The problem here is not only do pre-monstrata, pre-sotarks players dislike this map, it was a map built to disrespect the community even after all of the shit sotarks has done. Sotarks acting like the victim in the community he changed for the worse is... bad judgement at best and mental illness at worst.
I do understand what you're saying though, and I think it's a good take that different generations are going to enjoy maps differently. I think some of you new guys really miss out on a lot of the older, super insanely creative maps :P
Alright maybe i'll just say it in simpler terms. Sotarks changed the mapping meta, the meta is stale and abusive to the game actively hurting it.
You are very stuck on "don't play map" when every single modern map is influenced by Sotarks in some way, with the modern mapping community having a large percentage of maps very similar to Sotarks' style. I have said all of this before in my other comments, which is why I said re-read my previous comments.
The problem arises is when that mapping meta directly hurts players of the game. It gets stale when nearly 50% of the maps are mapped in the same way, but even past that it hurts the pp system when some players are disadvantaged or just don't find it fun to play exclusively jumpy, 1-2 maps. I would also like to mention the inherent biases in your argument, as a pp farm abusing tablet player. Obviously you would never want streams to be meta?
I made a point of staying formal but I am going insane, please read my comments before you reply to me.
You do not separate art from the artist, why separate maps from the mapper? Mappers need to take full responsibility for their map, especially when the map is inherently disrespectful and controversial. To add, a map's intentions need to be accounted for. If Armin was to map this, I wouldn't mind. But considering this is one final act of disrespect and controversy to the community from Sotarks, obviously we need to take this map at face value.
Many of my criticisms with this map are because of the figurehead. Sotarks mapping this song (and also cutting it) is an obvious act of disrespect to the osu community, and we as a community need to understand that before we start talking about the map's quality.
I wonder if you actually read the things I type, or if there is even a reason for me to type at all. Reread my original comment and understand how sotarks has negatively impacted the mapping meta, and how "just don't play map" or ''pls enjoy game'' is an incredibly nearsighted and dishonest argument.
crazy how u complain about people "ignoring your point" then just ignore my whole comment and tell me to reread ur comment again where u just say bla bla opinion opinion bla bla. Sotarks might have mapped a lot of maps that look a lot alike and that are low effort high reward but does that mean HE is at fault for the pp system being broken? if its clear what kind of maps are broken as shit then why not just nerf them? i know they have been targeted almost every time with every nerf since early 2018 but the playerbase just keeps getting better at that kind of maps, becuase they choose to play them. but you dont NEED to play them, there are a lot of players that have chosen to play other style of maps and still got very high in rankings, thats what i tried to say in my previous comment i hope ur reading this rn and not just gonna skip through all of this and say "read again, idiot xdxd". everything i said is IF you care about rankings, if you dont then you are hypocritical because theres absolutely no need to care about maps you dont like to enjoy this game. i swear the easiest fix for this useless mentality is just a block mechanic where people can just block certain mappers for appearing to them. also, i dislike certain mappers/maps aswell, like hailie, (most of) wafer, that super driver map, but you know, they can all rank all the bullshit they want, its not gonna let me enjoy the maps i love any less. on a side note, i dont play for pp (anymore), with the td nerf and the recent hotfix its almost impossible to climb up in the rankings with my playstyle and skillset, but i dont give a shit, as long as i can set scores im proud of, play maps i love and maps songs this game will always be the most enjoyable game for me.
Alright maybe i'll just say it in simpler terms. Sotarks changed the mapping meta, the meta is stale and abusive to the game actively hurting it.
You are very stuck on "don't play map" when every single modern map is influenced by Sotarks in some way, with the modern mapping community having a large percentage of maps very similar to Sotarks' style. I have said all of this before in my other comments, which is why I said re-read my previous comments.
The problem arises is when that mapping meta directly hurts players of the game. It gets stale when nearly 50% of the maps are mapped in the same way, but even past that it hurts the pp system when some players are disadvantaged or just don't find it fun to play exclusively jumpy, 1-2 maps. I would also like to mention the inherent biases in your argument, as a pp farm abusing tablet player. Obviously you would never want streams to be meta?
I made a point of staying formal but I am going insane, please read my comments before you reply to me.
