
Yummy mhm, I'll just download for the BG if you don't mind.

The comments did not disappoint.


I'm ba-da-ba-ba lovin' it.

Such a beautiful voice. I can listen to it for hours on end and not get tired..

Simpankn sbg memori

Weyhh, kasih dok wak mapni. Aq memey berahi lguni!

Circles too small, make them bigger please

BeatmapXiao Man Yao

Why did it moan

BeatmapZero Talking

Get this:


Exactly the type of map I was looking for. Love you bruh


Gonna have this song on repeat for the next few months

This NEEDS to be ranked

Beatmapburn up

Great gameplay chief

Love the voice! It's so strong and emotional. The mapping is top-tier too.


Love the voice! It's so strong and emotional. The mapping is top-tier too.