osu
helo :D as your request ~


  1. Mp3 Bitrate : 192kbps (okay)
  2. Video (frame size) : No Vid (Okay)
  3. Skin : comboburst (fine) why don't you add one more or two ? if there's more xD
  4. Background : 1024x768 (okay)
  5. Kiai time : [Not so hard] and [Hard] lost a kiai time. 00:49:851 , 01:00:822 , 01:11:794 , 01:22:765 and more, is this small kiai really needed ?
  6. Snapping : No problem here (okay)
  7. Preview Point : No problem here (okay)
  8. Diffs : 1 easy , 1 not so hard (change to normal ?) , 1 hard (Okay)
  9. Audio Lead-in : No problem here (Okay)
  10. Artist : Cameron Strother (Okay)
  11. Title : Bucho mio , Caps the "b" and I think " ~LocoRoco Green's Theme~ " delete ?
  12. source : LocoRoco
  13. Tags : add " green's theme " , remove " ~LocoRoco green's theme~ " , since " LocoRoco" at source , just add " green's theme" at tags.
  14. Disable letterbox?

  1. 01:33:051 (4) -make star here ?
  2. 01:33:737 (1) - remove new combo
  3. 01:41:622 (3) - add clap , it sounds good xD if two times the beat :P
  4. 01:44:365 (3) - add clap , ^
  5. 01:46:080 (2) - add clap at the return , wanna the hitsounds flow correctly :p
  6. 01:48:822 (2) - add clap at the return , ^
  7. 01:51:565 (2) - add clap at the return , ^
  8. 01:54:308 (2) - add clap at the return , ^
  9. 01:57:051 (2) - add clap at the return , ^
  10. 01:59:794 (2) - add clap at the return , ^
  11. 02:02:537 (2) - add clap at the return , ^
  12. 02:05:280 (2) - add clap at the return , ^
its just the same thing =w=''

[Not so hard]
  1. Please change it to " Normal " but its quite hard =w=
  2. 00:25:165 (2) - add whistle at the slider?
  3. 00:36:308 (2) - remove clap at the starting, put whistle at the slider.
  4. 00:36:822 (3) - remove clap at the starting , put whistle at the slider.
  5. 00:38:194 (x) - add a circle ?there "gen" xD
  6. 01:09:051 (2) - put whistle at the slider ?
  7. 01:15:051 (2) - 1 grid right (level 4)
  8. 02:02:537 (3) - remove whistle at the end of the slider , put clap there
  1. 00:24:651 (1) - spacing
  2. 02:09:051 (x) - add a circle?
I really love this diff , it flows good :D

nice beatmap is always nice. Thumbs Up.
Hope its helping :)
Topic Starter

HeatKai wrote:

helo :D as your request ~ Haaai >w<

  1. Mp3 Bitrate : 192kbps (okay)
  2. Video (frame size) : No Vid (Okay)
  3. Skin : comboburst (fine) why don't you add one more or two ? if there's more xD N-no, I haven't found more :<
  4. Background : 1024x768 (okay)
  5. Kiai time : [Not so hard] and [Hard] lost a kiai time. 00:49:851 , 01:00:822 , 01:11:794 , 01:22:765 and more, is this small kiai really needed ? I want this kiais
  6. Snapping : No problem here (okay)
  7. Preview Point : No problem here (okay)
  8. Diffs : 1 easy , 1 not so hard (change to normal ?) , 1 hard (Okay)
  9. Audio Lead-in : No problem here (Okay)
  10. Artist : Cameron Strother (Okay)
  11. Title : Bucho mio , Caps the "b" and I think " ~LocoRoco Green's Theme~ " delete ? No-no, it's full title as in
  12. source : LocoRoco
  13. Tags : add " green's theme " , remove " ~LocoRoco green's theme~ " , since " LocoRoco" at source , just add " green's theme" at tags.
  14. Disable letterbox? okay
  1. 00:24:651 (1) - spacing fixed~
  2. 02:09:051 (x) - add a circle? N-no, sorry
I really love this diff , it flows good :D ah, thanks >w<

nice beatmap is always nice. Thumbs Up.
Hope its helping :)
Thank you a lot, HeatKaaai! :)

