Блять, какой же ты долбаёб, да, это 4 стар, у которого почти нет дт фк за 10 лет, но это не значит, что карта плохая или с ней что-то не так - ты лавнул 300 бпм хуйню, смекаеш, хуесос бля, мапать научись сам сначала, а потом ебало открывай, животное
Don't know why people are complaining about this so much, it's a really good map with excellent rhythm and nuance emphasis. Maybe it's just because they're not good enough to play it yet and because of that they think it's bad. Either way, an extremely good set!
mmm it seems like an adequate opinion
Edit: I was playing Icekalt's diff, the top diff is absolute dog shit
nope.. :')