
I hate how most of these difficulties are mapped


The comment section of this song just shows what the average age of an osu! player is

Monogatari is peak fiction

One of the best songs to play in osu!catch and my favorite

i think this map is bad :/

this map sucks

the person who mapped extra must really like sliders (i dont..)

BeatmapAcid Burst

easy pp :^)

BeatmapQuiet Water

its because song has only 30 combo and you get most of the points from spinners (bananas )

ExGon HDHR SS \:D/

BeatmapNo title

git gud !

easy 130 + pp :^)

BeatmapIevan Polkka

horrible maped :/

sounds like made of fire at least same dude

man you people make me sick its hard not normal omg -.-

man even with nightcore its still slow

OMFG why its the slowest map in the whole game O.o

man you are stupid

why is second normal harder then hard wtf man

i thought pure pure was stupid but now i think i should at least try it :D

you sure he did finish it even with perfect


can you make chop suey beatmap please would be great :D

could you do a osu! version ?

this beatmap is so baldy maped >.<

realy bad mapped it doesnt desurve to be ranked


realy bad mapped it doesnt desurve to be ranked