HeatKai wrote:

[Not so hard]
  1. Please change it to " Normal " but its quite hard =w= No, it's not a Normal, but i hate + and - in names. Leave as is.
  2. 00:25:165 (2) - add whistle at the slider?
  3. 00:36:308 (2) - remove clap at the starting, put whistle at the slider. no
  4. 00:36:822 (3) - remove clap at the starting , put whistle at the slider. no
  5. 00:38:194 (x) - add a circle ?there "gen" xD ok
  6. 01:09:051 (2) - put whistle at the slider ? no
  7. 01:15:051 (2) - 1 grid right (level 4) nah, no
  8. 02:02:537 (3) - remove whistle at the end of the slider , put clap there remapped
thanks for mod o/

Я в своей леттербоксы влючил обратно, проверь все, чтоб было одинаково, ок?

Download: Cameron Strother - bucho mio ~LocoRoco Green's Theme~ (Reiji-RJ) [Not So Hard].osu
Hi! What language is this ? I like the song!

- It might be a good idea to put the name of the creator of the diff in the respective diff. Some people don't take the time to read the OP, but is up to you

- Slidertick 2 ? Sounds quite well but some sliders might mess up if you change the slidertick, so if you decide to change it, keep in mind that
- 00:16:251 >> Start the normal hitsounds from here instead ?
- The diff is good overall, but some sliders have what I consider 'a lot' of repeats for an Easy but since the slider speed isn't too much I guess is fine, just pointing it out because others may not think the same as me
- I noticed there isn't a single spinner on the whole diff, the score will be the same when this gets ranked haha (;

Not so Hard;
- Slider tick 2 ? Sounds nice
- 00:09:737 >> How about this ?

- 02:08:022 >> Start decreasing the volume from here ? This note feels too strong
- No kiai ? ):
- Hitsounds on all the diff seem a little too strong, lower the volume a bit ?

- No kiai ? Except for that which isn't a real 'problem' I see no issues, nice diff

* Star ~

lovhin456 wrote:

Not so Hard;
- Slider tick 2 ? Sounds nice Ah, sorry, disagree
- 00:09:737 >> How about this ? Sorry, disagree
- 02:08:022 >> Start decreasing the volume from here ? This note feels too strong Ah, okay, reduced here from 50 --> 30.
- No kiai ? ): There are some fountains :S
- Hitsounds on all the diff seem a little too strong, lower the volume a bit ? lol, are you joking ? :D My diff is almost 60%, sometimes lower. Look at other diffs, they are 60% too, how my diff can be louder? :D
Anyway thank you for mod o/

~something fixed too~

Download: Cameron Strother - bucho mio ~LocoRoco Green's Theme~ (Reiji-RJ) [Not So Hard].osu
Topic Starter

lovhin456 wrote:

Hi! What language is this ? I like the song! Hello! Oh, I don't know, sorry D:

- It might be a good idea to put the name of the creator of the diff in the respective diff. Some people don't take the time to read the OP, but is up to you Aw, I'll think about it

- No kiai ? Except for that which isn't a real 'problem' I see no issues, nice diff