It's crazy how you actively just skip over the point. Sotarks has actively hurt osu by making the meta revolve around unenjoyable, unremarkable and pp-exploiting maps. As a player who used to enjoy watching my rank go up as I improve, it eventually made me quit the game because of how the system I used to enjoy was being exploited and squeezed for its every last point.
The mapping scene has not recovered. The average map is still incredibly short and jumpy, and many players who used to enjoy the pre-monstrata, pre-sotarks era of playing just straight up quit (like I did) or had to seriously wonder if the game was worth playing.
From a purely analytical standpoint, sotarks as a mapper has only hurt the game. His entire "career" has been filled to the brim with situations exactly like this. "Don't play map" is really crazy to say when he's entirely shifted the mapping culture in every way except positively. I'll say it again, the mapping scene has not and will never recover from the damage he's done on my once-favorite game. I'm far from a negative person, but its really hard to have anything come to my head other than spite every single time sotarks shows up in a way like this. Good riddance.
there are hundreds of maps that arent browiec, sotarks or anything like those every month, wtf are you crying about just play those and ignore those you dont like, how hard can that be? nobody is forcing you to play a sotarks map and if you care about ranking you can just get better at other skillsets than pp jumps to rank up. The ranked section has nothing to recover from because it was never hurt, its only getting better and better over time.
I wonder if you actually read the things I type, or if there is even a reason for me to type at all. Reread my original comment and understand how sotarks has negatively impacted the mapping meta, and how "just don't play map" or ''pls enjoy game'' is an incredibly nearsighted and dishonest argument.
crazy how u complain about people "ignoring your point" then just ignore my whole comment and tell me to reread ur comment again where u just say bla bla opinion opinion bla bla. Sotarks might have mapped a lot of maps that look a lot alike and that are low effort high reward but does that mean HE is at fault for the pp system being broken? if its clear what kind of maps are broken as shit then why not just nerf them? i know they have been targeted almost every time with every nerf since early 2018 but the playerbase just keeps getting better at that kind of maps, becuase they choose to play them. but you dont NEED to play them, there are a lot of players that have chosen to play other style of maps and still got very high in rankings, thats what i tried to say in my previous comment i hope ur reading this rn and not just gonna skip through all of this and say "read again, idiot xdxd". everything i said is IF you care about rankings, if you dont then you are hypocritical because theres absolutely no need to care about maps you dont like to enjoy this game. i swear the easiest fix for this useless mentality is just a block mechanic where people can just block certain mappers for appearing to them. also, i dislike certain mappers/maps aswell, like hailie, (most of) wafer, that super driver map, but you know, they can all rank all the bullshit they want, its not gonna let me enjoy the maps i love any less. on a side note, i dont play for pp (anymore), with the td nerf and the recent hotfix its almost impossible to climb up in the rankings with my playstyle and skillset, but i dont give a shit, as long as i can set scores im proud of, play maps i love and maps songs this game will always be the most enjoyable game for me.
Alright maybe i'll just say it in simpler terms. Sotarks changed the mapping meta, the meta is stale and abusive to the game actively hurting it.
You are very stuck on "don't play map" when every single modern map is influenced by Sotarks in some way, with the modern mapping community having a large percentage of maps very similar to Sotarks' style. I have said all of this before in my other comments, which is why I said re-read my previous comments.
The problem arises is when that mapping meta directly hurts players of the game. It gets stale when nearly 50% of the maps are mapped in the same way, but even past that it hurts the pp system when some players are disadvantaged or just don't find it fun to play exclusively jumpy, 1-2 maps. I would also like to mention the inherent biases in your argument, as a pp farm abusing tablet player. Obviously you would never want streams to be meta?
I made a point of staying formal but I am going insane, please read my comments before you reply to me.
For me as a post-monstrata era of playing I kinda like it tbh, but I do understand what pre-monstrata pre-sotarks era feels like about this map. From lots of mapping drama I've seen, I think its actually so hard to make map that all the players from all generation likes it, there will always be one generation of players who doesn't like this map as it's mapping concept looks unpleasant to their mapping meta. I'm sure i don't need any examples in order to understand
The problem here is not only do pre-monstrata, pre-sotarks players dislike this map, it was a map built to disrespect the community even after all of the shit sotarks has done. Sotarks acting like the victim in the community he changed for the worse is... bad judgement at best and mental illness at worst.
