
Hmm? Not sure why the comment has to be about me, lmao. I'm just pointing out it's just noise. And I don't think anyone can disagree with that statement.

Okay, okay, I'll turn my Background Dim to 100%

BeatmapNo Roots

Apple ad ahh music

At what point do you say 'Maybe I should stop remixing...' when it's basically little else but noise, lmao.

Broadsword Arai Daisuke

breaking: osu! user discovers new genre

Arai Daisuke Broadsword

Hmm? Not sure why the comment has to be about me, lmao. I'm just pointing out it's just noise. And I don't think anyone can disagree with that statement.

Thanks for the cute Gwen wallpaper

Out of anything I ever wanted back, it would not be Gangnam Style.



Holy fuck, it's Alesso! Thanks for the map!

Well in all fairness, the show does have musical elements to it, lol.

There's "gooner games" with better music lmao. Case in point, NIKKE is what comes to mind.

Jokes aside, this song just isn't good on it's own, and if it was detached from the game itself, it'd be probably shit on worse.

u have been kill

What are your specs? What version of Windows are you running? There's gotta be a reason, lol. I've run osu! on just about every device I have past and present and have never had issues before, lol

It blows my mind that the same person that produced a tear jerking song to an amazing game (To The Moon), also made this, lmao

BeatmapHUGE W

Just because they can ignore the song doesn't mean they can't have an opinion on it.


Wow, a thing I never expected to see ever... A Cheetah Girls' song lol. I thought it was just a massive fever dream.

The what

What's your system like? Are you running on Windows/Linux/Mac? Are you running on iGPU/dGPU? If you want the devs to focus and see if it's an issue they can fix, you need to give a bit more detail than that lol.

I am just in a skill issue moment is all uwu; I'd love to play them but they're so beyond my paygrade hahah

BeatmapHUGE W


It honestly would be cool as hell to be able to reskin the whole UI actually.

You made this mix?? If you did god bless you and I love you

One of the songs from Mori that gets exponentially better because it wasn't mixed by her.

It's actually pretty sick that it's even supported on Dex at all honestly

you absolute chads :) happy holidays

I'd love to play this, but GYAT DAMN THE DIFFICULTIES LMAO

Arai Daisuke

what about them

I am just in a skill issue moment is all uwu; I'd love to play them but they're so beyond my paygrade hahah

Nope. Near brand new device. Ghost tapping only restricted to osu. Restarted and verified across multiple apps at different times and situations

There seems to be a ghost tapping issue going on. I dont press the screen and its tapping for me, or its releasing my taps even though Im not doing it. iOS version 16.6, iPhone 13 Pro Max. It basically makes any mode unplayable. Its a lot smoother but unplayable at least on my end

ominoussage Arai Daisuke

Common causes for ghost tapping are related to broken screens though. Check your screen first if it's broken or not.

Arai Daisuke ominoussage

Nope. Near brand new device. Ghost tapping only restricted to osu. Restarted and verified across multiple apps at different times and situations

Controllers dont seem to work properly on iOS. They repeat inputs incessantly or miss them entirely (across all modes except std of course)

BeatmapHUGE W

Mori needs to not, lol.

Can confirm, switched from std to taiko. do it. now. >:(


this song is such a fucking bop


that the gays won

BeatmapBy My Side

gives blue archive vibes

They aren't Dragonforce?? Nah, that's cap

"Hey! How many circles did you want here?"
This is actually pretty fun Taiko stamina training.

Honestly, I might replay this a couple times. Why? Fuck if I know. I just will.

I keep coming back to this song purely cause it fucking slaps.

A map truly to make taiko players cry.

Asagi Mutsuki
Arai Daisuke

drinking the tears of taiko score farmers

Arai Daisuke Asagi Mutsuki

pls no

Unless it just hasn’t been fully updated for iOS yet or something, just curious-

Might just be dumb but it seems that my lazer build isn’t updating on my ipad even though i both uninstalled the app, removed the testflight link, then rejoined, then reinstalled.

Arai Daisuke Arai Daisuke

Unless it just hasn’t been fully updated for iOS yet or something, just curious-

Please put back that 'osu is angry' message.

I'm sorry but who in the fuck gets offended by such an untargeted sentence.

Thinking if to participate. HMM.

This song bangs.

Time to give that new calculator a check.

Other than that, loving the updates!

Changing to borderless fullscreen crashes game.

Arai Daisuke Arai Daisuke

Other than that, loving the updates!

ChangelogStable 20200618

Because they're one of the people that correlate 'uwu' to only furries, lol.


Because they're one of the people that correlate 'uwu' to only furries, lol.