* Star ~
Thank you very much <3
IRC stuff

19:19 <Reiji-RJ> : Hai
19:19 <ShadowLord> : yo
19:20 <Reiji-RJ> : Aleks719 suggested me to ask you a mod :O
19:20 <Reiji-RJ> : can I?
19:20 <ShadowLord> : sure lol
19:21 <Reiji-RJ> : yay
19:21 *Reiji-RJ is listening to (Cameron Strother - bucho mio ~LocoRoco Green's Theme~)[]
19:21 <Reiji-RJ> : this map
19:21 <ShadowLord> : alright
19:23 <Reiji-RJ> : thank you!
19:23 <ShadowLord> : I normally test play it before hand =p if it sucks I dont mod lol, feel free to watch if you want
19:25 <ShadowLord> : haha, nice map
19:25 <ShadowLord> : timing is fine
19:26 <Reiji-RJ> : oh, thanks
19:26 <Reiji-RJ> : I thought offset is wrong, lol
19:28 <ShadowLord> : notes under sliders are a nono for easy
19:29 <Reiji-RJ> : but they are readable D:
19:29 <ShadowLord> : they might be, but still
19:30 <ShadowLord> : only NEW players (this exludes top 40 hunters)
19:30 <ShadowLord> : that play easy diffs
19:30 <ShadowLord> : all notes must be visiable, since it will confuse them
19:30 <Reiji-RJ> : uh, anyway this is guest diff, so I can decide
19:30 <Reiji-RJ> : can't*
19:30 <ShadowLord> : well, I'll mention it
19:31 <Reiji-RJ> : okay
19:31 <ShadowLord> : irc mod ok?
19:31 <Reiji-RJ> : uw, what about guests?
19:31 <ShadowLord> : I'll post it
19:31 <ShadowLord> : with irc log =p
19:31 <Reiji-RJ> : ok
19:31 <Reiji-RJ> : :3
19:33 <ShadowLord> : 00:11:451 (1) -
19:33 <ShadowLord> : this overlap looks ugly
19:34 <ShadowLord> :
19:34 <ShadowLord> : something like this maybe =p
19:34 <Reiji-RJ> : D: I can't fix cause it's Aleks' diff
19:34 <ShadowLord> : ah
19:34 <ShadowLord> : lolol
19:34 <ShadowLord> : -grabs alex-
19:34 <ShadowLord> : wait, I'll do that afterwords
19:35 <Reiji-RJ> : Hard is mine :P
19:36 <ShadowLord> : 00:49:165 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) -
19:36 <ShadowLord> : this is hard to sight read
19:36 <ShadowLord> : I'd suggest a new combo on 4 maybe
19:36 <ShadowLord> : or 4
19:36 <ShadowLord> : 3**
19:37 <Reiji-RJ> : added nc on 4
19:39 <ShadowLord> : 00:33:908 (2) -
19:40 <ShadowLord> : clap maybe, fits with the rest of the pattern
19:40 <Reiji-RJ> : and then it'll be clap-clap?
19:40 <ShadowLord> : yea
19:40 <ShadowLord> : if you dont like it, ignore =p
19:40 <ShadowLord> : I just like clap clap sometimes
19:40 <ShadowLord> : its catchy
19:41 <ShadowLord> : if you do that, 00:36:651 (4) - < also clap
19:41 <Reiji-RJ> : hm, it's cool, yeah
19:41 <Reiji-RJ> : fixed >w<
19:41 <ShadowLord> : 01:03:051 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) -
19:41 <ShadowLord> : this aprt
19:41 <ShadowLord> : part**
19:41 <ShadowLord> : 00:13:680 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6) -
19:42 <ShadowLord> : try something like this, this was epic to play
19:43 <Reiji-RJ> : I'll t-try
19:43 <Reiji-RJ> : you mean with jump? :O
19:44 <ShadowLord> : yea
19:47 <ShadowLord> : other then that, its epic stuff
19:47 <ShadowLord> : good job
19:47 <Reiji-RJ> : happy that you like it >w<
19:48 <ShadowLord> : really solid map
20:00 <Reiji-RJ> : fixed that part and updated
20:02 <Reiji-RJ> : what about other diffs?
20:02 <ShadowLord> : just notes under sliders for easy
20:02 <ShadowLord> : and I'll grab alex when I see him online again
20:03 <Reiji-RJ> : ok :3
20:03 <Reiji-RJ> : post log!
20:08 <ShadowLord> : its cool :)
20:08 <ShadowLord> : I dont need kd
20:08 <ShadowLord> : didnt do much ;)
20:09 <Reiji-RJ> : b-but you helped me a lot :<
20:09 <ShadowLord> : hehe
In my mod. You can ignore me :D


  1. 02:06:651 (1) - add finish
sorry, I found only one fixes point X(
this diff is nice :3

[Not So Hard]