I do understand what you're saying though, and I think it's a good take that different generations are going to enjoy maps differently. I think some of you new guys really miss out on a lot of the older, super insanely creative maps :P
Sotarks has pioneered PP inflation unlike basically anyone osu has ever seen. (which I think is a fact now, he's literally not a BN anymore because he tried to map a compilation based entirely around PP) It says a lot about your quality of maps and your effect on the community when the sole thing you associate with sotarks is PP.
I think it says a lot that people who don't understand this comment are only associating me with my top plays are actively a part of the problem. Sotarks has pioneered the one thing that destroyed osu for me and many other players and actively hurt the quality of the average ranked map.
ahh why of course, the good ole, "if everyone else is farming sotarks maps, I should too. I don't like him, and his maps suck, but pp is pp". I mean like what do you mean when "the one thing that was destroyed osu for me" like bruh if you don't like it DO NOT PLAY IT ! You want pp? get good, or farm sotarks/browiec maps. Don't complain, just enjoy game.
It's crazy how you actively just skip over the point. Sotarks has actively hurt osu by making the meta revolve around unenjoyable, unremarkable and pp-exploiting maps. As a player who used to enjoy watching my rank go up as I improve, it eventually made me quit the game because of how the system I used to enjoy was being exploited and squeezed for its every last point.
The mapping scene has not recovered. The average map is still incredibly short and jumpy, and many players who used to enjoy the pre-monstrata, pre-sotarks era of playing just straight up quit (like I did) or had to seriously wonder if the game was worth playing.
From a purely analytical standpoint, sotarks as a mapper has only hurt the game. His entire "career" has been filled to the brim with situations exactly like this. "Don't play map" is really crazy to say when he's entirely shifted the mapping culture in every way except positively. I'll say it again, the mapping scene has not and will never recover from the damage he's done on my once-favorite game. I'm far from a negative person, but its really hard to have anything come to my head other than spite every single time sotarks shows up in a way like this. Good riddance.
there are hundreds of maps that arent browiec, sotarks or anything like those every month, wtf are you crying about just play those and ignore those you dont like, how hard can that be? nobody is forcing you to play a sotarks map and if you care about ranking you can just get better at other skillsets than pp jumps to rank up. The ranked section has nothing to recover from because it was never hurt, its only getting better and better over time.
I wonder if you actually read the things I type, or if there is even a reason for me to type at all. Reread my original comment and understand how sotarks has negatively impacted the mapping meta, and how "just don't play map" or ''pls enjoy game'' is an incredibly nearsighted and dishonest argument.
crazy how u complain about people "ignoring your point" then just ignore my whole comment and tell me to reread ur comment again where u just say bla bla opinion opinion bla bla. Sotarks might have mapped a lot of maps that look a lot alike and that are low effort high reward but does that mean HE is at fault for the pp system being broken? if its clear what kind of maps are broken as shit then why not just nerf them? i know they have been targeted almost every time with every nerf since early 2018 but the playerbase just keeps getting better at that kind of maps, becuase they choose to play them. but you dont NEED to play them, there are a lot of players that have chosen to play other style of maps and still got very high in rankings, thats what i tried to say in my previous comment i hope ur reading this rn and not just gonna skip through all of this and say "read again, idiot xdxd". everything i said is IF you care about rankings, if you dont then you are hypocritical because theres absolutely no need to care about maps you dont like to enjoy this game. i swear the easiest fix for this useless mentality is just a block mechanic where people can just block certain mappers for appearing to them. also, i dislike certain mappers/maps aswell, like hailie, (most of) wafer, that super driver map, but you know, they can all rank all the bullshit they want, its not gonna let me enjoy the maps i love any less. on a side note, i dont play for pp (anymore), with the td nerf and the recent hotfix its almost impossible to climb up in the rankings with my playstyle and skillset, but i dont give a shit, as long as i can set scores im proud of, play maps i love and maps songs this game will always be the most enjoyable game for me.
Alright maybe i'll just say it in simpler terms. Sotarks changed the mapping meta, the meta is stale and abusive to the game actively hurting it.
You are very stuck on "don't play map" when every single modern map is influenced by Sotarks in some way, with the modern mapping community having a large percentage of maps very similar to Sotarks' style. I have said all of this before in my other comments, which is why I said re-read my previous comments.
