
osu!taiko Featured Artist Cup #3

The osu!taiko Featured Artist Cup is a mapping contest where you're simply asked to map any song from one of osu!'s Featured Artists, but this time, there's a twist: You must map with a partner!


  • Entries must be in osu!taiko game mode only.
  • Entries must be in .osz format.
  • Contestants will submit ONE difficulty of any licensed song they choose from the Featured Artist library.
  • Entries must not exceed the drain time of 7 minutes. There will a bit of leeway in cases where the drain time is really close to the 7 minute mark.
  • Entries should abide by the Ranking Criteria. Mistakes happen and points will be deducted for them, but submissions that cannot be ranked without major changes will be disqualified.
  • Team name and members must be confirmed through this form.
    • If your country does not support Google Forms, send Hivie a message.
    • Teams consist of 2 members, the captain and the teammate.
    • Only the person who's registered as the captain is allowed to submit an entry through the contest listing.
    • Having someone other than the captain to submit, or submitting an entry without a confirmed team will result in a disqualification.
  • Entries must NOT be publicly revealed before judging concludes and results are announced.

Once you've fully read the rules and thought of a clever team name, you can register your team through this form.

Judging Criteria

  • Judge's Impression (5 Points): Points will be assigned based on what the judge thinks about your map.
  • Ranking Criteria (5 Points): Points will be assigned based on how well the map abides by the Ranking Criteria.
  • Structure (10 Points): Points will be assigned based on how well the map is internally designed (consistency, concept introduction, etc.).
  • Relevance (10 Points): Points will be assigned based on how well the map represents the song and how well it plays.
  • Creativity (10 Points): Points will be assigned based on how the submission uses creative and fitting elements to make itself stand out.

Don't forget to register your team before submitting an entry!

Please sign in to enter the contest.