  1. 00:13:851 (2) - How about something like this?
  2. 00:27:565 (5) - delete slider, add note 00:27:565 and 00:27:908
  3. 01:30:137 (4) - this slider is not beautiful, (288,148) square delete (nazi)
  4. 01:39:222 (1) - remove finish, add clap


  1. 00:05:965 (1) - slider end 00:06:565
  2. 00:07:851 (5) - change slider slider end 00:08:022
  3. 00:10:594 (9,1) - delete (1), (9) changed slider end 00:10:937
    └00:11:280 (3) add clap and whistle
  4. 00:33:908 (3,4,5) - How about something like this?
  5. 00:36:822 (5,6) - ^
  6. 00:40:937 (X) - add note
  7. 00:43:680 (X) - ^
  8. 00:46:251 (7,8) - delete (8), (7) change slider end 00:46:594 and add clap slider end
  9. 01:17:965 (5,6,7,8) - How about something like this?
  10. 01:20:708 (5,6,7,8) - same in 01:17:965
  11. 01:28:251 (1,2) - (1)remove new combo, (2) add new combo
  12. 01:52:765 (1) - delete note and add note 01:52:937, add new combo
  13. 02:00:994 (7) - delete note and add note 02:01:165, add new combo
    └02:01:337 (1) - remove new combo

I enjoyed this map. so This map is nice map :33
Topic Starter
Thank you, rui! \:3/
Some fixed~

Edit: Aleks fixed some things too
Hi Reiji

  1. The BG already contain so many green so I suggest to use/add another color other than green (maybe red or brown, the same color with the eyes of the character). It's up to you to change or not, this is just my opinion as a modder~
  2. I agree that you should add the name of the each diff creator on every guest diff, I have to browse the thread to know who make which diff
  3. I suggest to use the same kiai as Easy diff, it's emphasis the end of the map very good
  1. The only thing that bother me is how you use short slider with 2 repeats mixed with short slider with 1 repeat. It's not hard but novice may still get confused. So I suggest to decrease the circle size to biggest size or alternatively you can increase the difficulty setting and call this Normal (or rename this diff to not so easy lol)
[Not so Hard]
  1. The whistle slider slide here sounds so awkward, it's not good. Try using a whistle at the start or at the end too
  2. 00:11:469 (1,2) - this really bugs me. It's a bad overlap no matter how many time I see it, maybe use the same pattern as 00:05:983 (1,2)
  3. 00:25:165 (2) - the red way point made the slider have a little bulge near the center. I suggest to make the red way point to normal then rise the way point near the center way point up by 2 grid (for the way point on the upper side) and lower the other way point down by 2 grid (for the way point on the lower side). It'll make the slider look like
  1. If you can try using normal-whistle sound, there are some good place that can use it e.g. 00:16:937 (2,4), 00:19:679 (4,6), 00:26:365 (6), etc. It's better if you could use more variety on the hitsound
  2. 00:14:726 (5,1) - this jump is rather surprising considering the intensity of this part of the song is quite low as it's still in the beginning. I highly suggest to use normal spacing here
I almost thought this is Spanish but after some research I found that this is just a random gibberish =D
Fun song & map indeed, I'd be glad to re-check it but I rather if you search for more mod before I do that
Topic Starter

Sallad4ever wrote:

Hi Reiji Hi Sallad :3

  1. The BG already contain so many green so I suggest to use/add another color other than green (maybe red or brown, the same color with the eyes of the character). It's up to you to change or not, this is just my opinion as a modder~ N-no, because it's Green LocoRoco >w<
  2. I agree that you should add the name of the each diff creator on every guest diff, I have to browse the thread to know who make which diff I'll think about it
  3. I suggest to use the same kiai as Easy diff, it's emphasis the end of the map very good Done :3
  1. If you can try using normal-whistle sound, there are some good place that can use it e.g. 00:16:937 (2,4), 00:19:679 (4,6), 00:26:365 (6), etc. It's better if you could use more variety on the hitsound Aww, sounds good. Added some whistles
  2. 00:14:726 (5,1) - this jump is rather surprising considering the intensity of this part of the song is quite low as it's still in the beginning. I highly suggest to use normal spacing here Okay, fixed!
I almost thought this is Spanish but after some research I found that this is just a random gibberish =D Lol :D
Fun song & map indeed, I'd be glad to re-check it but I rather if you search for more mod before I do that
I'll get some more mod!
Thank you a lot :oops:
00:27:051 (8) - Maybe make it blanket a bit more (7) like this?
00:29:451 (6) - Maybe new combo?
00:32:194 (6) - ^
01:13:336 (6) - ^
01:16:079 (6) - ^