The problem arises is when that mapping meta directly hurts players of the game. It gets stale when nearly 50% of the maps are mapped in the same way, but even past that it hurts the pp system when some players are disadvantaged or just don't find it fun to play exclusively jumpy, 1-2 maps. I would also like to mention the inherent biases in your argument, as a pp farm abusing tablet player. Obviously you would never want streams to be meta?
I made a point of staying formal but I am going insane, please read my comments before you reply to me.
For me as a post-monstrata era of playing I kinda like it tbh, but I do understand what pre-monstrata pre-sotarks era feels like about this map. From lots of mapping drama I've seen, I think its actually so hard to make map that all the players from all generation likes it, there will always be one generation of players who doesn't like this map as it's mapping concept looks unpleasant to their mapping meta. I'm sure i don't need any examples in order to understand
The problem here is not only do pre-monstrata, pre-sotarks players dislike this map, it was a map built to disrespect the community even after all of the shit sotarks has done. Sotarks acting like the victim in the community he changed for the worse is... bad judgement at best and mental illness at worst.
I do understand what you're saying though, and I think it's a good take that different generations are going to enjoy maps differently. I think some of you new guys really miss out on a lot of the older, super insanely creative maps :P
Sotarks has pioneered PP inflation unlike basically anyone osu has ever seen. (which I think is a fact now, he's literally not a BN anymore because he tried to map a compilation based entirely around PP) It says a lot about your quality of maps and your effect on the community when the sole thing you associate with sotarks is PP.
I think it says a lot that people who don't understand this comment are only associating me with my top plays are actively a part of the problem. Sotarks has pioneered the one thing that destroyed osu for me and many other players and actively hurt the quality of the average ranked map.
Sotarks has pioneered PP inflation unlike basically anyone osu has ever seen. (which I think is a fact now, he's literally not a BN anymore because he tried to map a compilation based entirely around PP) It says a lot about your quality of maps and your effect on the community when the sole thing you associate with sotarks is PP.
I think it says a lot that people who don't understand this comment are only associating me with my top plays are actively a part of the problem. Sotarks has pioneered the one thing that destroyed osu for me and many other players and actively hurt the quality of the average ranked map.
ahh why of course, the good ole, "if everyone else is farming sotarks maps, I should too. I don't like him, and his maps suck, but pp is pp". I mean like what do you mean when "the one thing that was destroyed osu for me" like bruh if you don't like it DO NOT PLAY IT ! You want pp? get good, or farm sotarks/browiec maps. Don't complain, just enjoy game.
It's crazy how you actively just skip over the point. Sotarks has actively hurt osu by making the meta revolve around unenjoyable, unremarkable and pp-exploiting maps. As a player who used to enjoy watching my rank go up as I improve, it eventually made me quit the game because of how the system I used to enjoy was being exploited and squeezed for its every last point.
The mapping scene has not recovered. The average map is still incredibly short and jumpy, and many players who used to enjoy the pre-monstrata, pre-sotarks era of playing just straight up quit (like I did) or had to seriously wonder if the game was worth playing.
From a purely analytical standpoint, sotarks as a mapper has only hurt the game. His entire "career" has been filled to the brim with situations exactly like this. "Don't play map" is really crazy to say when he's entirely shifted the mapping culture in every way except positively. I'll say it again, the mapping scene has not and will never recover from the damage he's done on my once-favorite game. I'm far from a negative person, but its really hard to have anything come to my head other than spite every single time sotarks shows up in a way like this. Good riddance.
there are hundreds of maps that arent browiec, sotarks or anything like those every month, wtf are you crying about just play those and ignore those you dont like, how hard can that be? nobody is forcing you to play a sotarks map and if you care about ranking you can just get better at other skillsets than pp jumps to rank up. The ranked section has nothing to recover from because it was never hurt, its only getting better and better over time.
