At what point do you say 'Maybe I should stop remixing...' when it's basically little else but noise, lmao.
Hmm? Not sure why the comment has to be about me, lmao. I'm just pointing out it's just noise. And I don't think anyone can disagree with that statement.
What are your specs? What version of Windows are you running? There's gotta be a reason, lol. I've run osu! on just about every device I have past and present and have never had issues before, lol
I am just in a skill issue moment is all uwu; I'd love to play them but they're so beyond my paygrade hahah
There seems to be a ghost tapping issue going on. I dont press the screen and its tapping for me, or its releasing my taps even though Im not doing it. iOS version 16.6, iPhone 13 Pro Max. It basically makes any mode unplayable. Its a lot smoother but unplayable at least on my end
Common causes for ghost tapping are related to broken screens though. Check your screen first if it's broken or not.
Nope. Near brand new device. Ghost tapping only restricted to osu. Restarted and verified across multiple apps at different times and situations
Might just be dumb but it seems that my lazer build isn’t updating on my ipad even though i both uninstalled the app, removed the testflight link, then rejoined, then reinstalled.
Unless it just hasn’t been fully updated for iOS yet or something, just curious-
Because they're one of the people that correlate 'uwu' to only furries, lol.