[Not so Hard]
Nice~ *u*

I wish it ended like two previous diffs, some bit slower sliders and a spinner.. ;u;

Argh, quite a useless mod, sorry about that. No need to kudosu even if you happen to change some of these things. Have a star~
Topic Starter

Lanttu wrote:

00:27:051 (8) - Maybe make it blanket a bit more (7) like this?
00:29:451 (6) - Maybe new combo?
00:32:194 (6) - ^
01:13:336 (6) - ^
01:16:079 (6) - ^
All fixed *^*

Argh, quite a useless mod, sorry about that. No need to kudosu even if you happen to change some of these things. Have a star~
Gaww, kudosu for you, Lanttu!
Thank you >w<
мех :<

Да-да, согласна с Салладом о смене комбо цветов
что-то типа таких:

Combo1 : 202,253,47
Combo2 : 196 34 11

01:51:565 (2,1) - очень нази. (2) сделай параллельно (1) ну и можно скопипастить (2) вот сюда 01:54:308 (2) - чтоб одинаковые были

Not so hard
Не очень нравятся нормал вистлы которые ты используешь. А не нравятся в том плане, что они звучат еле-еле слышно, если уж добавлять их то так, чтобы было четко и громко, либо вообще убрать.
00:33:394 (1,2,3) - внезапные нормал висты, хотя вроде как раньше были софт, не очень.
02:03:908 (1,2) - нуу.. покрасивше сделать, не? копипаста там, все дела

ничего не нашла D:

Все, больше не буду моддить \:D/
ура разнообразию цветов! я почти не вижу отличия \:D/
но это врятли твоя проблема : D

01:52:765 (1) - и 02:00:994 (1) - оффбит слайдеры, я думаю их тут можно заменить немного чем-нибудь другим

[Not so hard]
01:32:365 (1) - я бы сделал акцент на 01:33:737 и поставил там круг. а спиннер раньше немного закончил

Topic Starter

Vass_Bass wrote:

мех :<

Да-да, согласна с Салладом о смене комбо цветов
что-то типа таких:

Combo1 : 202,253,47
Combo2 : 196 34 11
Okaay, changed the second color :3

ничего не нашла D:

Все, больше не буду моддить \:D/
Aww, спасибо, васс <3

Kert wrote:

ура разнообразию цветов! я почти не вижу отличия \:D/
но это врятли твоя проблема : D

01:52:765 (1) - и 02:00:994 (1) - оффбит слайдеры, я думаю их тут можно заменить немного чем-нибудь другим Fixed~ :3

Kertdere mod! :oops:
Спасибо большое! >w<
Thank you for mod request~ :)


  • Fine.
[Not So Hard]

  • Nice name lol
  1. 01:25:165 (6,1) - Move them left to avoid overlap with (4)?
  2. 01:41:451 (8) - Move it up by 0.5 grid without grid snap to align with (7,9)? (I know you put (7,9) to make them symmetry with (5,6). So to move (8) is better than to move (7) or (9).)

  • In my opinion, AR7 is better to this mapset.
    Your mapset is very clear so it's enough easy to read even if you use AR7.
    Yup, that's just a suggestion :P
  1. 00:05:983 (1) - Move 3rd waypoint up by 1 grid to make the shape better.
  2. 00:22:422 (2) - Move 2nd waypoint left by 1 grid.
  3. 00:23:108 (3) - ^ right by 1 grid.
  4. 01:40:251 (4,5,6) - The flow is not so good. How about change pattern like one below?
    In this pattern, moved (4) further from (3), and made (5) symmetry with (1).
Nice map :3
It's fun to play.
Good luck~ :)
Topic Starter