I wonder if you actually read the things I type, or if there is even a reason for me to type at all. Reread my original comment and understand how sotarks has negatively impacted the mapping meta, and how "just don't play map" or ''pls enjoy game'' is an incredibly nearsighted and dishonest argument.
crazy how u complain about people "ignoring your point" then just ignore my whole comment and tell me to reread ur comment again where u just say bla bla opinion opinion bla bla. Sotarks might have mapped a lot of maps that look a lot alike and that are low effort high reward but does that mean HE is at fault for the pp system being broken? if its clear what kind of maps are broken as shit then why not just nerf them? i know they have been targeted almost every time with every nerf since early 2018 but the playerbase just keeps getting better at that kind of maps, becuase they choose to play them. but you dont NEED to play them, there are a lot of players that have chosen to play other style of maps and still got very high in rankings, thats what i tried to say in my previous comment i hope ur reading this rn and not just gonna skip through all of this and say "read again, idiot xdxd". everything i said is IF you care about rankings, if you dont then you are hypocritical because theres absolutely no need to care about maps you dont like to enjoy this game. i swear the easiest fix for this useless mentality is just a block mechanic where people can just block certain mappers for appearing to them. also, i dislike certain mappers/maps aswell, like hailie, (most of) wafer, that super driver map, but you know, they can all rank all the bullshit they want, its not gonna let me enjoy the maps i love any less. on a side note, i dont play for pp (anymore), with the td nerf and the recent hotfix its almost impossible to climb up in the rankings with my playstyle and skillset, but i dont give a shit, as long as i can set scores im proud of, play maps i love and maps songs this game will always be the most enjoyable game for me.
Alright maybe i'll just say it in simpler terms. Sotarks changed the mapping meta, the meta is stale and abusive to the game actively hurting it.
You are very stuck on "don't play map" when every single modern map is influenced by Sotarks in some way, with the modern mapping community having a large percentage of maps very similar to Sotarks' style. I have said all of this before in my other comments, which is why I said re-read my previous comments.
The problem arises is when that mapping meta directly hurts players of the game. It gets stale when nearly 50% of the maps are mapped in the same way, but even past that it hurts the pp system when some players are disadvantaged or just don't find it fun to play exclusively jumpy, 1-2 maps. I would also like to mention the inherent biases in your argument, as a pp farm abusing tablet player. Obviously you would never want streams to be meta?
I made a point of staying formal but I am going insane, please read my comments before you reply to me.
For me as a post-monstrata era of playing I kinda like it tbh, but I do understand what pre-monstrata pre-sotarks era feels like about this map. From lots of mapping drama I've seen, I think its actually so hard to make map that all the players from all generation likes it, there will always be one generation of players who doesn't like this map as it's mapping concept looks unpleasant to their mapping meta. I'm sure i don't need any examples in order to understand
The problem here is not only do pre-monstrata, pre-sotarks players dislike this map, it was a map built to disrespect the community even after all of the shit sotarks has done. Sotarks acting like the victim in the community he changed for the worse is... bad judgement at best and mental illness at worst.
I do understand what you're saying though, and I think it's a good take that different generations are going to enjoy maps differently. I think some of you new guys really miss out on a lot of the older, super insanely creative maps :P
I don't get how meme mapsets like this get ranked. I mean, the diffs themselves aren't technically unrankable, but these songs are not serious, it just feels weird to have them in the ranked section. Also, wtf is this background? I saw so many people complaining about Cheri backgrounds on her maps. Something about them being low quality or so. What about this? At least it is from the music video so it has some connection with the song. But the quality of image makes this mapset even more of a joke. I think this is on the same level like Monstrata's Choco-Butter-Choco-Cookie. Maybe if the latter didn't get ranked, this mapset wouldn't get ranked too...
lol honestly this got memed to death but i'll double down, a HT score on this is just so much less exciting and memorable than the best player osu has ever seen set a godmode score. I like ekoro but if you said ekoro's play is more hype then you'd absolutely be lying.
lol honestly this got memed to death but i'll double down, a HT score on this is just so much less exciting and memorable than the best player osu has ever seen set a godmode score. I like ekoro but if you said ekoro's play is more hype then you'd absolutely be lying.
I don't think you appreciate the underlying themes of the map enough to have an opinion to be completely honest with you. Of course you will think its bad if everything you know is braindead sotarks 1-2, but this is mapping with meaning. Every note is placed with a purpose. I think you will appreciate this map more if you understood the meaning behind both the song and the changes in mapping style when the song changes its style.
its mistimed and an "edit" that just adds a 1-2 drumline