Suzully wrote:

Thank you for mod request~ :) Hi, Suzully :oops:


  • In my opinion, AR7 is better to this mapset.
    Your mapset is very clear so it's enough easy to read even if you use AR7.
    Yup, that's just a suggestion :P Aw, I like AR8, sorry :<
  1. 00:05:983 (1) - Move 3rd waypoint up by 1 grid to make the shape better.
  2. 00:22:422 (2) - Move 2nd waypoint left by 1 grid.
  3. 00:23:108 (3) - ^ right by 1 grid.
  4. 01:40:251 (4,5,6) - The flow is not so good. How about change pattern like one below?
    In this pattern, moved (4) further from (3), and made (5) symmetry with (1).
I fixed aaaall you said! Nice mod >w<

Nice map :3
It's fun to play.
Good luck~ :)
Thank you very much! :)

Suzully wrote:

[Not So Hard]

  • Nice name lol Thanks ;P
  1. 01:25:165 (6,1) - Move them left to avoid overlap with (4)? hummm, (6) only replaced
  2. 01:41:451 (8) - Move it up by 0.5 grid without grid snap to align with (7,9)? lol, okay :D

Vass_Bass wrote:

Sorry, nothing changed

Kert wrote:

01:52:765 (1) - и 02:00:994 (1) - оффбит слайдеры, я думаю их тут можно заменить немного чем-нибудь другим ok, fixed
Thanks for mods, guys o/

Download: Cameron Strother - bucho mio ~LocoRoco Green's Theme~ (Reiji-RJ) [Not So Hard].osu
00:07:869 (5) - remove whistle? It sounds to be a lower tone in a quiet background, then a whistle seems odd here.
00:16:098 (6) - ^
00:36:822 (5) - down 1 grid to make it symmetrical? you may need to change the shape of the slider a bit to meet the spacing
00:38:194 (9,10) - I prefer clapping on (9), remove clap on (10)

[Not so Hard]
00:07:869 (4) - remove whistle?
00:13:355 (5) - ^
00:38:194 (5) - slightly covered by (3), it's suggested to move elsewhere since this is a easier hard?
01:03:565 (3) - is it possible to rotate (3) a bit that the ending of (3) points to (4)?
01:08:194 (5) - remove whistle?

[Easy] fine

Looks pretty ready for me. I only heard patchouli many times lol
Topic Starter

wmfchris wrote:

00:07:869 (5) - remove whistle? It sounds to be a lower tone in a quiet background, then a whistle seems odd here.
00:16:098 (6) - ^
00:36:822 (5) - down 1 grid to make it symmetrical? you may need to change the shape of the slider a bit to meet the spacing
00:38:194 (9,10) - I prefer clapping on (9), remove clap on (10)

Looks pretty ready for me. I only heard patchouli many times lol
All fixed :O
Thank you, wmf >w<
ok then

[Not so Hard]
I still think the whistle slider slide sounds awkward. You really should do something about it, either remove the whistle slider slide or add a whistle on the start/beginning. I'm not going to force you, but I highly suggest it

01:33:222 (4) - NC (new combo) this to make it consistent with 00:49:336 (1)

Yeah that's all, I can bubble this call me again later
Topic Starter
Fixed, thank you :3
I need confirmation on the second offset, I got 16927 for it. Maybe you can ask IceBeam to confirm it
hm..a bit weird timing honestly

for example,in Hard,00:16:440 (1) looks a bit off-timed,I'm getting around 16420,probably less
though downbeat is around 16930,yeah

so,do we need more opinions then?

IceBeam wrote:

hm..a bit weird timing honestly

for example,in Hard,00:16:440 (1) looks a bit off-timed,I'm getting around 16420,probably less
though downbeat is around 16930,yeah

so,do we need more opinions then?
yeah I guess.
I rather settle the timing before bubbling it so it'll be easier for BAT to check it later. As for 00:16:440 (1) adding an uninherited timing section on 16420 will snap it, but I'm not good with multiple offset too so I rather have help from pro timer
Topic Starter
Okaay, fixed the timing
Thanks Alace for it :3
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